Are you undoing the benefits of intermittent fasting?

Can you eat whatever you want during intermittent fasting? This is the most common question asked by many who want to lose weight fast and enjoy the benefits of intermittent fasting. Those struggling to suppress their hunger by restricting themselves to limited number of meals a day, often undo the benefit of fasting. The reason is simple. You cannot expect instant results. In fact, you need to give time to your body to optimise the benefits of fasting.

How you undo the benefits of fasting unknowingly

First and foremost, it is all about making some changes to your eating habits. If you are accustomed to 6 meals a day, you cannot switch to 3 meals a day in a week. Intermittent fasting works only when you are mentally prepared to give it a try. You can and will undo the benefits by eating whatever you like during feeding times while on intermittent fasting. Alternatively, you can control your diabetes, manage your heart health and live an overall healthy life by doing it correctly.

Diet for weight loss
Rule breaker for weight loss aspirants

To optimise the benefits of intermittent fasting, you must

  • Eat nutrient dense food
  • Drink a lot of water
  • Not try to make up for the calories lost during fasting
  • Eat slowly while keeping in mind its long-term effects
  • Not give in to your food cravings, during meal times
  • Eat plant based food, and cut down on refined food
  • Consult your physician if you are also trying to manage diabetes

Does bulletproof coffee break your intermittent fasting?

Coffee lovers often find it difficult to do without coffee any day of the week, whether while fasting or otherwise. Well, it depends on the type of fasting you are on. If your calorie allowance during your fasting period is 1000 plus, you can give it a try. The kind of energy boost you get, far outweighs the downsides of calories you consume, which you’ll do anyway during your meal time. However, care must be taken that you reduce the calories accordingly while eating something else. You cannot have coffee in addition to your pre-determined fasting food, because you consume calories with coffee. If you do so, you’ll break your intermittent fasting.

What Wall Street Journal Says about intermittent fasting

Is fasting just another fad? No, it is not. In fact, fasting and its different variations has been one of the  most Googled diet in the US in 2018. The trend is still continuing. From top A-list celebrities to those observing fast for religious reasons, everyone who has tried it, says that it works wonders not only for physical health but also for mental peace and better productivity. In fact, trying intermittent fasting is easier than most people believe. After eating your dinner, you go fasting for 7-8 hours anyway, until you take your breakfast next morning. All you need to do is eat dinner slightly early, and delay or skip your breakfast the next day. It will keep your body fasting for 16 plus hours, which is good enough to notice the result. Read more about why fasting cure is no fad.

Is skipping breakfast good for health or weight loss?

Well, frankly speaking, no. It is not advisable to skip breakfast on a daily basis. However, you can give it a try to see how effective it can be for your weight loss goals. Widening the gap between your dinner and breakfast is the best strategy. It is easier, healthier and suitable for most weight loss aspirants. Next step is to ensure that you eat what you need without adding fat. Noom app can help you a lot in choosing the best food for your weight loss goal. Read Noom app review  in detail.

Eat lunch like a king for fat loss

During lunchtime, your body needs the greatest amount of energy. A U.K.-led study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2016 confirmed it. Read the full report here.  The idea is to allow your body to absorb the nutrients from your food optimally, without compromising on your energy level and overall lifestyle. One meal a day or OMAD also works wonders for those who can go without breakfast without any difficulty. Read full OMAD review here and check how it can help you lose weight effectively.

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