Empower Your Well-Being: A Guide for Working Women to Beat the Grind

Working women who juggle multiple roles and responsibilities. need a roadmap to revitalize your mind, body, and spirit. From stimulating
your brain and connecting with nature to entrepreneurial ventures and setting realistic goals, you as a woman need a perfect balance. This post will help you as a guide.

Stimulate Your Mind

Well-being is a cornerstone of a fulfilling and balanced life, particularly for working women who juggle multiple roles and responsibilities. This article offers a roadmap to revitalize your mind, body, and spirit. From stimulating your brain and connecting with nature to entrepreneurial ventures and setting realistic goals, Health Happiness and Holidays covers multiple avenues to uplift your well-being.

Your mind is your greatest asset, and keeping it active is crucial for your
overall well-being. Activities like reading, solving puzzles, or learning new
skills aren’t just pastimes; they are investments in your intellectual portfolio.Verywell Mind notes that staying mentally engaged enriches your daily life, offering new perspectives and enhancing problem-solving skills.

Green Therapy: Plant Care for Your Soul

Keeping plants serves as more than just a hobby; it truly can be therapy for
your soul. And with online resources, even beginners can dive into the world of plant care and reap its many mental and emotional benefits. The act of planting and nurturing life doesn’t just enhance the beauty of your surroundings but also offers a profound connection to nature, a solace that is often much-needed for those entangled in the hustle and bustle of busy urban lives.

Starting Your Own Business

There is something profoundly empowering about being your own boss. If you have a business idea or a skill you’re passionate about, consider registering it as a limited liability company (LLC). This move not only offers financial security but also enriches your life with a sense of independence and accomplishment. Fortunately, there are several formation companies available to help you start an LLC using ZenBusiness.

Setting Realistic Goals

One of the key components of well-being is having goals to strive for, serving as a roadmap for personal and professional growth. It’s crucial that these goals follow the SMART framework — Specific, Measurable, Achievable,Relevant, and Time-bound — to ensure they are realistic and actionable. Adhering to effective goal-setting techniques can drastically boost your motivation, providing you with a purpose that enriches both your personal and professional life.

Step Towards Wellness: Walk Your Way to Health

Walking is a simple yet effective exercise for mental and physical well-being. It provides a low-impact way to stay fit and can be easily incorporated into daily routines. The rhythmic nature of walking not only enhances your physical health but also clears your mind and elevates your mood. Walking outdoors can boost your connection with nature and provide a refreshing change of scenery, further contributing to overall well-being.

The Power of Positive Self-Talk

The conversations you have with yourself can greatly impact your mental well-being. BetterUp points out that positive self-talk techniques like affirmations or constructive self-criticism can help combat negative thought patterns. Practicing self-compassion can significantly boost your self-esteem and contribute to a healthier state of mind.

Forgiveness: A Path to Inner Peace

The act of forgiveness, including forgiving yourself, has transformative power. Holding onto grudges or past mistakes can act as emotional shackles. Various strategies, like introspection and empathy, can help you practice forgiveness, thereby freeing your heart and elevating your emotional well-being. Embracing forgiveness can also improve your relationships, leading to deeper connections and a more positive outlook on life.

Reflect and Renew: The Habit of Self-Reflection

Regular self-reflection is a critical habit for anyone aiming for sustained personal growth. Whether it’s through journaling, meditating, or other
mindfulness techniques, self-reflection cultivates self-awareness. This
increased self-awareness is crucial for making better decisions and elevating your overall sense of well-being.
Navigating the complex landscape of responsibilities and expectations
requires a keen focus on the well-being of working women. From keeping your mind active and engaging with nature to becoming your own boss and setting realistic goals, there’s a myriad of ways to enrich your life. As you step
forward, remember to practice self-compassion and the art of forgiveness to truly unlock emotional freedom. Take actionable steps today to ensure a healthier, more fulfilling tomorrow.

Manage Life’s Stressors With These Simple Tips

Stressed Lady working on a laptopLife can often throw a myriad of stressors your way, from job pressures to personal relationships. Recognizing and addressing these triggers can pave the way for a healthier, more balanced life. Identifying what upsets your equilibrium is crucial in this process because it will allow you to create a plan for handling stressors when they appear. In this article, presented by Health Happiness and Holidays, we’ll talk about how you can identify and tackle the stressors that disrupt your peace of mind.

