Lectin Free Food- 5 Foods with Simple Twists, become Lectin Free

Sugar-free, gluten-free, cholesterol-free and now comes Lectin-free food that seems to be highly effective in fixing digestion issues. Once digestion is properly working, you can also see a remarkable difference in your obesity level.

What Exactly is Lectin?

Lectins are basically a type of protein found in almost all plant based foods. What? Does it mean that plant based food are harmful? It is not that simple, there is a catch. When lectin enters our body, it can bind sugar and carbohydrates. It can reduce our ability to absorb nutrients from highly nutritious food. Absorption of iron, calcium, zinc and many other nutrients can be reduced, IF WE CONSUME LECTIN IN EXCESSS QUANTITY. Here the catch is in excess quantity. If your intake is balanced, and you eat lectin in small quantities, it is beneficial.

Lectin Free Recipes for Weight Loss
Lectin free Recipes-Worth Trying for Weight loss

Can Lectin Be Eliminated from Diet?

That is what lectin-free diet is. But is it really practical and possible ? There is no enough data that suggests that completely eliminating lectin from our diet is good for our health. Eating in large quantities is of course harmful. So what are those food items that contain a lot of lectin and is it possible to eliminate them?


Tomato contains a lot of lectin, but keeping in mind the Asian or Indian diet in particular, eliminating tomato completely from our food is next to impossible. What we can do is reduce the amount of raw tomato from our diet or salad. Cooking at high temperature, which we do anyway, works wonders for reducing the lectin content of Tomato.


Personally, for me it is impossible to eliminate potato from my diet. Give it a try, if you can. Potato is rich in lectin, in raw form. Do we eat it in raw form? I think we don’t, therefore we are safe. Fully cooked potato is almost lectin free. So don’t go for its semi-cooked version in any form.

Kidney Beans

In India, kidney beans, grams and many other sprouts are soaked in water overnight. There is a reason behind it. Soaking reduces the lectin content in them and then if is beneficial. If you don’t soak it, then probably you are consuming lectin with kidney beans based food.


Again, semi-cooked version of soybean is full of lectin. Start cooking it at high temperature before consuming. There you go, you have started lectin-free diet with a simple twist. Give it try, if you eat soybean often.


Do you eat peanuts raw, semi cooked or half baked? That is the culprit. Stop eating half cooked peanuts for a while. Eat peanuts in cooked form or in roasted form. See the results in the form your improved digestion.

Keto Food Just a Click Away

So you have decided to go on Keto Diet, right? Now the challenge is to stick to your keto diet without suppressing your cravings to an extent that pushes you to quit it. What if you get all types of keto food or keto friendly combination food within a few clicks?

Dirty Keto or Clean Keto?

Chances are high that you must have heard of dirty keto diet if you have tried Keto in the past. If you are beginner you’ll soon learn about it. Basically keto diet relies heavily on high fat and low carb food. So that remains same in Dirty keto as well, but the difference is in the source of that fat. Dirty Keto allows you to dine out and is less restrictive than clean keto. This is essentially to keep your taste buds satisfied. However you pay the price in terms of gaining lesser benefits than what would gain by eating clean keto.

Bulletproof Keto Friendly Food

As a solution to this dilemma of what to eat that gives you the benefits of clean keto without making you compromise on taste, Bulletproof Keto food gives you various choices. All types of keto food, delicious and nutritious are made avaiable to you at a few clicks.

MCT Oils are Essential While on Keto Diet

MCT oil get converted into ketones fast. This helps you enter ketosis easily and quickly. If you ignore using MCT oil, then getting the desired results will take a little longer. Bulletproof MCT products give you a variety of options to choose from, depending on your exact preferences and health condition.

Keto products with right nutrients

Once you subscribe to and start shopping at Bulletproof, you’ll start getting many benefits such as

  • Targetted health benefits
  • Right nutrient intake to suit your needs
  • Healthy gut, the basis of overall health
  • Better supplements at discounted prices and special deals
  • Many options to treat yourself and your loved ones the healthy way

Read Ketogenic Diet- Which of the 4 Types of Keto Diets Is Suitable for You

Personal Trainer Food-PTF

One of the most important parts of any diet program is tailored meal to suit individual needs, and that is what Personal Trainer Food or PTF is all about.

