Post Lockdown Health Issues | 6 Tips and Precautions

Post lockdown is the best time to ensure that your good habits continue so that you enjoy good health for years. Take a look at 6 tips that will help you manage your post lockdown health issues.

Well, the world seems to have got accustomed to living with Covid-19 pandemic. Post lockdown, those who remained safe from pandemic are facing many health issues, and of course weight gain is the number 1. Extra pounds gained during lockdown is comparatively easy to lose than the fat gained over the years. We’ll talk about that briefly as losing weight more or less remains the same no matter where or when you gained it. Lets focus on other health issues and what precautions and safety measures we can take.

Mask is still mandatory

Stylish Masks at Amazon

Whether lockdown has been lifted fully or partially in your area, wearing a mask is still mandatory. This is one of most basic precautions against Covid-19, which is going to be around for a few months more at least until an effective vaccine or treatment is available on the market.

Take off your mask during workout

With lockdown being lifted, and life gradually trying to return to normalcy, you must ensure that you take off your mask when you are running or doing any intense exercise or physical activity. The reason is simple, you need more oxygen while doing intense exercise, and wearing a mask will not let your breathe properly. This can be an additional burden on your lungs and can be harmful in some cases. Let your lungs inhale fresh air if you choose to do vigorous exercise. Or simply go for less intense forms of fitness programs.

Redness of Eyes-Do not ignore it

It is quite natural that while working from home, you spend a lot of time in front of your laptop, therefore your eyes get tired. Let them relax. Eyes are precious and a little redness means that they need time to relax. Reduce your screen time as much as possible without hampering your work. Look at a distance every 20-30 minutes by taking your eyes off the screen. Close your eyes and give them some break many times during the day. However, redness with itching or swelling must not be ignored. Seek medical help immediately if redness persists or is accompanied by other symptoms.

Eye Massager with remote control

Immunity Boosters- Do You Really need?

While immunity boosters have been highly advertised and recommended in the recent times, it is advisable to get expert medical advice before taking any OTC immunity booster. Even Ayurvedic medicines are usually not prescribed for more than 3 month. As a general rule, you should discontinue even ayurvedic medicine after 3 months or as recommended by your Ayurvedic practitioner. After a gap of some 15-20 days, you can start again, if required. A good alternative is to rely on healthy food that are natural immunity boosters.

Health habits must be continued

Do not be in a hurry to switch back to your pre-lockdown lifestyle and eating habits. Why not continue with them? Lockdown has taught us that we can live without junk food, we can live without parties and stay healthy by simply taking some basic precautions and eating natural and homemade food? This also includes living without smoking or drinking. Why cannot we continue with these habits?

Lose weight before you become obese

If you were fit before lockdown, but gained weight during the lockdown, then now is the time to start losing weight as quickly as possible. Before you learn to live with your additional pounds gained in the last 4-5 months, start losing weight by whatever method suits you the best. You can start doing so by using Noom App based fat loss program.

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Turmeric|Fulvic Acid-Health Benefits|Immunity Booster

From using turmeric to lose weight or to boost immunity, there are many ways to get the health benefits of Turmeric. However, you may need Fulvic Acid based supplement to get the best possible results.

I talked about general health benefits of turmeric and mainly covered curcumin in one of my previous posts. Today we’ll focus on Fulvic Acid which is found in all types of root vegetables such as turmeric, beetroot, turnip, radish grown organically.

The problem is we do not get enough Fulvic Acid from from raw vegetables alone, therefore we may need to take supplements. Another way is to use turmeric regularly in your cooking or daily meal. Not only does it boost our immunity, but also provides many other health benefits. Immunity is what we must focus on during Covid 19 times anyway, right? So let’s start with what Fulvic acid is.

Turmeric Tea-Worth Trying

What is Fulvic Acid?

It is a naturally occurring compound produced by geochemical and biological reactions usually under the soil where no fertilizers and other harsh man-made chemical are used. There are many substances secreted by rocky mountains, that are rich in fulvic acid. Shilajit is one such substance recommended by Ayurvedic practitioners for treating various health issues such as diabetes, heart problems, asthma, digestive and sexual disorders. Fulvic Acid is the main compoent of Shilajit, that makes is so powerful. It works wonders for immunity as well.

What does Fulvic Acid Do?