Uncover Your Stress Triggers

Start by paying close attention to what flares up your stress levels. It might be deadlines at work, conflicts in your personal relationships, financial worries, or health issues. By pinpointing these triggers, you can begin to take steps to alleviate them, whether it’s through direct action or by seeking support. Understanding these factors is the first step towards managing your stress effectively.

Alternative Therapies to Explore

Exploring alternative therapies can significantly enhance your stress management routine. Consider integrating techniques such as aromatherapy, which uses essential oils for relaxation, acupuncture that targets specific body points to release stress, and reflexology, a therapy involving pressure on specific areas of the feet, hands, or ears. Another promising option is THCA, a compound akin to CBD, known for its potential to soothe and calm without psychoactive effects. Delve into these methods, and explore THCA specifically, to find the best fit for your stress relief needs.

Move Your Way to Relief

Incorporate activities into your daily routine that get your body moving and your heart pumping. Whether it’s dancing to your favorite tunes, hiking scenic trails, or swimming laps at the pool, physical exercise is a potent stress reliever when you enjoy doing it. It not only boosts your physical health but also elevates your mood and lowers stress through the release of endorphins.

Reflect Through Writing

Make it a habit to jot down your daily thoughts and experiences. Journaling helps you track your stress patterns and identify the specific conditions or events that increase your anxiety. This reflection can reveal powerful insights into how to manage your stressors more effectively. Regularly updating your journal can become a therapeutic routine that helps you remain vigilant about your emotional state.

Create a Calming Environment

Take control of your surroundings to make them a refuge from stress. This might involve reducing clutter, incorporating elements that induce calm such as plants or ambient music, and distancing yourself from sources of stress when possible. Transforming your personal space into a haven can dramatically decrease your stress levels. A serene environment supports a calm mind and can significantly enhance your ability to relax.

The Gentle Power of Yoga

Engage in yoga to harness its calming benefits. Yoga combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to reduce stress, improve concentration, and enhance body awareness. Regular practice can help you maintain calm and resilience in the face of daily stressors. Yoga offers both physical and mental benefits, making it an excellent choice for comprehensive stress management.

Build Your Resilience

Focus on developing resilience for the challenges you can’t control. View these challenges as opportunities to grow and learn. Cultivating a resilient mindset enables you to confront stressors with a problem-solving approach and to thrive amidst adversity. Resilience is key to turning potential setbacks into steps forward, enhancing your ability to cope with future stress.

Professional Guidance Can Light the Way

Sometimes, the best approach to managing stress is to seek out professional advice. A mental health counselor or coach can offer insights and strategies tailored to your specific needs. They can help you understand the underlying causes of your stress and equip you with tools to handle future challenges. Professional guidance can make a significant difference in how effectively you manage stress, providing support that is both educational and transformative.

Managing stress is about taking proactive steps to improve your overall well-being. By identifying your stressors, engaging in physical and mental health practices, and seeking professional guidance, you can navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and confidence. Start today to take control of your stress and lead a more joyful, fulfilling life.

We offers resources on all things health-related, from fitness tips to how to utilize yoga for pain relief. Take a look around the site today to learn more!

Revitalize Your Routine With These Simple Wellness Practices for Everyday Life

In your daily life, it’s common for the hustle and bustle to overshadow your health. However, achieving wellness doesn’t need to be challenging. In this article, courtesy of Health Happiness and Holidays, we’ll explore these simple yet impactful health strategies from head to toe that seamlessly integrate into your routine. They provide a path to enhance your well-being without the need for drastic changes, leading you toward a healthier and more vibrant version of

Prioritize Hydration

In the context of healthy living, understand that hydration is the cornerstone of good health. When you begin your day with a glass of water, you kickstart your body’s metabolism. Consistently drinking water throughout the day ensures that you stay properly hydrated, supporting your digestive system, enhancing blood circulation, and maintaining your energy levels. It can also help you feel more full, preventing overeating if you’re trying to maintain a better diet.

Embrace Physical Activity

Regular exercise is a fundamental component of a healthy lifestyle. Dedicate a specific amount of time each week to engage in physical activity. Whether it’s a brisk walk in the park, a jog around your neighborhood, or dancing to your favorite tunes, exercise plays a vital role in helping you maintain a healthy weight, strengthening your muscles, and lowering the risk of chronic diseases. You can even involve your family members or pets, which will make the process more enjoyable.

