Are health apps or step-meters really effective and useful?

Are you using a health app, step-meter or any other device to keep a track of the number of steps taken by you on a daily basis? If yes, then you must have noticed that once you wear a device or start using an app to monitor your health, you often go the extra mile to achieve your daily target, don’t you? Yes, it has been proven that those who follow a systematic or pre-determined exercise program are more likely to achieve their health goals than those who don’t have any plans.

Do health apps work for all?

That is another interesting question asked by many, especially those who feel disappointed if they don’t achieve their desired goal. Whether you want to lose weight, stay active or tone specific muscles of your body by stretching, you must set realistic goals. Please note that no device or health program can do a miracle overnight. Many apps and app-based health programs such as Noom diet have become highly popular because those who have followed the system properly have achieved results. On the other hand, those who expected quick results, are the disappointed lot. From losing weight to managing heart health or diabetes, apps can help you a lot if you follow or use them systematically.

How health apps or weight loss apps work?

At the core of any fat loss or health program in general, there are hidden lifestyle and dietary changes. As a weight loss aspirant, you start following those changes recommended by the app. Essentially, what you do is follow instructions given by the app. It results in forming new habits and quitting unhealthy habits. If you can follow a healthy lifestyle by using your will-power, you wouldn’t need any device or health app. However, it is easier said than done. That is the reason that makes health apps so popular and effective.

How many steps per day is good for health?

It depends on your current health condition and health goals. From 5000 steps a day to 10000 steps a day, you need to set a goal that makes you sweat. In other words, your goal should not be very easy. Make sure that you put in more efforts in achieving that goal than what you’d normally do. Some people believe that 10000 steps a day is a good target. However, you must ensure that it suits your lifestyle.

Which health app is effective for weight loss?

It goes without saying that obesity has almost taken epidemic proportions in the developed world. So, it is logical to make changes to your daily habits so that you move closer to your goal on a daily basis. Noom diet program works wonders for those looking to shed weight. During Noom 14-day trial offer, you will start noticing the difference, which is a good sign. However, you must continue the program for its recommended period to see real results. If you quit the program midway, you’ll most likely be disappointed.

The sooner you start your health program, the better. Using apps or technology in general is a good way to ensure that you stick to your goal. There is no harm in giving a try to health apps and see for yourself if they really work.

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Healthy diet habits that work

Natural blood pressure lowering food-Beetroot

6 easy diet habits you must develop for chiselled shape and look

Thinking of developing a chiselled shape, six pack abs or simply sexy looks? If you are obese, overweight or pot-bellied, then chiselled shape or look should be your long-term goal. The first and most important step for you is to develop some diet habits that will prepare you for a great body that you dream of. No fad diets or any other quick weight loss formula will work for you unless you make changes in your daily habits.

Lifestyle habits for good health and shape

Your fat belly will start vanishing once you start your coach-provided exercise and diet plan. However, the following  simple changes in your diet plan will help you achieve your goal faster. In fact, you can continue with these habits throughout your life.

One meal a day-OMAD
One meal a day

6 Diet habits anyone can develop and follow easily

  • 6 small meals a day– For building lean muscle mass, you need to speed up your metabolism first. Eating many small meals a day (up to 6 small meals), will keep metabolism working throughout the day at the highest possible rate. This will work wonders for you. Read about metabolic cooking as well.
  • Eat lean protein– Develop a habit of eating boiled chicken, egg whites and tuna regularly. It is always better to eat some amount of this type of protein with each meal than eating junk.
  • Carbohydrate intake– Make sure that you consume good carbohydrate. Fresh fruits and leafy vegetables contain the right types of carbs your body needs. Do not eliminate carbohydrate from your food. What you need to do is choose your carb wisely for great cardiovascular functions and heart health.
  • Say no to alcohol– Additional calories that go into your body with alcohol can be easily avoided with some effort. Alcohol can bloat your stomach, which may have some side effects. The more you avoid it, the better.
  • No extra sugar– Eat fresh fruits, and avoid refined sugar. Not only do fruits satisfy your sweet cravings but also provide you with fibers, which are highly recommended for overall good health. Are you diabetic? Not an issue. you can still manage your sugar and maintain good lifestyle.
  • Drink water – Lack of fluid is common among those who start rigorous exercise programs, but do not drink enough water. Drastic changes in eating habits often lead to severe dehydration, which must be avoided. Drinking lots of water and other fluids is the best way to avoid dehydration.  Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day no matter what.

These diet habits and tips will bring you remarkable results in as little as a few weeks. It goes without saying that these tips show results faster if you incorporate them into your weight loss program. These habits will keep your metabolism effective, which is at the core of any weight loss formula.

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Blood pressure lowering food

Noom diet 14 day trial offer

Beetroot-Number 1 Blood Pressure Lowering Food

Though initially grown by Romans, Beetroot has spread across the world today. It is one of the many Beta Vulgaris plants of the Amaranthaceae family. One of its many varieties, is sugar beet which is used for producing table sugar. In Indian homes, beetroot is usually consumed as a vegetable or salad item. Being full of  many medicinal properties and health benefits, beetroot is also a remarkable natural  blood pressure lowering food. If you have high blood pressure, then consider making beetroot part of your regular diet, but make sure that don’t add salt to it. By adding salt, you can rob it off its BP lowering properties.


Beetroot plant grows to a maximum height of 1-2 meters. Its leaves are usually 5-20 cm long and are heart shaped. In addition to the most popular red variety, beetroot is also available in deep red-purple, white and yellow color. White beetroot is used for producing sugar whereas red beet is used for vegetable. Leaf beat or chard is one of its verities, which has been used as medicine by alternative health practitioners for centuries.

Low Calorie Food Beetroot

With very small amount fat and low calorie content, beetroot makes for a perfect health diet for those looking to lose weight. Full of phytochemical compound known as glycine betaine, beetroot  works wonders for overall cardio vascular health. Being  a rich source of B Complex Vitamins, folate and minerals such as iron, magnesium and potassium, it helps human body perform many body functions effectively.

Beetroot Health Benefits

  • Improves digestion and relives constipation
  • Lowers glucose levels and helps in diabetes management
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improves heart health
  • Helps in fat absorption and reduces chronic inflammation
  • It speeds up muscle oxygenation that results in high athletic performance
  • Romans believed it to be an aphrodisiac because it improves blood circulation in genitals, and boosts your sex drive and performance.

Usage of Beetroot

Used as a common vegetable in many parts of the world, beetroot has an important place in Asian especially Indian kitchens and homes.

  • Use beetroot as salad
  • Have Beetroot juice regularly if you suffer from hypertension
  • Use beetroot as a food coloring agent
  • Enjoy beetroot pickle available in various forms and flavours
  • Use white variety for sugar production (At commercial level of course, not at home)
  • It is also used in making rum like distilled spirit

Agricultural surplus of sugar beet is also used to produce bio-butanol fuel in the UK. In order to produce 1 kg of this fuel, 6.22 kg of sugar beet is processed.

Beetroot Side Effects

Though there are no side effects of this natural herb, excess consumption may result in pink color urine or stool, which is completely harmless. Also beet greens and also the root contains oxalate which may be harmful for those who have been diagnosed with oxalate-containing kidney stones. As a general rule, you cannot depend on beetroot alone for all the health benefits. It should be a part of diet and not a substitute of meal either in the form of salad or vegetable. Therefore consume it in moderation and it will work like a super food.

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