Yes, you must be wondering why we are talking about Fulvic Acid anyway. Fulvic acid plays an important role in transporting nutrients to deep tissues, which in turn results in fatigue relaxation, helps in overcoming lethargy, delaying age-related cognitive impairment and many health issues. It is known to help in healing and improving lipid profiles. It aids in detoxification and boosts immune system. However, we do not get ample quantities of this directly from vegetable as they are grown with the help of fertilizers and many other chemicals that rob the soil of Fulvic Acid. Keeping that in mind, many types of Fulvic acid supplements have been produced.

Fulvic Acid with Turmeric Supplement

Turmeric Supplement to Lose Weight

Well, turmeric is not something that will help you burn fat by consuming it directly. It should be added in your food so that it works on your overall health and boosts your energy level. However, if combined with another powerful compound called Forskolin, it helps in burning fat and losing weight. Visit the official site of TurmaSlim for detailed information, price, shipping options and dosage.

Power of Turmeric and Forskolin for Immunity and Fat Burning

Turmeric and Honey

Turmeric health benefits are many, and that was known to ancient Indian health practitioner and public in general. That perhaps was the reason that turmeric is used in almost all types of cooked food in India and many Asian countries. Simply adding 1 teaspoonful of turmeric powder in 1/4 tsp of honey and a few drops of lemon makes a powerful antibiotic that can help you fight cold, cough and mild flu.

In addition to that, turmeric is used in various types of beauty and skin care products. This simple herb is so powerful that whether you consume it in power form in cooking or apply it externally on your skin, you will get some benefits.

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Are Obese and Asthmatic People Prone to Covid-19?

Presence of multiple health issues, such as diabetes, asthma, obesity and CVD in one person is called comorbidity. This complicates the prevention or treatment of Covid-19 or coronavirus. What is the solution?

By now if you are reading this post, then I can assume that you are aware of Covid-19 pandemic and its most common symptoms such as respiratory problems, dry cough, fever, loss of taste etc. The moment we talk about respiratory problems or dysfunction, we need not explain that obese people have higher resistance in airways, weak respiratory muscles and generally low lung volume, which weaken the first line of defense against Covid-19 or coronavirus.

Obesity and Coronavirus

In addition to dry cough and fever, people infected with Coronavirus usually develop pneumonia as well. Obese people often suffer from hypertension, high cholesterol level, diabetes, kidney and heart diseases. Obesity impedes diaphragm excursion and restricts ventilation, resulting in adverse effect on cardiovascular functions. All of these factors make one susceptible to all types of infections, coronavirus is an infection.

Fat Loss-Enhance Resistance to Infection

By losing weight, you can prepare to prevent yourself from the much-speculated second wave of Covid-19 sometime during the end of 2020. Though not a sure-shot formula for prevention of Covid-19, it will strengthen your ability to fight against the virus. Well, it has been noticed that overweight people understand the risks of being fat, but they cannot overcome food craving or change their eating habits. If you want to try something that make changing your diet less challenging or I’d say quite easy, then try Noom App.

Noom- The Last Weight Loss Program You’ll Ever Need

Diabetes and Covid-19

Though we do not have enough data to confirm it, initial studies indicate that high level of glucose in blood can be a kind of predictor of Covid-19. More research and reviews need to be done before it can be confirmed. However, I must say that diabetes in general weakens immune system and makes your body more susceptible to all types of infections. Therefore you might be in the high risk group if you are diabetic. It is often a general perception that reversing diabetes in not possible, but you can mange it well by making some simple change in your dieting habits and lifestyle in general.

How antibodies work?

Without getting into the details of the official definition of antibody, I’d like to explain it in layman’s terms. Antibody, as the name suggest, is something that works against any foreign body ( harmful viruses or bacteria). The structure of an antibody is such that it does not allow any foreign virus bacteria to bind together with the cells of human immune system. Simply speaking, they don’t allow the virus to multiply or spread in the body and get killed because they cannot survive without multiplying. As a result, the person does not get infected with that virus, because it is killed or neutralised a the entry-point itself.

Covid-19 Antibodies

Currently many research institutes are working on developing antibodies for coronavirus. Researchers at Utrecht University have identified fully human monoclonal antibody that prevents the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus from infecting cultured cells. Read full report here. Currently, plasma of treated or recovered Covid-19 patients is being considered for treatment of other patients. Sometimes it works, other times it fails. More research is required on this.

Asthma and Coronavirus

As some symptoms of coronavirus are similar to those any asthamatic patient often experiences, many people wonder if being asthmatic increases their risk of getting infected with coronavirus. There is no enough evidence to support this. As Covid-19 started from China, where asthma is relatively less common than in the west, we do not have enough published data about how asthma can make one more susceptible to Covid-19. However, experts suggest not to stop asthma medication unless advised by your medical practitioner.