Expand Your Mind

Embrace the idea that learning is a lifelong journey that enriches your mind and soul. Consider exploring online courses that align with your interests and passions, which can be easily integrated into your current schedule. Whether you’re interested in picking up a new language, pursuing a hobby, or diving into the procedures for an computer science online degree, continuous learning not only keeps your mind sharp but also opens doors to personal growth and exciting opportunities. Make healthy living a part of your ongoing journey towards self- improvement.

Nutrient Support

Consider a multivitamin supplement as a convenient method to guarantee that your body obtains essential nutrients. These supplements play a crucial role in bridging nutritional gaps within your diet, providing support to your immune system, enhancing the health of your skin, and contributing to your overall vitality. Think of it as a daily dose of goodness that your body can benefit from.

Choose Whole Grains

When focusing on healthy living, prioritize whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat bread, quinoa, and oats in your diet. These grains offer numerous advantages, including high fiber content, essential vitamins, and minerals that support digestion and heart health. Moreover, they maintain a sense of fullness and satisfaction throughout your day. Opting for whole grains is a straightforward yet impactful dietary choice that can significantly enhance your overall well-being.

Break the Sedentary Cycle

In our modern world, you may often spend hours sitting at your desk or in front of screens, and this sedentary lifestyle can have a negative impact on your posture and circulation. To combat these effects and prioritize healthy living, it’s essential for you to take short breaks. Stand up, stretch your body, or take a brief walk every hour. These simple movements can bring about a significant improvement in your overall well-being by alleviating the strain that prolonged sitting places on your body.

Incorporating these head-to-toe health strategies into your daily life is within reach. You don’t need to make drastic changes; instead, focus on small, meaningful steps. Healthy living is an ongoing journey, and by following these simple practices, you can pave the way for a healthier, happier you. Remember to prioritize hydration, embrace physical activity, never stop learning, nourish your body, choose whole grains, spice it up naturally, and break free from a sedentary lifestyle. Your path to healthy living starts with these manageable changes.
Health Happiness and Holidays offers a variety of health and lifestyle tips for
everyone. Take a look around the site today to learn more!

Introvert Wellness: Crafting a Holistic Self-Care Strategy

People with introverted tendencies usually relish time spent in quietude and thoughtful introspection. Nevertheless, maintaining psychological well-being requires a targeted approach to self-care. Read about 7 strategies that work well for Introvert Wellness.

People with introverted tendencies usually relish time spent in quietude and thoughtful introspection. Nevertheless, maintaining psychological well-being requires a targeted approach to self-care. This Health Happiness and Holidays piece highlights key practices tailor-made to nourish the emotional and mental equilibrium of introverted individuals.

These strategies can help you lay a foundation for balanced living amid the unpredictability and noise of daily life. Get ready to enhance your overall health as an introvert!

Enjoying the Tranquil Outdoors

The serenity of outdoor environments has a soothing effect that many introverts find beneficial. A leisurely walk among trees or an exhilarating hike can act as a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Natural landscapes provide the perfect backdrop for thoughtful reflection, engaging in outdoor activities can be a powerful way to restore your emotional balance.

Cultivating Your Home Garden

Planting and taking care of a home garden can be immensely rewarding for introverts. It offers a wonderful blend of solitude and engagement with nature.

If you’re interested in pursuing this avenue, online resources like Home Garden Hero can provide valuable insights into soil quality, plant varieties, and more. This hands-on activity offers a unique combination of physical and mental health benefits, and it can be highly satisfying to watch things grow day by day!

Centering Through Present Awareness

Staying present has distinct benefits, especially for those with introverted tendencies. Methods like contemplative exercises or controlled respiration can have a marked impact in reducing tension.

Such activities serve a dual purpose: they heighten your consciousness of self and sharpen your concentration and cognitive lucidity. Even a brief, consistent engagement with these mindfulness activities can yield significant improvements in your emotional health.

Getting New Apparel

Your wardrobe can be more than just clothes; it can be an expression of your self-esteem. One way to merge comfort and confidence is to buy a new pair of leggings that reflect your style. For those who are expecting, consider opting for stylish pregnancy leggings. The right attire will not only make you look good but also reinforce your inner confidence.

Investing in Human Connections

Though introverts value their personal space, maintaining meaningful relationships is equally vital for a balanced life. Building emotional bonds doesn’t have to be overwhelming; it could involve just talking deeply about life, participating in mutual hobbies, or planning small get-togethers with your tight-knit circle. Quality, not quantity, is the essence when it comes to social interactions as an introvert.