No Compromise on Taste

Contrary to common belief or half-baked information that healthy food is tasteless, PTF makes sure that you get high protein and nutritious food without having to compromise on taste. The founders of this PTF have gone the extra mile to ensure that taste buds of their health conscious fat-loss aspirants are kept satisfied. In fact, fighting the cravings is often the most challenging part of any weight loss program. This has been taken care of.

Losing weight can be a piece of cake if you get to eat what you like. PTF is your one-stop solution for all your customised food needs.

Check some of the best health food items on Amazon

Complete Meal Delivered to Your Door

When it comes to quality and nutritious meals, you can have them delivered exactly as per your requirements and prferences. You get tailored meal plans to to help you achieve your weight loss goals as soon as possible.

20 pounds in 4 weeks

Though sounds unrealistic, it is possible to lose 20 pounds in 4 weeks if you stick to the recommended diet plan of PTF. Food delivered by them are high in protein, offer good carbs and are not heavily processed. Also, as mentioned above, that you need not compromise on taste, therefore it becomes easy to follow.

To get the BEST REsults

You can put in some extra effort by ensuring that you do some physical activities every day that makes you sweat for 20 mins at least. In fact, this is well-known that simply making your heart pump at its maximum capacity for just 15-20 mins every day keeps your heart in good shape. If you can do that while following PTF system, then you can expect great results.

Read more about Quickstart habit forming with food habit app for weight loss

Noom – New Year Resolution 2021- The Year of Healthy Habits

Noom program is what you can rely on in 2021 for sticking to your new year resolution. Develop good healthy habits and follow them throughout the year.

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

Someone rightly said that motivation is what gets you started, but habit is what keeps you going. And when it comes to quitting a bad habit or choosing a new healthy habit, no other day can be better than New Year’s day. Rather than implementing a quick fix to shed holiday weight, let’s take the new year resolution of developing healthy eating habits that you can stick to throughout 2021 and many years to come. That’s where Noom comes in! Noom’s health and wellness program is all about good and healthy eating habit development so that your weight loss journey becomes easy, enjoyable and of course full of taste.

Struggling with Existing Eating Habits? Not anymore with Noom

Noom’s program helps those struggling with bad and unhealthy eating habits by offerings something almost equally tasty but more healthy. No No, you probably got it wrong. This is not a food delivery plan or program. As I said, it helps you develop good eating habits. The program will just suggest the available options to you so that you can make an informed choice. Once you have the knowledge you need to be successful, you will have to order or purchase the ingredients on your own.

Noom Program: The Last Weight Loss Program You’ll Ever Need

Those following Noom’s recommended diet plan develop good eating habits as the app is installed on the user’s phone. Every time you feel like eating something, you will be given healthy choices by the program’s developed and science-backed system. If you are motivated enough to pick healthy yet filling options, you will start noticing positive results very soon. Even more impressive is the fact that you will develop better habits with the help of Noom’s personalized coaches and supportive community, and soon shed your old bad habits.

Cheat Days Using Noom

It’s quite common to crave the unhealthy habits/junk food that you’ve been accustomed to for long. So, obviously you’d look for cheat days to eat whatever you like, right? Of course you can do so, as the program will not force you to eat only those things that it recommends. However, it will give you all caloric intake and other information associated with your food choice so that you can make an informed decision.

How to remain motivated while on Noom Program ?

No matter what, an initial kick is always required to get started with anything in life. So the motivating factor for you to begin using Noom can be different for you than what it is for your friend. Maybe you want to fit into your certain set of clothes to look good or want to do something specific that is not possible with your current weight. Noom’s program personalizes your weight loss journey to help you achieve exactly what you set your mind to – their personalized coaches will help you to build healthy and sustainable habits to reach those goals and maintain your progress.  

