Trigger Metabolism Every Morning-Meticore Review

If you have any of the 9 symptoms of slow metabolism, then now is the time to use morning metabolism trigger, Meticore, every day.

Your sleeping metabolism does not wake up every morning as soon you wake up. It needs a trigger to get going. Whether you exercise or take some metabolism booster, what you must do is give it the required kick to help it work optimally. The rest will fall in place naturally. Do I need to repeat why you need a fast metabolism? Fat loss, belly fat reduction, freedom to enjoy your sexy and confident potential, excitement to see yourself in mirror every morning. The list goes on. Many reasons, one solution, Meticore the latest metabolism trigger. Here is why you should use it.

Unexplained weight gain? Why?

Again, did you know that your sleeping metabolism is waiting to wake up? If it keeps sleeping, your weight will keep increasing without any reason. Maybe you have already tried some starvation diet or weight loss program or exercise routine, but your low core body temperature did not get a boost. And that is common if you try all fat burning plan but fail to gain any significant result or soon gain more weight than you lost. That is where Meticore comes in.

Morning Metabolism Trigger-Meticore Order Page

9 Early Symptoms of Slow Metabolism

  1. Fatigue, low energy and feeling depressed
  2. Unexplained hair loss
  3. Inability to lose weight despite all possible fat loss programs
  4. Ridges on nails
  5. Forgetfulness
  6. Low sex drive
  7. Digestion problems such a constipation
  8. Unstoppable cravings for sugary food
  9. Feeling cold quite often

Find out what works for you

The moment you start noticing these symptoms, you need to try to find out what works for you. Boosting metabolism often varies from person to person. You may not be comfortable with yoga, but you probably find gym effective for you. Similarly Carb control or dieting may not work for you , but can brisk walk every morning comfortably. Though initial push will be required from you, this will soon be evident whether you are comfortable with your metabolism boosting method or not. Keeping that in mind, a brand new product, Meticore has been launched. This is for you if you have already tried to find out what goes wrong with your metabolism that does not let your body burn fat.

Morning Trigger for your Metabolism

Do you need a cup of coffee or bed tea before starting you day? That is what could be the reason you are not able to trigger your metabolism. In fact, bed tea disrupts your metabolism even before it prepares to start. The acidic and alkaline substances in your system wreak havoc in your stomach every day. You remain aloof to all these because bed tea has become your lifestyle. So, this is no. one habit that you will need to quit if you want to give your metabolism the much needed trigger every morning.

Meticore-Worth Trying Morning Trigger

The manufactures of Leptitox, have launched Meticore that works at the core of your metabolism and gives it the required boost or trigger every day. Made from all natural ingredients, Meticore promises great results, which are noticeable within weeks of using it. Though 3 months to 6 months are recommended to get the best results, you will start noticing results in weeks. People have lost from 10 lbs to 60 lbs effortlessly while using Meticore.

No need to sacrifice your favourite food

However, quantity or portion control is the key. This will come naturally when your unnecessary food cravings go away. I personally know many healthy, lean and thin people who eat all types of oily food and junk food without gaining any weight. All this is possible when your metabolism is working at its optimal level no matter what you eat.

Metabolic Cooking can help

As mentioned on one of my previous posts, you can satisfy your taste buds better by eating home food, than by eating junk food if you use metabolic cooking. There is no harm in giving it a try.

Metabolic Syndrome- Invisible Killer

This is one of the latest health issues faced by 23% of American adults as reproted by AHA. This is a group of 5 risk factors that increases your risk of developing further health issues such such as heart issues, diabetes or stroke.

Risk factors of metabolic Syndrome

  • Low HDL
  • Consistent High Blood Pressure
  • Excess fat around waist
  • High Triglycerides
  • High sugar level, diabetes or insulin resistance

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Ginger-Immune System and Overall Health-Ginger it up

Ginger water or ginger tea, as long as you consume this wonderful herb every day, you give your immunity a good boost. You can enjoy weight loss effects by consuming it every day.