Optimizing Your Solitary Moments

Among the virtues of an introverted personality is the capacity to find joy and renewal in solitary activities. Whether you’re absorbed in an enthralling novel, jotting down reflections in a notebook, or diving into a favorite pastime, these solitary experiences offer vital rejuvenation. Seizing these moments to their fullest is crucial for maintaining a healthy emotional state.

Capturing Restorative Slumber

Adequate, restorative sleep is crucial for introverts who often find social engagement mentally and emotionally taxing. A nighttime ritual, perhaps featuring a hot soak or calming herbal drinks, can facilitate a transition into a restful sleep that rejuvenates the body and mind. In this context, sleep transcends mere physical necessity and becomes a key factor in sustaining emotional balance and overall wellness.

Creating a self-care regimen that aligns with your introverted traits is pivotal for leading a life filled with balance and health. This article has guided you through different aspects like remaining present, meaningful social interactions, wardrobe confidence, restful sleep, and more. Arming yourself with diverse strategies will help ensure your self-care journey is not just about surviving life’s challenges but genuinely thriving through them.

How to Remove Ingrown Toenail using a Toenail Clipper

Here are some general guidance on addressing an ingrown toenail using a toenail clipper at home.

Here are some general guidance on addressing an ingrown toenail using a toenail clipper. However, if you’re experiencing a severe ingrown toenail or have a medical condition, it’s important to consult a medical professional for proper advice and treatment.

Things You Need

  • Sterilized toenail clipper
  • Warm water
  • Epsom salt (optional)
  • Antiseptic solution
  • Cotton ball or dental floss (sterilized)

Steps to Cut Your Ingrown Toenail

Step 1. Soak Your Foot:
Soak your foot in warm water for about 15-20 minutes. You can add Epsom salt to the water, as it might help soften the skin and reduce inflammation.

Step 2 :Clean the Area:
After soaking, gently clean the area around the ingrown toenail with mild soap and water. Pat it dry.

Step 3 : Lift the Nail:
Using the sterilized toenail clipper, gently lift the ingrown edge of the toenail. Be careful not to cut into the skin. This can help create a small gap between the nail and the skin.

Step 4 :Place a Barrier:
You can try placing a small piece of sterilized cotton ball or dental floss under the lifted edge of the nail. This might help the nail grow above the skin and prevent it from growing into the skin.

Step 5: Apply Antiseptic:
Apply an antiseptic solution to the area to help prevent infection. Avoid using alcohol-based solutions, as they might cause additional irritation.

Step 6: Wear Comfortable Footwear:
While your ingrown toenail is healing, wear shoes that provide ample room for your toes and avoid tight-fitting footwear.

Monitor for Improvement:
Keep an eye on the ingrown toenail over the next few days. If you notice signs of infection (redness, swelling, increased pain, pus), seek medical attention.

Always Monitor for Improvement:

Keep an eye on the ingrown toenail over the next few days. If you notice signs of infection (redness, swelling, increased pain, pus), seek medical attention.

Remember, attempting to treat an ingrown toenail at home might not always be successful, and improper techniques could lead to further complications. If you experience severe pain, persistent infection, or if you’re uncertain about what to do, it’s best to consult a medical professional, such as a podiatrist or a doctor, for proper assessment and guidance. In some cases, a minor surgical procedure may be necessary to remove the ingrown part of the nail.

Microneedling-Should You Do Microneedling on your Own

Dr Pen for microneedling at home on your own is a cost-effective solution for collagen therapy and skin improvement. However, care should be taken to follow all instructions carefully. Also it is better to get expert advice from your health care professional.

In order to improve the appearance and texture of the skin, you can try many methods from natural to highly advanced one such as micro needling. It is a cosmetic procedure that involves using a device called a dermaroller or a microneedling pen that contains fine needles to create controlled micro-injuries on the skin’s surface.

Why is Micro needling done?

It is commonly used to address various skin concerns, such as

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne scars and other types of scars
  • Uneven skin tone and texture
  • Stretch marks
  • Large pores
  • Hyperpigmentation or melasma

Should we use Microneedling pen at home?

Microneedling is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified professional. However, like any cosmetic procedure related DIY kits, we have DIY microneedling pen for home use as well. It all depends on the individual’s skin care needs and severity of the issues that are being taken care of. What is really important is to follow post-procedure instructions provided by the manufacturer to ensure proper healing and maximize the benefits of the treatment after each session. If those are followed properly, then we can say reliable DIY miconeedling kits such as Dr. Pen Ultima A6S Professional Kit can be used without much risk.