Let the rest be history on New Year 2021!

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Fat Loss In 2021 Can Be Tougher Than Before

Make fat loss in 2021 New Year a piece of cake by using these strategies which will help you overcome the impact of working from home.

Fat loss is and will always be challenging whether in 2021 or years ahead. However, the coming new year 2021 is going to be a bigger challenge for weight loss aspirants due to Covid 19, which is what 2020 was all about. Keeping that in mind, weight gain has become common and a good percentage of those who remained safe from Covid, have started suffering from many other health issues. Mental health problems, stress and weight gain are noticeable in many people who were lean and thin before Covid took the world by storm.

Losing Weight Not Easy in 2021

Usually during Christmas season, we gain weight due to uncontrolled eating which is often considered justified because it happens only once a year. However, this year is going to be different because you have been in that mode since the lockdown started getting relaxed, but work from home continued. We all started eating slightly in an uncontrolled way unknowingly and working from home aggravated the impact of fat gain. 3-4 months passed by, and you found yourself overweight by the time Christmas season 2020 started. Won’t it be tougher this time to lose weight post holiday season in the beginning of 2021? You already have 6 months of fat deposited, on top of it extra calories during holiday will make you fatter. It is a no brainer, isn’t it?

Work From Home Impact On Health

The easier it was to manage your professional commitments from home, the tougher it became to control your weight gain. Even worse was the situation for those who developed mental health issues due to job loss, family issues, lack of space for whole family to work from home and many other reasons. So what is the solution then?

Be Prepared, Now Is the Time

Well, the news of vaccine being available in the UK, US and many other countries is an indication that days of Covid 19 are limited, so now is the time to start preparing for pre-Covid 19 like life and health. Make the tough challenge of burning fat easy by working twice as hard as you would normally do. Start today.

Set a Goal, Start, No Looking Back

The toughest part of any new venture or task is to take the first step. The same goes for fat loss goal too. Start today, the important thing is set a realistic goal and follow it for the set period of time. Choosing the right program that suits you is also very important. For example, intermittent fasting is often not suitable for many of us. If you have observed that it is not what you can follow comfortably , then don’t start. Try a program that gives you a variety of eating options, like Noom.

Supplements: Mistake You Must Avoid

Often those who have tried many types of weight loss supplements, believe that they don’t work. The reality is, they must be followed as per the instructions. You must be able to understand how and how long to use your supplement for best results. Expecting instant results or assuming that taking the supplement in higher doses will offer better results, is not just wrong but also very harmful. In some cases, it can even be fatal. So, do not even think of taking overdose of any weight loss or health supplement.

Sweating is the Secret

No matter how much a health program claims that you can burn fat without exercise, sweating alway helps and boosts fat loss procedure. In fact, that is the most natural way to burn fat. Working from home must have made you lethargic. So, start sweating by doing any physical activity for 15-20 minutes every day. Here, the key is to start sweating. For example, if jogging has become habit for you and you don’t sweat anymore, then raise the intensity. Start brisk walking or even running so that your heart starts working at its maximum efficiency for at least 15 minutes a day.

Change the Diet

Doing the same thing over and over again will also give you the same result. If your existing diet is making you fat, then change it. Not only will it make your digestion system more active, you’ll also taste and experience new food items . Obviously, the diet should be carefully chosen in line with your health goal. Take professional help for a customized diet to follow in 2021.

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Post Lockdown Weight Gain-Fat Loss Before 2021

Start Preparing for Weight Loss in 2021 from now as Covid 19 lockdown must have pushed you a few months backwards as far as your obesity is concerned.

Post lockdown weight gain or getting out of shape has been reported from around the world by those who remained safe from Covid-19 or coronavirus. While it is good that you remained safe during pandemic, it is highly important that you start paying attention to your diet before it hits you in the form of obesity.

It is time to reverse your weight gain

If you were fit and fine before lockdown which was imposed in March April 2020 and remained fully or partially effective for almost 6 months, then you can still reverse your obesity. However, you must be highly motivated to ensure that you stick to your fat loss program without deviating during the upcoming festive season.

