Does Nicotine Trigger Appetite Suppression?

Appetite suppression by nicotine is a myth or reality or temporary feeling? Read on.

If you are a smoker, then you must have noticed that after having a puff you generally don’t feel like eating. Does it mean that nicotine works like an appetite suppressant or is smoking effective for appetite suppression? Let us take a look at some findings, facts and some myths.

The science behind nicotine and appetite

Hypothalamus is a part of brain that is responsible for appetite suppression. Researchers studied the behaviour of exact cells known as PMOC cells. They found that these cells become more active when nicotine is present in the blood. In layman’s term when nicotine was found in blood of the subject, then the subject felt less hungry or did not feel like eating as much as it did when nicotine was not there. However, the catch is, the subject here were mice and not humans.

Smoking for Weight Loss? What?

Though researchers believe that same effect is possible in humans also, and symptoms of smokers feeling less hungry often substantiate this belief. However, there is no enough proof that can be considered as base for smoking to be effective for weight loss. Though most smokers casually brag that they don’t gain weight due to this habit, this is definitely not a recommendation. The fact remains, that ill effects of smoking always outweigh the benefits that we assume can be gained in the form of reduced appetite. Period.

Smoking for curbing food craving? No

Well, it is quite noticeable among smokers that majority of them do not like sweet or their sweet cravings are decreased significantly. This happens due to temporary lowering of insulin level in blood. This reduces your sweet cravings temporarily and also subsided hunger for some times. Repeated or chain smoking repeats the process and the smoker doesn’t feel like eating. However, long-term side-effects of this include high-blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and heart diseases. Of course, nobody’d like to pay for weight loss by risking their health in the long run. So, smoking should never be an option for weight loss. Makes sense?

Do Electronic Cigarettes help in appetite control?

No matter how cool it looks or feels, E-cigs are no better than regular cigarettes as far as appetite suppression is concerned. Addiction element is there in E-cigs as well, which means that once you get addicted, you will be prone to all diseases that are associated with regular smoking.

Exercise for controlling appetite

Outdoor activities that can make you sweat or exercise is a good alternative. Though it may sound slight strange that after burning calories by exercise, you feel less hungry than when you lead a sedentary life. Research has proven that exercise increases the level of Ghrelin hormone which stimulates appetite. When its level goes down, you feel less hungry. That is the reason exercise is recommended for everyone looking to lose weight no matter what diet plan they are on. Check Cindrella Solution, a remarkable hormonal and metabolic balance solution for women planning to lose weight.

Is appetite suppression really required?

Well, the question is, do you really need to suppress your appetite? Why? Is weight loss your goal? Why not get to the root of the problem and find out why you feel more hungry than you should? If that reason can be cured or eliminated, you won’t need any appetite suppression method. Read about Leptin resistance or Leptitox review for more information.

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Leptin Resistance Symptoms-Food Cravings | Burn Thigh Fat 2019-2020

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Have you heard of Leptin Resistance? If you haven’t, then read on. If you are obese or overweight trying to burn fat in early 2020, then identifying Leptin Resistance symptoms now before 2019 comes to an end can be a great strategy. So what exactly is leptin resistance anyway? It is about managing food cravings to burn fat. We’ll also discuss cravings in pregnancy, which requires more attention.

Leptin- A Hunger Control Hormone

If you feel hungry quite often and sometimes you don’t feel full even after eating enough, then chances are that there is some issue with your leptin levels. In fact, sometimes this hormone is secreted in enough quantity, but  your mind doesn’t receive signals of fullness. This is one of the primary functions of Leptin to inform your brain that you are full after you finish your meal. When this signal is disrupted or not sent properly, then you don’t understand when to stop eating. This is caused due to leptin resistance that develops gradually, and you start overeating.

Is there any leptin resistance diet?

Leptin is produced in fat stores of your body. Too much leptin build-up in your blood causes resistance, and this becomes one of the reasons of overeating, which leads to obesity. So, what is Leptin diet? Essentially, this is something that most of us are familiar with. Here are the main features or points that form the basis of any Leptin resistance diet.

  1. Make sure that you don’t eat more than 3 meals a day with a gap of 5-6 hours
  2. Reduce your carb intake, but don’t eliminate it completely
  3. Don’t eat anything after dinner
  4. Avoid artificial sweeteners. No soft drinks or carbonated drinks.
  5. Eat all types of green and leafy vegetables, fruits and protein rich grains
  6. Stop eating when you are approximately 80% full.
  7. Eggs and cheese can be eaten in moderation

Burn Thigh Fat by Water Hack

Water Hack to Control Food Cravings-5 Seconds every day

All of us are well aware of the benefits of drinking a lot of water. However what really makes it really beneficial is your ability to use water effectively so that you can overcome food cravings or unnecessary hunger. This leads to burning fat more effectively than traditional methods. How about trying Leptitox, which offers a you 5-sec water hack that works wonders for controlling your hunger?

water hack to control hunger

This brings me to another important question. What are the major causes of developing Leptin resistance? Can we control our food craving by limiting our exposure to Leptin resistance causing compounds such as BPA?

