Thyroid problems or general hormonal imbalance?

Do you suddenly start feeling cold when nobody else in the same room feels any change in the temperature? Or have you started forgetting things quite frequently? Though there could be various health issues behind these symptoms, hormonal imbalance is one of the most common reasons if there are no other visible health issues. It has been noticed that thyroid problem is often the most common hormonal issue that is as much overlooked as it should be taken seriously.

Does hormonal replacement therapy work?

It depends upon the exact issue, the general health condition of the patient and various other factors. Usually hormonal replacement therapy is recommended in extreme cases when no other alternative is available or is not practical enough to reduce the discomfort caused by the imbalance. We’ll also talk about natural hormonal replacement options, which are effective for everyone whether you are in Los Angeles or Miami.

What are hormones?

Hormones are special chemicals secreted by our endocrine glands. They control and regulate various bodily functions such as hunger, reproduction and even emotions. Also, there could be an impact on your overall health due to hormonal imbalances. Lets take a look at which hormone impacts which function of our body.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance

Sudden weight gain

Low testosterone with high levels of estrogen, cortisol or insulin can be the reason behind high fat storage in your body. Thyroid hormones also play an important role in weight gain. What really happens is, any imbalance in your thyroid hormones slows down your metabolisms, which results in weight gain.

Feeling hungry all the time?

Yes, this could be due to Leptin and Ghrelin imbalances. Any imbalance in Leptin may reduce your appetite, whereas imbalance in Ghrelin may make keep you hungry all the time no matter how much you eat. Of course, overeating due to this imbalance may lead to obesity and many other complications as well.

Stomach aches

Estrogen is one of the most important hormones in women. A slight imbalance may lead to stomach aches, change in shape, size and elasticity of breasts, headaches and various other issues. We’ll focus more on the impact of estrogen deficiency in a separate post.

Hair loss

There can be various reasons behind hair loss, but if you notice sudden hair loss without any other apparent health issue, then chances are that it is due to thyroid hormone imbalance. So thyroid health is highly important for your overall health.

The good news is that there are various thyroid supplements that are highly effective. Thyromine  is one such supplement that regulates thyroid secretion in the body and offsets the health issues caused by thyroid hormone imbalance.

How to order – Risk free offer

Currently there are several offers. This product is shipped worldwide from Miami to Mumbai. Get two bottles free with certain orders and get maximum possible good health effect. If is a completely risk-free offer. All you can lose is your weight or bad health. You will also get free membership access to their result-based online fitness program, which will offer you personalised advice based on your exact health conditions.


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Supplement to increase testosterone | Low T symptoms

Do you feel tired, low on energy and depressed all the time for no apparent reason? If you are 30 plus, then low T or low testosterone could be the reason. Though there could be various other reasons behind your low stamina, fatigue and diminishing sex drive, low testosterone is one of the most common hidden reasons most of us do not even want to discuss. Yes, there are ways to increase testosterone, if you are above 30 no matter what your health conditions is.

What are the symptoms of low T?

Usually testosterone production in men’s body starts decreasing at the rate of approximately 10% per decade after 40 years of age. Depending upon diet, lifestyle and various other factors, this can vary slightly, but if you do not do anything about it, situation may get from bad to worse. In fact, low T can also lead to depression and feelings of worthlessness gradually.

Here are some symptoms of low T

  • Diminishing libido or low sex drive
  • Loss of muscles
  • Thinner bones
  • ED
  • Fatigue all the time

How to Diagnose Low Testosterone

 In our body, there is a hormone called sex hormone binding gloobulin (SHBG), which is bound to our testosterone levels in our blood . Free Testosterone are those that are not bound to SHBG. Total count of testosterone is the sum of both free and SHBG bound testosterone.  

An average healthy man should have 270 to 1070 ng/dL (9-38 nmol/L) of total testosterone. Out of which, free testosterone should be 50-210 pg/mL (174-729 pmol/L).  If your testosterone count is below these figures, then chance are that you are suffering from low T.

Only a qualified physician or doctor can diagnose low T. It is therefore advisable to have yourself checked if you suspect that you are suffering from low testosterone. 

How about taking a testosterone supplement?