What is Comorbidity?

It will not be out of context to talk about comorbidity when we are discussing obesity and coronavirus. When a person is suffering from more than one health issues, either interlinked or independent of the other, then the patient is called comorbid, and this situation is called comorbidity. For example, majority of obese people suffer from hypertension or cardiovascular diseases. In healthy people, body develops antibodies that fight against viral attack. People with comorbidity have compromised immune system, which means their antibodies are not strong enough to fight the virus. This complicates the whole situation and treatment becomes difficult and even impossible in many cases, such as Covid-19 cases in current scenario.

Anxiety and Stress

It goes without saying any type of health issue is a matter of concern, but when it a pandemic like Coronvirus, the anxiety level goes up causing stress and tension. The lockdown imposed in almost all corona-infected cities and countries, give rise to loneliness as we adopt the new normal lifestyle. This lifestyle will include social distancing as a norm to be continued until a vaccine or cure is found.

The New Normal after Covid-19 lockdown

Social distancing or wearing a mask is something humans are not made for. In fact, many renowned people including president Trump do not like wearing a mask. However, this is going to be the new normal lifestyle after Covid-19 lockdown is lifted. As experts believe that we’ll have to learn to live with Covoravirus until its cure or vaccine is found.

As a social animal, humans need to interact with each other at a much affectionate level than many other animals. Social distancing is against that norm, therefore can cause stress. It will not be out of context to mention that stress, tension and lack of sleep weaken your immune system, which can obviously make you more susceptible to coronavirus. The solution is simple, keep stress away as social distancing must be maintained in the current scenario. Do something that relieves your stress and helps you see the brighter side of life.

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Coronavirus or Covid 19 Lockdown times-What to do and what to avoid

Being creative during Covid 19 lockdown can be challenging, but worth trying. Read what to do and what to avoid during Coronavirus.

Coronavirus or Covid-19 outbreak is a health crisis not experienced by the current generation. It is a pandemic spread across the word and now almost one third of the world is under some form of lockdown. Lets take a look at what to do and what to avoid during Covid-19 lockdown times.

Do not mistake Covid 19 lockdown for holidays-Consequences can be serious

Lockdown is a period of maintaining restraint and balance. Do not mistake if for a vacation time, as has been reported from some parts of the world. Unless you are a health worker, someone connected with media or any organisation exempt from lockdown due to any reason, you are supposed to remain indoors. 

Do the least possible to stop Covid-19

This is the least you can do to stop or slow down the spread of Coronavirus or Covid 19. The more restraint you maintain, the better you can help the government or health agencies working round the clock to contain the outbreak. If you do not follow guidelines of your government or health agencies enforcing them, then you are actually posing a threat to the society, and consequences will more serious than you can imagine right now.

Maintain min 1 meter distance to prevent Coronavirus

Things to do during lockdown-Be Healthy

  • Stay indoors, unless it is extremely urgent to go out
  • Keep your grocery stocks full
  • Work from home if possible and allowed by your employer
  • Eat healthy and nutritious, re-discover your health, beauty and agility
  • Exercise every morning to boost immunity
  • Do something creative
  • Rely on trusted sources of information

Make Your Creative Side Active

What are you interested in? Is there something that you could not do because of lack of time? As long as your unfulfilled hobby activity is something that you can pursue from home, you are good. You can use the lockdown period to enhance your creative side. Some of the few creative activities you can do to make the best of lockdown period

  • Learn a new language
  • Try your hand at art and craft
  • Start a blog, vlog or podcast channel
  • This is the best time to start cooking and eating healthy
  • Enroll into some short-term online course, if that interests you
  • Offer online tuition
  • Start an online business and make money
Start home woodworking business

Things to avoid during Covid 19 lockdown

  • Do not spread rumours
  • Do not forward unverified messages
  • Do not panic
  • Do not self-medicate on noticing any symptom of the disease
  • Do not go out unless extremely urgent
  • Do not smoke, now is the time to quit this habit
  • Do not watch news constantly, but make sure that you are updated on government guidelines on Covid19. Get latest Covid-19 updates

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Immunity Booster Foods and Tips for Fight Against Coronavirus or Covid-19

In the ongoing fight against Coronavirus or Covid 19, the importance of strong immunity is highlighted. Take a look at some immunity booster tips.

Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Boost immunity-fight virus
Boost immunity-fight virus

While the entire world is fighting Covid 19 or coronavirus, it is important to understand what makes this virus so effective and how our strong immune system can help us fight it effectively.

