Post Lockdown Health Issues | 6 Tips and Precautions

Post lockdown is the best time to ensure that your good habits continue so that you enjoy good health for years. Take a look at 6 tips that will help you manage your post lockdown health issues.

Well, the world seems to have got accustomed to living with Covid-19 pandemic. Post lockdown, those who remained safe from pandemic are facing many health issues, and of course weight gain is the number 1. Extra pounds gained during lockdown is comparatively easy to lose than the fat gained over the years. We’ll talk about that briefly as losing weight more or less remains the same no matter where or when you gained it. Lets focus on other health issues and what precautions and safety measures we can take.

Mask is still mandatory

Stylish Masks at Amazon

Whether lockdown has been lifted fully or partially in your area, wearing a mask is still mandatory. This is one of most basic precautions against Covid-19, which is going to be around for a few months more at least until an effective vaccine or treatment is available on the market.

Take off your mask during workout

With lockdown being lifted, and life gradually trying to return to normalcy, you must ensure that you take off your mask when you are running or doing any intense exercise or physical activity. The reason is simple, you need more oxygen while doing intense exercise, and wearing a mask will not let your breathe properly. This can be an additional burden on your lungs and can be harmful in some cases. Let your lungs inhale fresh air if you choose to do vigorous exercise. Or simply go for less intense forms of fitness programs.

Redness of Eyes-Do not ignore it

It is quite natural that while working from home, you spend a lot of time in front of your laptop, therefore your eyes get tired. Let them relax. Eyes are precious and a little redness means that they need time to relax. Reduce your screen time as much as possible without hampering your work. Look at a distance every 20-30 minutes by taking your eyes off the screen. Close your eyes and give them some break many times during the day. However, redness with itching or swelling must not be ignored. Seek medical help immediately if redness persists or is accompanied by other symptoms.

Eye Massager with remote control

Immunity Boosters- Do You Really need?

While immunity boosters have been highly advertised and recommended in the recent times, it is advisable to get expert medical advice before taking any OTC immunity booster. Even Ayurvedic medicines are usually not prescribed for more than 3 month. As a general rule, you should discontinue even ayurvedic medicine after 3 months or as recommended by your Ayurvedic practitioner. After a gap of some 15-20 days, you can start again, if required. A good alternative is to rely on healthy food that are natural immunity boosters.

Health habits must be continued

Do not be in a hurry to switch back to your pre-lockdown lifestyle and eating habits. Why not continue with them? Lockdown has taught us that we can live without junk food, we can live without parties and stay healthy by simply taking some basic precautions and eating natural and homemade food? This also includes living without smoking or drinking. Why cannot we continue with these habits?

Lose weight before you become obese

If you were fit before lockdown, but gained weight during the lockdown, then now is the time to start losing weight as quickly as possible. Before you learn to live with your additional pounds gained in the last 4-5 months, start losing weight by whatever method suits you the best. You can start doing so by using Noom App based fat loss program.

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