Belly Fat Burning-Food, Diet and Yoga

Burning belly fat is not as difficult as most people think. Make some changes in your food, diet and lifestyle and see the change. Flat stomach is achievable if you are ready to do what it takes.

Bulging belly or obesity in general is often the primary cause of many health style diseases that appear later in life. Why not start working proactively at the first sign of belly fat that usually starts appearing in late twenties or early thirties. Fortunately, we get many belly fat burning food, diet plans and yoga techniques easily available across the net. However, the catch is all burning stomach fat requires some discipline and determination. Whether you join a gym, like intermittent fasting or want to change your eating habits, you must be determined and ready for a change in your lifestyle.

Can Bulging Belly Be Reduced Naturally?

Yes, you can burn belly fat rather easily, if you are mentally ready to do what it takes. Don’t worry, I am not asking you to do calorie counting, follow strict diet restriction or something impractical. Essentially, stomach fat starts depositing due to least movement of muscles around your stomach. If you make sure that you move, stretch or shake your abdominal area at least twice a day, then belly fat will not start depositing. If you already have fat around your belly, then it may take some time, but reducing fat naturally involves incorporating some activities in your lifestyle so that your abdominal muscles get exercise without you realising it. How about using water to lose belly fat?

Stomach fat burning food

Noom- The Last Weight Loss Program You’ll Ever Need

I cannot stress the fact more that food plays an important role in making your obese, if you do not melt extra fat by physical activities. Also, there are many belly fat burning fat food, super food and even tailored diet plans to suit individual needs. As a general rule, green and leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and fiber rich food help you melt fat not just from your belly but from all over your body. Why not try some metabolic cooking for speedy effect?

Food for fat loss from belly area

Belly fat loss food
  • Beans: All types of beans are a great source of fiber, which are highly recommended as they help digestion, reduce inflammation and burn belly fat naturally.
  • Chiles: They must be included in your daily diet if you want to reduce the risk of obesity. Chilies require more calories, therefore layers of fat get oxidised, resulting in overall fat loss.
  • Fruit infused water: I have mentioned in my previous posts that water can be highly effective in melting fat and detoxification, if used correctly. Make sure that you drink enough water or use fruit infused water for added advantage. Also make sure that you add tomatoes in your diet.
  • Leafy and green vegetables: This is self-explanatory, and I need not repeat the benefits of fresh, leafy and fibrous food, which work wonders for fat loss. Broccoli, spinach, cucumber,cauliflower, peas, bottle-gourd, bitter gourd, okra and the list goes on.
  • Banana, avocado, citrus fruits and all types of berries must be included in your diet.
  • Seeds and Nuts: If you don’t eat pumpkin or sunflower seeds, then start now. They help a lot in burning belly fat. Also, eat all types of nuts (except cashew) if weight loss is on your mind.
  • Eggs: Not only do eggs boost your metabolism and help you remain full for longer duration, they also keep many health issues at bay such as diabetes. Those who eat eggs (1-2 every day, not more than that) have delayed diabetes or are less likely to have sugar problems than those who don’t eat eggs at all.

Belly Fat Exercise

Some of the best and most effective stomach fat reduction exercises are leg raise, side bends, curls and twists. Basically all types of exercise that put extra pressure or stretch on your stomach will burn your belly fat. Now, the question is which one suits you the best. For some, simple cat and cow postures immediately after waking up can work wonders. For others, slightly tough bends and twists may work fine.

Cycling for stomach fat reduction

What I find the most natural and easy exercise is cycling. I mean real cycling and not the exercise/stationary bike. Make sure that you choose a route that has all types of complexities such as uphill riding, downward tracks, tricky trails where you need strength as well and speed to maintain a balance. Simply riding 4-5 kilometres everyday will burn your belly fat. I understand that this type of route is not possible everywhere, but try your best to find one. If not possible, then even plain cycling is also much better and enjoyable than most stomach curls and twists.

Yoga-Melting Belly Fat Without any Equipment

No matter what your obesity or stomach fat level is, yoga or yogic postures will work for you. That is what makes yoga a favourite of all health conscious people. However, just like anything worth achieving requires some effort, yoga also demands some commitment from you. In fact, mental preparedness and positive attitude while performing yoga are more effective than the physical effort. You can perform yoga anywhere without any equipment. All you need is some open space and a mat, and you are good to go. For flattening stomach, you must start with deep breathing and various other asanas as demonstrated by Baba Ramdev.


