Flexibility exercises for seniors-flexible yoga

Am I not flexible enough to perform yoga because of my age? If that is what you ask yourself or believe in, then think again. You do not need to be naturally flexible for yoga. Yoga will make you flexible, once your joints and muscles become supple, you will feel the difference in your stamina, health, postures and overall well-being. Developing flexibility and gaining mental and physical health are the primary purposes of yoga. If you are 50 plus looking for flexible exercises for seniors, then start flexible yoga as soon as possible. The more flexible you become the healthier and longer you’ll live.

Flexibility Exercises for Seniors

It is understandable that senior citizens cannot do strenuous exercises or stretching workouts. Does it mean that you cannot or should not try to make themselves flexible? In fact, if you are a senior, you must make it a point to exercise every day and keep your body flexible. There are many types of flexible exercises for seniors, and you should choose the ones that suit your stamina and health condition. One good thing about these exercises is that no matter what your age is, there is something that will suit you. Check flexibility for women.

Neck Flexibility-Rotate Your Neck

Neck is often neglected until it sprains or start causing neck pain. You can avoid it by a simple activity, which can be done any time of the day. Stand straight; rotate your neck by stretching as much as possible. Just try to touch your shoulders with your neck (Though you cannot, you should try as much as possible. Do not lift your shoulders, lower your neck instead). This gives your neck the maximum possible stretch. Repeat the activity in clockwise and anticlockwise directions alternately for equal number of times. For best effects, you can do this activity in the morning and evening hours. Care should be taken that the rotation movement must be slow and gentle without causing any jerk to your neck muscles. Also, keep your eyes open during the activity. This is important because closed eyes during this activity may cause vision related issues, if done regularly.

Roll Your Shoulders

This is an excellent way to stretch your neck, shoulders and upper parts of your body simultaneously. Stand straight and rotate your shoulders first in the forward direction or clockwise direction and then repeat the exercise in anti-clockwise direction or backward rotation. This simple activity can be repeated as many times as you are comfortable with throughout the day. Your shoulders and connected back muscles get fresh flow of blood by this stretching exercise. No matter what your age, you can do it without worrying about any side-effects.

Flexibility Stretches for Seniors

Aging can affect you in many ways. In addition to various age-related issues, your mobility can also be impacted if you are not active enough. What is really good about being old is that you have ample time for exercise and physical activities, if you are willing to remain active. We’ll discuss some of the most popular and active flexibility stretches that can be done by every senior citizen of any age.

Hip Stretch

The most important stretch for seniors and those spending long hours in chair or in any sitting position, must stretch their hips or perform a hip flexor stretch at least once a day. However, you can do as many times as you are comfortable with.

It is a slightly modified variation of one of the steps of Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation

  • Kneel down on both knees. You can use something soft such as a blanket under your knees if they hurt.
  • Move your left of right knee forward at a 90 degree angle, while keeping the other leg stretched on the floor with the sole facing upwards.
  • Put your both hands on the knee which is in front making a 90 degree angle with the ground.
  • Keep your body straight and feel the stretch on your hips.
  • Hold this position for 20-30 seconds and then switch legs. Repeat it for equal number of times with both the legs.

Quad Stretch

This is another important stretching exercise for seniors. As quadriceps muscles take the whole load of your upper body, your quads must get enough stretch and massage daily. It is important for proper blood circulation to all the connected muscles and tissues that support your upper body. Here is how to do quad stretch. It is relatively simple and can be done anytime of the day.

Stand straight and bend your right knee behind you by pulling your toes with right hand whilst supporting your body with your left hand touching a wall, table or tree. Bring your foot towards your hips as much as possible until you start feeling the stretch in your front thigh muscles (quadriceps). Remain in this position for 15-30 seconds and then repeat it. Do the same stretch with your left knee whilst supporting your body with your right hand. The whole session should be done equal number of times on both the legs.

Quad stretch can also be done while lying on your stomach. In fact, you can stretch both your quads simultaneously in this position as your whole body rests on your stomach. It will help you achieve maximum possible stretch to your thigh muscles as you pull your feet and try to touch them to ground while resting on your stomach.

Destroy arthritis

Hamstring Exercise

Do you find it difficult to put on your shoes or socks due to stiffness in your lower back and hamstring? As you age, your lower body starts developing stiffness faster than your upper body or arms, in particular. This happens because of the obvious reason that you do not use your legs as much as your hands for daily activities. Inactivity of your lower body starts impacting your overall mobility and gradually simple activities such as picking up things from the ground or standing up form a chair also become difficult. In order to avoid this situation, you must start hamstring stretch on a daily basis.

Hamstring stretch for seniors and elderly

If sitting on the ground is difficult for you, then choose a firm surface, preferably a settee on which you can spread your full leg.

Hamstring stretch to relieve lower leg cramps

Whether you are an elderly or in your twenties, lower leg cramps can be very painful. However, what really matters is how you manage your cramps and get relief. Simply applying instant-relief ointments or sprays can give you temporary relief, but if you feel the pain quite frequently, then consider hamstring stretch on a regular basis. If you are a senior citizen, stretching your hamstrings at least twice or thrice a week will be more than enough. If the stiffness is really severe, then try hamstring stretching once a day at the least. Here are a few easy hamstring stretch techniques for seniors.
  • Sit on the ground and extend your legs fully.
  • Point your toes towards your knees until you feel the stretch in your calves
  • Let your calf muscles elongate as much as possible, but within the bearable limits
  • Hold the position for 20-30 seconds and then repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
This exercise can also be done while sitting on the edge of a chair, and on one leg at a time, if your prefer. Make sure that your leg remains fully extended and stretch both legs equal number of times for maximum possible relief.

Hamstring stretch 2

  • Lie flat on your back facing up. Bend your knee and pull it towards your chest until you feel the stretch in your lower thighs and hamstrings
  • Maintain the positions for 20-30 seconds
  • Repeat the exercise on other leg

Hamstring stretch for seniors 3

Lie flat on your back. Wrap a towel around your right sole and pull your right leg whilst keeping it straight (Do not bend your knee). Pull the towel until your leg makes a 90 degree angle with the ground. The more you pull the towel, the more stretch you will feel in the hamstrings. Maintain the pose at the maximum possible tolerable stretch in your hamstring. Then bring back the leg slowly to its original position. Repeat the exercise with your left leg. Repeat it for equal number of times with both the legs in each session.
Lower leg cramps in seniors are quite common. Sudden contractions of calf muscles and many other connected muscles can be very painful. It may result in poor quality of life and poor sleep quality in particular. Though there can be other health issues and medication behind resting leg cramps, they can be reduced significantly by hamstring stretches on a regular basis, preferably daily. ​

Diet for Seniors

As you start aging, your nutritional needs also start increasing. Usually after 40, the growth of cells and tissues slows down, and you need to be extra careful about fulfilling your nutritional needs. Also, once you are 40+, chances of already suffering from metabolic disorders or developing them are also very high. Those suffering from diabetes, cardiac issues and other health problems must ensure that their diet is in line with their unique health needs.

Your diet must include:

  • Seasonal fruits, at least 3 times a day
  • Eggs or cheese if you are a vegetarian
  • Vegetable soups
  • Potassium rich food like banana
  • Coconut water for muscle flexibility
  • Curd or yogurt
  • Oat

Last but not the least, make sure that you drink plenty of water.

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