5 side effects of infobesity and ways to offset them

What is infobesity?

As the word itself suggests, it is a combination of information and obesity, which means overload of information from various sources. It goes without saying that in today’s world, you spend a lot of time in front of screen. Computers, laptops, smartphones and of course TVs are the sources that keep you bombarding with information you may not necessarily need. Just like overeating makes you obese, unnecessary consumption of information makes you infobese.  An average American, whether he stays in New York or San Francisco,  consumes approx. 34 GB of information everyday and the result is obvious, infobesity.

Effects of infobesity?

Stress – First and foremost, infobesity is one of the major causes of stress, especially in the corporate world.

Delay in decision making– When you are overburdened with a lot of data, you will need additional time to filter the data you actually need. This is obviously going to consume additional time which will result in delayed decisions.  Surprisingly, some 43% of senior managers are infobese across the globe From New York to New Delhi.

Effect on relationships– If you spend more time in front of PC than with your spouse or family members, the relationships are bound to impacted.  Infobesity is one of the silent reasons of growing number of divorces.

Useless printed materials– A majority of businesses still rely on printed information. A lot of printed materials are produced that are neither read nor used.

Physical health- Last but not the least, spending more time in front of screen weakens your eye-sight, causes headache and loss of sound sleep, which have serious impact on your overall health condition and quality of life.

In our upcoming posts, we’ll take a look at how to minimise or offset the side effects of infobesity.


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or Yoga with Dog or Doga

Extreme cold weather | Stay Warm | New York

Simple but  effective ways to stay warm during winters in New York 

Whether you are in Toronto, New York or any other place experiencing extreme cold weather, sometime even -40 degrees at some places, then you must consider taking extra care of yourself, your pets and children.

Before the authorities issue cold weather alerts, you can be pro-active and save yourself from various health problem and emergencies that may arise due to extreme cold.

Surprisingly simple ways to stay warm

Fat is good in winters: Did you know that eating fat also has some upsides and one of them is its ability to keep you warm during extremely cold conditions.  When you eat healthy extra fat, your metabolism speeds up, which warms your body.  This is a highly effective way to beat cold weather. However, you may have to forget your weight loss resolution for some time.

Wear insulated shoes  Keep your feet warm whether by wearing  insulated shoes or an extra pair of socks.

Warm your bed before cuddling up:  Running your blanket though the dryer some 15 minutes before going to bed, will give you extra warmth. You may also use hot water bottles, if you prefer.

Wear loose clothes: Stop looking sexy and skinny for a while if you want to fight cold weather.  Loose clothes keep a layer of warm air between you and your clothes, which results in a kind of insulating effect and keeps you warmer that those who prefer to wear tight clothes.

Central heating may not be that effective. Why keep your whole house when you and your spouse can stay in one room?  Seal off this room from the rest of the  house and enjoy better heating effect. However, this method may not be effective for those who have many family member as all rooms will need to be heated.


You may also be interested in Red Tea, which will not only give you warmth but will also help you burn fat.