Can I lose belly fat in a week before new year?

Belly fat removal in men and women 2020

Can I lose belly fat in a week before new year ? This is the question being asked by many who are taking new year resolution for weight loss, fitter body and more exercise in 2020. Well, losing belly fat in a week, 15 days or 30 days depends a lot on how much belly fat you want to lose and what your body type is. If you are extremely overweight, then obviously expecting such a miraculous result is not practical, and we suggest that you do not set similar unrealistic goal. This will only lead to disappointment and eventually no result at all. On the other hand, belly fat removal becomes easy for those who are pro-active in taking measures that curb the issue before it develops into obesity.

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What burns belly fat

Before talking about food that helps you burn fat, we’d discuss what causes belly fat in the first place. Muscle around your stomach are the least moved muscles unless you make extra effort to move them such as by workout or activities that stretch them. As those muscles don’t move a lot, they are easy targets for fat deposits. Though it takes some time before this area of your body starts depositing fat, once it starts getting fat, it becomes difficult to burn it. So this is obvious that activities put pressure on or stretch your muscles are most effective in burning belly fat. Bicycling is an easy way to burn belly fat. Please note that I don’t mean stationary bike, I’d suggest really bicycling on road, uphill tracks or places where it poses some challenge is the best way to reduce belly fat naturally. There are many Other activities that may help burn belly fat .

Belly fat removal

Successful belly fat removal is a result of a perfect combination of belly fat exercises and food that help reduce fat around the stomach by regulating various functions inside your body. Many weight loss aspirants believe that losing fat from any specific area of the body, which is usually stomach or thighs, is possible and easy, but it is far from truth. Belly fat removal resuts from overall boosting of metabolism, proper digestion, detoxification and exercise of the area. Help from professional trainers often

Belly fat in men

It is not unusual or something new that men tend to gain weight around the stomach easily. The reason behind this is simple. Nature has provided natural fat storage space in men and women. Men have that storage space around the belly. Here is another noteworthy point is that when belly space is full, fat starts depositing on liver and pancreas, leading to fatty liver situation. This is exactly when health issues such as diabetes and heart problems start.

Belly fat in women

First of all, women have more fat storage capacity than men. Secondly, due to estrogen hormone, they tend to deposit fat around thighs and hips, which is nature’s way to ensure that enough energy is supplied during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Another important point is that hip or thigh fat in women is not necessarily a health issue unlike belly fat in men. However, after menopause when estrogen level drops, women also start depositing fat around belly. This results are similar health issue as in men.

Belly fat workout for women

Aerobics is considered the most convenient workout for women looking to burn fat without rigorous training sessions. Swimming, jogging, running or any type of activity that shakes your whole body uniformly is effective in burning belly fat. Please note that spot reduction is a myth unless done surgically. Burning fat from belly area needs overall workout of the body and not just one part of it.

Belly fat yoga exercise

It goes without saying that yoga has many asanas and postures that are not only highly effective but also do not require any special equipment. Though instructions from a trained yoga teacher is highly recommended for difficult postures, many asanas can be done without any yoga teacher. Of course, you should be able to follow instructions from a book, CD or online guide properly.

Here are some belly fat asanas

  • Chakrasana (Wheel posture)
  • Pashchimottanasana ( Posterior stretch or forward bend )
  • Ustrasana (Camel Pose or backward bend)
  • Naukasana (Boat Pose)
  • Surya Namaskar ( Sun salutation)