My favourite yoga posture for belly fat reduction is paschimottanasana. Of course, I must admit that I can do is effortlessly because I have practised it a lot and now it is easy for me. As a beginner, it will be difficult for you, but do not be in a hurry, start and progress gradually. You’ll see results not just in the form of flat stomach but also in your overall health. All types of streching exercises are highly effective for overall health, and belly fat loss is just one of many benefits they offer.

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Appetite Suppression with Pills or Natural Way?

Is appetite loss good for health? Should we go for natural appetite suppression or take the help of pills?How Leptin resistance management helps.

Appetite control made easy

When it comes to natural appetite suppression, I cannot help thinking is it really a big deal? Why not try intermittent fasting or simply stop eating as soon as you feel full? I know you must be thinking that it is easier said than done. I agree, that it is not so easy for most of us, especially those who are overweight or obese. However, I believe that it is easy and practical because I have controlled appetite the natural way without pills, and sometimes even unknowingly. What makes appetite control or suppression so easy ? Let’s take a look at some of the habits that make it natural for those willing control it without pills.

Using the Power of Water

It goes without saying that water is highly effective in not just hunger control and appetite suppression but for overall health including skin health and general well being. From keeping your digestive system in shape to providing natural glow to your face, water does it all. However you must know how to drink water, when to drink or not drink water to get the desired result. Simply drinking water the first thing every morning immediately after waking up is a healthy habit that sets your digestive system for the whole day.

Water hack to crush food cravings
Water- Use it as Natural Appetite Suppressant


Do you know that humble fenugreek seeds contain ample quantity of insoluble fiber, approximately 45% of of all its content. Fenugreek is known to control and regulate high blood sugar, therefore diabetics are advised to consume it in various forms. In addition to that, it helps in cholesterol control, and works as an excellent natural appetite suppressant. In India, fenugreek is often always added in vegetables and other food items cooked at home.

Fenugreek seeds-Natural appetite suppressant

Intermittent fasting

I have written a lot about various types of intermittent fasting such as 5:2 fasting, which is quite popular and effective. In fact, the whole idea of fasting is to get accustomed to go without food and let your digestive and other related organs function properly. Human is the only living being who eats without feeling hungry. No other animal eats unless it is really required. Fasting helps you achieve that situation when you actually need food. When this happens quite often, i.e when you observe intermittent fasting, you learn how to control or suppress your unnecessary appetite.


Eating eggs regularly (especially as part of morning breakfast) is highly effective in keeping you full for long. You don’t feel like eating without feeling low on energy due to high protein content of eggs. All types of protein-rich food items help in controlling appetite to a great extent. As eggs are my favourite breakfast food, I recommend that. You can choose from many other protein rich natural food items, which will offer the same effect as eggs.

Garcinia Cambogia

Though not so common in fresh form, its extracts or supplements are available on the market. This is a fruit found in Sahara deserts. One of the most common properties of this fruit is appetite suppression naturally. You need not take any other pill or supplement if you take Garcinia Cambogia regularly.


If you take black tea, then don’t forget to add ginger to it. In fact you can eat raw ginger as well, if you like. However, due to its bitter taste in raw form, most people want it added in other food items. In Asian countries, ginger is an essential spice or herb without which most delicacies cannot be cooked. If that seems to be difficult, then try it with tea and see the effect. You’ll feel less hungry and more energetic. I’ll publish a separate post on the health benefits of ginger and its medicinal properties.

Ginger for Appetite Suppression Naturally

Green Tea

Whole world of health conscious people is aware of health benefits of green tea. No matter what brand you choose, it will help you manage your appetite, which is the bottom line of almost all weight loss programs. Are you on a fat loss program? Then start drinking green tea today.

Black tea or coffee

Coffee or black tea is known to work as a great stimulant for mind and body. However, those are the instant effects for which we consume coffee, but there are many other benefits such as appetite reduction which is often desired by those looking to burn fat naturally. The less hungry you feel, the less you eat. This happens unknowingly with all those who drink black tea or coffee regularly.

Want a Food Craving Control Pill?

In one of our previous posts, we also talked about what actually works behind our insatiable food craving, that makes all appetite reduction methods ineffective. Yes, that is Leptin resistance, which doesn’t let your brain understand when you should stop eating. We have covered the topic widely in our Leptitox Review 2020..