One Mistake Can Put You Years Behind

If you take it lightly assuming that Christmas weight gain is something you cannot avoid, then I must say that it will be more difficult for you to reverse your fat gain, than if you start now. We have done a lot of new things during Covid-19 lockdown anyway. So, why not avoid binge eating or overeating during this festive season if getting back in shape is going to be your priority in 2021? By not starting now, you can be years behind as far as weight loss is concerned.

How to Prepare for Fat Loss in 2021

The sooner you start the better. The best way will be to spend some time in thinking and jotting down the new eating habits that you developed during the lockdown. If you can undo them on your own, nothing like that. If you cannot, which is the case for most of those who gained weight in the last six months, then start using an app or take the help of a coach. There is no harm in taking expert advice and following it. Apps like Noom can help you reset your eating habits.

Do Not Set Unrealistic Health Goal

It is pretty simple. You gained weight in 6 months, so it will not go away in 6 weeks. It will take at least 3 months to reverse your additional weight unless you make it a mission to burn fat and do nothing else. However, it will still be not as fast as you can assume. Unrealistic expectations will lead to disappointment and eventually you will quit your program and switch back to your old eating habits.

Word of Precaution

No matter what exercise method or weight loss program you choose, you must ensure that you stick to your health advisories issued by your local government officials. Safety from pandemic must still be your priority. Wearing masks and maintaining social distancing must not be forgotten. The best and safest way is to avoid going to gyms even if they are open, and try to start a fat loss program you can follow at home.

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Dramatic Improvement in Colon Processes-Flaxseed, Black Mushroom Benefits In One Package-LeptoConnect

LeptoConnect combines the power and health benefits of flaxseed, dancing mushroom, green tea and more. From boosting your digestive system to making your lean, thin and energetic by natural belly fat loss is what LeptiConnect is all about. Read the full review.

You know what, your colon is the one of the most important parts of your body to take care of, if losing pounds naturally is on your mind. The improvement in your digestion and overall health can be dramatic, if you know and use right ingredients, natural herbs, plant extracts to get the desired results. Colon process boost and subsequent health improvements are offered by LeptoConnect in one package, at a price any fat loss aspirant would not mind spending.

What LeptoConnect is not

It is not a quick fat loss formula that promises to melt any specific amount of fat from your body in a week, month or any other specific timeframe. Though fat burning is one of the most desirable or talked-about benefits of this powerful supplement, it does not focus on just weight loss. It focuses on overall health from head to toe. Obviously, if you are overweight or obese, then burning fat from your body will be the first priority of this supplement as soon as it starts working, because that is kind of preparing the body for better health.

What is LeptoConnect then?

As mentioned above, it is a supplement that gets to the root of general health problems and tries to set things right at the origin. You got it right, if your colon is working properly or optimally, then often many general health issues are taken care of. So, this power-packed supplement relies on cleansing the colon first, which is required before your body is ready to absorb nutrients and reap the benefits of any health supplement. As a plant extract based colon cleanser, LeptoConnect boosts your digestion and sets the foundation for overall good health, and fat loss is one of its many benefits.

Power-D Fraction-What is that?

Well, it is not something mathematical, which is obviously the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about D-Fraction. It is basically a bioactive extract of Mitake mushroom or dancing mushroom, which is a more popular name of this edible mushroom. Though Mitake mushroom offers many health benefits, it has also been proved that it helps your body burn fat, instead of supporting storage of fat. By influencing dietary receptors, this helps you control your diet. Watch the Video here, you will be surprised. This quality is what makes it one of the ingredients of LeptoConnect. You can also order various types of edible Mitake Mushroom from Amazon for many health benefits such as.

  • Lowering Blood Pressure
  • Lowering Cholesterol
  • Managing Diabetes
  • Better and strong immunity
  • Anti-viral effects
  • Anti-tumor affects in cancer patients
Mitake Mushroom or Dancing Mushroom your daily dose

Read detailed medical and clinical reports on Mitake D-Factor or PDF. If you want to know more about its dosing, then click here. Though mushroom is generally well-tolerated by most of the healthy people, you must take expert medical advice if you are on some medication.

