How to Prepare for 2020 Weight Loss Plan

Want to prepare for weight loss before new year 2020 starts? Here is your realistic weight loss plan.

We take new year resolution every year, and 2020 is going to be no different when it comes taking resolution. Weight loss, quitting smoking or alcohol are some of the most common resolutions, but they are also some of most difficult ones to keep. In fact, excitement to burn fat or to become slim does not last longer than one month. What is the reason? Let’s take a look at how to prepare before we make our 2020 weight loss plan.

Weight Loss tip 1 – Set realistic goal in 2020

It is very common for many to expect miraculous change immediately after new year starts. That is what makes you lose track of your weight loss plan or goal. You become obese over a period of time or many years, therefore expecting to get back in shape just because a new year is going to start will not work. In fact, that will disappoint you and you’ll not stick to your fat loss plan.

Weight Loss Tip 2 Start one month in advance before new year

The sooner you start, the better. They say that it take at least 21 days to develop a new habit, or if you do something every day for 21 days, it becomes a habit. Though there are different opinions about it, you can safely assume that you need to give some time to your newly formed habit to be effective. Bottom line is that if you want to see remarkable weight loss results in 2020 without getting disappointed, then start in the first week of December 2019.

Tested and powerful way to start burning fat

Drink water before meals. Yes, this simple method works wonders for those who cannot resist the temptation to eat more and more. What really happens when you drink water before meals is you feel full, which means you eat less. The results is obvious. And yes, it takes time to develop this simple habit, so start now.

Start cutting back on refined sugar
You can easily replace sugary carbonated drinks with fresh juice and similar beverages. This simple technique will not only reduce your sugar consumption but also boost your overall health. Try this.

Sleep well for weight loss in 2020

You cannot develop the habit of sleeping early overnight. If you are overworked, then manage your work in such a way so that you get 8 hours of sleep every day. It is a proven fact that those who sleep well are less obese than those who don’t.

Incorporate physical activities in your daily routine

Take stairs instead of elevator, if possible. This is just an example. You can mow your lawn, ride a bicycle to work or simply start yoga everyday. These simple activities will prepare you for weight loss.

Start reading labels before buying food items

Though I don’t recommend strict adherence to calorie-counting, a general awareness about how much calorie is required for you and what food products are high in caloric value will do the trick. Simply avoid high caloric food and try to find any alternative to it. Believe me, you can find more nutritious and tasty alternatives if you spend a little time op what to eat and what to avoid.

A great method is to use Noom Diet Plan, which gives you thousands of healthy food options to choose from. This simple app-based weight loss system is going to be highly effective for those who want to prepare for weight loss in 2020. In fact, once you start using Noom, you’ll develop habit that will keep you lean and thin for years.

Click Here for Noom Pricing!

Intermittent fast- Slightly difficult but worth trying

If you are more serious than others, then intermittent fasting will give you remarkable results. Start fasting once a week for now. Choose from various fasting methods and go for what suits you.

Read full review of Noom App Based weight loss plan

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Water hacks for weight loss

Leptin resistance