Doga | Yoga for or with Dog

You must have heard of yoga, but have you heard of doga? If you are a pet lover, chances are you are familiar with the term. Doga is somewhat  self-explanatory; yoga with dog is doga. Though it is a relatively new term, many pet lover are familiar with the practice knowingly or unknowingly.


Did you know ?

That dog is one of the very few animals that falls ill very rarely, One of the biggest reasons behind dog’s agility, strength and mental alertness is its ability to keep itself fit by performing various exercises or physical activities that are quite similar to yoga performed by humans.

Stretching by dog

If you are a dog owner, you must have watched your dog stretch quite often, especially after it wakes up after a sleep. By stretching, dogs relax their nerves and muscles and boost the flow of blood, which energises them and works wonders for their overall fitness.

Doga stretching

Coming back to our original topic, doga, I’d like to discuss the impact of performing yoga with your dog or using dog as prop for your exercise. If you start stretching yourself just like your dog does, then you can notice the difference in your health within weeks. There are many other benefits of doga. Let’s take a look at them.

Benefits of doga

  • Helps in extending your dog’s life
  • You develop a better and stronger bond with your dog
  • It helps you minimise stress level
  • Your pet feels pampered and important
  • Your dog may also get a chance to meet other dogs performing doga
  • Your dog may not require any dog training 

In the next post, we’d explore some more benefits of doga and how to perform doga for maximum gains such as motivation to stay slim, fit, and healthy.