Flaxseed Powder- Fat Burner if You Know How to Use it

We know how powerful flaxseed is. However, many of us don’t know how to use it for maximum health benefits, especially for fat burning or belly fat loss. It is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. It is rich source of Omega 3 fats, and is ideal for vegetarians to fulfill their Omega 3 requirements.

Flaxseed Health Benefits

  • Helps in blood sugar level control
  • Improves cholesterol level
  • Reduces cancer risk
  • Suppresses hunger
  • Weight loss

The last point above is what makes it the ingredient of LeptoConnect. As it becomes really difficult to incorporate flaxseed in our daily diet, the manufacturers of LeptoConnect have made sure that right quantity of flaxseed extract is added in your daily dosage. I must say that incorporating flaxseed into your daily diet is easier than incorporating black mushroom. Choice is yours, here are a few ideas to add flaxseed in your daily diet.

Flaxseed Eating- Easy and Quick by

  • Sprinkling ground flaxseed on breakfast cereal
  • Adding flaxseed powder to yoghurt daily
  • Mixing it into various types of smoothies
  • Using it as an egg substitute
  • Dressing your salad with flaxseed oil

You can order many types of organic flaxseed available at Amazon.

Other Ingredients of LeptoConnect

  • Shiitake: Type of Mushroom that helps in cholesterol level control
  • Reishi: A type of Mushroom known for improving mental health
  • Gravioloa Leaves: Powerful anti-oxidants
  • African Cherry: Helps in fighting leptin resistance
  • Cat’s Claw: Boosts digestive system
  • Green Tea: Many benefits, and a must for weight loss
  • Zinc: For immune systems and hormonal health
  • And more

Where to Buy and What is the price

Yes, that is really important and we must talk about it . 30 day supply of this product is $69. However, for best results, you should go for 90 day-Supply, with which comes a 30 day LeptoConnect Colon Cleanser pack free of cost. This combination gives you maximum benefits starting from the root of problem, i.e. cleansing the colon first. Visit its official site to get this maximum saver offer.

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Carnivore Diet-Everything You Need to Know

Originally published by Carnivore Aurelius. Republished by permission.

Heck yes, you’re interested in the carnivore diet.

Let’s face it. Vegetables suck.

You haven’t liked them since the first time your mom served you bland, microwaved broccoli.

You’re tired of having to starve yourself and eat like a rabbit when you want to be healthy.

Well, I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to be a slave to plant foods to have the body, mind and energy you want.

The carnivore diet is the exact opposite of what we’re fed by today’s diet culture. Yet it has:

  • Cleared people’s skin
  • Supercharged energy
  • Helped people drop weight faster than a vegan drops $16 on avocado toast

All while eating the juiciest, most flavorful, mouthwatering foods in the world.

It may not do these things for you, but it’s still too interesting to ignore.

Read more to learn everything you need to know about the carnivore diet: the benefits, meal plan, results and how it works.

What is the Carnivore Diet?

The carnivore diet is a high-fat, high-protein diet consisting mainly of animal products. Yes, that’s right. No more grains. No more sugar. No more vegetables. And no more bitching.

Wait, vegetables? The healthiest foods in the world? The foods God put on our beautiful earth so Karen from yoga could have her green smoothies?

Yup. As I’ll describe below, it turns out plants are loaded with endogenous pesticides (like lectins, oxalates and goitrogens) that could be causing your health issues.

It’s surprising, but you should be happy. After all, don’t we only eat salads for the dressing and the bacon bits? Let’s be honest.

The carnivore diet is a more restrictive variation of the ketogenic diet. It’s very low in carbs and will put you into ketosis, which has tremendous health benefits. It’s also sometimes referred to as the all-meat diet or the zero carb diet.

Some people say that if your ketones are high enough, you can talk to electricity. I haven’t confirmed this yet, but please let me know if you can.

