Does Fatty Food or Sugary Food Make you Overweight?

Low-fat food can be tricky if burning fat is on your mind. Go for low-sugar or less sugary food instead. Read 5 tips to cut down on sugar.

It has often been the topic of debate as to what causes real fat gain and make you overweight or obese? If fatty food consumption was the cause of obesity, then cutting down on fat would be the sure-shot formula for weight loss. So, the question is whether fatty food is the only or the biggest culprit behind your obesity or is it something else? Yes, you guessed it right. Sugar or sugary food is one of the most important factors behind weight gain or obesity.

How Sugar Makes You Fat

Before getting into how sugar makes your fat, lets try to understand what happens when we eat sugar more than our body’s requirement. While it is true that sugar or glucose is necessary for energy that our body needs, over- consumption of sugar on a daily basis has many adverse effects on health. Read more.

Sugar-Over consumption of it makes your fat or obese

Insulin Resistance

I assume that you must be aware that insulin is a hormone produced by pancreas. It plays an important role in moving sugar to different cells where energy in required. Insulin also helps in storing energy as fat or glycogen. The problem starts when your body receives more sugar than it can handle or process. It leads to insulin resistance, i.e. your cells stop responding to insulin and your sugar level goes up. High blood sugar level impairs many cell functions that cause inflammation and further aggravates insulin resistance and gives rise to many complication such as fatty liver and general fat gain. You start developing diabetes type 2 and the series of health issues start. Read about reversing diabetes naturally.

Leptin Resistance

I have covered Leptin resistance in one of my previous posts and also reviewed Leptitox, which promises to manage leptin resistance effectively. Quickly recapping, I’d say that Leptin is a hormone that manages calorie intake and fat burning or energy regulation as a whole. High sugar diets trigger trigger Leptin resistance, which essentially means you don’t realise how much you must eat and when to stop. As a result, you always feel hungry and tend to overeat. The end result, fat gain or obesity. So, reducing sugar intake will help you prevent this condition as well.

High-Sugar Food-Usually Low on Protein

For energy, your body should use more protein than sugar. However, this does not happen when you eat high-sugar food, which often lacks in protein. You feel less satisfied even after eating large quantities of sugary food, which is often the case, as you tend to eat more and more. Its opposite happens when you eat high-protein diet. You eat less and feel fuller than when you eat same quantity sugary food.

Sugary Food-Low in Fiber

Usually sugar-loaded food items are low in fiber, which is required for proper digestion and overall health. As you continue eating more sugar and less fiber, the end result is overall bad health, poor digestion, sluggish metabolism and obesity, which itself is the root cause of many health issues such as heart health.

Is Low Fat Diet Effective in Weight Loss?

By now, I think I have made it clear that sugar is a major contributing factor in making you fat. However, it doesn’t mean that you can go on eating fatty food. Though I must agree that low-fat foods are considered and marketed as weight loss products, they are often loaded with sugar, which simply prove to be counter-productive. The key is to maintain a balance by choosing your food wisely. It often involves changing eating habits. Why not take the help of Noom App that will give you hundreds of healthy food options?

5 Tips to cut down on sugar

Start Reading Food Labels: Beware of hidden sugar aliases such as corn syrup, malt syrup, fructose, lactose, sucrose and more. If these ingredients are there, that means you are buying sugary food. Avoid them.

Start drinking more water: Replace sugary beverages and carbonated beverages with plain water or lemon water. This is practical, easy and achievable.

Go for full-fat instead of low-fat food: As explained above low-fat is often high-sugar and full fat has low sugar. However, maintain a balance.

High-Protein better than High-Sugar: This is one of the reasons that make eggs a super food. Loaded with high-protein, eggs give you energy and keep you full for long duration without adding sugar to your diet.

Sound sleep-8 hours a day: Studies have confirmed that those who don’t sleep properly often tend to eat more junk food and sugar than those who sleep 8 hours a day.

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Appetite Suppression with Pills or Natural Way?

Is appetite loss good for health? Should we go for natural appetite suppression or take the help of pills?How Leptin resistance management helps.

Appetite control made easy

When it comes to natural appetite suppression, I cannot help thinking is it really a big deal? Why not try intermittent fasting or simply stop eating as soon as you feel full? I know you must be thinking that it is easier said than done. I agree, that it is not so easy for most of us, especially those who are overweight or obese. However, I believe that it is easy and practical because I have controlled appetite the natural way without pills, and sometimes even unknowingly. What makes appetite control or suppression so easy ? Let’s take a look at some of the habits that make it natural for those willing control it without pills.

Using the Power of Water

It goes without saying that water is highly effective in not just hunger control and appetite suppression but for overall health including skin health and general well being. From keeping your digestive system in shape to providing natural glow to your face, water does it all. However you must know how to drink water, when to drink or not drink water to get the desired result. Simply drinking water the first thing every morning immediately after waking up is a healthy habit that sets your digestive system for the whole day.