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Jimmy Carr’s Simple Secret for Body Transformation

[buzzsprout episode=’1597933′ player=’true’]

Jimmy Carr didn’t realise that the diet habit or lifestyle he was unknowingly following was actually a form of intermittent fasting that weight loss aspirants follow under expert guidance, or as part of some weight loss program.

Jimmy Carr’s Weight Loss Secret

As a famous British comedian, Jimmy Carr calls it a simple trick that helped him lose weight almost effortlessly. What it that simple trick?

Jimmy Carr weight loss secret

Jimmy had a large frame, and he has actually poked fun at his own obesity and weight loss desires. Not many obese people take their obesity light- heartedly. What’s more, as a celebrity, they often have erratic schedules, which further complicates their chances of losing weight easily. However, they can often afford to to hire personal trainers to keep them in shape.

But Jimmy Carr decided to take a different and rather simple approach that worked well him.

What did Jimmy Carr say when asked about his secret of losing weight or total body transformation.

He said he stopped eating after six in the evening

Jimmy Carr Followed No Exercise Program For weight loss

And you’d be surprised that he added that he did do any exercise to follow any other program to boost his weight loss effort.

Read the full report

He just stopped eating at night, that’s it.

Is it so simple? Essentially , when you stop eating after six PM, you are actually allowing your body to go foodless for next 12 to 16 hours, which is a kind of intermittent fasting, when all calories for the day are consumed in an 8-hour window.

He further adds. “If you don’t eat after six most of all over the time you’ll be fine and then if occasionally you go out to dinner then it’s a treat, it’s nice.”

So folks, how about giving it a try. I am not saying that you’ll undergo a kind of body transformation. However, you’ll definitely see some positive results. Depending on your stamina and ability to continue with any fasting program, you’ll achieve great results. Your heart health will improve and you also notice that diabetes management becomes easy by fasting.

Thank you for listening to this podcast. Learn more about intermittent fasting

Use BMI Calculator to check if you are obese or overweight

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Hunger Control-Intermittent Fasting- 5:2 Diet

Flexible intermittent fasting for hunger control

If you tried intermittent fasting and got some positive results, then you can continue with your own style. However, here is a very popular and effective method to get similar or better results than what you expect from traditional fasting. This is called 5:2 diet, which simply means that you eat normally 5 days a week, but restrict your food intake to a minimal on 2 days. The slight difference between intermittent type and 5:2 diet is that you do not completely restrict your food intake when on a 5:2 diet plan. You essentially control your hunger systematically and in a controlled way.

hunger control-intermittent fasting

Is 5:2 diet different form intermittent fasting?

Yes, the idea behind 5:2 dieting is to help you restrict your calorie intake or balance your additional calorie intake on weekdays by bringing it down to almost zero on the 2 fasting days. Care must be taken that you do not gorge on food or eat anything additional on normal days to make up for the calorie loss on fasting days. As it will defeat the whole purpose of dieting or appetite control, it is advisable that you limit your weekday diet to your normal diet.

Why choose 5:2 diet?

One of the most important features of this diet is that you need not restrict yourself on fasting days. You can consume up to 25% of your regular calories on fasting days. An average woman’s calorie intake per day is approximately 2000, which means women can consume up to 500 calories on fast days. An average man’s calorie consumption per days is approx.2400, so men need to restrict their calorie intake to 600 on fasting days. This is often not as difficult as following a complete fasting diet. You can eat 3 small meals spread throughout the day. As a smart dieter, you should choose fulfilling, natural and low-calorie food such as leafy vegetables and fruits.

Does 5:2 diet push your body to starvation mode?

Not at all. In fact, this is also one of the reasons that many people have achieved their weight loss goals by following this diet. Usually, your body kicks in starvation mode after 36 hours of reduced calorie intake, which is not the case with 5:2 diet. However, the trick here is to avoid fasting on two consecutive days. You can decide your normal and fasting days according to your convenience. Those fasting two days in a row may push their metabolism to starvation mode, which must be avoided to get the best result.

Benefits of 5:2 diet

  1. An easy and effective fat loss plan
  2. Improved metabolic health
  3. Can be continued for long
  4. Reduces fasting insulin levels in many diabetics
  5. An effective solution for those who find restricting calories difficult
  6. No additional or specific food is required
  7. You can follow it regularly without any side-effects

Who should not follow 5:2 diet?

