The Big Apple’s Top Wellness Treatments: Saunas, Acupuncture, & Vitamin IV in NYC

New York City Skyline

Are you currently living in New York City? If you answered yes, it’s very likely you have experienced burnout in the city that never sleeps. We’ve gathered some wellness treatments that can help you get back to feeling in tip-top shape again. Keep on scrolling to find the best modality for your current needs.


Tailored CBD Products for Health Benefits

Where to go: Hemped NYC & Come Back Daily

CBD has been around for a minute in the wellness world, and it makes sense why. CBD can help relieve pain, improve heart health, and might reduce your anxiety. It works by affecting your brain, although how it affects your brain is unknown. As far as research goes, CBD prevents the breakdown of chemicals in your brain that affect pain and mood. If you’re looking for a plethora of relaxants, we recommend Hemped NYC and Come Back Daily. Both offer a variety of CBD products tailored to your wellness needs, from sore muscles to trouble sleeping. The two locations also focus heavily on sourcing and regulation, delivering some of the highest quality CBD in the city.

Restorative Fitness

Stretching for fitness- Restorative fitness in NYC

Where to go: Outer Reach & Stretch*d

We all want to stay fit, especially during this lockdown, and what better way to start then with restorative fitness? This type of workout will give you the reset that you need to make yourself feel better inside and out. Restorative fitness studios focus on stretching, an often overlooked part of an exercise program. Let’s be honest; at the end of your SoulCycle session, instead of stretching, you often end up leaving in hopes of catching the 4 train sooner. We get it. But at the same time…stretching is vital to incorporate into your exercise routine. Why? Because stretching will keep your muscles strong and flexible. Flexibility is essential to have while you’re either going on that run or lifting weights in your living room. Without stretching, your muscles become tight, which can further damage repair and slow down athletic recovery. Both Outer Reach and Stretch*d can help you get started on your restorative fitness journey in NYC.

Infrared Saunas

Infrared Sauna Treatment NYC

Where to go: Cellular Evolution & Floating Lotus

Rather than heating the air around you, infrared saunas warm your body directly using electromagnetic radiation. This method penetrates your body more effectively than through warm air. Warming promotes a deep sweat session, helping tremendously with detoxification. Other benefits of infrared therapy include deepened sleep, relaxation, improved circulation, clearer skin, and weight loss. Cellular Evolution and Floating Lotus are both solid options for an NYC sweat sesh. 


Acupunture WTHN and Gotham Wellness in NYC

Where to go: WTHN & Gotham Wellness Acupuncture 

Acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into various parts of your body, mainly where the pressure points are. Once the needles are inserted, they are manipulated by the practitioner. Then they are removed once your session is over. It can help relieve any pain and discomfort you hold in your body, specifically in areas such as your lower back, and neck. Acupuncture can also help alleviate stress and anxiety. It can also improve your digestive system and sleep quality. There is minimal risk involved in getting an acupuncture treatment, as long as you have a licensed practitioner. With a licensed practitioner, you shouldn’t feel any discomfort during or after your acupuncture treatment. If in NYC, WTHN and Gotham Wellness Acupuncture are worth checking out.

Vitamin IV in NYC

Vitamin IV Treatment in NYC

Where to go: ivee & Ideal Health

Vitamin IV treatments are another wellness tool that can help your body stay well from the inside out. IV treatments are guaranteed to work because hydration, vitamins, and minerals are directly inserted into the bloodstream. The body absorbs and distributes nutrients to the body instantly. Like acupuncture, there is little to no discomfort during IV administration. These vitamin IV treatments in NYC can help relieve pain, reduce stress, and detoxify the body. Vitamin IV treatments are fast, taking about 30 to 40 minutes in total. Platforms like ivee make ordering a vitamin IV in NYC easy, sending a nurse to you whenever you may need it. If you’re looking for an in-office drip session, check out Ideal Health.

This article was originally published at

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