Lectin Free Food- 5 Foods with Simple Twists, become Lectin Free

Sugar-free, gluten-free, cholesterol-free and now comes Lectin-free food that seems to be highly effective in fixing digestion issues. Once digestion is properly working, you can also see a remarkable difference in your obesity level.

What Exactly is Lectin?

Lectins are basically a type of protein found in almost all plant based foods. What? Does it mean that plant based food are harmful? It is not that simple, there is a catch. When lectin enters our body, it can bind sugar and carbohydrates. It can reduce our ability to absorb nutrients from highly nutritious food. Absorption of iron, calcium, zinc and many other nutrients can be reduced, IF WE CONSUME LECTIN IN EXCESSS QUANTITY. Here the catch is in excess quantity. If your intake is balanced, and you eat lectin in small quantities, it is beneficial.

Lectin Free Recipes for Weight Loss
Lectin free Recipes-Worth Trying for Weight loss

Can Lectin Be Eliminated from Diet?

That is what lectin-free diet is. But is it really practical and possible ? There is no enough data that suggests that completely eliminating lectin from our diet is good for our health. Eating in large quantities is of course harmful. So what are those food items that contain a lot of lectin and is it possible to eliminate them?


Tomato contains a lot of lectin, but keeping in mind the Asian or Indian diet in particular, eliminating tomato completely from our food is next to impossible. What we can do is reduce the amount of raw tomato from our diet or salad. Cooking at high temperature, which we do anyway, works wonders for reducing the lectin content of Tomato.


Personally, for me it is impossible to eliminate potato from my diet. Give it a try, if you can. Potato is rich in lectin, in raw form. Do we eat it in raw form? I think we don’t, therefore we are safe. Fully cooked potato is almost lectin free. So don’t go for its semi-cooked version in any form.

Kidney Beans

In India, kidney beans, grams and many other sprouts are soaked in water overnight. There is a reason behind it. Soaking reduces the lectin content in them and then if is beneficial. If you don’t soak it, then probably you are consuming lectin with kidney beans based food.


Again, semi-cooked version of soybean is full of lectin. Start cooking it at high temperature before consuming. There you go, you have started lectin-free diet with a simple twist. Give it try, if you eat soybean often.


Do you eat peanuts raw, semi cooked or half baked? That is the culprit. Stop eating half cooked peanuts for a while. Eat peanuts in cooked form or in roasted form. See the results in the form your improved digestion.

Home Remedies for High Sugar-Fighting Diabetes Naturally

There are many herbs for diabetes type 2 management. You can fight diabetes naturally if you want to.

If you have high sugar levels and you are looking for home remedies, then you have reached the right place. Suffering from diabetes or high blood sugar level does not necessarily mean that you compromise on taste and suppress your food cravings. How about fighting diabetes naturally or even unknowingly by using home remedies for high sugar?

Herbs for Diabetes Type 2

  • Bitter Melon or Karela : Even doctors recommend it. Those who eat Karela every day, know how effective it is in fighting diabetes naturally.
  • Fenugreek or Heeng : In India, it is very common to use fenugreek in all recipes. Read about fenugreek, the wonder herb for diabetes type 2
  • Ginger or Adrak: It is not just the aroma of ginger tea, but also its diabetes fighting capabilities that matter a lot if you want to manage your sugar level
  • Gymnema or Gurmar : The word Gurmar can be loosely translated as killer of Gur or Sugar. Found mainly in India and Africa, this humble herb can work wonders for managing your diabetes type 2
  • Cinnamon or Daalchini : Though quite popular in all spicy food, cinnamon is often not recognized as diabetes fighting herb. You won’t know how effective it is in sugar control, unless you use it.

Lifestyle Changes to drop Sugar Level

I assume that if you are reading this post, you are already aware that living sedentary lifestyle is the number one cause of high sugar level. Leading an active life can help you manage diabetes effectively, right? So, is that so simple? It is not but it can be, if you are determined and spare time for it. Research has proven that walking is one of the easiest ways to manage your blood sugar level. Make sure that you walk for at least an hour every day. Among other changes are dietary control, living stress-free and sleeping properly for 7-8 hours daily, preferably at the same time.

Diabetes Freedom-Easy and Practical

Diabetes does not mean compromise

Contrary to common belief that being diabetic means complete no to sugar or a lot of dietary restrictions or suppressing your taste buds, it can be just the opposite. If you are aware and willing to do what it takes then Diabetes Freedom is for you. Give it a try.