Many doctors will not suggest any hormone therapy or similar treatments due to many side-effects and other health issues such as heart problems. However, there is no harm in taking tried and tested testosterone boosters that work wonders for many men. What’s more, they have no side-effects and you can use them just like any other health supplement without any medical advice.

What is Test Rx?

 TestRX is not a drug or synthetic testosterone, which you can find anywhere. It is a natural supplement made of  ingredients such as tongkat ali. It stimulates testosterone production naturally. In fact, it is a kind of booster that triggers your body’s natural testosterone production. It coaxes  your body to start making more testosterone with natural ingredients. You can feel the difference with a few days of using this supplement. 

How to order

It is simple. All you need to do click this link  or the image above to reach the manufacturer’s site and order your desired quantity.  Enjoy a 60-day money back guarantee. The sooner you order, the better as the offer may not last long. It is better to take action when you can still control your health than to regret later.  Feel free to get in touch with their customer care team if you have specific queries.


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Meditation | facts, myths and health benefits of meditation

Did you know that those who worship every day are mentally more focused than those who don’t?  It has nothing to do with what faith, religion or God you follow. What really matters is undivided attention or focus on your object of faith (usually an idol or picture of God or Goddess, but not necessary ). It is nothing but a kind of meditation that works wonders for their overall mental peace. Though you worship unknowingly, expecting that you are connecting with God, the effect of those few minutes of worship is immense.

Meditation to manage stress

Research has proved that meditating helps us manage stress effectively. Once you start meditating, you also start learning how to control your mind in a positive and effective way. In today’s fast paced life, you are exposed to a variety of stress-causing factors such as professional goals, financial issues, relationship issues, travelling and more, which must be handled effectively without getting stressed.

Here is the catch

Do you spend your whole day in a church, but if mentally you remain focused on your the project that you have to submit the next day?  If you keep thinking about something like an urgent meeting for which you have to prepare, then the whole purpose of visiting the church does not serve its purpose. In fact, the stress of reaching the church on time or taking care of various activities there can be counter-productive. The whole idea of meditating is to remain as thoughtless as possible and to let the mind relax by not thinking hard about anything.

Here are the 3 most important meditation facts and myths 

Meditation is only for religious people: Not necessarily, in fact only those who lead a hectic life, can feel the difference after meditating for a few minutes on a regular basis. The physical health benefits can be noticed in as little as 4 weeks. For example, high blood pressure patients may notice a remarkable reduction in their blood pressure after meditating regularly.

You need extra time or any special place for meditation: Wrong. You don’t need to make time for meditation. Simply chanting a mantra or worshipping your God for a few minutes with full focus is enough to gain the health benefits of meditation. However, all you need to do is make sure that you spend some time on a regular basis whether it is for 5 minutes or 50 minutes a day. Even in your office or at workplace, you can spend 5-10 minutes away from your daily work to enjoy the health benefits of meditation.

Meditation Cushion

Mediation is only for mental peace: Wrong. Research has proved that people are able to reduce their physical pain by meditation. It is all about how you feel your pain. Though it requires special instructions, it is not tough and can be mastered in a few sessions. Meditation changes the way your mind perceives the pain. You can train your mind to feel the intensity of pain in a controlled way .

Declutter your mind

There are a  lot of journals, guides and self-help books on mediation. What all of them teach you is  how to declutter your mind and become less identified with your thoughts for the whole duration of your meditation session. The methods may be different but the goal is the same. It depends on you as to what method suits you and your lifestyle. You can also try using Divine Illumination Necklace  to help you focus in a better way. 


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Fun facts about fat and weight loss

Whether you have lost weight by using any supplement, diet plan or rigourous exercise program, have you ever thought where the fat has gone. It is interesting but not many people are aware that approximately 85% of the lost fat actually converts into carbon dioxide and is exhaled  while breathing. Does it now make sense why exercising works for losing weight? The more you workout, the faster you breath and the more you exhale carbon dioxide, a good part of which is nothing but fat converted into carbon dioxide.

Interesting facts about fat, obesity and weight loss

Lack of sleep helps you become fatter– If you are planning to burn fat, then you also must make sure that you sleep 8 hours a day. If you do not sleep properly, your body  does not produce leptin in enough quantity  while the production of ghrelin goes up, triggering hunger. Obviously, the more hungry you are, the more you eat. The end result is more fat and obesity.

