Post Lockdown Weight Gain-Fat Loss Before 2021

Start Preparing for Weight Loss in 2021 from now as Covid 19 lockdown must have pushed you a few months backwards as far as your obesity is concerned.

Post lockdown weight gain or getting out of shape has been reported from around the world by those who remained safe from Covid-19 or coronavirus. While it is good that you remained safe during pandemic, it is highly important that you start paying attention to your diet before it hits you in the form of obesity.

It is time to reverse your weight gain

If you were fit and fine before lockdown which was imposed in March April 2020 and remained fully or partially effective for almost 6 months, then you can still reverse your obesity. However, you must be highly motivated to ensure that you stick to your fat loss program without deviating during the upcoming festive season.

One Mistake Can Put You Years Behind

If you take it lightly assuming that Christmas weight gain is something you cannot avoid, then I must say that it will be more difficult for you to reverse your fat gain, than if you start now. We have done a lot of new things during Covid-19 lockdown anyway. So, why not avoid binge eating or overeating during this festive season if getting back in shape is going to be your priority in 2021? By not starting now, you can be years behind as far as weight loss is concerned.

How to Prepare for Fat Loss in 2021

The sooner you start the better. The best way will be to spend some time in thinking and jotting down the new eating habits that you developed during the lockdown. If you can undo them on your own, nothing like that. If you cannot, which is the case for most of those who gained weight in the last six months, then start using an app or take the help of a coach. There is no harm in taking expert advice and following it. Apps like Noom can help you reset your eating habits.

Do Not Set Unrealistic Health Goal

It is pretty simple. You gained weight in 6 months, so it will not go away in 6 weeks. It will take at least 3 months to reverse your additional weight unless you make it a mission to burn fat and do nothing else. However, it will still be not as fast as you can assume. Unrealistic expectations will lead to disappointment and eventually you will quit your program and switch back to your old eating habits.

Word of Precaution

No matter what exercise method or weight loss program you choose, you must ensure that you stick to your health advisories issued by your local government officials. Safety from pandemic must still be your priority. Wearing masks and maintaining social distancing must not be forgotten. The best and safest way is to avoid going to gyms even if they are open, and try to start a fat loss program you can follow at home.

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Covid-19 Lockdown Effect on Mental health- 5 Tips

Well, it is true that lockdown is an effective Coronavirus prevention measure, taken by many countries suffering from Covid-19. However, we cannot ignore its effect on the mental health of many whose nature of job involves interaction with people on a daily basis. Though I agree that saving lives is more important maintaining mental health, the purpose of this post is to help our readers understand their mental health, handle boredom effectively and combat the bad effects of Covid-19 lockdown successfully.

Mental Health

Approximately 10% people in the world suffer from various kinds of mental health issues. These mental health issues include anxiety, depression, eating disorder, bipolar disorder, substance use, alcohol related issues and more. The disorder get aggravated by uncertainties arising due to situations like pandemic such as Covid-19, loss of job, relationship matters and various other factors depending on the immediate environment of the person. In the current scenario we’ll focus only on mental issues arising out of coronavirus lockdown, isolation or quarantine period.

Flattening Coronavirus Curve-Rising Mental Health Issues

Flattening the coronavirus curve

Reports from Australia confirm that they have been able to flatten the coronavirus curve, but experts believe that a serious and longer curve is waiting to be visible in the form of psychological or mental health issues that have already started in a major chuck of population who followed lockdown guidelines or stayed in isolation or quarantine. As the effect is not visible immediately, we may overlook it but the day is not far when its effect will be noticeable and reported in its scary form. We must be ready to face another challenge of bringing back normalcy in the lives of those who seem to be fine but are deeply affected at mental level.

Mental Health In Lockdown-5 Quick Tips

Sound sleep

It goes without saying that sound sleep is highly important not just for relaxing properly but for overall mental and physical health. In fact, you can manage many of your stress and anxiety related issues just by maintaining good sleep hygiene and sleeping for at least 8 hours a day. Read more about how to handle lack of sleep.

share your Issues with someone

Sharing your issues with someone you can trust: Well I must say that you cannot confide in anyone or everyone, you must ensure that you develop strong bonding with a few friends or relatives that you can trust. This doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time to develop good relationship and build trust. Discuss your health or other issues with someone you trust and lighten your mental burden. This will help you a lot.

Live in present, let bygone be gone

This is self-explanatory. Do not ponder over past events you cannot do anything about. However, if there are things you learnt from your past mistakes, then make sure that you don’t repeat them. The idea is to look at the positive side of everything. Simply thinking about unpleasant past events or imaginary negative future issues will worsen your mental health. Avoid negative thinking, learn it if you don’t know how look at the brighter side of life.

Do not watch Coronavirus update all day

No point in keeping yourself updated on the latest Covid-19 figures, unless it is your job requirement. This will do you more harm than good. Focus on doing something positive. Try many free online tutorials and courses.

Digital Detoxification

Stay away from electronic devices for one day every week if possible or every 15 day at least. You’ll notice the difference the first day itself. In fact, I use this technique even during normal days, not just during lockdown. It work wonders for me.

Digital Detoxification for Mental Health

Feeling Unproductive During Lockdown?

For some, working in pyjamas is like a dream coming true. Reports say that they are more productive during lockdown than they are working from office. However, I must say that their percentage is low. A majority of people working in pyjamas all day, feel less productive than they usually are on any other typical office day. They also feel unwell, which effects their mental health.

What is the solution? It is simple. Get dressed in something that make you feel great and comfy from inside or simply wear formal dress to feel as if you were working from office. There is no harm in it. In fact, it will improve your overall mood and well-being that will help you be more productive. Your inner feeling reflects on your face, and you can feel it by making this change. Try working in formal dress instead of in pyjamas, and feel more productive.

Feeling Irritable During Lockdown?

Well, I agree that we can justify being irritable due to being inside the home all day, but this is something we can control. Lockdown is for everyone, you are not alone. How you handle it or use it to your advantage depends on your skills. If you feel irritated quite often, then I’d suggest the tried and tested method of counting backwards. It really works.

You can also try any other distracting activity like listening to music if you like music or keeping yourself busy in learning something new. The trick is to set a goal and work towards achieving that. This seems to be simple but requires some practice. Write down your goal and make sure that you stick to it. You’ll notice that you are less irritable.

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