Incredible Benefits of Giloy or Guruchi-Immunity and Digestion Booster

Giloy works wonder for overall health. From immunity boosting and diabetes management to fat loss and stress management, Giloy or Guruch does it all.

Immunity has been one of the most talked about topics during Covid-19 lockdown or simply since the time Coronavirus started spreading in 2020. Boosting immunity can often be as simple as eating some natural herbs or leaves such as Giloy ( Tinospora Cordifolia ) or Guruchi, which often go unnoticed in your backyard. Today we are going to talk about Giloy which is so abundantly and easily available in and around Delhi and various parts of North India, that we fail to notice its medicinal properties.

Ayurvedic Root of Immortality

Giloy or Guduchi Leaves

This seemingly useless plant is full of medicinal properties. A majority of Ayurvedic medicines contain some amount of Giloy essence as an important ingredient. You just pick up any ayurvedic medicine and read its ingredient label, you will find Giloy in it. In fact, it is called the Ayurvedic root of immortality just because of its powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties all rolled into one. Also, it will not be out of context to mention that Giloy in Sankrit means Amrit, which can be translated as something that makes you immortal. Amrit, as mentioned in old text, was available only in liquid form, but Giloy can be consumed in many forms such as liquid, powder, paste or even its root can be chewed.

Giloy Boosts immunity amazingly

I personally know a few people, who I don’t remember ever saying that they fell ill in the last 25-30 years. One of them is none other than my own uncle ( now approx. 80 ). The last time I saw him falling ill was some 25 years ago, when I was a teenager. As kids, we used to avoid him whenever we fell ill because he would quickly advise us to eat Giloy stem or drink its bitter juice instead of eating tablets or capsules. We didn’t know at that time that Giloy plants growing naturally in our backyard was the secret of his agility, sharp eyes, glowing face and overall health. Till date, he eats Giloy stems regularly either directly (raw form directly cut from the plant), boiled stems or sometimes its juice. Giloy boosts your immunity and helps you fight many common health issues.

Giloy-Available in Many Forms

Giloy Guice- Natural and Ayurvedic Immunity Booster

Though I must say that everyone cannot have access to fresh Giloy, it is not so difficult to get high quality Giloy from any Ayurvedic store especially Patanjali stores in various cities and towns in India. Baba Ramadev has recommended and talked about immense benefits of Giloy or Guruchi in many of his yoga programs, videos and live events. In fact, I also used Patanjali Giloy tablets in combination of a few other tablets to get relief from my knee pain caused by Chickengunia last year. I am so impressed by the health benefits of Giloy that I always keep a bottle of Giloy juice available in my house. I make it a point to drink 10-15 ml with equal amount of water every day to keep my immunity in good shape. It is also available in powder form, if you prefer that.

5 Health Benefits of Giloy

A lot has been said and written about health benefits of Giloy. However, the most important and perhaps the most useful point in current Covid-19 times is its ability to boost your immunity. Start taking Giloy in any form every day and see the difference. I’d once again repeat that if you are already under some medication, then take medical advice first before giving it a try. What I have mentioned above is based on my personal experience, and should not be considered as medical advice. Here are some other health benefits of Giloy.

Immunity Booster Giloy

It is one of the most powerful natural herbs that can boost your immunity amazingly. It purifies blood and keeps your cells healthy. Also, read about immunity yoga.

Bowel movement regulator

If you suffer from constipation, which itself gives rise to many health issues, then you must consider taking Giloy regularly. It helps your digestion and brings relief in many bowel related issues in addition to constipation.

Giloy for joint pain and arthritis relief

If you have joint pain or arthritis, then Giloy will bring you immense relief. However, dosages and duration will depend on your exact condition for which you must get in touch with an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Common cough and cold relief by Giloy

If you suffer from cold and cough quite frequently, then Giloy’s anti-inflammatory properties will bring you relief.

Giloy for Fat Loss and Stress Management

As Giloy helps digestion and detoxification by improving liver functions, the overall impact of this is visible in fat loss or weight reduction. As your digestion improves, your metabolism gets a boost and you start burning fat naturally. As toxins are flushed out of your body, your memory improves and overall stress and anxiety also disappear gradually. Worth giving a try, isn’t it?

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