How coronavirus works- In layman’s language

Basically it is a respiratory virus that enters and infects your respiratory system from nose to lungs. Your natural defense or immune system recognises this alien and fights back to protect your body. However, the virus is strong and our immune cells get killed in the process. As a result more immune cells pitch in and we see the result in the form of pneumonia, cold, fever, dry throat and flu-like symptoms. But this is not common cold, this is COVID-19. What happens next is well-known. The virus often defeats the patient’s weak immune system. The patient starts feeling difficulty in breathing. Other vital organs do not receive enough oxygen and fail to function properly. And you know the result.

Fight the Virus by Boosting immunity

Strong immunity helps fight virus including coronavirus

We often take our immune system for granted and do not take steps to boost it unless its weakness is visible in the form of any disease. We have many case of coronavirus patients recovering successful as timely action was taken to kill the virus while boosting the patients’ immunity. Though virus spreads fast invade our system, a strong immune system and fight effectively and defeat the virus successfully.

9 Natural Immunity Boosting Tips

Fresh leafy vegetables for strong immunity
  • Eat green leafy vegetables
  • Eat super foods as much as possible
  • Add turmeric to your food.
  • Use black pepper, cumin seeds and many other Indian herbs in your food
  • Eat at the same time daily
  • Sleep for 8 hours a day
  • Cook food properly so that it can be chewed without any difficulty
  • Do not overeat
  • Use Giloy in any form. Patanjali offers Giloy syrup, Giloy tablets and I think even power forms is available. Try the form that suits you.

You can use Giloy from any other manufacturer as well. I have used Patanjali, therefore I have mentioned it. You can choose whatever brand you like. However, make sure that it is pure giloy with least possible preservatives.

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Cook and Eat Healthy During Coronavirus Outbreak

COVID 19 or coronavirus outbreak should not deter you from eating healthy if you are at home.

As the Coronavirus or COVID 19 has spread its tentacles across the globe, it is high time we made the best possible effort to remain healthy while staying indoors. As eating out or even stepping out of your home is discouraged by government and health agencies, across the globe, why not try to cook and eat healthy food at home. Noom app can come in handy if you are running short on ideas on what to eat or cook. You can try metablic cooking as well.

Does chicken spread coronovirus?

It will not be out of context to mention that many people believe that eating chicken can spread Coronavirus. However, there is no scientific proof for it. So far, no COVID 19 case has been reported to have been caused by eating chicken. However, I must say that we lack data on this and majority of people have stopped eating chicken due to fear of this deadly disease.

No case of Coronavirus spreading from Chicken has been reported so far

Noom’s Healthy Recipes for All types of Food Cravings

A lot has been said about what healthy meal is and what should be the ideal choice of anyone looking for overall wellness not just weight loss. If you are under the impression that Noom app is only for obese or those looking to burn fat, then you must read Noom FAQs. Any health conscious person who wants to eat healthy, this app is what is recommended. Not only does it give you a list of food items, but also offers various recipes that you can try at home.

Home Workout by Noom

Do you like yoga, aerobics or work out in gym? Well, chances are that your gym would be closed. So the only way is to workout at home. and what better way to track your workout than using Noom app? It will give you the exact details that you need to ensure that you get health benefits of workout at home. From calorie counting and burning rate to what you should eat during any specific workout, it gives you all details.

Color Coded Food Makes it easy

In our Noom Review, we have covered what color coding of food is, as per Noom system. It is easy-to-follow no matter what your health condition is. Food choices are numerous to suit all taste buds, budget and lifestyle. All you need is your will to make the best of this simple app for your health.

Noom Yellow Food List
Noom Yellow Food
Green Noom Food
Green Noom Food
Noom fed food list
Noom Red Food List

Personalized Coaching

If you need more personalized advice or something specific clarified about your health, then Noom Goal Specialists are there to help. Right from helping you choose the food to advanced exercise tips, your coach can offer you right advice to suit your exact needs.

COVID-19 and Noom

The purpose of this post is to help you understand how keeping good health is not difficult despite staying at home and maintaining social distancing. Not attending the gym, no access to specific food items or inability to workout in a group should not be a deterrent for maintaining health, increasing immunity and keeping stress away . In fact, while social distancing in encouraged during Covid 19 outbreak, you can use group support of Noom community, accessing it safely from your app.

Manage Stress and habits effectively

As already mentioned in our various Noom articles, that it is based on human psychology, which is at the core of habits that you form. Habits are important in your daily life, as these habits form the basis of your overall health and lifestyle. Noom works at your habit formation level to help you develop healthy habits which will stay with you in the long run.

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