Water hack to crush food cravings
Water- Use it as Natural Appetite Suppressant


Do you know that humble fenugreek seeds contain ample quantity of insoluble fiber, approximately 45% of of all its content. Fenugreek is known to control and regulate high blood sugar, therefore diabetics are advised to consume it in various forms. In addition to that, it helps in cholesterol control, and works as an excellent natural appetite suppressant. In India, fenugreek is often always added in vegetables and other food items cooked at home.

Fenugreek seeds-Natural appetite suppressant

Intermittent fasting

I have written a lot about various types of intermittent fasting such as 5:2 fasting, which is quite popular and effective. In fact, the whole idea of fasting is to get accustomed to go without food and let your digestive and other related organs function properly. Human is the only living being who eats without feeling hungry. No other animal eats unless it is really required. Fasting helps you achieve that situation when you actually need food. When this happens quite often, i.e when you observe intermittent fasting, you learn how to control or suppress your unnecessary appetite.


Eating eggs regularly (especially as part of morning breakfast) is highly effective in keeping you full for long. You don’t feel like eating without feeling low on energy due to high protein content of eggs. All types of protein-rich food items help in controlling appetite to a great extent. As eggs are my favourite breakfast food, I recommend that. You can choose from many other protein rich natural food items, which will offer the same effect as eggs.

Garcinia Cambogia

Though not so common in fresh form, its extracts or supplements are available on the market. This is a fruit found in Sahara deserts. One of the most common properties of this fruit is appetite suppression naturally. You need not take any other pill or supplement if you take Garcinia Cambogia regularly.


If you take black tea, then don’t forget to add ginger to it. In fact you can eat raw ginger as well, if you like. However, due to its bitter taste in raw form, most people want it added in other food items. In Asian countries, ginger is an essential spice or herb without which most delicacies cannot be cooked. If that seems to be difficult, then try it with tea and see the effect. You’ll feel less hungry and more energetic. I’ll publish a separate post on the health benefits of ginger and its medicinal properties.

Ginger for Appetite Suppression Naturally

Green Tea

Whole world of health conscious people is aware of health benefits of green tea. No matter what brand you choose, it will help you manage your appetite, which is the bottom line of almost all weight loss programs. Are you on a fat loss program? Then start drinking green tea today.

Black tea or coffee

Coffee or black tea is known to work as a great stimulant for mind and body. However, those are the instant effects for which we consume coffee, but there are many other benefits such as appetite reduction which is often desired by those looking to burn fat naturally. The less hungry you feel, the less you eat. This happens unknowingly with all those who drink black tea or coffee regularly.

Want a Food Craving Control Pill?

In one of our previous posts, we also talked about what actually works behind our insatiable food craving, that makes all appetite reduction methods ineffective. Yes, that is Leptin resistance, which doesn’t let your brain understand when you should stop eating. We have covered the topic widely in our Leptitox Review 2020..

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Water For Weight Loss-Lemon or Fruit Infused Water for Fat Loss in 2020

Water for weight loss-Water Hack

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One of the most convenient and easy-to-use drinks, water is also one of the most overlooked items by weight loss aspirants. Are you one of them? If you are, then I must say that water for weight loss is not only effective but also suitable for every one, and you don’t need any medical help to use it. So, if you are planning well in-advance for your fat loss strategy in 2020, then start now in 2019.  Similarly, lemon water or fruit infused water? what works and what doesn’t is the real question.

Read about Leptitox and 5 second water hack that works wonders. This formula helps you manage leptin resistance and offset the effects of BPA that gets into your body. BPA is a compound that makes you leptin resistant and obese.

Water hack to crush food cravings

Lemon with water for weight loss- Does it work?

Does lemon really help in burning fat? You must have heard or read that celebrities start their day with a glass of fresh lemon water, and that works like a secret formula for their chiselled shape. Is it really true? Let’s dig deeper into it.

First and foremost, lemon water or any citrus fruit infused water is acidic in nature. So it may not be suitable for everyone. Secondly, simply drinking lemon water cannot work like an effective fat burning formula, that you may be looking for.

Lemon water weigth lo

Here is why and how lemon water helps in melting fat

Lemon water must replace your tea, coffee or any other calorie-rich drink that you are accustomed to in the morning. Celebrities who claim that they start their day with lemon water, usually don’t take their bed tea or coffee. Lemon or fruit infused water will not work if you take it in addition to your bed-tea or coffee.

When to drink water for weight loss

The most important time to drink  water for detoxification or relieving constipation is early in the morning. The first thing you do after waking up. This simple water hack has many health benefits, and helping you clean your bowel completely every morning is the most important one. It forms the basis of a toxin-free digestive system, which is essential for good fat loss.

