Ginger-Immune System and Overall Health-Ginger it up

Ginger water or ginger tea, as long as you consume this wonderful herb every day, you give your immunity a good boost. You can enjoy weight loss effects by consuming it every day.

Whether you want to boost your immune system or lose weight or just want to gain overall health benefits, ginger is the humble herb you must try. Yes, from drinking a cup of ginger tea in the morning to using it as a home remedy for common cold or cough, you can ginger up your health cost-effectively and easily. So, that is what we are going to talk about today, health benefits of ginger and its ability to fight infections and viruses.

Raw Ginger Root

Ginger for immunity

It will not be out of context to mention that during Coronavirus or Covid 19 outbreak, Indian government has widely recommended the use of Kadha to fight and prevent Covid 19. So, what is Kadha? It is nothing but a hot drink made of many herbs such as Tulsi (Basil leaves), Haldi (turmeric), Ginger, black pepper and many other herbs depending on individual taste and local availability. There are various Kadha recipes, but one or two ingredients are common in all of them. Ginger is one of them. Ginger has been used by Ayurvedic practitioners to cure cold, cough, fever, digestion issues and many others general ailments due to its strong anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, immunity boosting and infection curing powers. In fact, simply drinking ginger tea every morning can help you a lot in keeping you more active, alert and free from many health issues.

What? adding raw ginger to tea is very time consuming and also not so easy? Why not take a look at some of the best Ginger teas available at Amazon at amazing prices?

Lemon Ginger Herbal Tea

Is Ginger Good for Weight Loss?

No matter what, when it comes to general health, obesity is something we cannot avoid discussing. If you are one of those looking to burn some fat, instead of boosting your immunity for now, then your question would be, “Is ginger good for weight loss? “. The answer is a big, Yes.

Though you must have heard of health benefits of ginger, it is possible that you have not heard of its weight loss or fat burning powers. The trick is to use it effectively to lose weight as naturally as possible. Lets take a look at how and why ginger can help your lose weight. You can also try Noom app which will help you keep track of what you eat and how much weight you gain or lose.

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Ginger up your digestion

For faster metabolism, your digestion must be strong and in good shape. Ginger stimulates digestive secretions and tones intestinal muscles, which are detrimental in overall functioning of your digestion system. Regular consumption of ginger ensures a healthy and strong digestion, which helps in flushing out toxin waste from your body. This helps in weight loss.

Ginger Keeps Food cravings away

It goes without saying that appetite suppression and avoiding binge eating are highly effective in weight loss, no matter what plan you are on. Ginger will suppress your appetite naturally, which means you’ll not have to do anything to keep your food cravings away. Makes sense? How about losing weight without compromising on taste?

Feeling Stressed? Ginger can help

In one of my previous posts, I have mentioned that constant stress can make you fat. So, keeping stress away is one of the most effective ways to stay fit and fine, not just mentally but also physically. In short, Ginger suppresses stress-causing hormone, cortisol. You fell less stressed, enjoy sound sleep and burn fat naturally.

How can we forget blood sugar?

Yes, the thing is high sugar is one of biggest causes of weight gain. Consuming ginger regularly can help you keep your blood sugar level in control, which will not let you become fat so easily. In fact, I can almost guarantee it from my personal experience that simply eating less sugar can keep you lean and thin. I say so, because I do not like sweets ( by nature), whereas my friends have sweet tooth. Their food cravings are high, and most of them are obese, while I am not.

Ginger Water for Fat Loss-Recipe

It is pretty simple and effective. The recipe is easy and practical, though slightly time-consuming. Still it is worth the effort. All you have to do is boil 1.5 glass of water, add a few slices of ginger or simply add grated ginger in it and let it simmer for 15-20 minutes. Let it cool down and drink it every morning half an hour before breakfast. That is why it is time consuming.

Ginger water mistake you must avoid

Also an important point is that you must make it every day. You cannot boil 2 liters of ginger water today and drink it the whole week. That will be incorrect or effective way. However, slight variation like sipping that ginger water throughout the day, instead of drinking full glass in the morning, is sill fine. But you must make your ginger water for day, every morning. Stale ginger water will not give you the desired effect, and may also upset your stomach.

7 Other Health benefits of Ginger

  1. Reduces joint pain in some people with osteoarthritis
  2. Controls nausea and morning sickness in pregnant women
  3. Effective in relieving menstrual cramps
  4. Relives hangover
  5. Lowers bad cholesterol
  6. Effective in Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS
  7. Reduces cholesterol in people suffering some types of fatty liver

Ways to eat ginger everyday

  • In salad
  • In chicken, meat or fish marination
  • Ginger in soups
  • Ginger tea, of course
  • Smoothies
  • Ginger gums and candies
  • Also in ginger cocktails, if you prefer
  • Ginger pickle

Whether you add raw crushed ginger in your every day tea or use its powdered form, what really matter is you make it part of your everyday diet. If you don’t mind eating your food slightly spicy, which is normal in India, then add some ginger garlic paste in your vegetable, and see the difference. However, for specific effect, such a weight loss or appetite suppression, only the recommended method will be effective.

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