What is BPA?

The full form of BPA is bisphenol A  and it is an organic synthetic compound.  This compound is widely used in producing plastic and food packaging materials. Most food containers have BPA or its variant like BPS, which is similar to BPA, but has been in use for quite some time to avoid issues that may arise due to BPA.

Is BPA harmful?

This is a slightly controversial question. In fact, BPA structure is similar to human hormone estrogen. Many scientists and researchers believe that BPA binds with estrogen receptors and affects its natural functions in our body. This may result in harmful effects such as slow fetal development, low energy levels, obesity and more. High levels of BPA in women can cause miscarriages, and give rise to fertility issues. In men, high level of BPA can cause erectile dysfunction, low sperm count and more. Read more  

Can I become Leptin resistant by eating canned food?

The answer is simple, BPA is an Endocrine Disrupting Chemical. Those with high level of BPA become Leptin resistant and often lose control over their hunger. This results in overeating and eventually obesity. One way is to avoid canned food and eat only fresh food. It has been proven that EDC is one of biggest reasons of obesity, especially in children, and it continues even after they become adults.

Managing food craving for weight loss

It is a no-brainer that overeating due to unstoppable food cravings is one of the most common reasons of obesity, followed by sedentary lifestyle and other factors. If you can manage or control your food cravings, then your weight loss goal can be easier, right? So, how to control your food cravings is the real question. As mentioned above that EDC or too much BPA in your blood makes your Leptin receptors less sensitive, this leads to overeating.

Cravings in pregnancy

Women who get worried about sudden food cravings in pregnancy, must understand that pregnancy cravings are slightly different. In fact, it is considered quite normal to develop sudden urge to eat something specific during pregnancy. Though even doctors and medical professionals are not sure about why it happens, it is widely accepted that the reason might be increased need of vitamins or minerals. However, I must ask why do you want to lose weight during pregnancy in the first place? Why not focus on healthy pregnancy and minimizing complications  instead, as you’d gain weight anyway during this period?

Looking for a Food Craving App?

Well, most people believe that will power is highly important in managing hunger. Also, many others look for food craving app, but they hardly work as the real reason lies in your hormone. As this must be corrected before you can see any result, we suggest that you become choosy about your food choice, for which there is an app based weight loss system, called Noom program.

How about detoxifying BPA or eliminating the effect of BPA?

That is what Leptitox is all about. Made of 22 high quality and effective herbs that work directly on your leptin resistance, Leptitox is a powerful formula for everyone looking to control food cravings to lose weight.  How to control hunger cravings and benefit from its long-term effects is what Leptitox focuses on whether you are 18 or 80.

Does Leptitox Work?-A Quick Review of How and Why it Works

As mentioned above that once you control your hunger or unnecessary food cravings, you can consider  yourself ready for weight loss. Leptitox targets the root cause of overeating, i.e Leptin Resistance  instead of eliminating the symptoms. It does not recommend high intensity workout or any specific diet, which are already available on the market and you can go for whichever suits you the best.

Ingredients of Laptitox-100% Natural, effective and tested
  1. Grape Seeds-Effective in toxin removal
  2. Brassicas- Powerful antioxidant
  3. Barberry- For improving brain health
  4. Taraxacum leaves-A source of vitamin K
  5. Alfalfa-A powerful detoxifier
  6. Chanca Piedra- Digestion booster
  7. Jujube-Effective in detoxifying EDC
  8. and more

Arm Fat or Thigh Fat Burning Food

It has been observed that burning thigh fat or arm fat is the biggest challenge second only to losing belly fat. If you are looking for how to lose hip fat, arm fat or thigh fat, then controlling your food cravings effectively is what you need.

Targeting inner thighs

Burning inner thigh fat deposits requires a slightly  different strategy than melting fat from any other part of your body. While exercise programs targeting inner thigh areas can definitely help, it is highly recommended to ensure that you take diet that boost your fat burning effort. Walking, brisk walking or running can definitely tone and tighten your thighs.

Thigh Fat Burning Food includes

  1. Plenty of water
  2. Lean protein
  3. Healthy fat
  4. No empty calories
  5. Fruit and vegetables

Essentially, thigh fat burning food is no different from general weight loss diet. However, there are ways to speed up the whole process, which results in reduced fat on thighs. Reducing salt retention can be a good strategy. By doing so, you will maintain a good balance of fluid in your body. This is important and works wonders for those looking to reduce water retention.

Adding electrolytes to your food also works wonders for thigh fat reduction

All types of green and leafy vegetables are good sources of electrolytes. If you simply eat small slices of 5 different types of fruits and 2-3 types of raw or half cooked leafy vegetables, then you easily fulfil your daily requirements of electrolytes. In fact, you can see its remarkable results not in fat loss  or thigh fat loss but also in your overall improved health such as better digestion, high energy levels and more.

Why not try Leptitox risk free for 60 days and check if it works for you? You can be among one of the thousands of fat loss aspirants who took the challenge of controlling their cravings successfully. Currently there are many packages to suit your needs and budget. Visit their official site by clicking the image below.

Leptitox offer-3 bottles

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