Whether you want to boost your immune system or lose weight or just want to gain overall health benefits, ginger is the humble herb you must try. Yes, from drinking a cup of ginger tea in the morning to using it as a home remedy for common cold or cough, you can ginger up your health cost-effectively and easily. So, that is what we are going to talk about today, health benefits of ginger and its ability to fight infections and viruses.

Raw Ginger Root

Ginger for immunity

It will not be out of context to mention that during Coronavirus or Covid 19 outbreak, Indian government has widely recommended the use of Kadha to fight and prevent Covid 19. So, what is Kadha? It is nothing but a hot drink made of many herbs such as Tulsi (Basil leaves), Haldi (turmeric), Ginger, black pepper and many other herbs depending on individual taste and local availability. There are various Kadha recipes, but one or two ingredients are common in all of them. Ginger is one of them. Ginger has been used by Ayurvedic practitioners to cure cold, cough, fever, digestion issues and many others general ailments due to its strong anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, immunity boosting and infection curing powers. In fact, simply drinking ginger tea every morning can help you a lot in keeping you more active, alert and free from many health issues.

What? adding raw ginger to tea is very time consuming and also not so easy? Why not take a look at some of the best Ginger teas available at Amazon at amazing prices?

Lemon Ginger Herbal Tea

Is Ginger Good for Weight Loss?

No matter what, when it comes to general health, obesity is something we cannot avoid discussing. If you are one of those looking to burn some fat, instead of boosting your immunity for now, then your question would be, “Is ginger good for weight loss? “. The answer is a big, Yes.

Though you must have heard of health benefits of ginger, it is possible that you have not heard of its weight loss or fat burning powers. The trick is to use it effectively to lose weight as naturally as possible. Lets take a look at how and why ginger can help your lose weight. You can also try Noom app which will help you keep track of what you eat and how much weight you gain or lose.

Noom- The Last Weight Loss Program You’ll Ever Need

Ginger up your digestion

For faster metabolism, your digestion must be strong and in good shape. Ginger stimulates digestive secretions and tones intestinal muscles, which are detrimental in overall functioning of your digestion system. Regular consumption of ginger ensures a healthy and strong digestion, which helps in flushing out toxin waste from your body. This helps in weight loss.

Ginger Keeps Food cravings away

It goes without saying that appetite suppression and avoiding binge eating are highly effective in weight loss, no matter what plan you are on. Ginger will suppress your appetite naturally, which means you’ll not have to do anything to keep your food cravings away. Makes sense? How about losing weight without compromising on taste?

Feeling Stressed? Ginger can help

In one of my previous posts, I have mentioned that constant stress can make you fat. So, keeping stress away is one of the most effective ways to stay fit and fine, not just mentally but also physically. In short, Ginger suppresses stress-causing hormone, cortisol. You fell less stressed, enjoy sound sleep and burn fat naturally.

How can we forget blood sugar?

Yes, the thing is high sugar is one of biggest causes of weight gain. Consuming ginger regularly can help you keep your blood sugar level in control, which will not let you become fat so easily. In fact, I can almost guarantee it from my personal experience that simply eating less sugar can keep you lean and thin. I say so, because I do not like sweets ( by nature), whereas my friends have sweet tooth. Their food cravings are high, and most of them are obese, while I am not.

Ginger Water for Fat Loss-Recipe

It is pretty simple and effective. The recipe is easy and practical, though slightly time-consuming. Still it is worth the effort. All you have to do is boil 1.5 glass of water, add a few slices of ginger or simply add grated ginger in it and let it simmer for 15-20 minutes. Let it cool down and drink it every morning half an hour before breakfast. That is why it is time consuming.

Ginger water mistake you must avoid

Also an important point is that you must make it every day. You cannot boil 2 liters of ginger water today and drink it the whole week. That will be incorrect or effective way. However, slight variation like sipping that ginger water throughout the day, instead of drinking full glass in the morning, is sill fine. But you must make your ginger water for day, every morning. Stale ginger water will not give you the desired effect, and may also upset your stomach.

