Thyroid problems or general hormonal imbalance?

Do you suddenly start feeling cold when nobody else in the same room feels any change in the temperature? Or have you started forgetting things quite frequently? Though there could be various health issues behind these symptoms, hormonal imbalance is one of the most common reasons if there are no other visible health issues. It has been noticed that thyroid problem is often the most common hormonal issue that is as much overlooked as it should be taken seriously.

Does hormonal replacement therapy work?

It depends upon the exact issue, the general health condition of the patient and various other factors. Usually hormonal replacement therapy is recommended in extreme cases when no other alternative is available or is not practical enough to reduce the discomfort caused by the imbalance. We’ll also talk about natural hormonal replacement options, which are effective for everyone whether you are in Los Angeles or Miami.

What are hormones?

Hormones are special chemicals secreted by our endocrine glands. They control and regulate various bodily functions such as hunger, reproduction and even emotions. Also, there could be an impact on your overall health due to hormonal imbalances. Lets take a look at which hormone impacts which function of our body.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance

Sudden weight gain

Low testosterone with high levels of estrogen, cortisol or insulin can be the reason behind high fat storage in your body. Thyroid hormones also play an important role in weight gain. What really happens is, any imbalance in your thyroid hormones slows down your metabolisms, which results in weight gain.

Feeling hungry all the time?

Yes, this could be due to Leptin and Ghrelin imbalances. Any imbalance in Leptin may reduce your appetite, whereas imbalance in Ghrelin may make keep you hungry all the time no matter how much you eat. Of course, overeating due to this imbalance may lead to obesity and many other complications as well.

Stomach aches

Estrogen is one of the most important hormones in women. A slight imbalance may lead to stomach aches, change in shape, size and elasticity of breasts, headaches and various other issues. We’ll focus more on the impact of estrogen deficiency in a separate post.

Hair loss

There can be various reasons behind hair loss, but if you notice sudden hair loss without any other apparent health issue, then chances are that it is due to thyroid hormone imbalance. So thyroid health is highly important for your overall health.

The good news is that there are various thyroid supplements that are highly effective. Thyromine  is one such supplement that regulates thyroid secretion in the body and offsets the health issues caused by thyroid hormone imbalance.

How to order – Risk free offer

Currently there are several offers. This product is shipped worldwide from Miami to Mumbai. Get two bottles free with certain orders and get maximum possible good health effect. If is a completely risk-free offer. All you can lose is your weight or bad health. You will also get free membership access to their result-based online fitness program, which will offer you personalised advice based on your exact health conditions.


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