How male and female brains age

In our last post, we talked about aging in general or the signs of aging and how to reduce them. Though it is true that aging cannot be stopped, it is also true that you are as old as you think yourself to be. It depends on your brain or thoughts. If you can think like a young mind, your body will respond accordingly and you’ll feel young. Here, the role or thought process of male or female brains comes into picture.

Does female brain age slowly?

According to recent studies and a report published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, female brains age slower than male brains. It is a great news for women, because now they can proudly claim to be mentally younger than their biological age.However, in some women, metabolic rate declines very fast around menopause, which may lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

An assistant professor of radiology and neurology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, says “Females had a younger brain age relative to males,”

Read the full report here.

Higher metabolism of brain

We have covered metabolism a lot in our previous posts, but they mainly focused on physical metabolism. What about mental metabolism? The metabolism for your brains is what is responsible for your learning abilities and creativity.

This is quite noticeable in girls from the early age. Girls usually start  speaking much before boys of the same age. The same is true for development of their creative skills, which develop more as girls start maturing. This is partially due to the structural difference between male and female brains.

You must have noticed that girls in general speak more than boys. The reason behind this is that they have verbal centres on both sides of the brain. Males have verbal centre only on the left side.

Major differences between male and female brains

Coming soon


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7 health benefits of red tea | WA

The health benefits of red tea have already been confirmed by the US Department of Agriculture in Washington, D.C., which says that red rooibos tea is capable of  preventing  heart diseases, cancer, premature aging and many other health conditions. In fact, red tea has many other medicinal properties that make it one of the most preferred beverages of health conscious people in the US.

 7 proven health benefits of rooibos tea 

Red Tea is Anti inflammatory

Being a rich source of quercetin, red tea is anti-inflammatory and antioixidant offering a wealth of health benefits. Those suffering from chronic fatigue, high cholesterol and blood circulation related issues, will find red tea remarkably beneficial for their overall health.

Diabetes prevention: Gone are the days when only older people used to be diabetic, Nowadays, diabetes is a lifestyle disease and anyone in any age group can be diabetic. Rooibos tea or red tea is a good source of aspalathin, which  is a rare type of antioxidant that helps balance blood sugar and improves insulin resistance in the body. Those suffering from Diabetes type II will notice and feel its health benefits within weeks of consuming red tea in any form.

Red Tea Improves digestion

The Red Tea Detox
Antispasmodic agents present in red tea,  activate potassium ions in the body which boost overall digestion and relieves stomach cramps. In fact, red tea also relieves IBS irritable bowel syndrome.

Rea Tea Makes Breathing Easier

For those suffering from respiratory diseases, red tea can prove to be an effective broncho-dilator decreasing obstruction and resistance in the respiratory airways.

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As a rich sources of manganese, calcium and fluoride, rooibos tea works wonders for bones and teeth. You will also notice relief in joint pain after using red tea for a month or so.

Red Tea for Healthy Hair and Hair Loss Prevention

Zin, calcium, copper and potassium present in red tea, will boost hair growth and strengthen hair fibre. Red tea also prevents hair loss to a great extent.

Red Tea Relieves High-Blood Pressure or Hypertension

By consuming red tea regularly, you can relieve and prevent hypertension to a great extent. In fact, that is one of reasons why people in the US, whether they are in Washignton, California, Texas or Minnesota, have started consuming red tea regularly.

Read about Red Tea weight loss product