Drink water half an hour before meals. It will give you a feeling of fullness and you’ll eat less, which will result in less calorie consumption. By developing this habit, you can reduce your calories almost effortlessly.

Water diet for weight loss- Helped Steven lose 10 pounds in 10 days

Here is a perfect water diet for weight loss that worked wonders for Steven, and he lost 10 pound in 10 days. Give it a try and see whether it works for you. You can make slight changes in to suit your body type and capacity. But remember, too much deviation from the recommended plan will not give  you the desired result.

What is the catch in drinking water for best effect?

If you are one of the millions of health conscious people who drink water the first thing in morning,  but only after brushing their teeth and flossing, then you are not getting the most out of this habit. You need not brush your teeth or floss before drinking water in the morning to benefit fully from this habit. The saliva that gets collected in your mouth overnight, has many powerful elements that boost your digestive system, therefore you need to gulp them down. Just drink water immediately after waking up.

How much water to drink?

This brings me to another question as to how much water to drink for weight loss. The quantity of water as soon as you wake up in the morning must be as much as you can drink. You can drink up to 1.5 litres of water if you can. However, care should be taken that you don’t try to drink more than you can. Once your stomach is full with water, you can do some side stretching exercises to let the water  pass through your digestive system and trigger bowel movement quickly. This simple trick will relieve you from constipation.

For faster effect, you can drink warm water and squeeze a lemon into it. You can also add some honey for taste. This lemon water with honey also helps in melting fat. However, care should be taken that you do not use this morning detoxification drink for more than 10 days at a stretch.

Well, it depends upon your body type and needs. Bottom line is that you must remain hydrated throughout the day. However, for flushing out toxins and fast fat loss effects, you can follow your dietitian’s instructions.

Fruit infused water recipes

There are many fruits that can be infused with water. For example watermelon and water, lemon and water or any citrus fruit fused water offer detoxifying effect, which helps in weight loss, if used on a regular basis. Read more about some of the popular fruit infused water recipes.

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Leptin Resistance Symptoms-Food Cravings | Burn Thigh Fat 2019-2020

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Have you heard of Leptin Resistance? If you haven’t, then read on. If you are obese or overweight trying to burn fat in early 2020, then identifying Leptin Resistance symptoms now before 2019 comes to an end can be a great strategy. So what exactly is leptin resistance anyway? It is about managing food cravings to burn fat. We’ll also discuss cravings in pregnancy, which requires more attention.

Leptin- A Hunger Control Hormone

If you feel hungry quite often and sometimes you don’t feel full even after eating enough, then chances are that there is some issue with your leptin levels. In fact, sometimes this hormone is secreted in enough quantity, but  your mind doesn’t receive signals of fullness. This is one of the primary functions of Leptin to inform your brain that you are full after you finish your meal. When this signal is disrupted or not sent properly, then you don’t understand when to stop eating. This is caused due to leptin resistance that develops gradually, and you start overeating.

Is there any leptin resistance diet?

Leptin is produced in fat stores of your body. Too much leptin build-up in your blood causes resistance, and this becomes one of the reasons of overeating, which leads to obesity. So, what is Leptin diet? Essentially, this is something that most of us are familiar with. Here are the main features or points that form the basis of any Leptin resistance diet.

  1. Make sure that you don’t eat more than 3 meals a day with a gap of 5-6 hours
  2. Reduce your carb intake, but don’t eliminate it completely
  3. Don’t eat anything after dinner
  4. Avoid artificial sweeteners. No soft drinks or carbonated drinks.
  5. Eat all types of green and leafy vegetables, fruits and protein rich grains
  6. Stop eating when you are approximately 80% full.
  7. Eggs and cheese can be eaten in moderation

Burn Thigh Fat by Water Hack

Water Hack to Control Food Cravings-5 Seconds every day

All of us are well aware of the benefits of drinking a lot of water. However what really makes it really beneficial is your ability to use water effectively so that you can overcome food cravings or unnecessary hunger. This leads to burning fat more effectively than traditional methods. How about trying Leptitox, which offers a you 5-sec water hack that works wonders for controlling your hunger?

water hack to control hunger

This brings me to another important question. What are the major causes of developing Leptin resistance? Can we control our food craving by limiting our exposure to Leptin resistance causing compounds such as BPA?

What is BPA?

The full form of BPA is bisphenol A  and it is an organic synthetic compound.  This compound is widely used in producing plastic and food packaging materials. Most food containers have BPA or its variant like BPS, which is similar to BPA, but has been in use for quite some time to avoid issues that may arise due to BPA.

Is BPA harmful?