Why are fat people sluggish?

The most common logic is that they are heavy therefore they cannot move. That is partly true. The fact is that obese people have a lot of energy but that energy is used by their system in managing the fat, which results in less availability of  energy required for other activities. When you are lean and thin, all the available energy can be used for whatever activity you are engaged in.

Thinking can make you fat

A research, conducted at Laval University in Canada has concluded that though thinking does not require more energy, it makes you more hungry which results in increasing your diet. This results in making you fat. You must have noticed that moderately obese students are often sharper in studies than their thin friends. This is by no means an encouragement to eat more for those students who are not obese. Moderation and balance are the key.

Smoking helps in losing fat

Again, I am not promoting smoking, but there are enough evidence that smokers are slightly less likely to be fat than non-smokers. The reason behind this is that smokers’ taste buds are not as sensitive to different tastes as those of non smokers. This helps them eat less which results in less intake of food and eventually less deposits of fat. There are various harmful effects of smoking, therefore it should not be used a method of losing weight.

Artificial sweeteners make you fat

No matter what type of artificial sweetener you are using, it will change your glucose tolerance and gut bacteria resulting in overall increased appetite. Those who take artificial sweeteners, tend to eat more and get fatter in the process.

There are many other interesting facts about fat and obesity. If you take your weight loss mission seriously, then nothing can deter you from achieving your goal whether you are in Canada or Kolkata. All you need to do is choose a diet plan that fits your lifestyle and is easy to follow.

Why not try PhenQ, a prescription-free, natural alternative to weight loss drug phentermine. It works wonders for everyone and you also get 1 bottle free if you order 2 bottles. Visit their official site or take advantage of this offer. 


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Padmaavat furore-an unbiased review of Padamavati’s Jauhar

Though I am neither a historian nor a movie reviewer, what really surprises me is that a major chunk of current generation is of the view that the Jauhar shown in Padmaavat glorifies the Jauhar custom, which I believe is not the case. Here is my take on Padmavati’s Jauhar.

Jauhar glorified to correctly display history and not to influence 21st century women

Padamavat Blu Ray DVD

Jauhar  (self-immolation by women in parts of the Indian subcontinent, to avoid capture, enslavement and rape by any foreign invaders) was considered to be an act of bravery for women in those times and Padmavati being the queen, would definitely not immolate herself like any other woman of her times. It goes without saying that the scene was bound to be spectacular and glorified as the Jauhar was done by none other than the queen herself followed by hundreds of other women such as wives of soldiers who were killed in the battle. History cannot be undone just because today’s generation cannot accept what happened in the past. The question is ‘ why cannot the agitating crowd or women who feel ‘encouraged’ or ‘influenced’ by jauhar, be influenced by a lot of good practices shown in other movies?

How does the Jauhar act committed more than 700 years ago influence today’s modern women?

This really intrigues me as to how the same women who say that lust lies in the eyes of the beholder and not in the revealing dress worn by them, can describe Jauhar scenes of Padmavat as influential for them. Jauhar scenes in Padmaavat have been picturized as magnificently as the movie maker could imagine. Those scenes in no way can provoke, prompt or encourage a modern woman to commit Jauhar. It entirely depends upon your thought process, your knowledge of history and appreciation for the work of art that Padmaavat is.

The box office numbers say a lot about how much the movie has been liked despite so much controversy.  Though a lot of furore was raised about various other scenes in the movie, none of them are really as disturbing as we normally watch on a daily basis through various media such as TV, the Internet and of course the cinema.

Slightly exaggerated but fully entertaining Padmavat 

To sum up, I’d say that Padmaavat is a slightly exaggerated but really worth-watching depiction of a relatively little known aspect of Allauddin Khilji’s life and a true portrayal of Padmavati’s  Jauhar which was considered to be an act of valour, self-respect and dignity in those times.  It really was an act of bravery because that was the best women could do in those times after being a widow. Only those who are either completely unaware of history or are not willing to accept it ,will feel furious or hurt after watching the movie.


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