7 Other Health benefits of Ginger

  1. Reduces joint pain in some people with osteoarthritis
  2. Controls nausea and morning sickness in pregnant women
  3. Effective in relieving menstrual cramps
  4. Relives hangover
  5. Lowers bad cholesterol
  6. Effective in Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS
  7. Reduces cholesterol in people suffering some types of fatty liver

Ways to eat ginger everyday

  • In salad
  • In chicken, meat or fish marination
  • Ginger in soups
  • Ginger tea, of course
  • Smoothies
  • Ginger gums and candies
  • Also in ginger cocktails, if you prefer
  • Ginger pickle

Whether you add raw crushed ginger in your every day tea or use its powdered form, what really matter is you make it part of your everyday diet. If you don’t mind eating your food slightly spicy, which is normal in India, then add some ginger garlic paste in your vegetable, and see the difference. However, for specific effect, such a weight loss or appetite suppression, only the recommended method will be effective.

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Protein Rich Food-Vegetables and Protein Sources

Eating protein rich food is always recommended especially for morning breakfast. Though we have mentioned it in our previous posts, we’d like to repeat once again that many fruits and vegetables are great protein sources. We often ignore them believing that only animal foods are highly protein rich food.

Why Protein? What Are Its Health Benefits?

I have mentioned in many of previous posts that eating eggs in the morning is highly beneficial. Even if you are on a fat loss diet or planning to lose weight by any other method, starting your day with protein rich diet will set the pace of your metabolism for the whole day. No matter what your health condition is, you need energy, and a good source of protein gives you just that. Also protein rich food keeps you full for longer duration, which means your cravings for binge eating is controlled naturally. It is a great plus for those who find it difficult to control their craving. Short term studies suggest that high protein diet may also decrease blood sugar level.

10 Second Swami Heck for Blood Sugar Control

7 Benefits of Protein Rich Food

  • Controls unnecessary food cravings and snacking
  • Appetite suppression
  • Good for strong bones or overall bone health
  • Metabolism boosting -good for burning fat
  • Helps in building and repairing muscles
  • Good for hormonal health, enzyme making, hair growth and skin health
  • High protein diet reduces LDL or bad Cholesterol

Are you absorbing protein in right quantity?

Not many people are aware that simply eating protein is not enough. If your body is not absorbing protein in right quantity, then it is as good as not eating any protein. For example, if you are consuming 50 gm of protein, but your body absorbs only 15 gm, then 35 gm is wasted. The rate of protein absorption varies from person to person. However, it can be slightly improved if muscle building is on your mind. Enzyme boosting supplements often help in such situations. You can try MassEnzyme for amazing results.

Protein Absorption with MassEnzyme

7 Effects of Protein Deficiency

There can be various health issues due to protein deficiency. Those who are constantly on some kind of diet to lose weight, often lose track of their protein intake. This results in deficiency and shows up in various health issues and ailments such as.

  1. Fatty liver
  2. Hair, nail and skin problems
  3. Muscle loss gradually
  4. Bone weakness
  5. Weak immunity leading to various infections
  6. Edema
  7. Kwashiorkor

11 Protein SoURces

  1. Eggs
  2. Cow Milk or Yogurt
  3. Cottage Cheese
  4. Chicken and Turkey Breast
  5. Lean Beef
  6. Lentils and Legumes
  7. Almonds
  8. Pumpkin Seeds
  9. Tuna and all types of fish
  10. Broccoli
  11. Quinoa 
Protein Bars

It goes without saying that excess of anything is bad, and protein is no exception. The bottom line is that you must be aware of how much protein is required for your body type, health condition or specific health goals such muscle building or fat loss. Sometimes, protein supplements in limited quantities work wonders in achieving those goals. However, balance is the key.

Protein treatment for Coronavirus

As per the latest BBC report, direct dose of protein in lungs have shown significant reduction in breathlessness among those undergoing Corona treatment trial. Can protein power save us from Corona or Covid 19? Only time will tell.

