Why am I not losing belly fat? 7 reasons

Unable to lose belly fat despite trying all possible fat loss formulas. Identify 7 reasons that are stopping you from belly fat loss in 2020.

I am losing some weight, but why am I not losing belly fat? If that is your question, then you are not alone. In fact, a majority of people struggling to shed some weight and lose belly fat have the same question. The answer seems to be quite simple, but is really difficult to put the corrective action in action. So lets take a look at why you are not losing belly fat.

7 reasons why you are not losing belly fat

  1. Unsuitable exercise
  2. Unrealistic fat loss goal
  3. No sound sleep
  4. Stress and anxiety
  5. Cannot quit beer to flatten beer belly
  6. Your food is not right for you
  7. You are not drinking enough water
Belly fat loss made easy

Your exercise doesn’t suit you

There is no such thing as one standard weight loss or belly fat loss program suitable for all. Your exercise must be customised or tailored to suit your exact needs, body type, health condition, age and gender. For all this, you need a professional coach who can monitor you regularly and recommend changes to help you achieve your desired/possible health goal.

You are setting unrealistic goal

You have been training for years, which somehow makes your believe that you can set your goal and achieve it even if it is unrealistic. That is when you need the help of a professional. Something that seems achievable for you may not be realistic from your coach’s point of view. No matter how experienced or well-informed you are, you need professional advice if you not able to lose your belly fat, despite making your informed decision. And that is quite reasonable. Do you think movie stars don’t know about what works for fat loss and what doesn’t? They know a lot, probably more than you and me, but they still listen to their coach and act upon their advice. The result is obvious and visible, isn’t it? Makes sense?

You are not sleeping properly

You must make a choice. Spending sleepless nights for whatever reason is not going to work in favour of your health and shape. Either iron out issues that are causing sleepless nights or simply forget losing belly fat, period. I understand that insomnia or irregular sleep pattern are not always related to your work or professional stress. That is actually easier to solve than fixing professional issues. Why not try sleeping aids? Read more about sound sleep.

Stress and anxiety offsetting your efforts

I have covered this in one of my previous posts. Stress can impact all aspects of your life including health, of course. The more stress-free you live, the higher will be your chance to achieve your belly fat loss goal.

Justifying your beer habit

Well, you must have heard of beer belly. It is literally the same belly you are trying to melt fat from. I must say that it is not so simple. No matter how you justify your beer intake in moderation, it will not let you burn belly fat. Quitting alcohol is a must if you have already developed fat around your stomach. However, the good news is you can be pro-active and stop your beer belly from developing if you start early. That way you can enjoy your beer and keep your stomach in shape.

Not eating the right food

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What is the right food? You must be wondering that you have been eating all types of nutritious, green and healthy food but results are nowhere in sight. Again, it is the same issue as we discussed above related to exercise. What you believe is right food for you may be actually right for someone you are trying to be like. The thing is, you are a different person from the one you are following. Obviously, your response to that food will be different. No point in chasing the mirage. Start eating food that suits you or is recommended for your weight loss goal. The result may not be instant, but you’ll be on the right track. Noom diet app can help with your food choice.

You are not drinking enough water

I have talked about the miraculous health benefits of simply drinking water in various forms. This is one of the gifts nature has provided us with. In fact, we are approximately 70% water. We must maintain that balance by keeping ourselves hydrated. Lack of water can trigger many health issues and weight gain is one of them.

Belly fat reduction secret in a 30-second morning ritual

Last but not the least, obesity could be in your genes. Though it is slightly difficult to defeat genetics, you can still do it, if you start early, i.e. before you hit 40. In fact, the ideal time to start is the moment you are 30 plus.

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