The carnivore diet took the world by storm when Shawn Baker appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast The Joe Rogan Experience. Dr. Baker is an athlete in his fifties, and to put it bluntly, he’s absolutely ripped.

I tried counting his abs but lost track at 3,412. He recently set two indoor rowing world records, and he attributes his success to the carnivore diet.

Other prominent advocates include clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson and his daughter Mikhaila – both have reversed lifelong autoimmune and mental health issues by adopting the carnivore diet.

I get it – this may be shocking at first. The carnivore diet preaches the exact opposite of all mainstream nutrition recommendations. We’re told to limit our meat intake and subsist mainly on whole grains and vegetables—including the controversial Game Changers documentary on Netflix. But are we any healthier for it?

If you look at the state of health around the world, it shouldn’t be all that surprising that people are looking for a change. What everybody is doing is undoubtedly NOT working. And as I’ll argue, the exact opposite will. Eating meat. Cutting out plant foods. And walking backwards.

The carnivore diet is centered around some of the healthiest, tastiest, most nutritious foods in the world: steaks, animal fats, lamb, butter, beef tallow and liver.

Think of this diet like Noah’s ark: if it’s an animal, hop on board. Noah left plants behind – why shouldn’t you?

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Keto Diet | Going to Extreme Can Lead to Kidney or Liver Damage

Do not go to extremes with any diet plan assuming that more intense form of it will produce faster or better results. Do not ignore side-effects such as signs of kidney failure and take corrective measures if side-effects persist even after doing the needful.

It is sad and disturbing to know that Keto Diet was the reason behind a Bengali actress, Mishthi Mukherjee’s death. As reported by the media, she suffered a lot of pain while on Keto Diet. It led to kidney damage which caused the death. Why expect so much or unrealistic results from a diet? Why not listen to what your body, mind and soul need? Choose diet plans or eating habits according to what your body needs.

Listen to Your Body

As reported by the media Keto diet let to kidney failure of Mishti Mukherjee, it is worth-noting for all health and weight loss aspirants that your nutrition and health needs are different from anyone else. Why not listen to your body’ nutrition needs, instead of choosing a diet plan, exercise routine or health supplement your body is not accepting? You will get the signals within a few days or weeks, that it is not suitable for your body type. Your dietician or nutritionist can help you overcome the initial issues that are possible with any health plan. However, the moment you notice that all possible remedial measures are not effective in improving your health or side-effects of your new diet plan, it is time to think again and switch to any other plan that suits you.

Handle Side-Effects Effectively or Stop

Well, any health or diet plan is bound to cause some side-effects in almost every one using it for the first time. It is true that anything new is painful, or requires more effort initially, but your body and mind must adapt to it as quickly as possible. You can either change your lifestyle and food habits accordingly or let your body suffer its side-effects. If you choose to change your eating habits, and results are fine, then go ahead with the plan. If all changes fail to help your diet plan show some signs of desired result, then stop.

What is Keto Diet?

I have talked a lot about Keto Diets in my previous posts. It is essentially a low carb-diet and high-fat diet, which triggers ketosis in the body, and your body starts burning fat for energy as there is not enough carb left in the body to produce any energy. The result, fat loss of course. However, there is a limit to this type of diet. You cannot simply deprive your body of carbohydrate and expect it to extract all energy from fat. Carbohydrate is required for proper functioning of various organs in our body. The key is to maintain a balance, which is recommended by all dieticians. The problem occurs when you start going to the extreme assuming that simply cutting down on carb can help you achieve faster results.

Do Not Overload Your Vital Organs

Kidney metabolizes protein, and keto diet overloads it with extra protein for processing. Again, your kidneys also have some limitations just like any other organ. Beyond a certain point, it cannot take the load anymore. The result? Kidney damage or complete failure. The same can be true for any other organ on any other diet that overloads any vital organ or system in your body. The trick is to listen to the signs of your body’s rejection of that particular diet.

