Sitting Cross-legged-Natural Meditation Pose

Sitting crossed legged, the easiest way to meditate.

When was the last time you sat cross-legged on the floor or ground. Maybe you cannot remember, and that could be one of the reasons behind many of your health issues. In fact, simply sitting cross-legged every day for some time can give you many health benefits. Whether your digestion system needs a boost or your backache needs a natural remedy, sitting cross-legged or this natural meditation pose can work wonders.

Is Sitting on Floor Better than Sitting in Chair?

That depends on many factors, you health condition and the type of activity you are going to do while sitting cross-legged. Western people call it Indian sitting style or posture, but the fact is that this is popular in many cultures. Some people also call it Turkish sitting style. In Japan, China, Korea and many other countries, they have their own variations of sitting on the floor, but the purpose is the same. To keep your spine in upright position and balance your overall weight on your hip joints and muscles. In addition too that, sitting cross-legged gives ample supply of blood to not just pelvic region but also to heart, brain and your overall body.

Sitting Cross-legged

Watching TV – The easiest way to try it

So, the question is whether sitting on the floor is better than sitting in a chair or sofa. The answer is that you have to check whether it works for you or not. I have seen people working on laptops and PCs while sitting on the floor, during lockdowns and work from home periods. Though it may seem impractical to recommend sitting on the floor while working on a laptop, it is not impossible or harmful at all. If you can sit for long hours it this position, it may work for you. For others, they can try sitting on the floor while doing other activities, such as watching TV. Simply sitting on the floor for half an hour to one hour every cay can work wonders for your physical and mental health.

Benefits if sitting Cross-legged

  • It improves your digestion. If you have your meal sitting cross-legged, then it boosts your digestion
  • It straightens and strengthens your spine and overall posterior.
  • Improves flexibility by stretching your hips, thighs and pelvic region
  • Stabilizes your lower back and balances your overall body
  • It increases your life expectancy, and it has been proven and observed
  • Relaxes your mind

Natural posture of meditation

Though various postures can be used for meditation, Padmasana or Sukhasana ( cross-legged) are the most preferred and recommended postures for meditation. While meditating, you should be completely relaxed to get the maximum possible effect, which is possible and easy to achieve in this position. It relieves stress and increases oxygen supply to blood which helps in boosting your overall mental health, spiritual well-being, clarity of thought and better focus.

If you have not started sitting on the floor every day, you can try now and notice the impact in just a week or 15 days.

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