Boost Your Immune System Naturally

While the entire world is fighting Covid 19 or coronavirus, it is important to understand what makes this virus so effective and how our strong immune system can help us fight it effectively.
How coronavirus works- In layman’s language
Basically it is a respiratory virus that enters and infects your respiratory system from nose to lungs. Your natural defense or immune system recognises this alien and fights back to protect your body. However, the virus is strong and our immune cells get killed in the process. As a result more immune cells pitch in and we see the result in the form of pneumonia, cold, fever, dry throat and flu-like symptoms. But this is not common cold, this is COVID-19. What happens next is well-known. The virus often defeats the patient’s weak immune system. The patient starts feeling difficulty in breathing. Other vital organs do not receive enough oxygen and fail to function properly. And you know the result.
Fight the Virus by Boosting immunity

We often take our immune system for granted and do not take steps to boost it unless its weakness is visible in the form of any disease. We have many case of coronavirus patients recovering successful as timely action was taken to kill the virus while boosting the patients’ immunity. Though virus spreads fast invade our system, a strong immune system and fight effectively and defeat the virus successfully.
9 Natural Immunity Boosting Tips

- Eat green leafy vegetables
- Eat super foods as much as possible
- Add turmeric to your food.
- Use black pepper, cumin seeds and many other Indian herbs in your food
- Eat at the same time daily
- Sleep for 8 hours a day
- Cook food properly so that it can be chewed without any difficulty
- Do not overeat
- Use Giloy in any form. Patanjali offers Giloy syrup, Giloy tablets and I think even power forms is available. Try the form that suits you.
You can use Giloy from any other manufacturer as well. I have used Patanjali, therefore I have mentioned it. You can choose whatever brand you like. However, make sure that it is pure giloy with least possible preservatives.
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