Positive thoughts in 2019 for weight loss in early 2020

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Changing lifestyle and dietary habits can be a daunting task for many. In fact, that is the reason that most people don’t even consider making any changes in their lifestyle. They simply want a quick-fix solution for weight loss and many other health condition. Though medical help is required in many conditions, we should try our best to prevent those health issues that can easily be prevented by making slight changes in our lifestyle. Positive thoughts for weight loss can also be highly effective.

How to change your dietary and lifestyle habits easily

Setbacks will be there along the way when you start anything new, and weight loss journey is no exception. When you think of changing your habits, your body will resist it initially. If you are not motivated enough, you’ll lose track and soon will be back to your old and unhealthy lifestyle.

Positive self-talk for health

Positive thoughts for weight loss food
Develop positive thought for healthy food

Research has proven it that those with negative self-image, low self-esteem and various other types of negative thoughts are more likely to suffer from cardiac issues, type 2 diabetes , stress and unexplained weight gain. Its opposite is also true.

There are instances of people getting cured from deadly diseases by positive thoughts. So why not the same can be applied for something less deadly like obesity? Mental health has a big impact on your physical health, and it has been proven, experienced and widely agreed upon.

Enjoy the process or plan B without losing focus on the goal

This is slightly tricky but effective. Suppose you overate and consumed more calories than you should have, then there are two ways of looking at it.

Negative thought: I overate, I’ll not be able to lose weight because I have such parties every week.
Positive Thought: I overate, but I can balance the over-consumption by eating less calories tomorrow. I’ll also try to avoid such parties.

Negative thought: My friend was not able to lose weight, therefore I’ll also fail at it.
Positive thought for weight loss: My friend was not serious about weight loss, but I am taking it seriously, therefore I’ll succeed.

Negative thought: I cannot exercise
Positive thought for weight loss: Exercise is just a systematic and planned form for natural physical activities, so anyone can do it.


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