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Sound Sleep for Fat Loss| 5 Diseases due to Lack of Sleep-A Review

Did you know that sleep deficiency or lack of sleep can wreak havoc with your overall health? Weight gain or obesity is just one of them. The sooner you start sleeping naturally, the better. Read the symptoms and effects of sleep loss.

Losing weight by sleeping sounds unrealistic, but the truth seems to be just the opposite. It has been proven that sound sleep for fat loss is highly effective. Also, there are many diseases that start developing due to lack of sleep, and by the time you realize it, things are often out of control and may result in insomnia. Then starts your weight loss, yoga, gym and health sessions with fitness experts to bring your health back to normal.

Sleep and Weight Loss

If you proudly say that you don’t oversleep and you are fine with sleeping just 5-6 hours a day, then chances are that you are either obese, overweight or are suffering from other lack of sleep related health issues. We’ll discuss 5 most common diseases caused by lack of sleep, and weight gain or obesity is number one. Learn how you can gain abundance while you sleep.

Are You Getting Enough Sound Sleep?

If you are among those people who actually sleep for the recommended 8 hours a day, but still feel tired, sluggish and low on energy almost always, then act now. It goes without saying that you must be obese or overweight. I am pretty sure that you have tried many weight loss, diet and other fat loss programs. You have failed at all of them. The reason could be lack of sound sleep. What I mean to say is that despite sleeping 8 hours a day, you are definitely not reaching the sound sleep phase, which is required for your body to function properly. It is high time you tried to know how devastating lack of sound sleep can be. How it makes you obese, and weight loss becomes difficult or almost impossible no matter what you do. But then there is light at the end of the tunnel, if you want to gain health you really deserve. Some people go ahead and do something before it is too late.

Check how an obese person regained his lost health with this simple trick

Early signs of Sleep Deprivation

Well, the most common symptom of short sleep, poor sleep pattern or onset of sleep deprivation is waking up many times during the night without any reason. Feeling tired or sleepy throughout the day can be another visible symptom of short sleep. However, please note that if you wake up too many times for peeing, then it could be the early symptom or onset of diabetes or any other health condition. In that condition, you must seek immediate medical help. Sleep deprivation is when you are simply not able to sleep properly despite being otherwise healthy.

Effects of lack of Sleep or Sleep Deprivation

7 Causes of Lack of Sleep

  • Staying up late for socialization, parties etc
  • Taking stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol or smoking before bed
  • Some types of medication
  • Pre-existing disorder or health issue that triggers insomnia
  • Excess exposure to blue screen (TV, Cellphone, PC screen etc) before bed
  • Too much stress or anxiety
  • Working night shifts and inability to sleep during the day
  • Snoring of partner
Stop Snoring exercise worth trying if cannot sleep

Don’t want to exercise? Need a device that can help you stop snoring and breath properly? Give AirSnore a try.

Stop snoring instantly

Lack of Sleep Causes weight gain

It goes without saying that when you are low on energy, you prefer comfort food, which simply means more calorie and sugar than you need. Obviously the result would be obesity. You will gain weight due to sleep deprivation. In fact, Susan Zafarlotfi, PhD clinical director of the Institute for Sleep and Wake Disorders at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey, has even equated sleep debt with credit card debt nicely to explain how problematic lack of sleep can be. Read more.

How sleep deprivation makes you obese

In order to understand how sleep deprivation works to make you gain weight, we’d require to learn how 2 nightly hormones, Ghrelin and Leptin work. Essentially, Ghrelin tells your mind when to eat and Leptin tells your brain when to stop eating. A perfect balance in these hormones is required for good health. As soon as this balance is disrupted, Ghrelin level goes up and Leptin level goes down. In layman’s terms, it means your mind starts getting signals to eat more and more because Leptin doesn’t ask it to stop as regularly as it should. Gradually, you move toward Leptin Resistance, and eventually obesity.