How Dr Pen Microneedling is used

  • Clean the area of the skin when you micro needling is planned
  • Apply a numbing cream, though optional it is recommneded
  • Use a hydrating serum such as Hyaluronic Acid
  • Make sure that your Dr Pen’s battery is fully charged so do not need to stop midway
  • Use a brand new cartridge
  • Work on small area first, gradually cover large area
  • Use light pressure and do not drag
  • Follow post needling instructions carefully to get the desire results.

Spirulina – 8 Health Benefits and 4 Side Effects

Spirulina, the so called superfood offers a lot of health benefits such better heart health, better diabetes management, weight loss and more. However, make sure that you buy high quality spirulina to enjoy these benefits. Side effects are also possible if contaminated Spirulina is consumed.

Though spirulina has been consumed in Mexico, Africa and the USA for centuries, it was only in 70s that Spirulina became available in the form of supplements. Today it is available in the form of Spirulina powder, capsules and tablets as well. There are many health benefits of Spirulina and by simply adding it your diet can make you healthier.

Spirulina-What Exactly is this?

Spirulina is a protein, vitamin and mineral laden algae. Not just that, it is also known to have ample quantities of flavonoids, polyphenols, carotenoids and antioxidants. A combination of all these ingredients make is a a powerful superfood that promises many health benefits and healthier heart is one of them. As cardiovascular diseases have become so common across the world, that anything that can provide relief in or lower the CVD symptoms are accepted without any doubt. That is what makes Spirulina a favorite of today’s health conscious generation as well as those of older generation.

Health Benefits of Spirulina

  • Protection against Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Prevents inflammation and oxidative stress
  • Improves gastrointestinal or Gut health
  • Lowers LDL cholesterol levels and promotes HDL cholesterols
  • Reduces fat and improves BMI
  • One of the best non-pharmacological approaches to manage high BP
  • Helps in prevention and better management of Diabetes
  • It also have anti-cancer properties

Possible Side-Effects of Spirulina

  • Contaminated spirulina can cause liver damage
  • Some people may be allergic to it may develop rashes or swelling
  • It can worsen auto-immune system
  • Nausea and stomach pain can be noticed if contaminated spirulina is consumed

It is very important to consume high quality Spirulina if you want to enjoy its health benefits.

Low Blood Pressure- Hypotension Symptoms, Risks and Prevention

Low blood pressure can be managed easily by following some simple steps and lifestyle changes.

We often hear a lot about high blood pressure, its impact and risks associated with it. Comparatively low blood pressure is considered less risky and manageable which is far from truth. Low blood pressure can be as risky or more risky than high pressure or hypertension. We’ll discuss a bit about the symptoms, risks and home remedies of low blood pressure or low BP.

Hypotension- Low Blood Pressure

Lets quickly recap what blood pressure is, for those who may need clarity on it. Essentially, the blood that flows through our body needs some pressure to move back and forth to and from our heart. This pressure is called blood pressure and the normal pressure is defined as 120/80 Hg where higher number is systolic pressure ( pressure during the contraction of heart muscle) and lower number is diastolic pressure ( when heart is relaxed). If your blood pressure is lower than these numbers, then you are suffering from low blood pressure, symptoms of which are below.

Low Blood Pressure Symptoms

  • Lightheadedness or Dizziness quite often
  • Nausea or vomiting sensation not actual vomiting
  • Sudden and quick loss and regain of vision frequently or blurriness
  • Loss of consciousness and regaining it in less than a minute
  • Low energy after waking up and feeling dizziness during morning chores

Why Low BP is Caused

  • Dehydration or lack of water and fluid in the body
  • Specific Vitamin deficiency or overall lack of nutrition
  • Low salt consumption
  • Pregnancy
  • Allergy to specific medicine or anything
  • Stress or tension

The list goes on and there can be several other reasons of low blood pressure. Depending upon your lifestyle and eating habits reasons can vary slightly. If you notice any of symptoms, then read on. There are many prevention methods and home remedies for low blood pressure.

Home Remedies- Low Blood Pressure

Drink a lot of water throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated. In fact this is more of a lifestyle change than any remedy to keep your blood pressure within normal range. Following are a few quick home remedies

  • Drink water or salted water or lemonade with salt
  • Coffee can help raise blood pressure quickly
  • Raisins or dry fruits in general help manage your blood pressure
  • Dairy products- consume a lot
  • Leafy and green vegetables
  • Regular exercise and deep breathing.

