Appetite Suppression with Pills or Natural Way?

Is appetite loss good for health? Should we go for natural appetite suppression or take the help of pills?How Leptin resistance management helps.

Appetite control made easy

When it comes to natural appetite suppression, I cannot help thinking is it really a big deal? Why not try intermittent fasting or simply stop eating as soon as you feel full? I know you must be thinking that it is easier said than done. I agree, that it is not so easy for most of us, especially those who are overweight or obese. However, I believe that it is easy and practical because I have controlled appetite the natural way without pills, and sometimes even unknowingly. What makes appetite control or suppression so easy ? Let’s take a look at some of the habits that make it natural for those willing control it without pills.

Using the Power of Water

It goes without saying that water is highly effective in not just hunger control and appetite suppression but for overall health including skin health and general well being. From keeping your digestive system in shape to providing natural glow to your face, water does it all. However you must know how to drink water, when to drink or not drink water to get the desired result. Simply drinking water the first thing every morning immediately after waking up is a healthy habit that sets your digestive system for the whole day.

Water hack to crush food cravings
Water- Use it as Natural Appetite Suppressant


Do you know that humble fenugreek seeds contain ample quantity of insoluble fiber, approximately 45% of of all its content. Fenugreek is known to control and regulate high blood sugar, therefore diabetics are advised to consume it in various forms. In addition to that, it helps in cholesterol control, and works as an excellent natural appetite suppressant. In India, fenugreek is often always added in vegetables and other food items cooked at home.

Fenugreek seeds-Natural appetite suppressant

Intermittent fasting

I have written a lot about various types of intermittent fasting such as 5:2 fasting, which is quite popular and effective. In fact, the whole idea of fasting is to get accustomed to go without food and let your digestive and other related organs function properly. Human is the only living being who eats without feeling hungry. No other animal eats unless it is really required. Fasting helps you achieve that situation when you actually need food. When this happens quite often, i.e when you observe intermittent fasting, you learn how to control or suppress your unnecessary appetite.


Eating eggs regularly (especially as part of morning breakfast) is highly effective in keeping you full for long. You don’t feel like eating without feeling low on energy due to high protein content of eggs. All types of protein-rich food items help in controlling appetite to a great extent. As eggs are my favourite breakfast food, I recommend that. You can choose from many other protein rich natural food items, which will offer the same effect as eggs.

Garcinia Cambogia

Though not so common in fresh form, its extracts or supplements are available on the market. This is a fruit found in Sahara deserts. One of the most common properties of this fruit is appetite suppression naturally. You need not take any other pill or supplement if you take Garcinia Cambogia regularly.


If you take black tea, then don’t forget to add ginger to it. In fact you can eat raw ginger as well, if you like. However, due to its bitter taste in raw form, most people want it added in other food items. In Asian countries, ginger is an essential spice or herb without which most delicacies cannot be cooked. If that seems to be difficult, then try it with tea and see the effect. You’ll feel less hungry and more energetic. I’ll publish a separate post on the health benefits of ginger and its medicinal properties.

Ginger for Appetite Suppression Naturally

Green Tea

Whole world of health conscious people is aware of health benefits of green tea. No matter what brand you choose, it will help you manage your appetite, which is the bottom line of almost all weight loss programs. Are you on a fat loss program? Then start drinking green tea today.

Black tea or coffee

Coffee or black tea is known to work as a great stimulant for mind and body. However, those are the instant effects for which we consume coffee, but there are many other benefits such as appetite reduction which is often desired by those looking to burn fat naturally. The less hungry you feel, the less you eat. This happens unknowingly with all those who drink black tea or coffee regularly.

Want a Food Craving Control Pill?

In one of our previous posts, we also talked about what actually works behind our insatiable food craving, that makes all appetite reduction methods ineffective. Yes, that is Leptin resistance, which doesn’t let your brain understand when you should stop eating. We have covered the topic widely in our Leptitox Review 2020..

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