Little Known Facts to Minimize Your Lower Back Pain

There are times when you start believing myths and results are the same as myths suggest. Lets take a quick look on lower back pain related myths that often aggravate the problem instead of solving it.

Resting Helps in Curbing Back Pain

I does, but only to a certain extent. You cannot expect to be free of pain if you keep resting the whole day. For one, it is not possible and practical to rest for whole day. Secondly, even if you manage to rest longer than required, you’ll actually aggravate your lower back pain, unless it is caused by some injury. In fact, being active and doing exercise that move the lower back will help.

back pain relief posture
Back pain relief posture

Sitting Straight is the Key

It can help to some extent, but again maintaining the balance is the key. If you keep sitting straight for prolonged hours, the results may be opposite to your expectations. Keep changing your position every 90 minutes, can help. Stretching every ninety minutes and make your spine flexible and keep your pain-free instead of just sitting straight. Of course, right posture should be maintained but maintaining the balance is more important. Your also try various back pain reducing products at Amazon

Fat Wallet Can also Cause Back Pain

You probably got it wrong. I means that if your wallet is fat, and you sit on it without adjusting it, it will actually press on your nerves that cause sciatica and back pain in the long run. Simply put aside your wallet or keep it in your bag if it is pinching in your hips.

I am Thin- Back Pain is not Possible?

Who said that back pain is only for fat people. Thin people are as likely to develop lower back pain as fat people. Usually, it is due to nutrient deficiency and other reasons such as bad posture that generally cause back pain. Do not assume that your being thin is enough to keep you from back pain.

Soft Mattress can help all

Does soft mattress really work for you? Do you feel that your pain has reduced after sleeping on a soft mattress for say, 8 hours. Does hard mattress suit you better? Only you can say which mattress suits you. Go for the one that works for you. Advertisement are made to make you believe that you need the product being advertised.

Thoughts can Increase or Decrease your pain

Yes, thoughts are very powerful. A lot has been written on the power of thoughts or mind in general. If you think that your back pain is aggravating, it will aggravate. Its opposite is also true. If you think that you pain has minimized, it will minimize and vanish soon. You can train your mind on that. Meditation can work wonders for you.

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