This is a slightly controversial question. In fact, BPA structure is similar to human hormone estrogen. Many scientists and researchers believe that BPA binds with estrogen receptors and affects its natural functions in our body. This may result in harmful effects such as slow fetal development, low energy levels, obesity and more. High levels of BPA in women can cause miscarriages, and give rise to fertility issues. In men, high level of BPA can cause erectile dysfunction, low sperm count and more. Read more  

Can I become Leptin resistant by eating canned food?

The answer is simple, BPA is an Endocrine Disrupting Chemical. Those with high level of BPA become Leptin resistant and often lose control over their hunger. This results in overeating and eventually obesity. One way is to avoid canned food and eat only fresh food. It has been proven that EDC is one of biggest reasons of obesity, especially in children, and it continues even after they become adults.

Managing food craving for weight loss

It is a no-brainer that overeating due to unstoppable food cravings is one of the most common reasons of obesity, followed by sedentary lifestyle and other factors. If you can manage or control your food cravings, then your weight loss goal can be easier, right? So, how to control your food cravings is the real question. As mentioned above that EDC or too much BPA in your blood makes your Leptin receptors less sensitive, this leads to overeating.

Cravings in pregnancy

Women who get worried about sudden food cravings in pregnancy, must understand that pregnancy cravings are slightly different. In fact, it is considered quite normal to develop sudden urge to eat something specific during pregnancy. Though even doctors and medical professionals are not sure about why it happens, it is widely accepted that the reason might be increased need of vitamins or minerals. However, I must ask why do you want to lose weight during pregnancy in the first place? Why not focus on healthy pregnancy and minimizing complications  instead, as you’d gain weight anyway during this period?

Looking for a Food Craving App?

Well, most people believe that will power is highly important in managing hunger. Also, many others look for food craving app, but they hardly work as the real reason lies in your hormone. As this must be corrected before you can see any result, we suggest that you become choosy about your food choice, for which there is an app based weight loss system, called Noom program.

How about detoxifying BPA or eliminating the effect of BPA?

That is what Leptitox is all about. Made of 22 high quality and effective herbs that work directly on your leptin resistance, Leptitox is a powerful formula for everyone looking to control food cravings to lose weight.  How to control hunger cravings and benefit from its long-term effects is what Leptitox focuses on whether you are 18 or 80.

Does Leptitox Work?-A Quick Review of How and Why it Works

As mentioned above that once you control your hunger or unnecessary food cravings, you can consider  yourself ready for weight loss. Leptitox targets the root cause of overeating, i.e Leptin Resistance  instead of eliminating the symptoms. It does not recommend high intensity workout or any specific diet, which are already available on the market and you can go for whichever suits you the best.

Ingredients of Laptitox-100% Natural, effective and tested
  1. Grape Seeds-Effective in toxin removal
  2. Brassicas- Powerful antioxidant
  3. Barberry- For improving brain health
  4. Taraxacum leaves-A source of vitamin K
  5. Alfalfa-A powerful detoxifier
  6. Chanca Piedra- Digestion booster
  7. Jujube-Effective in detoxifying EDC
  8. and more

Arm Fat or Thigh Fat Burning Food

It has been observed that burning thigh fat or arm fat is the biggest challenge second only to losing belly fat. If you are looking for how to lose hip fat, arm fat or thigh fat, then controlling your food cravings effectively is what you need.

Targeting inner thighs

Burning inner thigh fat deposits requires a slightly  different strategy than melting fat from any other part of your body. While exercise programs targeting inner thigh areas can definitely help, it is highly recommended to ensure that you take diet that boost your fat burning effort. Walking, brisk walking or running can definitely tone and tighten your thighs.

Thigh Fat Burning Food includes

  1. Plenty of water
  2. Lean protein
  3. Healthy fat
  4. No empty calories
  5. Fruit and vegetables

Essentially, thigh fat burning food is no different from general weight loss diet. However, there are ways to speed up the whole process, which results in reduced fat on thighs. Reducing salt retention can be a good strategy. By doing so, you will maintain a good balance of fluid in your body. This is important and works wonders for those looking to reduce water retention.

Adding electrolytes to your food also works wonders for thigh fat reduction

All types of green and leafy vegetables are good sources of electrolytes. If you simply eat small slices of 5 different types of fruits and 2-3 types of raw or half cooked leafy vegetables, then you easily fulfil your daily requirements of electrolytes. In fact, you can see its remarkable results not in fat loss  or thigh fat loss but also in your overall improved health such as better digestion, high energy levels and more.

Why not try Leptitox risk free for 60 days and check if it works for you? You can be among one of the thousands of fat loss aspirants who took the challenge of controlling their cravings successfully. Currently there are many packages to suit your needs and budget. Visit their official site by clicking the image below.

Leptitox offer-3 bottles

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