Meditation and Focus

I am pretty sure that you are aware of the fact that meditation helps in improving focus. But focus on what? That is the question, you must try to answer before you try to focus on something. Though meditation practice itself is about improving focus, its advantages can be seen and felt in all spheres and activities of your life.

How long can you focus on anything?

As the story goes, that once Andrew Carnegie was suspected to have done something wrong to become rich quickly. American government wanted to know how he amassed huge wealth in such a short time. He was called and asked the same question because nothing was found illegal or wrong in whatever he did. His answer was simple that he could focus on anything for 5 minutes without any distraction. The questioning team said what was so special about it, anybody could do that. An experiment was set-up to check focus span of those questioning him. Let alone 5 minutes, nobody was able to focus for more than few seconds. So, that was his secret of success.

Your ability to focus can help you succeed

Coming back to the purpose of this post, I must say that regular meditation can help you improve your focus immensely. It will reflect in your action and results that you get from improved focus. Whether in academics, profession, sports or whatever you do, improved focus will work wonders for you. You can also use meditation accessories to start your sessions.

Sun Salutation to start your day with

Though yoga in any form is good for mental and physical health, you need a starting point to incorporate it in your daily life. Starting your day with Sun Salutation of Surya Namaskar can help you set your pace for better focus and high energy throughout the day. Basically, when you focus on your breathing along with 12 poses of Sun Salutation, you are in sync with the nature. That is what is needed for overall health.

Declutter your mind

In the age of internet and cell phones, we are bombarded with a lot of unnecessary information, which pass through our mind and disrupts our mind. Though using digital media is a necessity, make sure that you do not focus too much on information that is neither useful or relevant for you. Instead, read some spiritual books or texts. This will declutter your mind and help you focus better on things that are important for you.

Your food can also be the culprit

In many northern parts of India, especially in Punjab and Haryana, it is said, Jaisa Ann waisa Mann. It simply means that the type of food you eat moulds your mind or mood. In other words, if you eat a lot of junk or unhealthy food then your mind will also be full of junk. Obviously, you’ll not be able to focus properly. Its opposite is also true, i.e. if you eat healthy, nutritious and balanced food, then your focus will also be good.

So, what you must do is think what is required for you to improve focus. Start with breathing exercise first and then give meditation a try. You can also start with VR meditation.

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