Fun facts about fat and weight loss

Whether you have lost weight by using any supplement, diet plan or rigourous exercise program, have you ever thought where the fat has gone. It is interesting but not many people are aware that approximately 85% of the lost fat actually converts into carbon dioxide and is exhaled  while breathing. Does it now make sense why exercising works for losing weight? The more you workout, the faster you breath and the more you exhale carbon dioxide, a good part of which is nothing but fat converted into carbon dioxide.

Interesting facts about fat, obesity and weight loss

Lack of sleep helps you become fatter– If you are planning to burn fat, then you also must make sure that you sleep 8 hours a day. If you do not sleep properly, your body  does not produce leptin in enough quantity  while the production of ghrelin goes up, triggering hunger. Obviously, the more hungry you are, the more you eat. The end result is more fat and obesity.

Why are fat people sluggish?

The most common logic is that they are heavy therefore they cannot move. That is partly true. The fact is that obese people have a lot of energy but that energy is used by their system in managing the fat, which results in less availability of  energy required for other activities. When you are lean and thin, all the available energy can be used for whatever activity you are engaged in.

Thinking can make you fat


A research, conducted at Laval University in Canada has concluded that though thinking does not require more energy, it makes you more hungry which results in increasing your diet. This results in making you fat. You must have noticed that moderately obese students are often sharper in studies than their thin friends. This is by no means an encouragement to eat more for those students who are not obese. Moderation and balance are the key.

Smoking helps in losing fat

Again, I am not promoting smoking, but there are enough evidence that smokers are slightly less likely to be fat than non-smokers. The reason behind this is that smokers’ taste buds are not as sensitive to different tastes as those of non smokers. This helps them eat less which results in less intake of food and eventually less deposits of fat. There are various harmful effects of smoking, therefore it should not be used a method of losing weight.

Artificial sweeteners make you fat

No matter what type of artificial sweetener you are using, it will change your glucose tolerance and gut bacteria resulting in overall increased appetite. Those who take artificial sweeteners, tend to eat more and get fatter in the process.

There are many other interesting facts about fat and obesity. If you take your weight loss mission seriously, then nothing can deter you from achieving your goal whether you are in Canada or Kolkata. All you need to do is choose a diet plan that fits your lifestyle and is easy to follow.

Why not try PhenQ, a prescription-free, natural alternative to weight loss drug phentermine. It works wonders for everyone and you also get 1 bottle free if you order 2 bottles. Visit their official site or take advantage of this offer. 


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