Immunity Booster Foods and Tips for Fight Against Coronavirus or Covid-19

In the ongoing fight against Coronavirus or Covid 19, the importance of strong immunity is highlighted. Take a look at some immunity booster tips.

Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Boost immunity-fight virus

While the entire world is fighting Covid 19 or coronavirus, it is important to understand what makes this virus so effective and how our strong immune system can help us fight it effectively.

How coronavirus works- In layman’s language

Basically it is a respiratory virus that enters and infects your respiratory system from nose to lungs. Your natural defense or immune system recognises this alien and fights back to protect your body. However, the virus is strong and our immune cells get killed in the process. As a result more immune cells pitch in and we see the result in the form of pneumonia, cold, fever, dry throat and flu-like symptoms. But this is not common cold, this is COVID-19. What happens next is well-known. The virus often defeats the patient’s weak immune system. The patient starts feeling difficulty in breathing. Other vital organs do not receive enough oxygen and fail to function properly. And you know the result.

Fight the Virus by Boosting immunity

Strong immunity helps fight virus including coronavirus

We often take our immune system for granted and do not take steps to boost it unless its weakness is visible in the form of any disease. We have many case of coronavirus patients recovering successful as timely action was taken to kill the virus while boosting the patients’ immunity. Though virus spreads fast invade our system, a strong immune system and fight effectively and defeat the virus successfully.

9 Natural Immunity Boosting Tips

Fresh leafy vegetables for strong immunity
  • Eat green leafy vegetables
  • Eat super foods as much as possible
  • Add turmeric to your food.
  • Use black pepper, cumin seeds and many other Indian herbs in your food
  • Eat at the same time daily
  • Sleep for 8 hours a day
  • Cook food properly so that it can be chewed without any difficulty
  • Do not overeat
  • Use Giloy in any form. Patanjali offers Giloy syrup, Giloy tablets and I think even power forms is available. Try the form that suits you.

You can use Giloy from any other manufacturer as well. I have used Patanjali, therefore I have mentioned it. You can choose whatever brand you like. However, make sure that it is pure giloy with least possible preservatives.

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Are Nagarjuna Sagar Dam Gates Open 2020?-Read before you go

Nagarjuna Sagar Dam’s 18 gates have been lifted as water level reached almost its full capacity. View its 18 dates open from a distance in Aug 2020.

Nagarjuna Sagar Gates Opened 2020

Nagarjuna Sagar Dam 18 Gates Open in Aug 2020

Though 18 gates of Nagarjuna Sagar Dam were opened on 22 Aug 2020, public was not allowed to enter the area fearing that it would further spread Covid-19. The administration was quick to ensure enough policemen were deployed at all strategic points from where breathtaking view of Nagarjuna Sagar Dam could be captured in camera. Due to 22 Aug 2020 being a weekend, it was a perfect time and place for weekend vacationers, but Covid-19 played a spoilsport. Though it is good that district administration ensured no gathering by imposing section 144, it could have been handled better by allowing people in batches for limited time.


Truth about Nagarjuna Sagar gates being opened in 2018

Continue reading “Are Nagarjuna Sagar Dam Gates Open 2020?-Read before you go”

Camels disqualified due to lip enhancement

You may have heard about or even used various lip enhancement procedures and products such as Botox, but have you ever heard of lip enhancement for camels or for any other animal for that matter? Yes, that is what seems to have happened in Saudi Arabia, where some 12 camels have been disqualified from the country’s annual camel beauty contest because their owners gave them Botox-type injections to make their pouts look fuller and more attractive. Strange, isn’t it?

Why Camels’ lips were enhanced

This month-long festival is highly popular and is one of the biggest in the Gulf involving some 30,000 camels of different breeds, colours and sizes. However, what lured camel owners resort to such tactics was  the prize amount-  a whopping $31.8m.  Read the full report here. 

Plumper lips made easy

Let’s talk about lip enhancement in general as we are obviously not going to own camels and prepare them for camel beauty contest. If you are interested in making your lips more plump, then you need not go for collagen injection or any surgical procedure. The good news is that you can have fuller lips instantly with Idol Lips, which is a risk-free and easy-to-use product that can give you plumper lips quickly. All you need to do is apply it just like your regular lipstick and see the difference in the form of fuller lips. And don’t forget to be ready to answer your friends’ queries as to where you got this product from. Visit the official site of Idol-Lips to order today and grab some great offers.


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5 side effects of infobesity and ways to offset them

What is infobesity?

As the word itself suggests, it is a combination of information and obesity, which means overload of information from various sources. It goes without saying that in today’s world, you spend a lot of time in front of screen. Computers, laptops, smartphones and of course TVs are the sources that keep you bombarding with information you may not necessarily need. Just like overeating makes you obese, unnecessary consumption of information makes you infobese.  An average American, whether he stays in New York or San Francisco,  consumes approx. 34 GB of information everyday and the result is obvious, infobesity.

Effects of infobesity?

Stress – First and foremost, infobesity is one of the major causes of stress, especially in the corporate world.

Delay in decision making– When you are overburdened with a lot of data, you will need additional time to filter the data you actually need. This is obviously going to consume additional time which will result in delayed decisions.  Surprisingly, some 43% of senior managers are infobese across the globe From New York to New Delhi.

Effect on relationships– If you spend more time in front of PC than with your spouse or family members, the relationships are bound to impacted.  Infobesity is one of the silent reasons of growing number of divorces.

Useless printed materials– A majority of businesses still rely on printed information. A lot of printed materials are produced that are neither read nor used.