Hidden Impact of Lack of sleep

As these hormones are mostly active during night or while you are sleeping, lack of sleep or inability to hit sound sleep pattern phase, hits hard on your overall health. Obesity is just one of many diseases or health disorders caused by it.

Health Issues caused by sleep deprivation

Loss of sleep causes Cardiovascular Disease

Many studies and research work have confirmed a strong co-relation between lack of sleep and CVD or cardiovascular disease. According to one report, two third of those who have a heart attack are those who are deprived of sound sleep. Sleeping is nature’s way of helping our body relax and recharge every day. If this doesn’t happen, then sleep credit accumulates and shows up in different forms, such as heart attack in extreme case. In milder cases, it is visible in general CVD. Want to know little known secret about cholesterol and CVD?

Sleep Deprivation triggers diabetes

Approximately 34.2 million people or 10% of the US population already has diabetes. Read more diabetes data. The number is rising consistently, and sleep deficiency, poor diet and lifestyle are cited as the main reasons behind it. When you don’t sleep properly or suffer from sleep deficiency quite often, then many metabolic changes happen in your body. Your glucose regulation system struggles to keep everything normal but cannot do so for long. As many bodily functions are regulated and cells are regenerated during sleep, your overall metabolic system starts working inefficiently or slowly. One of the effects of this gradual metabolic change in your body is Type II diabetes. Once diabetes develops, sleep deficiency becomes even worse and gives rise to many other health issues. So, the sooner you start sleeping properly, the better. Prevent diabetes.

What happens in Just 4 days of insufficient sleep?

You’ll be shocked to know that in just 4 days of insufficient sleep, your body’s ability to process insulin is severely hampered and your insulin sensitivity decreases by 30%. This has been confirmed by researchers at University of Chicago. Read full report here

Sleep Loss bad for mental health

You don’t even realise when sleep loss starts impacting your mental health. irritability and mood swings become your normal behavior. You may not notice it initially, but your friends and relatives can notice this behaviour change easily. What happens is that loss of sleep disrupts the flow of Serotonin in brain. Serotonin is responsible for sending signals from one part to other parts of the brain. It is a no-brainer that when this chemical is in short supply or its flow is not balanced, then you suffer from mood swings and even depression in extreme cases. So sleep is nature’s way to keep all functions in our body under control and balance. Though there are many Serotonin supplements are available on the market, you can try home remedy, i.e using turmeric regularly in your food, as it replenishes Serotonin naturally.

Hypertension due to sleep deficiency

High blood pressure or hypertension is another disease caused by lack of sleep. Though there are many other reasons behind high blood pressure, lack of sleep is one of them. When you are sleeping, your blood pressure should be slightly lower than normal. Your bio-clock is set so that during the night your body should relax and blood pressure and other bodily functions regulate themselves. When you don’t sleep during the night or don’t sleep enough, then this natural pattern is disrupted and your blood pressure goes up. When you start suffering from short sleep or lack of sleep, then high blood pressure during your waking hours become normal. Obviously, then you are said to be suffering from hypertension. High BP related health issues follow soon.

Lack of Sleep Causes Weight Gain or Obesity

One of the most overlooked and probably the most attention worthy health problem is weight gain or obesity. Though, there are many other reasons that could be the reason behind your uncontrolled fat gain, sleeplessness or no sound sleep is not worth ignoring. This is even more important, when you have tried various types of diet plans, weight loss programs, exercise or yoga classes. If nothing has shown positive outcome, then it is time to improve your sleep pattern, whether by using sleep aids or changing life style or diet. Changing diet is often very difficult for many, therefore why not try Noom App, which will give you all types of food options to choose from, without compromising on taste or nutrition.

Click Here for Noom Pricing!

Sound Sleep Music

With that, we can conclude that if you are overweight and you also suffer from lack of sleep, then your first priority should be to try to find a way to sleep better and for longer duration. Whether it takes, natural or home remedies or sleep aids, whatever works for you, give it a try. YouTube offers many type of sound sleep music tracks. Just check and download which one suits you and how it works for you. I believe, in a few weeks, you will start sleeping better.

