Lectin Free Food- 5 Foods with Simple Twists, become Lectin Free

Sugar-free, gluten-free, cholesterol-free and now comes Lectin-free food that seems to be highly effective in fixing digestion issues. Once digestion is properly working, you can also see a remarkable difference in your obesity level.

What Exactly is Lectin?

Lectins are basically a type of protein found in almost all plant based foods. What? Does it mean that plant based food are harmful? It is not that simple, there is a catch. When lectin enters our body, it can bind sugar and carbohydrates. It can reduce our ability to absorb nutrients from highly nutritious food. Absorption of iron, calcium, zinc and many other nutrients can be reduced, IF WE CONSUME LECTIN IN EXCESSS QUANTITY. Here the catch is in excess quantity. If your intake is balanced, and you eat lectin in small quantities, it is beneficial.

Lectin Free Recipes for Weight Loss
Lectin free Recipes-Worth Trying for Weight loss

Can Lectin Be Eliminated from Diet?

That is what lectin-free diet is. But is it really practical and possible ? There is no enough data that suggests that completely eliminating lectin from our diet is good for our health. Eating in large quantities is of course harmful. So what are those food items that contain a lot of lectin and is it possible to eliminate them?


Tomato contains a lot of lectin, but keeping in mind the Asian or Indian diet in particular, eliminating tomato completely from our food is next to impossible. What we can do is reduce the amount of raw tomato from our diet or salad. Cooking at high temperature, which we do anyway, works wonders for reducing the lectin content of Tomato.


Personally, for me it is impossible to eliminate potato from my diet. Give it a try, if you can. Potato is rich in lectin, in raw form. Do we eat it in raw form? I think we don’t, therefore we are safe. Fully cooked potato is almost lectin free. So don’t go for its semi-cooked version in any form.

Kidney Beans

In India, kidney beans, grams and many other sprouts are soaked in water overnight. There is a reason behind it. Soaking reduces the lectin content in them and then if is beneficial. If you don’t soak it, then probably you are consuming lectin with kidney beans based food.


Again, semi-cooked version of soybean is full of lectin. Start cooking it at high temperature before consuming. There you go, you have started lectin-free diet with a simple twist. Give it try, if you eat soybean often.


Do you eat peanuts raw, semi cooked or half baked? That is the culprit. Stop eating half cooked peanuts for a while. Eat peanuts in cooked form or in roasted form. See the results in the form your improved digestion.

Noom – New Year Resolution 2021- The Year of Healthy Habits

Noom program is what you can rely on in 2021 for sticking to your new year resolution. Develop good healthy habits and follow them throughout the year.

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Someone rightly said that motivation is what gets you started, but habit is what keeps you going. And when it comes to quitting a bad habit or choosing a new healthy habit, no other day can be better than New Year’s day. Rather than implementing a quick fix to shed holiday weight, let’s take the new year resolution of developing healthy eating habits that you can stick to throughout 2021 and many years to come. That’s where Noom comes in! Noom’s health and wellness program is all about good and healthy eating habit development so that your weight loss journey becomes easy, enjoyable and of course full of taste.

Struggling with Existing Eating Habits? Not anymore with Noom

Noom’s program helps those struggling with bad and unhealthy eating habits by offerings something almost equally tasty but more healthy. No No, you probably got it wrong. This is not a food delivery plan or program. As I said, it helps you develop good eating habits. The program will just suggest the available options to you so that you can make an informed choice. Once you have the knowledge you need to be successful, you will have to order or purchase the ingredients on your own.

Noom Program: The Last Weight Loss Program You’ll Ever Need

Those following Noom’s recommended diet plan develop good eating habits as the app is installed on the user’s phone. Every time you feel like eating something, you will be given healthy choices by the program’s developed and science-backed system. If you are motivated enough to pick healthy yet filling options, you will start noticing positive results very soon. Even more impressive is the fact that you will develop better habits with the help of Noom’s personalized coaches and supportive community, and soon shed your old bad habits.

Cheat Days Using Noom

It’s quite common to crave the unhealthy habits/junk food that you’ve been accustomed to for long. So, obviously you’d look for cheat days to eat whatever you like, right? Of course you can do so, as the program will not force you to eat only those things that it recommends. However, it will give you all caloric intake and other information associated with your food choice so that you can make an informed decision.

How to remain motivated while on Noom Program ?

