Holiday Fat Loss 2020-How Adele Lost 22kg-Does Sirtfood Work?

Adele weight loss transformation by sirtfood

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The internet is flooded with Adele fat loss transformation stories after this British singer posted her holiday party pics highlighting her slimmer frame, which impressed her fans. Well, holiday fat loss or tackling weight gained during Christmas and other holidays often become difficult for many, but not for those who are really serious like Adele. She managed to lose 22 kg just before new year 2020 starts. Read the full report here .

Secret of Adele Weight Loss-Anyone can follow

Adele weight loss transformation 2019-2020
Adele lost weight by quitting coffee

Adele’s fast body transformation was possible due to one secret or open secret that we know but don’t follow. Adele followed it and achieved something incredible for most weight loss aspirants. So, her secret of losing fat so quickly was cutting back on coffee, as she told The Sun.

I used to drink ten cups a day with two sugars in each so I was on 20 sugars a day,”Read more

Sirtfood Diet-Adele’s diet -what is sirtfood anyway?

Adele is one of the few celebrities who lost weight by following Sirtfood diet. Obviously, if this term is new to you, then you’d ask, what is sirtfood anyway?

Sirtuins are special types of protein that help regulate metabolism and burn fat. Foods that are rich in Sirtuin are called Sirtfood. At the core of sirtfood diet is activation of Sirtuin or ‘Skinny Gene” without restricting calories aggressively. This is possible by calorie restriction moderately and in a systematic manner as suggested by Sirtfood experts or dietitians who can help you customise your diet to suit your exact needs.

Need Sirtfood list for weight loss in 2020?

  • Turmeric
  • Walnut
  • Green tea
  • Chillies
  • Red Wine
  • Arugula
  • Medjool Dates
  • and more

How Sirtfood diet plan works

The list of Sirtfood diet mentioned above is just a partial list. Your trainer will offer you the complete list and recommend the most suitable food items for you. This plan is divided into two phases. In the first phase, you”ll need to restrict your calorie intake to 1000 per day. This is achieved by drinking 3 green juices and one Sirtfood meal a day.

Sirtfood diet phase 2- Maintenance plan for 14 days

As the name suggests, you will have to maintain a systematic diet plan, which will include 3 meals, 2 Sirtfood and 1 green juice every day. You’ll also need to follow an exercise program of half an hour every day.
The plan itself is not difficult because you enjoy a lot of liberty like consuming red wine, chocolates and more. However, it still requires some determination from your side, which will involve making changes to your old eating habits.

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Can I lose belly fat in a week before new year?

Belly fat removal in men and women 2020

Can I lose belly fat in a week before new year ? This is the question being asked by many who are taking new year resolution for weight loss, fitter body and more exercise in 2020. Well, losing belly fat in a week, 15 days or 30 days depends a lot on how much belly fat you want to lose and what your body type is. If you are extremely overweight, then obviously expecting such a miraculous result is not practical, and we suggest that you do not set similar unrealistic goal. This will only lead to disappointment and eventually no result at all. On the other hand, belly fat removal becomes easy for those who are pro-active in taking measures that curb the issue before it develops into obesity.

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What burns belly fat

Before talking about food that helps you burn fat, we’d discuss what causes belly fat in the first place. Muscle around your stomach are the least moved muscles unless you make extra effort to move them such as by workout or activities that stretch them. As those muscles don’t move a lot, they are easy targets for fat deposits. Though it takes some time before this area of your body starts depositing fat, once it starts getting fat, it becomes difficult to burn it. So this is obvious that activities put pressure on or stretch your muscles are most effective in burning belly fat. Bicycling is an easy way to burn belly fat. Please note that I don’t mean stationary bike, I’d suggest really bicycling on road, uphill tracks or places where it poses some challenge is the best way to reduce belly fat naturally. There are many Other activities that may help burn belly fat .

Belly fat removal

Successful belly fat removal is a result of a perfect combination of belly fat exercises and food that help reduce fat around the stomach by regulating various functions inside your body. Many weight loss aspirants believe that losing fat from any specific area of the body, which is usually stomach or thighs, is possible and easy, but it is far from truth. Belly fat removal resuts from overall boosting of metabolism, proper digestion, detoxification and exercise of the area. Help from professional trainers often

Belly fat in men

It is not unusual or something new that men tend to gain weight around the stomach easily. The reason behind this is simple. Nature has provided natural fat storage space in men and women. Men have that storage space around the belly. Here is another noteworthy point is that when belly space is full, fat starts depositing on liver and pancreas, leading to fatty liver situation. This is exactly when health issues such as diabetes and heart problems start.

Belly fat in women

First of all, women have more fat storage capacity than men. Secondly, due to estrogen hormone, they tend to deposit fat around thighs and hips, which is nature’s way to ensure that enough energy is supplied during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Another important point is that hip or thigh fat in women is not necessarily a health issue unlike belly fat in men. However, after menopause when estrogen level drops, women also start depositing fat around belly. This results are similar health issue as in men.

Belly fat workout for women

Aerobics is considered the most convenient workout for women looking to burn fat without rigorous training sessions. Swimming, jogging, running or any type of activity that shakes your whole body uniformly is effective in burning belly fat. Please note that spot reduction is a myth unless done surgically. Burning fat from belly area needs overall workout of the body and not just one part of it.

Belly fat yoga exercise

It goes without saying that yoga has many asanas and postures that are not only highly effective but also do not require any special equipment. Though instructions from a trained yoga teacher is highly recommended for difficult postures, many asanas can be done without any yoga teacher. Of course, you should be able to follow instructions from a book, CD or online guide properly.