  1. Pregnant women
  2. Breastfeeding mothers
  3. Children or teenagers (It is recommended for adults only)
  4. Diabetics with type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  5. People on any type of medication
  6. Those with low blood pressure
  7. Those suffering from eating disorders

What to eat to make this diet effective

Well, the idea behind this diet or eating pattern is to keep you full, whilst ensuring that your nutritional needs are met. It serves two purposes. First, you don’t need to fight your cravings because you feel full by eating your regular meals. Second, you give your body ample time to reset itself for your health journey. Though you can start this diet for weight loss as your primary purpose, you will realise soon that it helps you control your mind. As mind plays an important role in making you feel hungry when you are not actually hungry, you learn when you really need food. On regular days, you can eat

  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Vegetables
  • Beans
  • Lean animal cuts

On fasting days, you can eat

  • All types of berries
  • Unsweetened tea of coffee
  • Soups
  • Eggs

What to avoid

  • Processed food
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Excess carbohydrate

Other popular intermittent fasting methods

24 hour fast

As the name suggests, you can fast for 24 hours and start eating your regular meal. This can be done once or twice a week. You can plan it from breakfast to breakfast, from lunch to lunch or dinner to dinner, whichever suits your lifestyle and eating habits. Those who cannot skip breakfast, may choose the first method as one healthy morning breakfast can give you enough nutrition to help you throughout the day while burning some fat before you eat your breakfast the next day.

No matter what pattern you choose, the idea is to avoid food for next 24 hours.

16/8 eating pattern

This method works for most people as you consume only liquid food for 16 hours and then one solid meal in the next 8 hours to suit your daily schedule. You can repeat this pattern once or twice a week for best results.

Alternate day fasting ADF

Another extreme form of fasting is alternate day fasting, which simply means that you fast one day and eat normally the next day. Though you cannot follow ADF for long, you can notice a remarkable difference by following ADF for short duration.

Fasting and heart health

According to an American Heart Association’s (AHA) statement on fasting and heart health, ADF or fasting mimicking diet (FMD) have similar effects on lowering calories, sugar and protein levels. A group of Texas Tech University researchers reviewed the statement and data from 10 other studies, came to the conclusion that ADF can lead to an average weekly weight loss of 0.75 kg in some people. Read the full report here.

Skipping meals whenever possible

This is one of my favourite methods of intermittent fasting. It is about finding the best opportunity to skip a meal. Humans are naturally programmed to survive famines, therefore it hardly makes any difference if you skip a meal or two whenever you find an opportunity. The best and most convenient way to skip meal is while travelling. Skipping one meal while travelling is not only possible but also a healthy way to say no to junk or unhealthy food.

Alternatively, you can skip your breakfast if you had a heavy meal last night. In fact, whenever you don’t feel like eating, simply skip that meal. If you can skip two or three meals every week, then you can see the result within a month of so. However, the catch is that you must not overeat at other times to cover the skipped meal. Also read about one meal a day or OMAD.

What happens when you fast intermittently

Your body undergoes a lot of changes, when it is deprived of food. In fact, your cells start various repairs, which essentially means that dysfunctional protein is removed, and new cells start developing.

Making body fat accessible: As you don’t eat for long duration, your insulin level is reduced significantly. This process results in making the stored fat accessible for energy.

HGH gets a boost. Intermittent fasting helps you burn fat because your HGH or human growth hormone level goes up remarkably. This is good for overall fat burning and weight loss.

​Autophagy and fasting- Cellular cleansing

What is autophagy and how is it related to fasting? The term autophagy was coined by the Nobel prize winning scientist Christian de Duve in 1962. Let’s discuss an analogy to make it simple for you to understand this natural metabolic procedure in our body, and how fasting triggers it.

Not long ago, and even today, desktop computers are highly popular, useful and cost-effective. When the hardware and software of our PCs get outdated, we have two options. We can either replace the whole PC with a new one or have some vital parts upgraded or replaced to achieve the desired performance. As it is always not possible to replace the whole PC, we choose an upgrade or repair option, which often involves repairing hardware as well. Once the old and outdated software or hardware is replaced, the PC starts working normally. This is exactly what happens at sub-cellular level in our body, known as autophagy. Our body has an in-built mechanism to identify and replace old cell membranes, proteins and organelles. The process of autophagy ensures that broken-down machinery at cellular level is taken care of efficiently.

