Lemongrass for Immunity and Low Cholesterol

Year 2020 is all about boosting immunity, combating infection especially airborne virus such as Coronavirus. Lemongrass essential oil or edible versions offer promising results for immunity and overall health benefits.

During this pandemic or Covid-19 times to be precise, one word that has really become part of our everyday communication and even informal talks is immunity. Anything and everything that can boost your immunity is worth giving a try, if you can find it. Having talked a lot about lemon and its health benefits, I’d like to bring to your notice something that is very similar to lemon in taste and fragrance, but is not lemon. Yes, I am talking about lemongrass, which offers many health benefits right from pain relief and immunity boosting to fat loss and lowering cholesterol.

What is Lemongrass?

Natural Lemongrass

Also known as barbed wire grass, Cochin Grass, Malabar Grass and Fever Grass, lemongrass is essentially a type of plant or grass from the family of Cymbopogan Citratus. As its scent is just like that of lemons, it is more commonly known as lemongrass. Read the Wiki definition for more details.

What is lemongrass used for?

Though mainly used in aromatherapy due to its distinct lemony fragrance, its application in insect repellents, disinfectants and soap making is quite common. High quality lemongrass is cultivated for culinary uses and is widely used in cooking especially in East India, Vietnam, Burma, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The edible version is called Malabar lemongrass or Cochin lemongrass.

Organic Lemongrass Essential Oils

Lemongrass Oil Benefits and Uses

As mentioned above, it is widely used in aromatherapy. Lemongrass essential oil’s anti-microbial properties, soothing aroma and healing effects work wonders for pain relief, beauty and personal care. Those providing aromatherapy services, use it in various combinations of other herbs and oils to obtain the right and desired effect.

Lemongrass Combats Airborne Pathogens

As I mentioned above that during Covid 19 or Coronavirus pandemic, anything that can help us fight viruses and bacteria, is welcome. Lemongrass has been found to be highly effective in combating airborne pathogens, therefore is it widely used in various types of spray disinfectants. In fact, you can also add it to your regular cleaning liquids to ensure that microbial growth on your kitchen counter top or anywhere in your house is minimal.

Lemongrass brings down fever

Due to its antipyretic abilities, lemongrass is highly effective in bringing down fever very fast. It fights the infection and increases perspiration, which helps in bringing down fever.

Lower Cholesterol with Lemongrass

According to a 2007 study report, lemongrass oil lowered cholesterol in rats. This study also showed that it can reduce blood sugar level as well. This oil is full of anti-oxidants and offer anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Regular use of lemongrass oil can help manage these two conditions effectively. Simply adding 1-3 drops of edible lemongrass oil in warm water and drinking it every morning is enough to reap its benefits.

Other 7 health benefits of lemongrass

  1. Prevents and cures various types of infections
  2. Its antioxidants fight off radicals
  3. Prevents gastric ulcer
  4. Prevents nausea
  5. It is a natural remedy for diarrhea
  6. Provides muscular, dental and arthritic pain
  7. Relieves stress, anxiety and headache effectively
High Quality Organic Lemongrass tea at Amazon

Lemongrass Tea

Another useful and practical way to consume lemongrass is to have lemongrass tea every day. There are various recipes and combinations of additional herbs to make the tea more tasty and refreshing. Here is a quick 5 minute lemongrass recipe by Tarla Dalal worth giving a try.

Want to extract lemongrass oil at home ? You will find this method extremely easy and practical if you want to DIY at home.

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