ADHD-Excuses to Avoid Meditation to Manage ADHD?

In recent times, ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has become quite common not only in children but also in adults. Whether you are yourself suffering from this condition or your child or any near or dear one facing this issue, meditation can help.

Symptoms of ADHD

  • Lack of attention, as the name suggests
  • Leaving things or tasks incomplete
  • Not following instructions, making same mistake again and again
  • Avoiding difficult tasks
  • Forgetfulness
  • Self-focused
Does ADHD really exist?

ADHD in Both Adults and Children

The above mentioned symptoms are quite visible in children. Sometimes, they are normal, but when these behavior patterns become quite frequent, then it could be ADHD. That is when you, as a parent need to seek professional help. ADHD can be managed and mitigated very effectively in early stages. Though medical and dietary guidelines are helpful, you can also consider meditation for your kid suffering from ADHD. The same is true for adults as well. These symptoms in different intensity can be noticed in adults as well.

Are you suffering from ADHD?

The above mentioned symptoms or signs can be noticed in your behavior as well. You could also be suffering from it unknowingly. Do you forget things quite easily ?Are you not able to sit through comparatively short meetings and presentations? Do you have difficulty in learning new things whether professionally or in general life or do you think you do not need anyone in your life? These can be the signs that you need professional help and your issue is nothing but ADHD.

Roadblocks to start meditating

If you have many excuses to delay taking corrective measures to improve your your condition, then chances are high that you are suffering from it. You are avoiding a seemingly difficult task for you. Following is a list of roadblocks that you must overcome to ensure that meditation works for improving your health condition, ADHD or even treating addiction.

  • You can meditate even in the middle of noisy surroundings. Quiet place helps, but is not necessary. VR meditation is for you.
  • Sitting straight is recommended but not mandatory, you can meditate even in Savasan (lying posture)
  • If your mind wanders, then you think of quitting. Relax, mind is supposed to wander. You’ll learn to stabilize it soon.
  • You can meditate even while walking in a park or anywhere where you walk without any distraction
  • Deep breathing is the easiest way to start meditation. Anyone can start it without any excuse.
  • Socializing can help. Not online, but real meetings and physical connects work wonders.

Meditation and Focus

I am pretty sure that you are aware of the fact that meditation helps in improving focus. But focus on what? That is the question, you must try to answer before you try to focus on something. Though meditation practice itself is about improving focus, its advantages can be seen and felt in all spheres and activities of your life.

How long can you focus on anything?

As the story goes, that once Andrew Carnegie was suspected to have done something wrong to become rich quickly. American government wanted to know how he amassed huge wealth in such a short time. He was called and asked the same question because nothing was found illegal or wrong in whatever he did. His answer was simple that he could focus on anything for 5 minutes without any distraction. The questioning team said what was so special about it, anybody could do that. An experiment was set-up to check focus span of those questioning him. Let alone 5 minutes, nobody was able to focus for more than few seconds. So, that was his secret of success.

Your ability to focus can help you succeed

Coming back to the purpose of this post, I must say that regular meditation can help you improve your focus immensely. It will reflect in your action and results that you get from improved focus. Whether in academics, profession, sports or whatever you do, improved focus will work wonders for you. You can also use meditation accessories to start your sessions.

Sun Salutation to start your day with

Though yoga in any form is good for mental and physical health, you need a starting point to incorporate it in your daily life. Starting your day with Sun Salutation of Surya Namaskar can help you set your pace for better focus and high energy throughout the day. Basically, when you focus on your breathing along with 12 poses of Sun Salutation, you are in sync with the nature. That is what is needed for overall health.

Declutter your mind

In the age of internet and cell phones, we are bombarded with a lot of unnecessary information, which pass through our mind and disrupts our mind. Though using digital media is a necessity, make sure that you do not focus too much on information that is neither useful or relevant for you. Instead, read some spiritual books or texts. This will declutter your mind and help you focus better on things that are important for you.

Your food can also be the culprit

In many northern parts of India, especially in Punjab and Haryana, it is said, Jaisa Ann waisa Mann. It simply means that the type of food you eat moulds your mind or mood. In other words, if you eat a lot of junk or unhealthy food then your mind will also be full of junk. Obviously, you’ll not be able to focus properly. Its opposite is also true, i.e. if you eat healthy, nutritious and balanced food, then your focus will also be good.

So, what you must do is think what is required for you to improve focus. Start with breathing exercise first and then give meditation a try. You can also start with VR meditation.

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Meditation Sounds Difficult -Start with 4-7-8 Breathing

Meditation can be started from 4-7-8 breathing practice, which works wonders for wandering minds, and in stabilizing them.

So much has been said, written and popularized about meditation that it seems that meditation is a kind of one solution for all your anxiety, stress and related issues. Though it is not a one sure-shot formula, it works wonders for those who have faith and who can devote time to achieve the level of perfection to notice the results.

