How to Calculate BMI – Set Your Weight Loss Goal by Using a BMI Calculator

What is BMI and How to Calculate it? Listen to the podcast

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If you are reading this post or listening to this podcast, then chances are that you are aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy BMI

BMI is a number that you get when you  divide your weight in Kg by the square of your height in meters. Please note that your height should be in meters, not in feets or inches. You can use any tool to convert your height in inches to meters. It is very simple. Once you get the number or BMI, you are ready to establish if you are in the ideal weight range.

Though BMI is not an exact indicator of your health if are pregnant, an athlete with muscular built or you a child teenager, you can get a fair idea of how healthy or obese you are. BMI in children is calculated using a slightly different approach, which is best done by experienced GPs or health practitioners.

How to interpret your BMI

If you are an adult and your BMI is under 18.5, then you are underweight
If you BMI is between 18.5 to 24.9, then you have healthy weight
If your BMI is between 30 to 39.9 the, you are obese. Start losing weight as fast as you can
If your BMI is 40 or more, then take professional help in reducing your weight

As a general rule, keeping your waist slim or within the healthy range is a good way to maintain health or delay lifestyle disease, especially diabetes, which often gives rise to many other health issues including heart problems.

You can measure your waist yourself using a tape measure. Wrap the tape around the smallest part of your waist and take the measurement.

35-37 is safe for most men
30-32 is generally safe for women


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