Keto Diet | Going to Extreme Can Lead to Kidney or Liver Damage

Do not go to extremes with any diet plan assuming that more intense form of it will produce faster or better results. Do not ignore side-effects such as signs of kidney failure and take corrective measures if side-effects persist even after doing the needful.

It is sad and disturbing to know that Keto Diet was the reason behind a Bengali actress, Mishthi Mukherjee’s death. As reported by the media, she suffered a lot of pain while on Keto Diet. It led to kidney damage which caused the death. Why expect so much or unrealistic results from a diet? Why not listen to what your body, mind and soul need? Choose diet plans or eating habits according to what your body needs.

Listen to Your Body

As reported by the media Keto diet let to kidney failure of Mishti Mukherjee, it is worth-noting for all health and weight loss aspirants that your nutrition and health needs are different from anyone else. Why not listen to your body’ nutrition needs, instead of choosing a diet plan, exercise routine or health supplement your body is not accepting? You will get the signals within a few days or weeks, that it is not suitable for your body type. Your dietician or nutritionist can help you overcome the initial issues that are possible with any health plan. However, the moment you notice that all possible remedial measures are not effective in improving your health or side-effects of your new diet plan, it is time to think again and switch to any other plan that suits you.

Handle Side-Effects Effectively or Stop

Well, any health or diet plan is bound to cause some side-effects in almost every one using it for the first time. It is true that anything new is painful, or requires more effort initially, but your body and mind must adapt to it as quickly as possible. You can either change your lifestyle and food habits accordingly or let your body suffer its side-effects. If you choose to change your eating habits, and results are fine, then go ahead with the plan. If all changes fail to help your diet plan show some signs of desired result, then stop.

What is Keto Diet?

I have talked a lot about Keto Diets in my previous posts. It is essentially a low carb-diet and high-fat diet, which triggers ketosis in the body, and your body starts burning fat for energy as there is not enough carb left in the body to produce any energy. The result, fat loss of course. However, there is a limit to this type of diet. You cannot simply deprive your body of carbohydrate and expect it to extract all energy from fat. Carbohydrate is required for proper functioning of various organs in our body. The key is to maintain a balance, which is recommended by all dieticians. The problem occurs when you start going to the extreme assuming that simply cutting down on carb can help you achieve faster results.

Do Not Overload Your Vital Organs

Kidney metabolizes protein, and keto diet overloads it with extra protein for processing. Again, your kidneys also have some limitations just like any other organ. Beyond a certain point, it cannot take the load anymore. The result? Kidney damage or complete failure. The same can be true for any other organ on any other diet that overloads any vital organ or system in your body. The trick is to listen to the signs of your body’s rejection of that particular diet.

Persistent Side-Effects ? Discontinue the Diet

Upset stomach, dizziness, pain, fatigue, constipation or any side-effects that remain even after your taking corrective measures as per your dietician’s advice is a sign that your should stop your new diet plan. You will find many other diet plans that may suit you. In fact, you can also try kidney function restoration program if you believe that your current diet or health plan may have caused some damage to your kidneys.

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