Fasting to activate autophagy

Eating raises the insulin level in our body and reduces the glucagon level. Its opposite is also true. When we don’t eat, our glucogon level goes up and insulin level goes down. Autophagy is activated when glucogon level is up. Simply put, when you fast or don’t eat, your glucogon level goes up and autophagy process is activated. That is the reason why fasting is important to activate this natural cellular cleaning or autophagy process.

No autophagy results in many health issues

Let’s try to understand it by this analogy. If you don’t clean your house, debris will accumulate and make the appearance of your house ugly. You can bring and place something new only when you remove the junk. At cellular level in our body, if junk proteins are not removed, they keep on accumulating and may result in various health issues. In fact, this is often cited as one of the reasons behind Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and cancer. Read more 

Fasting not just for weight loss

Though we cannot deny the fact that the primary reason behind fasting in any form is weight loss or fat burning in the modern world, it is recommended at least once or twice a month for renovation at cellular level. In fact, during Hindu religious functions and in many other cultures, the main performer of the ritual is supposed to fast for a specified period (usually the whole day). The scientific reason behind this tradition is obvious by the points mentioned above. The underlying reason is to cleanse your body at cellular level for the auspicious occasion.

Hunger control-key to fasting effectively

Not many of our readers will disagree that hunger control is at the core of any type of fasting, whether intermittent or any other pattern to suit individual needs. As fasting is nothing but a way of controlling hunger systematically, you must learn to skip meals whenever your get an opportunity. This practice will help you try fasting for whole day. Those who fast regularly are often healthier than those who don’t fast at all. Don’t make weight loss your only goal, but try to focus on overall health, which will reduce your weight naturally.

Effect of fasting on brain

If you are hungry, you are more energetic and vigilant

I need not emphasise that when you are hungry for power, hungry for excellence or hungry for recognition, aren’t you more energetic than normal to achieve your goal? Our brain is activated, energised or boosted to satiate that hunger by making us work harder, and focus on the goal with strong determination. We go the extra mile to achieve the goal. How does it all happen?

Improvement in cognitive functions

Professor Mark Mattson of The Johns Hopkins University has done extensive research on how fasting affects the functions of brain. The findings of his research confirmed that fasting causes many chemical changes in human brain, resulting in remarkable improvement of cognitive functions. As per his report, fasting poses a challenge to the brain, and the brain reacts to it by adapting response pathways so that it can handle the stress caused by lack of food or reduced caloric intake. Additionally, growth of neurons boosts learning and memory significantly.

He further adds that brain’s reaction to intermittent fasting is same as it is to regular exercise. Somewhat similar findings were reported after a clinical trial on old adults aged 60-79. Here is the result of their experiment.
Significant increases in brain volume, in both grey and white matter regions, were found as a function of fitness training for the older adults who participated in the aerobic fitness training but not for the older adults who participated in the stretching and toning (non-aerobic) control group.” Read the full report here 

Can intermittent fasting repair DNA?

As per Professor Mattson, his studies suggest strong indications of nerve cells’ enhanced ability to repair DNA during intermittent fasting. Though some studies have shown positive results, further research is required to confirm it.

Evolutionary point of view

Cavemen did not have a food counter everywhere when they stepped out of their caves. In fact food was scarce, and it required more energy and mental agility to search for food when they were hungry. Interestingly, nature has already prepared humans and many mammals to face this situation. In many mammals, during caloric deprivation, the sizes of all organs are reduced, except that of brain and male testicles. It clearly indicates that nature has designed human body in such a way so that cognitive functions remain unaffected or enhanced during starvation.

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Want to reverse type 2 diabetes? Try intermittent fasting

If fasting is something you normally observe due to any religious faith or for general well-being, then here is a good news for you. How about fasting or intermittent fasting to reverse type 2 diabetes, if you are diabetic? Yes, that is what a recent study conducted on three men suggests. Well, fasting in general, gives your digestive system and related organs a relaxation time. It  works wonders for overall physical wellness. Maybe that is the reason that many religious faiths recommend observing fast. On certain occasions or during festivals, many faiths recommend fasting, which is good for physical health.
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Continue reading “Want to reverse type 2 diabetes? Try intermittent fasting”