Flexibility exercises for seniors-flexible yoga

Am I not flexible enough to perform yoga because of my age? If that is what you ask yourself or believe in, then think again. You do not need to be naturally flexible for yoga. Yoga will make you flexible, once your joints and muscles become supple, you will feel the difference in your stamina, health, postures and overall well-being. Developing flexibility and gaining mental and physical health are the primary purposes of yoga. If you are 50 plus looking for flexible exercises for seniors, then start flexible yoga as soon as possible. The more flexible you become the healthier and longer you’ll live.

Flexibility Exercises for Seniors

It is understandable that senior citizens cannot do strenuous exercises or stretching workouts. Does it mean that you cannot or should not try to make themselves flexible? In fact, if you are a senior, you must make it a point to exercise every day and keep your body flexible. There are many types of flexible exercises for seniors, and you should choose the ones that suit your stamina and health condition. One good thing about these exercises is that no matter what your age is, there is something that will suit you. Check flexibility for women. Continue reading “Flexibility exercises for seniors-flexible yoga”

Japanese diet | Can I lose 3 pounds in one week?

Do you know that rural Japanese people are some of longest living people in the world?  In fact, it is quite common for people living in Okinawa to exceed 100 years without suffering from any mental or physical illness. What makes them live healthy? Is there any secret Japanese diet they follow?  Well, that is partially true, but there is no secret. They believe in their ancient health traditions, and diet is just part of that. What if you also followed their diet system?  You’ll be leaner, fitter and more active than you currently are. We’ll also talk about a one week diet that can help you lose 3 pounds in a week.

Is ancient Japanese diet effective and practical in today’s world?

In ancient times, people worked in harmony with their bodies and the environment they lived in. This lifestyle helped them maintain their body lean, fit, muscular and strong. It goes without saying that if you are physically and mentally healthy; your ability to work and overall performance goes up. That is the secret of an average Japanese’s good health. Though discovered by chance, Japanese diet has been proven by modern scientists and researchers for its remarkable health benefits, including weight loss.

What is traditional Japanese diet

The traditional diet followed by Japanese people is almost next to a perfect diet that you can imagine. While the emphasis is on vegetables, seafood and rice, you will find a lot of varieties to suit your taste buds. The flavoursome Japanese food is one of the healthiest diets for overall health. Do not be disappointed if you are a chicken or meat lover. You have a lot of varieties such as Chicken Tariyaki or Beef Yakitori. However, you might be slightly disappointed if you are a sweet lover as a Japanese diet does not include desserts, pastries or sweets.

It depends on your preferences. If good health, mental alertness or physical agility is on your mind, then Japanese food is an ideal option. However, those preferring taste over health, should go for standard European diet. We do not mean that traditional Japanese diet is bland, but it usually takes time for westerners to get used to this diet.

Continue reading “Japanese diet | Can I lose 3 pounds in one week?”

Spinal Flexibility for 40 plus-Flexible Yoga

Are you above 40 and thinking that developing hip flexibility or spinal flexibility at this age will not be possible? If yes, then read on. Hitting 40 is not an excuse to deprive yourself of good health, stamina and joint-pain free life you really deserve. However, what is important is to understand and choose quality lifestyle and diet plans that work. Flexible yoga, as the name suggests is what you can try for back and hip flexibility, which is what keeps your overall fitness in good shape.

What is flexible yoga?

As mentioned in one of our previous posts that yoga is not just a set of asanas or postures, flexible yoga is also not just about physical suppleness, but also covers mental health and calmness. However, we’ll keep the topic limited to physical flexibility for now. The basic idea behind flexible yoga is to develop suppleness in muscles and joints by using the most suitable set of asanas. As your spine becomes more flexible, you start gaining more stamina and overall better health. We’ll discuss mental flexibility or adaptability in our other posts.

Flexibility starts diminishing from childhood

Yes, it is often true because modern children spend so much time sitting or doing sedentary activities that their bones and joints start losing their flexibility quite early in life. It speeds up later as they choose sedentary jobs and stop doing even simple tasks such as climbing stairs (at least up to 2-3 floors) because taking elevator is easy and fast. However, what they don’t understand is that it is causing more harm than any good to their joints and overall health. In fact, children should be encouraged for outdoor activities.

Flexible spine-key to overall good health

Many of us do not realise how important flexibility of spine is. In fact, many yogis or yoga practitioners also believe that simply by keeping your spine flexible, good health can be achieved. Though slightly exaggerated, this is often true unless you are suffering from any special health condition which calls for medical treatment. There are various stretching exercises and yogic postures that work wonders for those suffering from stiffness of muscles and joints.

Pashchimottasana to make your spine supple

It goes without saying that yoga as a whole is highly effective to control and cure many muscle and mind related issues. Continue reading “Spinal Flexibility for 40 plus-Flexible Yoga”

Keto breath or keto diet related body odour

Are you on a keto diet and smelling like cat litter? This could be due to your keto diet, which has many health benefits. However, every good thing has some downsides, and keto diet is no exception. Keto breath or keto odour is simply an unpleasant side-effect of keto diet.

Smelly sweat and urine-side effect of Ketosis

Once you start taking a keto diet, your body starts undergoing several changes as it has to process carbless food. You body suddenly starts relying on fat and protein for energy, instead of using carbohydrates. This type of protein or ketones have acetone, which is exhaled in the form of smelly sweat and urine.

Keto diet recipe

Bad breath-side-effect of keto diet

Continue reading “Keto breath or keto diet related body odour”