No matter what, an initial kick is always required to get started with anything in life. So the motivating factor for you to begin using Noom can be different for you than what it is for your friend. Maybe you want to fit into your certain set of clothes to look good or want to do something specific that is not possible with your current weight. Noom’s program personalizes your weight loss journey to help you achieve exactly what you set your mind to – their personalized coaches will help you to build healthy and sustainable habits to reach those goals and maintain your progress.  

Let the rest be history on New Year 2021!

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Drink Milk-Manage Type 2 Diabetes-Guelph University Study Confirms

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The age-old wisdom of having a healthy and nutritious breakfast every day is still relevant, practical and effective. Nutritionists and dietitians have always stressed that eating healthy breakfast is essential for overall good health. It also helps you maintain high energy levels throughout the day.

Drink Milk for Type 2 Diabetes Management

Now, a recent study published in the Journal of Dairy Science has confirmed that a healthy breakfast also helps in managing blood sugar level. Milk can play a highly important role in managing type 2 diabetes. So, if you are diabetic and don’t mind drinking milk, then it is a good news for you.

Milk Lowers Your Blood Glucose Level

The study was conducted by a team of scientists at the University of Guelph in collaboration with the University of Toronto. Douglas Goff, who led the team says that the study confirms that milk at breakfast can lower your blood glucose throughout the day. He further said that type 2 diabetes and obesity are the leading concerns today. Managing them effectively will empower consumers to improve their personal health. Read the full report

High Protein Milk Reduces Blood Glucose

Though high protein diet has always been recommended by health professionals and dietitians, this study confirms that milk consumed with a high-carbohydrate breakfast reduces blood glucose even after lunch, and high-protein milk has a greater effect.

Drinking Milk for Overall Good Health

In India, drinking milk at breakfast is common and is widely accepted. Due to modernisation, popularity for western diet and lifestyle in general, people are gradually shifting to non-dairy products, especially milk. However, I must say that those who drink milk regularly either at breakfast or at any other time are generally healthier than those who don’t.

So, whether you are are planning to lose weight or want better overall health, drinking milk will help you in a positive way.

Read more

Noom Diet- 2019 Review- Weight Watcher for Millennials 

Blood pressure lowering food

Reverse diabetes with 2 minute ritual

Chilli pepper | Calorie burning | fat loss

Do you eat raw chilli, red chilli pepper or any of its different variants? If you do, then chances are that your metabolism is quite fast. However, that cannot be the only reason to assume that you are getting all health benefits of chilli. It goes without saying that the moment we talk about calorie burning, fat loss is obviously the next topic that must be talked about.

Health benefits of chilli

It has been noticed that those  who eat chilli or spicy food are less likely to suffer heart attack due to the fact that chilli can reduce the bad effects of LDL or bad cholesterol, which is often the reason behind cardiovascular diseases. The main compound of chilli is capsaicin, which works wonders for inflammation control. As many risk factors of heart diseases are reduced, chilli can be called good for heart health.

Lowers blood pressure

Vitamin A and C are considered good for heart health and muscles. Pepper boosts blood flow through your body and makes your cardiovascular system strong.

Chilli improves vision 

Being a rich source of Vitamin A, chilli improves your clarity of vision, and also reduces the risk of cataract and molecular degenerative diseases that usually start as we age.

Works as anti-depressant 

If you suffer from frequent mood swings and often end up spoiling your mood, then eating chilli may help. The capsaicin present in green chilli releases endorphin, which is a kind of ‘feel-good’ secretion that helps you keep your mood calm, happy and positive.

Chilli boosts immune system

Your weak immune system is often the reason behind frequent common cold and cough, allergies and similar issues. If you make chilli part of your diet, then you’ll remarkably boost your immune system.

Chilli-highly effective for preventing cancer

It has been proven that capasicin has the power to prevent the growth of cancer cells. It inhibits tumour growth. Medical News Today has cited that Capsaicin might actually have the ability to stop breast cancer. Researchers are at work to find out more about its anti-cancer abilities.

Good for cold, cough and nasal congestion

As chilli is full of beta carotene and antioxidants, your immune system gets a boost if you consume chilli on a regular basis. When your body temperature goes up after eating chilli, your immune system is triggered to fight cold, cough and nasal congestion. In fact, nasal sprays often contain capsaicin for fast effect.

Last but not the least, chilli or spicy pepper speeds up your metabolism, which results in fast calorie burning and reduced appetite. The combined effect of this is visible in weight loss. However, care should be taken in limiting the consumption of chilli to a comfortable level. Simply eating more chilli will not help you burn more fat.

Chilli or capsaicin based weight loss supplement 

How about using a supplement that can offer you all health benefits of chilli in one or two capsules a day? In fact, this is an easy and effective way to burn fat without actually eating chilli, the taste of which is bitter, and is not liked by all. Capsiplex is one such weight loss supplement that works wonders for most people.

