Zinc Deficiency-How to Identify Symptoms-Take Zinc Supplement

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While loss of appetite is often considered good by obese people and those on any weight loss program, this can also a symptom of zinc deficiency if you are not overweight. Zinc is an essential mineral required by our body to fight off infection and to produce healthy cells. Zinc maintains our sense of taste and smell. It also boosts your immune system.

Another highly noticeable symptom of zinc deficiency is craving saltier and sweeter food. If you feel like eating salt or items that are high on salt and spices, then start eating zinc rich food and notice the difference.

Zinc Supplement

zinc deficiency supplement

Zinc Deficiency Symptoms

Third and almost a sure sign of zinc deficiency is white tongue. I’d like to make it clear there are be various other reasons of white tongue depending on your exact health condition, but if you are otherwise healthy and your tongue is coated with a white layer, then eating zinc rich food can help. However, it is advisable to get medical advice if you notice no sign of improvement despite eating or zinc rich food or zinc supplement.

If left untreated, zinc deficiency can turn into sever medical issues and lead to night blindness in extreme cases, loss of taste and smell and slow healing.

Why not work pro-actively and start taking zinc supplements to ensure that common ailments don’t turn into serious problems?

Zinc High Food List

Pumkin seeds
Lobsters, crabs
and more

It will not be out of context to mention that almost 20 percent of global deaths linked to zinc deficiency occur in India, therefore Indian government is promoting Biofortified crops such as zinc wheat. Read more about it.

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