Here are some belly fat asanas

  • Chakrasana (Wheel posture)
  • Pashchimottanasana ( Posterior stretch or forward bend )
  • Ustrasana (Camel Pose or backward bend)
  • Naukasana (Boat Pose)
  • Surya Namaskar ( Sun salutation)

Is Natural Insulin Replacement for Type 2 Diabetes available?

List of starchy food for natural insulin replacement in 2020. If you have diabetes type 2, then give it a try.

Is there any Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes or is there any natural insulin replacement? These are some of the most common questions asked by many people suffering from Type 2 diabetes. Let’s try to find out if insulin replacement therapy really works for type 2 diabetes. We’ll also try to dig deep into insulin and weight loss related issues before you take your new year resolution for 2020.

Though I am sure that if you are reading this, you know what insulin is and why it is required, I’d like to quickly repeat the basic information. Insulin injections are needed to regulate and control the flow of sugar into liver, muscles and fat cells of those suffering from Type 2 diabetes, usually in advanced stages.

Is there any replacement for insulin?

Can I replace insulin shots? If you are looking for an answer, then you have reached the right place. Yes, there are many effective insulin replacement therapies for type II diabetes. However, you will need to change your eating habits. I have mentioned it many times in my previous posts that better eating habits are at the core of any effective health or weight loss plan. The same is true for insulin replacement as well. If you want to change your eating habits in a systematic and natural way, then Noom app is great for you. Click the image below for details.

Starch-Rich Breakfast- A Great Insulin Replacement

According to new research, starch-rich calories consumed in the early hours of the day can produce a glucose balance and improve glycemic control in those suffering from diabetes type 2. This has been explained by Prof. Daniela Jakubowicz of TAU’s Sackler Faculty of Medicine and Wolfson Medical Center’s Diabetes Unit. He further said that one can reduce or even stop insulin injections and other anti diabetic medication by eating starch- rich diet in the morning hours. Read the full report here.

Is 3M-Diet more effective than traditional 6M-diet for diabetics?

As per the findings of the research, 6 small meals spread across the day is not as effective as it is claimed to be. On the other hand, the new 3M-diet helps in weight loss and blood sugar level regulation. In fact, this type of diet is highly effective in preventing cardiovascular diseases, early aging and even cancer to some extent. You can also try intermittent fasting for diabetes management or reversal.

What are starch-rich foods for breakfast

Starch is essentially a type of carbohydrate. As it is made of long chains of sugar molecules, it is also called complex carbohydrate.

  • Potatoes
  • Grains
  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Corn
  • Peas

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Are potatoes good for diabetics?

Though it seems quite logical that potatoes must be harmful due to their high glycemic index, experts believe that due to their high potassium content, they maintain healthy blood pressure and are acceptable breakfast item in baked form without high-fat toppings.
Read about what starchy foods are good for you.

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How to Prepare for 2020 Weight Loss Plan

Want to prepare for weight loss before new year 2020 starts? Here is your realistic weight loss plan.

We take new year resolution every year, and 2020 is going to be no different when it comes taking resolution. Weight loss, quitting smoking or alcohol are some of the most common resolutions, but they are also some of most difficult ones to keep. In fact, excitement to burn fat or to become slim does not last longer than one month. What is the reason? Let’s take a look at how to prepare before we make our 2020 weight loss plan.

Weight Loss tip 1 – Set realistic goal in 2020

It is very common for many to expect miraculous change immediately after new year starts. That is what makes you lose track of your weight loss plan or goal. You become obese over a period of time or many years, therefore expecting to get back in shape just because a new year is going to start will not work. In fact, that will disappoint you and you’ll not stick to your fat loss plan.

Weight Loss Tip 2 Start one month in advance before new year

The sooner you start, the better. They say that it take at least 21 days to develop a new habit, or if you do something every day for 21 days, it becomes a habit. Though there are different opinions about it, you can safely assume that you need to give some time to your newly formed habit to be effective. Bottom line is that if you want to see remarkable weight loss results in 2020 without getting disappointed, then start in the first week of December 2019.

Tested and powerful way to start burning fat

Drink water before meals. Yes, this simple method works wonders for those who cannot resist the temptation to eat more and more. What really happens when you drink water before meals is you feel full, which means you eat less. The results is obvious. And yes, it takes time to develop this simple habit, so start now.

Start cutting back on refined sugar
You can easily replace sugary carbonated drinks with fresh juice and similar beverages. This simple technique will not only reduce your sugar consumption but also boost your overall health. Try this.

Sleep well for weight loss in 2020

You cannot develop the habit of sleeping early overnight. If you are overworked, then manage your work in such a way so that you get 8 hours of sleep every day. It is a proven fact that those who sleep well are less obese than those who don’t.

Incorporate physical activities in your daily routine

Take stairs instead of elevator, if possible. This is just an example. You can mow your lawn, ride a bicycle to work or simply start yoga everyday. These simple activities will prepare you for weight loss.

Start reading labels before buying food items

Though I don’t recommend strict adherence to calorie-counting, a general awareness about how much calorie is required for you and what food products are high in caloric value will do the trick. Simply avoid high caloric food and try to find any alternative to it. Believe me, you can find more nutritious and tasty alternatives if you spend a little time op what to eat and what to avoid.

A great method is to use Noom Diet Plan, which gives you thousands of healthy food options to choose from. This simple app-based weight loss system is going to be highly effective for those who want to prepare for weight loss in 2020. In fact, once you start using Noom, you’ll develop habit that will keep you lean and thin for years.

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Intermittent fast- Slightly difficult but worth trying

If you are more serious than others, then intermittent fasting will give you remarkable results. Start fasting once a week for now. Choose from various fasting methods and go for what suits you.

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Water hacks for weight loss

Leptin resistance