Persistent Side-Effects ? Discontinue the Diet

Upset stomach, dizziness, pain, fatigue, constipation or any side-effects that remain even after your taking corrective measures as per your dietician’s advice is a sign that your should stop your new diet plan. You will find many other diet plans that may suit you. In fact, you can also try kidney function restoration program if you believe that your current diet or health plan may have caused some damage to your kidneys.

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Why am I not losing belly fat? 7 reasons

Unable to lose belly fat despite trying all possible fat loss formulas. Identify 7 reasons that are stopping you from belly fat loss in 2020.

I am losing some weight, but why am I not losing belly fat? If that is your question, then you are not alone. In fact, a majority of people struggling to shed some weight and lose belly fat have the same question. The answer seems to be quite simple, but is really difficult to put the corrective action in action. So lets take a look at why you are not losing belly fat.

7 reasons why you are not losing belly fat

  1. Unsuitable exercise
  2. Unrealistic fat loss goal
  3. No sound sleep
  4. Stress and anxiety
  5. Cannot quit beer to flatten beer belly
  6. Your food is not right for you
  7. You are not drinking enough water
Belly fat loss made easy

Your exercise doesn’t suit you

There is no such thing as one standard weight loss or belly fat loss program suitable for all. Your exercise must be customised or tailored to suit your exact needs, body type, health condition, age and gender. For all this, you need a professional coach who can monitor you regularly and recommend changes to help you achieve your desired/possible health goal.

You are setting unrealistic goal

You have been training for years, which somehow makes your believe that you can set your goal and achieve it even if it is unrealistic. That is when you need the help of a professional. Something that seems achievable for you may not be realistic from your coach’s point of view. No matter how experienced or well-informed you are, you need professional advice if you not able to lose your belly fat, despite making your informed decision. And that is quite reasonable. Do you think movie stars don’t know about what works for fat loss and what doesn’t? They know a lot, probably more than you and me, but they still listen to their coach and act upon their advice. The result is obvious and visible, isn’t it? Makes sense?

You are not sleeping properly

You must make a choice. Spending sleepless nights for whatever reason is not going to work in favour of your health and shape. Either iron out issues that are causing sleepless nights or simply forget losing belly fat, period. I understand that insomnia or irregular sleep pattern are not always related to your work or professional stress. That is actually easier to solve than fixing professional issues. Why not try sleeping aids? Read more about sound sleep.

Stress and anxiety offsetting your efforts

I have covered this in one of my previous posts. Stress can impact all aspects of your life including health, of course. The more stress-free you live, the higher will be your chance to achieve your belly fat loss goal.

Justifying your beer habit

Well, you must have heard of beer belly. It is literally the same belly you are trying to melt fat from. I must say that it is not so simple. No matter how you justify your beer intake in moderation, it will not let you burn belly fat. Quitting alcohol is a must if you have already developed fat around your stomach. However, the good news is you can be pro-active and stop your beer belly from developing if you start early. That way you can enjoy your beer and keep your stomach in shape.

Not eating the right food

Noom- The Last Weight Loss Program You’ll Ever Need

What is the right food? You must be wondering that you have been eating all types of nutritious, green and healthy food but results are nowhere in sight. Again, it is the same issue as we discussed above related to exercise. What you believe is right food for you may be actually right for someone you are trying to be like. The thing is, you are a different person from the one you are following. Obviously, your response to that food will be different. No point in chasing the mirage. Start eating food that suits you or is recommended for your weight loss goal. The result may not be instant, but you’ll be on the right track. Noom diet app can help with your food choice.

You are not drinking enough water

I have talked about the miraculous health benefits of simply drinking water in various forms. This is one of the gifts nature has provided us with. In fact, we are approximately 70% water. We must maintain that balance by keeping ourselves hydrated. Lack of water can trigger many health issues and weight gain is one of them.

Belly fat reduction secret in a 30-second morning ritual

Last but not the least, obesity could be in your genes. Though it is slightly difficult to defeat genetics, you can still do it, if you start early, i.e. before you hit 40. In fact, the ideal time to start is the moment you are 30 plus.

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