Forgotten Tips to Forget Less and To Minimize Memory Loss

Memory loss can be minimized and delayed by some simple techniques such as learning something new everyday.

Memory loss is often considered to be a side-effect of overwork, sleep deprivation, junk food and of course stress. Well, all of these factors and many more factors contribute to memory loss. No matter what the reason is behind your short-term of long term memory loss, there must be some ways to improve memory, right. Lets take a look at some of the easy methods that can boost your memory.

Sleep At the Same Time Daily

It is very important to go to bed everyday at the same time. Though socializing and erratic work schedules and in recent times working from home have played havoc with our sleeping routines, we must try to stick to a routine. Sleeping and waking up everyday at the same time works wonders for boosting memory. Of course, 8 hours of sleep is necessary. If you do not sleep for 8 hours a day, sticking to a routine may not be so effective.

Keep Learning Something New

When was the last time you learnt something new? This is a great memory booster. Depending on your interests and preferences, you can learn anything new. From playing guitar or learning a new language to gardening or trying new cooking recipes, there are a lot of things that can be learnt. No matter, how old you are, you can always learn something new. This will keep your memory in good health and shape.

Avoid Using GPS Unless Absolutely Necessary

Remember, our ancestors and those those who discovered new places had no GPS systems. All they had was a compass that gave them a sense of direction and that kept them going. Though I understand that GPS is highly useful, it is not required always. Just try to find ways on your own, if possible. This will put some stress on your brains cells and new cells will be formed, that will improve your memory. Similarly, using a calculator for simple calculations, is also a way to let your memory weaken. Use you mathematical abilities for simple calculations.

Meditation and Yoga

No need to emphasize that meditation and yoga work wonders for not just memory and physical health, but also uplift you spiritually. Meditation boosts your memory, enhances your focus and helps you concentrate better. The net effect of regular meditation is overall better mental and physical health. If you can do that, nothing else is required to boost your memory and to avoid memory loss

Physical Activities

Do not be over-dependent on machines and automated devices. 15-20 minutes of any activity that can make you sweat, is always recommended. From boosting your cardiovascular system to enhancing your memory, physical activities will work wonders for you. Just brisk walking, taking stairs in place of escalators, gardening or mopping the floor manually, whatever suits you and makes you sweat, if fine. Give it a try and you’ll notice that you are not as forgetful as you used to be.

Socialize -but not online

Man is a social animal, therefore socializing is in our genes. However, socializing through social media may not help you boost your memory. Meeting people in person, hosting or attending small get togethers and similar events are a wonderful way to boost your health and memory.

What causes memory loss? Top 9 short term memory loss reasons

Are you suffering from forgetfulness or short term memory loss quite frequently? Are you on some kind of medication or do you prefer self-medication instead of seeking expert medical advice in case of minor issues such as headache, common cold and cough? Though you may feel instant relief by taking over-the-counter drugs for these ailments, what you are not aware of is that you may be causing permanent damage to your memory which reflects in the form of forgetfulness or short term memory loss.

Let’s take a look at some of the causes of memory loss

Lack of sleep – Hectic lifestyle, tough professional goals and your constant attempt to do more than what you can comfortably manage in 24 hours, adversely impact your quality and quantity of sleep.  According to a 2016 CDC report, adults in the age group of 18-60 must sleep for 7 or more hours a day. Surprisingly, nearly 1 in every 3 Americans, does not sleep 7 hours a day, leading to many health issues  including frequent mental distress and memory loss.


Some of the most common culprits are:

Anti-anxiety medication– you may get over your anxiety but may lose your memory

Painkillers– immediate relief from pain can result in memory loss, if you use painkillers regularly.

Cholesterol-lowering medication– Why to use medicine when you have natural and better methods of lowering cholesterol?

Diabetes medication– Though unavoidable, diabetes medication is known to cause memory loss after prolonged use. Read about the big diabetes lie

Sleep pills– You may be causing damage to your memory while trying to sleep with the help of pills.

Alcohol– Excessive use of alcohol is one of the major causes of memory loss. Quitting alcohol is good for overall health anyway.

Smoking – The more you smoke the less oxygen your brain receives. It results in change of chemicals in the brain leading to memory loss.  Quit smoking for better memory.

Nutrition deficiency – It is self-explanatory and does not require more emphasis. Lack of vitamin B1 and B12 affect memory significantly. Eat good food and keep your mind and body well-nourished not just for better memory but for better overall health.

Head injury– Head injuries at certain points may cause memory loss.

Tumors– Only medical experts can tell you about what can and should be done for tumor, but you may lose your memory in the process. Obviously, treating tumor will always be the priority for your physician, but you can always express your concern about how to manage or maintain your memory.

You may also try some memory boosting food to combat the side-effect of any treatment that causes loss of memory.

We’ll cover memory boosting food in our next post.

You might be interested in the ingredients of Brain pill or Limitless pill as many prefer to call it

How to Improve Your Memory| Natural methods or Nootropic Supplements?

If you are in your early 40s, you may have noticed the first signs of your slipping memory. In fact, signs of memory loss can be noticed even at a younger age. Have you started forgetting where you left your car keys? Are you not able to recognize people you meet at social gatherings? If these are some of your symptoms, then chances are that a Nootropic supplement may work wonders for you. Read Brain Pill review

Lets take a look at how to improve your memory

The first and most important factor that causes memory loss is inactivity of your mind. You need to keep your mind active by using it for activities that stimulate your thinking power and give your brain a workout. You can start various activities such as learning a new language or maybe trying to solve a crossword. The bottom line is that your mind should work hard to solve the problem.

Socialise more: It goes without saying that man is a social animal. If you stay alone or do not prefer to interact much with people, then you may be preparing the ground for stress and depression which cause memory loss. You need to socialise with others to make your life less stressful.

Sleep well: In school days, you must have noticed that things learned before bedtime would remain etched in your memory for long. In fact, we still remember many of the bedtime stories and facts taught by our parents during our bedtime. The reason behind it is that, in childhood we used to sleep more than 8 hours a day. The same is true for adults also. If you can sleep 8 hours a day, your memory will naturally improve. Its reverse is also true, the less you sleep, the more you lose your memory.Click Here! to outsmart insomnia and sleep well.

Eat well: Do not let lack of nutrition be the cause of your memory loss. We have to deal with many other memory loss factors anyway. The best way to ensure that you are eating healthy is to include a lot of green vegetables, fresh fruits with the pulp, low fat protein such as fish and skinless poultry.

Exercise regularly: Yeah, one of the most popular and proven methods to remain healthy and active is to exercise regularly. Just 15 -20 minutes of jogging or any activity that can force your heart to work at its maximum possible capacity will be very beneficial for you.

Last but not the least, if you need quick relief, taking a Nootropic supplement such as Brain Pill can work wonders for you just like it did for Ken Jennings.