What exactly is automatic weight loss anyway? She clarifies that it is nothing but cutting refined sugar from your diet is what works automatically to help you burn belly fat. Can this be your fat burning or weight loss plan for the coming new year 2025?
Recently an Instagram influencer Leana, known for her profile fitzyelifts, revealed something that she calls Automatic weight loss. What exactly is automatic weight loss anyway? She clarifies that it is nothing but cutting refined sugar from your diet is what works automatically to help you burn belly fat. Can this be your fat burning or weight loss plan for the coming new year 2025?
Make your natural fat burning process work effectively
Essentially what she wants to emphasize that your body has a natural fat burning system, but extra intake of sugar slows it down. That is what she says has worked for her and she has been able to lose 7 Kg in just 2 months. She further shares her belly fat burning struggle and success story in more detail. AS per her experience, the more you consume refined sugar, the more you crave for it and you get kind of addicted to it unknowingly. This becomes a part of your regular diet and natural fat burning process goes for a toss.
Eliminate Refined Sugar – How is it possible
Yes, you read it right, but eliminating refined sugar completely from you diet is next to impossible in today’s world. You get some amount of refined sugar in almost all grocery items that you buy on a regular basis. What is the solution then? The trick is to replace refined sugar with natural sugar and break free from the addiction. Yes, it is possible and that is what Leana did.
No Empty Calories
About her game changer diet plan, she says that simply replacing sugar with natural sugar will work wonders for your weight loss goals. Once you stop consuming those empty calories, your automatic weight loss systems is triggered and you start losing fat on your own. In fact she goes on saying that 99 percent of your weight and belly fat related issues will be resolved automatically. How about giving it a try this new year 2025?
Metabolism Booster
Basically, when refined food consumption is reduced and your body is allowed to work the way it should, then your metabolism gets faster. As your metabolism starts working normally, you start losing unwanted fat effortlessly. There are various methods, diet plans, exercise programs and lifestyle changes that work wonders to help you boost your metabolism and trigger your natural fat burning process. One of the fastest acting formula for to burn belly fat is Ikaria Lean Belly Juice
It is a powerful blend of natural nutrients in the form of capsule. This can give your body the required support to fight different compounds that accumulate fat. This can make your fat loss journey in 2025 easy, exciting, fruitful and worth the effort you put in.
Burning belly fat is not as difficult as most people think. Make some changes in your food, diet and lifestyle and see the change. Flat stomach is achievable if you are ready to do what it takes.
Bulging belly or obesity in general is often the primary cause of many health style diseases that appear later in life. Why not start working proactively at the first sign of belly fat that usually starts appearing in late twenties or early thirties. Fortunately, we get many belly fat burning food, diet plans and yoga techniques easily available across the net. However, the catch is all burning stomach fat requires some discipline and determination. Whether you join a gym, like intermittent fasting or want to change your eating habits, you must be determined and ready for a change in your lifestyle.
Can Bulging Belly Be Reduced Naturally?
Yes, you can burn belly fat rather easily, if you are mentally ready to do what it takes. Don’t worry, I am not asking you to do calorie counting, follow strict diet restriction or something impractical. Essentially, stomach fat starts depositing due to least movement of muscles around your stomach. If you make sure that you move, stretch or shake your abdominal area at least twice a day, then belly fat will not start depositing. If you already have fat around your belly, then it may take some time, but reducing fat naturally involves incorporating some activities in your lifestyle so that your abdominal muscles get exercise without you realising it. How about using water to lose belly fat?
I cannot stress the fact more that food plays an important role in making your obese, if you do not melt extra fat by physical activities. Also, there are many belly fat burning fat food, super food and even tailored diet plans to suit individual needs. As a general rule, green and leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and fiber rich food help you melt fat not just from your belly but from all over your body. Why not try some metabolic cooking for speedy effect?
Food for fat loss from belly area
Belly fat loss food
Beans: All types of beans are a great source of fiber, which are highly recommended as they help digestion, reduce inflammation and burn belly fat naturally.
Chiles: They must be included in your daily diet if you want to reduce the risk of obesity. Chilies require more calories, therefore layers of fat get oxidised, resulting in overall fat loss.
Fruit infused water: I have mentioned in my previous posts that water can be highly effective in melting fat and detoxification, if used correctly. Make sure that you drink enough water or use fruit infused water for added advantage. Also make sure that you add tomatoes in your diet.
Leafy and green vegetables: This is self-explanatory, and I need not repeat the benefits of fresh, leafy and fibrous food, which work wonders for fat loss. Broccoli, spinach, cucumber,cauliflower, peas, bottle-gourd, bitter gourd, okra and the list goes on.
Banana, avocado, citrus fruits and all types of berries must be included in your diet.
Seeds and Nuts: If you don’t eat pumpkin or sunflower seeds, then start now. They help a lot in burning belly fat. Also, eat all types of nuts (except cashew) if weight loss is on your mind.
Eggs: Not only do eggs boost your metabolism and help you remain full for longer duration, they also keep many health issues at bay such as diabetes. Those who eat eggs (1-2 every day, not more than that) have delayed diabetes or are less likely to have sugar problems than those who don’t eat eggs at all.
Belly Fat Exercise
Some of the best and most effective stomach fat reduction exercises are leg raise, side bends, curls and twists. Basically all types of exercise that put extra pressure or stretch on your stomach will burn your belly fat. Now, the question is which one suits you the best. For some, simple cat and cow postures immediately after waking up can work wonders. For others, slightly tough bends and twists may work fine.
Cycling for stomach fat reduction
What I find the most natural and easy exercise is cycling. I mean real cycling and not the exercise/stationary bike. Make sure that you choose a route that has all types of complexities such as uphill riding, downward tracks, tricky trails where you need strength as well and speed to maintain a balance. Simply riding 4-5 kilometres everyday will burn your belly fat. I understand that this type of route is not possible everywhere, but try your best to find one. If not possible, then even plain cycling is also much better and enjoyable than most stomach curls and twists.
Yoga-Melting Belly Fat Without any Equipment
No matter what your obesity or stomach fat level is, yoga or yogic postures will work for you. That is what makes yoga a favourite of all health conscious people. However, just like anything worth achieving requires some effort, yoga also demands some commitment from you. In fact, mental preparedness and positive attitude while performing yoga are more effective than the physical effort. You can perform yoga anywhere without any equipment. All you need is some open space and a mat, and you are good to go. For flattening stomach, you must start with deep breathing and various other asanas as demonstrated by Baba Ramdev.
My favourite yoga posture for belly fat reduction is paschimottanasana. Of course, I must admit that I can do is effortlessly because I have practised it a lot and now it is easy for me. As a beginner, it will be difficult for you, but do not be in a hurry, start and progress gradually. You’ll see results not just in the form of flat stomach but also in your overall health. All types of streching exercises are highly effective for overall health, and belly fat loss is just one of many benefits they offer.