Microneedling-Should You Do Microneedling on your Own

Dr Pen for microneedling at home on your own is a cost-effective solution for collagen therapy and skin improvement. However, care should be taken to follow all instructions carefully. Also it is better to get expert advice from your health care professional.

In order to improve the appearance and texture of the skin, you can try many methods from natural to highly advanced one such as micro needling. It is a cosmetic procedure that involves using a device called a dermaroller or a microneedling pen that contains fine needles to create controlled micro-injuries on the skin’s surface.

Why is Micro needling done?

It is commonly used to address various skin concerns, such as

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne scars and other types of scars
  • Uneven skin tone and texture
  • Stretch marks
  • Large pores
  • Hyperpigmentation or melasma

Should we use Microneedling pen at home?

Microneedling is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified professional. However, like any cosmetic procedure related DIY kits, we have DIY microneedling pen for home use as well. It all depends on the individual’s skin care needs and severity of the issues that are being taken care of. What is really important is to follow post-procedure instructions provided by the manufacturer to ensure proper healing and maximize the benefits of the treatment after each session. If those are followed properly, then we can say reliable DIY miconeedling kits such as Dr. Pen Ultima A6S Professional Kit can be used without much risk.

How Dr Pen Microneedling is used

  • Clean the area of the skin when you micro needling is planned
  • Apply a numbing cream, though optional it is recommneded
  • Use a hydrating serum such as Hyaluronic Acid
  • Make sure that your Dr Pen’s battery is fully charged so do not need to stop midway
  • Use a brand new cartridge
  • Work on small area first, gradually cover large area
  • Use light pressure and do not drag
  • Follow post needling instructions carefully to get the desire results.

Spirulina – 8 Health Benefits and 4 Side Effects

Spirulina, the so called superfood offers a lot of health benefits such better heart health, better diabetes management, weight loss and more. However, make sure that you buy high quality spirulina to enjoy these benefits. Side effects are also possible if contaminated Spirulina is consumed.

Though spirulina has been consumed in Mexico, Africa and the USA for centuries, it was only in 70s that Spirulina became available in the form of supplements. Today it is available in the form of Spirulina powder, capsules and tablets as well. There are many health benefits of Spirulina and by simply adding it your diet can make you healthier.

Spirulina-What Exactly is this?

Spirulina is a protein, vitamin and mineral laden algae. Not just that, it is also known to have ample quantities of flavonoids, polyphenols, carotenoids and antioxidants. A combination of all these ingredients make is a a powerful superfood that promises many health benefits and healthier heart is one of them. As cardiovascular diseases have become so common across the world, that anything that can provide relief in or lower the CVD symptoms are accepted without any doubt. That is what makes Spirulina a favorite of today’s health conscious generation as well as those of older generation.

Health Benefits of Spirulina

  • Protection against Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Prevents inflammation and oxidative stress
  • Improves gastrointestinal or Gut health
  • Lowers LDL cholesterol levels and promotes HDL cholesterols
  • Reduces fat and improves BMI
  • One of the best non-pharmacological approaches to manage high BP
  • Helps in prevention and better management of Diabetes
  • It also have anti-cancer properties

Possible Side-Effects of Spirulina

  • Contaminated spirulina can cause liver damage
  • Some people may be allergic to it may develop rashes or swelling
  • It can worsen auto-immune system
  • Nausea and stomach pain can be noticed if contaminated spirulina is consumed

It is very important to consume high quality Spirulina if you want to enjoy its health benefits.

Low Blood Pressure- Hypotension Symptoms, Risks and Prevention

Low blood pressure can be managed easily by following some simple steps and lifestyle changes.

We often hear a lot about high blood pressure, its impact and risks associated with it. Comparatively low blood pressure is considered less risky and manageable which is far from truth. Low blood pressure can be as risky or more risky than high pressure or hypertension. We’ll discuss a bit about the symptoms, risks and home remedies of low blood pressure or low BP.

Hypotension- Low Blood Pressure

Lets quickly recap what blood pressure is, for those who may need clarity on it. Essentially, the blood that flows through our body needs some pressure to move back and forth to and from our heart. This pressure is called blood pressure and the normal pressure is defined as 120/80 Hg where higher number is systolic pressure ( pressure during the contraction of heart muscle) and lower number is diastolic pressure ( when heart is relaxed). If your blood pressure is lower than these numbers, then you are suffering from low blood pressure, symptoms of which are below.

Low Blood Pressure Symptoms

  • Lightheadedness or Dizziness quite often
  • Nausea or vomiting sensation not actual vomiting
  • Sudden and quick loss and regain of vision frequently or blurriness
  • Loss of consciousness and regaining it in less than a minute
  • Low energy after waking up and feeling dizziness during morning chores

Why Low BP is Caused

  • Dehydration or lack of water and fluid in the body
  • Specific Vitamin deficiency or overall lack of nutrition
  • Low salt consumption
  • Pregnancy
  • Allergy to specific medicine or anything
  • Stress or tension

The list goes on and there can be several other reasons of low blood pressure. Depending upon your lifestyle and eating habits reasons can vary slightly. If you notice any of symptoms, then read on. There are many prevention methods and home remedies for low blood pressure.

Home Remedies- Low Blood Pressure

Drink a lot of water throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated. In fact this is more of a lifestyle change than any remedy to keep your blood pressure within normal range. Following are a few quick home remedies

  • Drink water or salted water or lemonade with salt
  • Coffee can help raise blood pressure quickly
  • Raisins or dry fruits in general help manage your blood pressure
  • Dairy products- consume a lot
  • Leafy and green vegetables
  • Regular exercise and deep breathing.

By making these simple changes in your lifestyle can bring down your blood pressure within normal range.