Physical health- Last but not the least, spending more time in front of screen weakens your eye-sight, causes headache and loss of sound sleep, which have serious impact on your overall health condition and quality of life.

In our upcoming posts, we’ll take a look at how to minimise or offset the side effects of infobesity.


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or Yoga with Dog or Doga

Salmonella Scandal | Lactalis | Craon

Perhaps for the first time, any food item is being withdrawn from the market due to contamination that caused an outbreak of Salmonalla. The producer of the baby milk powder, Lactalis, a French dairy giant, has announced that it would withdraw some 12 million boxes of powdered baby milk from the markets of some 83 countries in the world.

It is being said that the contamination was noticed at Lactalis factory based in Craon in France, but it was not handled carefully which resulted in its non-stop production and subsequent distribution across the world. Though the authorities have denied this allegation, it is clear that there was some lapse or human error during the production and quality checking phase.

A welcome step by Lactalis

In addition to quickly announcing the withdrawal of its baby milk powder from the market, the company sources say that it is a big lesson for them. The CEO of the company, Emmanuel Besnier has said

But we will learn the lessons of this crisis and draw up a new health and safety plan that is even more strict in consultation with the authorities. Our absolute priority is maximum health safety,”

The company has been headed by Besnier for 17 years and there are some 300 plus employees in Craon factory. The production at the factory was stopped in December 2017.  However, Besnier said that  the production would start in a few months only after ensuring that health safety measures are in place. Further, he promised that appropriate compensation will be provided to the affected families.


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and Doga or yoga with dog

Doga | Yoga for or with Dog

You must have heard of yoga, but have you heard of doga? If you are a pet lover, chances are you are familiar with the term. Doga is somewhat  self-explanatory; yoga with dog is doga. Though it is a relatively new term, many pet lover are familiar with the practice knowingly or unknowingly.


Did you know ?

That dog is one of the very few animals that falls ill very rarely, One of the biggest reasons behind dog’s agility, strength and mental alertness is its ability to keep itself fit by performing various exercises or physical activities that are quite similar to yoga performed by humans.

Stretching by dog

If you are a dog owner, you must have watched your dog stretch quite often, especially after it wakes up after a sleep. By stretching, dogs relax their nerves and muscles and boost the flow of blood, which energises them and works wonders for their overall fitness.

Doga stretching

Coming back to our original topic, doga, I’d like to discuss the impact of performing yoga with your dog or using dog as prop for your exercise. If you start stretching yourself just like your dog does, then you can notice the difference in your health within weeks. There are many other benefits of doga. Let’s take a look at them.

Benefits of doga

  • Helps in extending your dog’s life
  • You develop a better and stronger bond with your dog
  • It helps you minimise stress level
  • Your pet feels pampered and important
  • Your dog may also get a chance to meet other dogs performing doga
  • Your dog may not require any dog training 

In the next post, we’d explore some more benefits of doga and how to perform doga for maximum gains such as motivation to stay slim, fit, and healthy.

Extreme cold weather | Stay Warm | New York

Simple but  effective ways to stay warm during winters in New York 

Whether you are in Toronto, New York or any other place experiencing extreme cold weather, sometime even -40 degrees at some places, then you must consider taking extra care of yourself, your pets and children.

Before the authorities issue cold weather alerts, you can be pro-active and save yourself from various health problem and emergencies that may arise due to extreme cold.

Surprisingly simple ways to stay warm

Fat is good in winters: Did you know that eating fat also has some upsides and one of them is its ability to keep you warm during extremely cold conditions.  When you eat healthy extra fat, your metabolism speeds up, which warms your body.  This is a highly effective way to beat cold weather. However, you may have to forget your weight loss resolution for some time.

Wear insulated shoes  Keep your feet warm whether by wearing  insulated shoes or an extra pair of socks.

Warm your bed before cuddling up:  Running your blanket though the dryer some 15 minutes before going to bed, will give you extra warmth. You may also use hot water bottles, if you prefer.

Wear loose clothes: Stop looking sexy and skinny for a while if you want to fight cold weather.  Loose clothes keep a layer of warm air between you and your clothes, which results in a kind of insulating effect and keeps you warmer that those who prefer to wear tight clothes.

Central heating may not be that effective. Why keep your whole house when you and your spouse can stay in one room?  Seal off this room from the rest of the  house and enjoy better heating effect. However, this method may not be effective for those who have many family member as all rooms will need to be heated.


You may also be interested in Red Tea, which will not only give you warmth but will also help you burn fat.

Nano-GPS chip on Rs 2000 notes-A rumour

Has India really reached such a high level of technological advancement that every note released by the RBI is embedded with Nano-chip which can used to locate each note? Though there is no official notification from the RBI about any such feature or Nano-chip on Rs 2000 notes, the social media is abuzz with rumours that this is true.

Rs 2000 nano chip – a rumour

Modi KeyNote – A prank App to Identify the authenticity of Rs 2000 note

Is your Rs 2000 note real or fake? The App market has gone one step ahead of rumours. In fact, many apps have hit the app market claiming to have features that can identify if your Rs 2000 not is real or fake. One such clone app is called Modi KeyNote by Dexter_Dev Entertainment. Despite the fact that it clearly states that it is a prank app, people seem to start believing that they can actually use the app to verify the authenticity of their Rs 2000 notes.

Modi KeyNote app has been created for entertainment purpose and to spread the message of prime minister Narendra Modi. The description clearly says

“Don’t use this app to check original money, as this is just Prank app. Please share this app with your loved ones and friends, and spread the message our honourable PM Modi ji.”

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