Salmonella Scandal | Lactalis | Craon

Perhaps for the first time, any food item is being withdrawn from the market due to contamination that caused an outbreak of Salmonalla. The producer of the baby milk powder, Lactalis, a French dairy giant, has announced that it would withdraw some 12 million boxes of powdered baby milk from the markets of some 83 countries in the world.

It is being said that the contamination was noticed at Lactalis factory based in Craon in France, but it was not handled carefully which resulted in its non-stop production and subsequent distribution across the world. Though the authorities have denied this allegation, it is clear that there was some lapse or human error during the production and quality checking phase.

A welcome step by Lactalis

In addition to quickly announcing the withdrawal of its baby milk powder from the market, the company sources say that it is a big lesson for them. The CEO of the company, Emmanuel Besnier has said

But we will learn the lessons of this crisis and draw up a new health and safety plan that is even more strict in consultation with the authorities. Our absolute priority is maximum health safety,”

The company has been headed by Besnier for 17 years and there are some 300 plus employees in Craon factory. The production at the factory was stopped in December 2017.  However, Besnier said that  the production would start in a few months only after ensuring that health safety measures are in place. Further, he promised that appropriate compensation will be provided to the affected families.


You may also be interested in Simple ways to stay slim

and Doga or yoga with dog

Doga | Yoga for or with Dog

You must have heard of yoga, but have you heard of doga? If you are a pet lover, chances are you are familiar with the term. Doga is somewhat  self-explanatory; yoga with dog is doga. Though it is a relatively new term, many pet lover are familiar with the practice knowingly or unknowingly.


Did you know ?

That dog is one of the very few animals that falls ill very rarely, One of the biggest reasons behind dog’s agility, strength and mental alertness is its ability to keep itself fit by performing various exercises or physical activities that are quite similar to yoga performed by humans.

Stretching by dog

If you are a dog owner, you must have watched your dog stretch quite often, especially after it wakes up after a sleep. By stretching, dogs relax their nerves and muscles and boost the flow of blood, which energises them and works wonders for their overall fitness.

Doga stretching

Coming back to our original topic, doga, I’d like to discuss the impact of performing yoga with your dog or using dog as prop for your exercise. If you start stretching yourself just like your dog does, then you can notice the difference in your health within weeks. There are many other benefits of doga. Let’s take a look at them.

Benefits of doga

  • Helps in extending your dog’s life
  • You develop a better and stronger bond with your dog
  • It helps you minimise stress level
  • Your pet feels pampered and important
  • Your dog may also get a chance to meet other dogs performing doga
  • Your dog may not require any dog training 

In the next post, we’d explore some more benefits of doga and how to perform doga for maximum gains such as motivation to stay slim, fit, and healthy.

Here is why your friends stay slim and you don’t | California

You might wonder that some of your friends stay slim, fit and active even without doing anything special for weight loss, whereas you work hard to burn fat without any positive results. Is it in their genes to remain fit or do they eat something special for fitness? Whether you stay in California or Colorado, you can stay slim by following some simple tips.

Little known secrets of staying fit  naturally

1% difference in 100 different areas make you 100% different 

That is true not just for your professional life but for any area of your life that you want to transform. That is exactly what those people do unknowingly and remain fit and keep others awe-struck by their fitness. Lets take a look at some of the activities that you can do effortlessly and their effect will be remarkable and noticeable within a few weeks.

Effortless ways to burn fat or lose weight 

You must have heard that laughter is the best medicine. It really is. In fact, that is one  of the reasons that there are many laughter clubs across the country from Washington to California or Montreal to Mexico. If you simply keep yourself engaged in activities that make you laugh everyday for 15-20 minutes, you may burn up to 40 calories effortlessly.

Move for 5 minutes every 90 minutes to keep fit

You and your slim colleague work for the same company with similar profiles but he or she is fitter than you, why?  The secret of his/her fitness is to ensure that he/she moves every 90 minutes. No matter how sedentary your job profile is, you can stand, take a walk on the floor, go to the rest room or simply move from one corner to another. This simple activity will make a lot of difference.

Chilli and spices keep you fit and slim

You may not have noticed that those who remain fit are often the ones who eat chilli or spicy food. Eating hot chilli peppers in any form, keeps their metabolism fast and they burn fat unknowingly. Though, we are not suggesting that you start eating a lot of spices as that may be counter-productive, you can start eating chilli slowly. The key to fitness is moderation and balance. A little bit of spice helps you burn fat naturally. In fact there are products like Capsiplex that uses the power of chilli, capsicum and other similar herbs. If you cannot eat chilli then  consider giving Capsiplex a try. Click the image to order now.