By making these simple changes in your lifestyle can bring down your blood pressure within normal range.

iNCOVACC Nasal Vaccine as Booster Dose

In a majority of case, Coronavirus enters human body through the nose. Fighting and stopping the virus at the entry point is quite logical and should be effective. Keeping that in mind Bharat Biotech, developed and got approved the much awaited nasal Covid 19 vaccine booster that has shown impressive results in tests and trials.

Intranasal Vaccine – Fight Against Covid gets a boost

As new variants of Covid 19 are spreading like anything and reports from China are scary, the development of something more powerful and effective to fight the virus, was on high priority. The developers of the drug took the challenge and produced a seemingly game changer in the form of iNCOVACC intranasal vaccine. Obviously, it is needle-free and painless. It is the first nasal vaccine to be administered in drops.

Breaking the Cycle of Transmission

Nasal Mucosa is the first place where viral infection occurs, multiplies and spreads. The nasal vaccine attacks the virus then and there and prevents the spread immediately. As the cycle of transmission breaks at the entry point, the it reduces the chances of mutation remarkably.

Not a replacement of intramuscular vaccine

However, it must be remembered that iNCOVACC is not going to be the replacement or substitute of existing intramuscular vaccine. It is just an addition protection or a booster that will strengthen your immunity and help you fight the new variants of Covid 19 virus more effectively.

When to take iNCOVACC

Ideally this nasal vaccine booster dose should be taken after 6 month after completion of the primary schedule of both doses of either Covishield or Covaxin.

Tips for Staying True to Your Wellness Goals

Here at Health, Happiness, and Holidays, we love to see people live their best lives all year round, so we have some tips for goals you can set and ways to achieve them.

Set Goals for Health and Happiness image source;Unsplash

We all want to improve and live healthier lives, but sometimes the goals that we set for ourselves end up falling flat. The issue may be that you aren’t setting the right goals or taking the right steps to reach the outcomes that you hope to achieve. Here at Health, Happiness, and Holidays, we love to see people live their best lives all year round, so we have some tips for goals you can set and ways to achieve them.

Choosing Your Wellness Goals

The first thing you need to do is think of a goal that you want to accomplish that will help you to live a healthier and happier life. Many people want to lose weight or get into exercise, and you can accomplish those goals with time and determination. You may want to set a specific fitness goal, like running a 10k marathon by the end of the year. Research the best ways to get to that point and start working on it today.

Other people have different wellness goals, like deciding to declutter their homes. When your house is clean and clutter-free, it is good for your mental health because when your home is messy, then subconsciously, you may feel like you are losing control of your environment. So, take charge today.

Your Goal May Be to Evolve in Your Career or Return to School

Then there is the group of people who want to improve their professional life by excelling in their career and reaching the next milestone at work that can help them to earn more money and give them more purpose. If that is your goal, then you can approach your boss about a promotion or look at the different departments at work and request a transfer.

Another idea that could really transform your life is to return to school. Better yet, if you need to continue to earn a paycheck, you could take online courses. In many cases, this could be the ticket because you can take your classes and sharpen your skills on your own time. There are many great degrees that can help with your career, including many in the field of education, including elementary education. Plus, if you really love teaching, then you could find a new career that can truly make you happy.

Set Short-Term Goals

Whatever your goal may be, the key is to set realistic short-term goals. It is easy to set a lofty goal, like running that marathon or losing 50 pounds, but if you try to accomplish it the first time around, you could fall short and eventually give up. Instead, set reasonable goals. If you want to run that marathon, then start by setting a goal of running a mile and then two, and then eventually, you will have the endurance to run that marathon. If you want to lose a certain amount of weight, then break it down into more manageable goals, like losing a few pounds every week or month. Then, when you reach these smaller milestones, you will be more encouraged to keep going.

Reward Yourself to Stay Motivated

Even if you set short-term goals, you may find it hard to keep up, especially if you have a major goal, like running a marathon. When you reach your short-term goals, reward yourself by listening to your favorite song or eating a healthy meal that you really like. Sometimes, knowing that you have a great reward coming up is enough to keep you going. If you don’t accomplish your short-term goal, then don’t beat yourself up too much, but just try again, and you will get there.

In the end, if you stick to your guns, you will achieve your wellness goals in the new year. Remember to set reasonable expectations, reward yourself when necessary, and consider returning to school if that is what you need to truly be happy. If you would like to learn more about how to feel better about life, then check out Health, Happiness, and Holidays and read our blogs!