In fact, many celebrities such as Roxanne Pallett have used and endorsed this product after using it. The results are remarkable and you also get a 60-day risk-free guarantee if you buy if from its official site. Click the image above to order now.

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One meal a day or OMAD for weight loss

Eat one meal a day-OMAD diet | Lose 1 pound a week

In one of my previous posts, I talked about intermittent fasting for those who can do it effectively. Another effective and relatively easier way to burn fat is to eat one meal a day for weight loss. I tried this method for 15 days and noticed a remarkable difference, i.e I lost 2.02 pounds almost effortlessly in two weeks. So we can safely say that by eating one meal a day or OMAD as it is popularly referred to across the web, you can lose one pound a week.

One meal a day-OMAD
One meal a day

Continue reading “Eat one meal a day-OMAD diet | Lose 1 pound a week”

Fun facts about fat and weight loss

Whether you have lost weight by using any supplement, diet plan or rigourous exercise program, have you ever thought where the fat has gone. It is interesting but not many people are aware that approximately 85% of the lost fat actually converts into carbon dioxide and is exhaled  while breathing. Does it now make sense why exercising works for losing weight? The more you workout, the faster you breath and the more you exhale carbon dioxide, a good part of which is nothing but fat converted into carbon dioxide.

Interesting facts about fat, obesity and weight loss

Lack of sleep helps you become fatter– If you are planning to burn fat, then you also must make sure that you sleep 8 hours a day. If you do not sleep properly, your body  does not produce leptin in enough quantity  while the production of ghrelin goes up, triggering hunger. Obviously, the more hungry you are, the more you eat. The end result is more fat and obesity.

Why are fat people sluggish?

The most common logic is that they are heavy therefore they cannot move. That is partly true. The fact is that obese people have a lot of energy but that energy is used by their system in managing the fat, which results in less availability of  energy required for other activities. When you are lean and thin, all the available energy can be used for whatever activity you are engaged in.

Thinking can make you fat


A research, conducted at Laval University in Canada has concluded that though thinking does not require more energy, it makes you more hungry which results in increasing your diet. This results in making you fat. You must have noticed that moderately obese students are often sharper in studies than their thin friends. This is by no means an encouragement to eat more for those students who are not obese. Moderation and balance are the key.

Smoking helps in losing fat

Again, I am not promoting smoking, but there are enough evidence that smokers are slightly less likely to be fat than non-smokers. The reason behind this is that smokers’ taste buds are not as sensitive to different tastes as those of non smokers. This helps them eat less which results in less intake of food and eventually less deposits of fat. There are various harmful effects of smoking, therefore it should not be used a method of losing weight.

Artificial sweeteners make you fat

No matter what type of artificial sweetener you are using, it will change your glucose tolerance and gut bacteria resulting in overall increased appetite. Those who take artificial sweeteners, tend to eat more and get fatter in the process.

There are many other interesting facts about fat and obesity. If you take your weight loss mission seriously, then nothing can deter you from achieving your goal whether you are in Canada or Kolkata. All you need to do is choose a diet plan that fits your lifestyle and is easy to follow.

Why not try PhenQ, a prescription-free, natural alternative to weight loss drug phentermine. It works wonders for everyone and you also get 1 bottle free if you order 2 bottles. Visit their official site or take advantage of this offer. 


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What is safflower? Does it work for weight loss?

Safflower is essentially a member of daisy family. Though safflower is considered indigenious to Iran, it is cultivated widely in India, China and other Asian countries. Known by various names such as dryer’r saffron, fake saffron, American saffron and Azafran, this humble safflower has many medicinal properties. Ayurvedic practitioners across India use this herb for treating various ailments and needless to say its numerous health benefits are remarkable.


Medicinal applications of safflower 

I clears lungs by evacuating phlegm.

It is widely used in treating jaundice

Measles and various types of fevers can be treated with safflower

It encourages menstruation and relieves abdominal pain

It is also taken as a nutritional supplement

Safflower oil based weight loss product

In fact, safflower suddenly became highly popular due to its remarkable weight loss and metabolism boosting capabilities. Safflower oil extract based weight loss capsules such as CLA Safflower Oil – Fat Burner has been in the market for quite some time and users have reported positive results and signficant weight loss.

In the upcoming posts, we’ll take a look at the commercial applications of safflower and how its oil extract works for amazing weight loss effects.

Read more about Safflower oil weight loss product, CLA safflower oil