Take the stairs, forget the elevator

If you are not in a hurry and your office is on 4-5 floors above the ground, you can take stairs instead of using the elevators. This will not only keep you slim but will also keep your heart healthy. However, care should be taken that you do not start climbing many floors on the first day itself. As it should be a habit and not a forced exercise program, the more naturally you let this habit develop, the better.

Stretch your body whenever you can

Stretching  can be highly effective for those who cannot join a regular gym or exercise program. In fact, that is one of the reasons that keep most animals fit, slim and agile. Animals stretch their bodies many times a day and in the process, keep themself fit. Read more about stretching.
Click Here! to know about various other sneaky tricks to lose weight.


Read about Rea Tea weight loss

Woodworking ideas | DIY | NC

Woodworking made easy 

Are you in NC or NY? No matter where you are, if you are a kind of DIY enthusiast, then nothing is better than woodworking to explore your creativity. From making simple fences to designing complex and unique computer desks to suit your exact needs, you can do a lot of things with Ted’s Woodworking kits.

TedsWoodworking offers 16,000 plans to choose from if you want to explore your woodworking creativity. You’ll get step-by-step instructions and expert guidance on where to buy materials from and how to shape them to fit your project. In fact, immediately after working on a few woodworking DIY projects, you’ll start enjoying these plans.

Tedswoodworking projects include but are not limited to:

  • Cabin plans
  • Cabinet plans
  • Kitchen projects
  • Outdoor sheds
  • Pergolas and gazebos
  • Dog houses  and squirrel dens
  • Lamp and fireplaces
  • and the list goes on

All you need to do is login with your user ID and password and choose your desired project. You can also order a physical copy. However, it may take a few days to a week or so. Though your product will be shipped immediately after receiving your order, you may have to wait for it until it arrives. Online version gives you the flexibility to start as soon as you pay for it.

Extreme cold weather | Stay Warm | New York

Simple but  effective ways to stay warm during winters in New York 

Whether you are in Toronto, New York or any other place experiencing extreme cold weather, sometime even -40 degrees at some places, then you must consider taking extra care of yourself, your pets and children.

Before the authorities issue cold weather alerts, you can be pro-active and save yourself from various health problem and emergencies that may arise due to extreme cold.

Surprisingly simple ways to stay warm

Fat is good in winters: Did you know that eating fat also has some upsides and one of them is its ability to keep you warm during extremely cold conditions.  When you eat healthy extra fat, your metabolism speeds up, which warms your body.  This is a highly effective way to beat cold weather. However, you may have to forget your weight loss resolution for some time.

Wear insulated shoes  Keep your feet warm whether by wearing  insulated shoes or an extra pair of socks.

Warm your bed before cuddling up:  Running your blanket though the dryer some 15 minutes before going to bed, will give you extra warmth. You may also use hot water bottles, if you prefer.

Wear loose clothes: Stop looking sexy and skinny for a while if you want to fight cold weather.  Loose clothes keep a layer of warm air between you and your clothes, which results in a kind of insulating effect and keeps you warmer that those who prefer to wear tight clothes.

Central heating may not be that effective. Why keep your whole house when you and your spouse can stay in one room?  Seal off this room from the rest of the  house and enjoy better heating effect. However, this method may not be effective for those who have many family member as all rooms will need to be heated.


You may also be interested in Red Tea, which will not only give you warmth but will also help you burn fat.

7 health benefits of red tea | WA

The health benefits of red tea have already been confirmed by the US Department of Agriculture in Washington, D.C., which says that red rooibos tea is capable of  preventing  heart diseases, cancer, premature aging and many other health conditions. In fact, red tea has many other medicinal properties that make it one of the most preferred beverages of health conscious people in the US.

 7 proven health benefits of rooibos tea 

Red Tea is Anti inflammatory

Being a rich source of quercetin, red tea is anti-inflammatory and antioixidant offering a wealth of health benefits. Those suffering from chronic fatigue, high cholesterol and blood circulation related issues, will find red tea remarkably beneficial for their overall health.

Diabetes prevention: Gone are the days when only older people used to be diabetic, Nowadays, diabetes is a lifestyle disease and anyone in any age group can be diabetic. Rooibos tea or red tea is a good source of aspalathin, which  is a rare type of antioxidant that helps balance blood sugar and improves insulin resistance in the body. Those suffering from Diabetes type II will notice and feel its health benefits within weeks of consuming red tea in any form.

Red Tea Improves digestion

The Red Tea Detox
Antispasmodic agents present in red tea,  activate potassium ions in the body which boost overall digestion and relieves stomach cramps. In fact, red tea also relieves IBS irritable bowel syndrome.

Rea Tea Makes Breathing Easier

For those suffering from respiratory diseases, red tea can prove to be an effective broncho-dilator decreasing obstruction and resistance in the respiratory airways.

Red Tea Strengthens Bones and Teeth

As a rich sources of manganese, calcium and fluoride, rooibos tea works wonders for bones and teeth. You will also notice relief in joint pain after using red tea for a month or so.