Wandering Mind during Meditation

Yes, this the number-one problem for beginners to stop their mind from wandering before they can focus on something. The purpose is not achieved if your mind does not stay focused. I talked about VR meditation in my previous post, which works wonders for many of the current generation of people. However, there are many who still find it difficult to stabilize their mind, and they quit after some time.

Science of Meditation at Amazon

Focus on the process not the result

Why it happens that you are not able to meditate is because you focus too much on the result. You cannot feel the result unless you go through the process, such as you cannot feel the thrill of swimming, skydiving, paragliding or anything similar unless you go through the process. If you do not focus on learning how to move your body in certain pattern to swim properly, how’ll you enjoy the thrill or swimming. Once you learn to swim, it comes naturally and you start enjoying. The same is true for meditation. If you do not focus on the process first, result will not be felt.

What to Do to Control Wandering Mind

The most natural and spontaneous bodily function that can be felt is breathing. Why not start from controlling and focusing on breathing first. Yes, that is the way to start. Simply start taking deep breaths while focusing your mind on your breathing pattern. At this stage do nothing extra, just focus on your breath as you inhale and exhale. Do if for a few days, and see the difference. You’ll start achieving some focus easily.

4-7-8 Breathing next step

Let me briefly tell you what this technique is all about. It is self-explanatory, but what does 4-7-8 mean. Basically, you sit straight, exhale completely. Start breathing from your nose. Take deep breath or inhale for 4 seconds. Feel the air going inside your lungs. Hold the breath for 7 seconds, feel the air inside your lungs. Exhale in the next 8 seconds. This a complete sequence of 4-7-8 breathing. Repeat this for 4-5 times, I mean 4-5 sequences, and you’ll feel relaxed and ready for meditation.

4-7-8 Method Reduces Anxiety

Yes, it works wonders for reducing anxiety and enhancing your focus level. The moment you start breathing on this pattern for a few times every day, you’ll notice the overall improvement in your stress and anxiety level. Nothing can be easier than this method to start your meditation sessions. In fact, there are many apps available to help you master this technique of breathing. There is no harm in using Apps, if they work for you.

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Virtual Reality Meditation- A quick and Go-to Solution

Virtual Reality Meditation or VR meditation is your go-to solution to achieve the benefits of meditation at any location in the world. Feeling to be in the mountain ranges of Switzerland or Himalayas is great an make meditation easy.

Virtual reality or VR as you know is mainly and most popularly known for gaming. Of course there are various uses of VR, but have you thought about using it for meditation? Yes, sitting in lush green environment or somewhere in the the mountains of Switzerland without leaving your house, is a great feeling. When you meditate, you are asked to imagine yourself being in serene, calm and natural environment that soothes your mind. VR can make that easier for those trying to meditate.

VR Meditation headset at Amazon

VR works wonders for beginners

Those who find it difficult to focus or introspect, virtual reality headset can work wonders for them. Depending on your preferences, you can climb mountains or even explore space and solar system by using VR, and get the feeling of actually visiting or exploring that place . This will help you channelize and focus your energy on exploring your inner self. Once you start using a VR system for meditation, your mind will be trained to awaken and focus on its own.

VR mediation- Feeling to be in the mountains while at home

Change Your Environment Instantly

It is obvious that it is not so easy and practical to travel to far places just for meditation. Of course, you can do that and attend a few sessions, but can you go anywhere anytime like? That is what technology or VR makes possible. One day you can feel like sitting in the Himalayan mountains, the next day you want to meditate on the banks of any river, mountain side or just amidst the lush greenery of some remote and natural location. With VR it is possible within seconds. No matter how busy you are, you can feel being in any location in the world instantly and start meditating

What you need for VR meditation

The first and foremost you need is a VR headset of course. Secondly and the most importantly you need to devote some time every day to achieve the real results. Virtual really makes your meditation practice easier, but it is not any type of magic. Dedication is required from your end. If you want to gain from it, you must spare some time every day. Thirdly, you need a place where nobody is going to distract or interrupt you. It can be any place in your house, such as your bedroom or any corner where you have least disruption. At workplace, it can be an empty conference room or maybe a corner in the open area where you can sit comfortably.

Benefits of Virtual Reality meditation

  • You can escape from your immediate environment instantly
  • Use it as a stress buster, even if you don’t want to actually meditate
  • You can choose your location anywhere in the world
  • Closing your eyes in not necessary, in fact, have to meditate with open eyes
  • Good and easy for beginners
  • Anyone can do it, and depending on your needs, you can have it customized with various apps.

Who is VR mediation for?

  • Beginners
  • Those who cannot do traditional meditation or have tried it with no results
  • Those with certain health conditions that don’t allow them to sit cross-legged
  • Those looking to reduce their anxiety
  • Those who are too busy to spare time for traditional meditation

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