Modern meditation benefits | 3 quick tips | Meditation for healing

Not sure how to obtain meditation benefits? You can use meditation for healing by using 3 quick tips. Let’s start with how meditation can be used in modern life. While there is no clear definition of modern meditation, it essentially means an informal collection of various forms and styles of meditation, customised to suit our modern lifestyle in the 21st century.

Meditate for inner peace or self-realisation

As meditation was developed more than 3000 years ago, when there were no Facebook, Twitter and general stress of modern life, people had a lot of time to sit in a particular posture to attain inner peace, self-realisation and awakening.  Though the purpose of meditation still remains the same, we cannot make time to sit for hours to achieve something, effect of which will fade away in less than 24 hours.

Modern meditation for healing and positive effects

One of the most talked about and desired effects of meditation is stress reduction. In fact, that is probably the  number 1 reason that makes meditation and its various forms so popular in the modern world, whether you are in Chicago or Shanghai. Let’s take a look at some of most effective methods or techniques of meditation for healing that can help you achieve better focus, inner awareness, mental peace and physical fitness to a great extent.

Pre-requisite to start modern meditation 

First and foremost, you need to decide or identify which sensory organ works best for you. As we know that eyes, ears and skin are the more dominant than other sensory methods, we can use these senses to attain meditation benefit s. Here is how we can do it

Visualisation or guided imagery for meditation 

If visual forms stimulate your mind, then go for Tratak meditation, which essentially involves focusing on any visual image. It can be a dot, circle, flame of a candle, your own image in the mirror or any special image that stimulates your mind. The idea is to keep looking at that image for 10 to 15 minutes without blinking until your eyes start watering. Then, close your eyes and let them relax for 5 minutes and then wash your eyes with cold water. Do not strain your eye in the beginning as you cannot stay without blinking for more than a few minutes. Be within your comfort level, as the moment it starts hurting, the whole exercise becomes counter-productive.

Using sound for meditation 

This is an easy and convenient method in today’s world as you can listen to the music anytime of the day. In fact, you can use your travelling time (if you are not driving) to meditate by listening to various audio forms of meditative music such as chanting of certain hymns, shlokas or ‘Om’.

Deep breathing and sense of smell for meditation

Volumes have been written about how to benefit from deep breathing and its various forms. However, the bottom line is as long as you feel good about any form of deep breathing, it is beneficial for you. Simply breathe deeply a few times a day (morning hours are preferred), without thinking about anything else. Just feel the air going inside your lungs and coming out as you exhale.

Quick breathing exercise anyone can perform

Repeat this a few times and a day and notice the difference immediately after the exercise. Continued practice of this exercise will help you gain better focus, high energy levels and overall better physical health including stress reduction. We do not realise the importance of deep breathing and simply remain devoid of its health benefits, which include better heart health, more focus and increased stamina.

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