Red Tea for Healthy Hair and Hair Loss Prevention

Zin, calcium, copper and potassium present in red tea, will boost hair growth and strengthen hair fibre. Red tea also prevents hair loss to a great extent.

Red Tea Relieves High-Blood Pressure or Hypertension

By consuming red tea regularly, you can relieve and prevent hypertension to a great extent. In fact, that is one of reasons why people in the US, whether they are in Washignton, California, Texas or Minnesota, have started consuming red tea regularly.

Read about Red Tea weight loss product 



Red Tea Detox Review | Weight Loss with Red Tea | Idaho

Red tea, rooibos tea or hibiscus tea seems to be latest weight loss recipe to catch the fancy of weight loss aspirants in 2019. Whether your are in Idaho or India, If you have not heard of red tea yet,  then it is time to get yourself familiarised with red tea and its numerous health benefits, especially if your aim is to lose weight in 2019.

What is red tea?

The Red Tea Detox
Acquired from the Aspalathus linearis bush plant found in South Africa, rooibos tea is a kind of herbal beverage with many health benefits such as bringing relief to asthma, stomach cramps, headache and many other similar issues. At the colour of this fermented tea is red, it is popularly known as red tea.

Red Tea Detox program

Developed by Liz Swann Miller, a six-time best selling author with more than 10 years of experience as a Naturopath (ND), Red Tea Detox program promises great weight loss effects. If you are planning to lose weight in 2019, this can be the best way to start your fitness program, as the new year bash is over and we are back to our routine life.

Red Tea Detox Program has 3 parts

  1.  The first part focuses on cleansing and detoxifying your body to prepare t for being healthier, leaner and fitter. As the toxins are flushed out of your body, your sluggish metabolism starts working normally and your natural fat burning process is triggered. Also, you get a  lot of guidance about your diet plans to suit your body type and nutrition needs whether you are in Idaho, Italy or India.
  2. If you believe or someone has made you believe that fat loss is possible without exercise, then you are in for a shock as any effective diet plan must be complemented with a solid exercise plan to deliver real fat loss effects. Red Tea Detox is no exception. However, under this program, you’ll find highly personalised methods to suit your needs  and weight loss goals in 2019.
  3. Last but not the least, your mind controls your body, therefore right mindset and motivation are highly important if you are serious about your fat loss goals in 2019 in early 2020. The third part of this program will keep you motivated through your fitness journey. Click the image to order it now.

Read about  red tea health benefits in our next post

Join the Maxitrade-Cryptocurrency trading and secure your future | Poland

Were you able to join the bitcoin trend on time or did you make some bitcoins to secure your future in Poland or anywhere else? If you didn’t, you need not worry as you can get started even now and secure your future. You can join MaxiTrade and start cryptocurrency trading to make some money.

Cryptocurrency Trading Made Easy

There are people who have been trading bitcoins for just 40 or 50 days and have amassed a great fortune. However, just like any other business, risks are there in this business, but if you have professionals handling your business or guiding you step by step, risks are minimised to a great extent. That is what MaxiTrade is all about,  if you are in Poland, you have a last chance to grab this opportunity.

MaxiTrade-Bitcoin Trading-Poland

The returns are quick and highly encouraging. However, like I said above that you must have expert guidance to get that kind of returns.

Baner MaxiTrade - cryptocurrency trading

There are many others who have made fortunes within a remarkably short span of time. Click here to sign up for the membership of the MaxiTrade if you are in Poland.
Read more about what is bitcoin

Bitcoins | Cryptocurrency | Digital Currency

You must have heard of bitcoins by now due to phenomenal increase in its value and a wide media coverage given to it. Though it has been in existence since 2008, it did not gain much attention until very recently due to its volatility and many other speculations and opinions about its real monetary value.

What exactly is Bitcoin ?

As lot has been said and written about bitcoins, which can be Googled in a few clicks. In a layman’s language, it is a digital currency or crypto-currency not controlled by any government agencies like banks. It is electronic cash which can be sent without the help or interference of any financial institution. It is somewhat like PayPal, which can be used to pay for products and services that accept this mode of payment. You can have a Bitcoin wallet and start making or accepting payments just like you normally do.

How to earn Bitcoin or mine bitcoins


The real method to earn bitcoins is to mine them. However, mining is again a tricky and complex procedure that requires time, powerful computers  and inclination to mine bitcoins. Alternatively you can buy bitcoins in exchange of real money and multiply them by using various bitcoin investment methods.

Want to become a bitcoin investor ?

Investing in bitcoins seems to be the latest craze among those who want to multiply their money fast. There are bitcoin exchanges, software, hardware and mediators that can help you mine bitcoins fast.  Do not forget to check our next post, which will give you detailed information about how to make bitcoins fast.