Are Diabetics More At Risk of Coronavirus or Covid 19?

Read 5 diabetes prevention tips to prevent infections including coronavirus or Covid 19. Are diabetics at higher risk.

In recent times or Covid 19 times, when a lot of things about coronavirus are still unknown, there is a widespread belief that other than obesity, diabetes makes one more prone to Covid 19. Lets try to dig deep into the topic and try to find out if diabetics are more at risk of Covid 19 than non-diabetics.

Diabetes and Obesity Weaken Your Immunity

I need not repeat that Covid 19 is caused when a person’s immunity is compromised. If your immunity is not strong enough to fight or kill this deadly virus, you get infected. So, it becomes clear that all health issues that weaken your immune system, make you vulnerable to Covid 19, and diabetes is one of them. We have already covered obesity and immunity in our previous posts, therefore for now, we’ll focus on how diabetes makes you at risk of Coronavirus.

Are diabetics more likely to get Covid 19?

Is it not about being more vulnerable to coronavirus, what makes diabetics more ‘at risk’ than non-diabetics is their inability to stop other complications, when infected by the disease. People with diabetes often have heart diseases as well. This further complicates their health condition if they are corona-infected, and handling multiple issues together becomes a challenge for attending doctors. The result! you guessed it right. Those with diabetes often lose the battle with Corona earlier than those with no diabetes. Read more.

Diabetes Type 1 or 2? which is more risky for Coronavirus?

We do not have enough data to comment of this at this point in time. Researchers are working on data from across the world, and soon we’ll have a clear answer to this. For now, we can assume that both diabetes type 1 and type 2 complicates the patient’s health condition in a similar manner. So, the best way is to manage your diabetes as carefully as possible.

Diabetes Prevention- 5 Tips

Prevention of diabetes type II is all about your ability to switch to a healthy lifestyle, which is not necessarily a challenge as most people assume even before giving it a try. In fact, those who are pre-diabetic often believe they will remain so for long. The reality is just the opposite. They are nearer than they assume to become full diabetic. You’ll find plenty of diabetes prevention food, diet and other tips on the internet, but the most important one is to prepare yourself for a change if you have been diagnosed pre-diabetic or are 40+ leading a sedentary lifestyle.

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5 Tips for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention

  • Workout or brisk walking: This is one of the easiest, risk-free and effective ways to prevent diabetes. Moderate intensity exercise helps you increase your insulin sensitivity by more than 50%. If you choose high intensity exercise, then insulin sensitivities can go up to 85% on those intense exercise days.
  • Lose Weight no matter what: If diabetes prevention is on your mind, then fat loss must be your priority. Obese people develop diabetes faster than others. Go for any weight loss program that suits you, try intermittent fasting, change your eating habits or whatever it takes. Without losing weight, preventing diabetes will be tough or even impossible in most cases.
  • Bitter is Better: Yes, bitter gourd or bitter melon, Giloy and many types of herbs that are bitter in taste, must be a part of your daily diet. These bitter herbs are an important ingredient of almost all Ayurvedic medicine that help you manage diabetes.
  • Say No to Alcohol and Smoking: These are 2 most common bad habits that put you at a higher risk of being diabetic. The sooner you quit them, the better. I know, sometimes it becomes difficult at social gatherings, but the least you can do is limit alcohol intake to only extremely unavoidable situations.
  • Tea and Coffee with limited sugar: Yes, tea or coffee help you prevent diabetes if you consume them with less sugar, and in limited quantities. Care should be taken that, these beverages do not reduce your water intake. You must drink plain water in ample quantities 7-8 glasses a day . Read about water hacks for health.

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