What is Pink Noise and White Noise

It will not be out of context to talk briefly about pink noise and white noise, which what is produced by highly popular and effective sleep aids known as pink noise machine or pink noise generator. Without giving you the scientific definition of Pink Noise which you can read at Wiki in detail, I’d like to explain it in layman’s language. Pink noise is a sound that masks unwanted and unpleasant noise in your living environment. When pink noise is produced, the unpleasant sound turn into soothing and relaxing sound, which helps you sleep better. This is also used in auditoriums and theaters to make the speaker’s voice audible and soothing to the audience. However, we’ll stick to our topic as to how it is used or can be used in making us sleep better. Amazon offers many types of white and pink noise machines or generators.

Curing Lack of Sleep Naturally

I must say that things, techniques or health programs that stimulate your and re-energize your mental and physical abilities to achieve the desired health goal are my favourite. In short, yoga or meditation, which do not require any equipment or medication. All you need is to discipline yourself in line with what is natural for you. It seems difficult because we are so accustomed to living with artificial and man-made environment, that getting back to something we are made for, becomes painful. While it is true that Yoga requires some dedication, but it is worth it because what you gain out of it will keep you healthy without making you dependent on any medication or external aids. Also, you can follow it no matter where you are.

7 Quick tips for Sound Sleep naturally

  • Do not live indoors always, get some sunlight every day
  • Follow a routine. Eat and sleep at same time every day
  • Drink milk before bedtime, if possible
  • Avoid heavy dinner, light meal at night is preferable
  • Breathing exercise for just 5-10 minutes every morning works wonders
  • Incorporate Yoga in your routine, if possible
  • Soothing music works. Tough I don’t like it, it is worth giving a try.

Though not possible and practical for everyone, I’d say that swimming is the best exercise because if works on every part of your body in every move. Last but not the least, I’d like to say that remaining stress-free and doing something that makes you sweat every day will help you gain overall health. Stress and anxiety are silent killers of health. The more stress-free you live, the better will be your overall life.

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Does Fatty Food or Sugary Food Make you Overweight?

Low-fat food can be tricky if burning fat is on your mind. Go for low-sugar or less sugary food instead. Read 5 tips to cut down on sugar.

It has often been the topic of debate as to what causes real fat gain and make you overweight or obese? If fatty food consumption was the cause of obesity, then cutting down on fat would be the sure-shot formula for weight loss. So, the question is whether fatty food is the only or the biggest culprit behind your obesity or is it something else? Yes, you guessed it right. Sugar or sugary food is one of the most important factors behind weight gain or obesity.

How Sugar Makes You Fat

Before getting into how sugar makes your fat, lets try to understand what happens when we eat sugar more than our body’s requirement. While it is true that sugar or glucose is necessary for energy that our body needs, over- consumption of sugar on a daily basis has many adverse effects on health. Read more.

Sugar-Over consumption of it makes your fat or obese

Insulin Resistance

I assume that you must be aware that insulin is a hormone produced by pancreas. It plays an important role in moving sugar to different cells where energy in required. Insulin also helps in storing energy as fat or glycogen. The problem starts when your body receives more sugar than it can handle or process. It leads to insulin resistance, i.e. your cells stop responding to insulin and your sugar level goes up. High blood sugar level impairs many cell functions that cause inflammation and further aggravates insulin resistance and gives rise to many complication such as fatty liver and general fat gain. You start developing diabetes type 2 and the series of health issues start. Read about reversing diabetes naturally.

Leptin Resistance

I have covered Leptin resistance in one of my previous posts and also reviewed Leptitox, which promises to manage leptin resistance effectively. Quickly recapping, I’d say that Leptin is a hormone that manages calorie intake and fat burning or energy regulation as a whole. High sugar diets trigger trigger Leptin resistance, which essentially means you don’t realise how much you must eat and when to stop. As a result, you always feel hungry and tend to overeat. The end result, fat gain or obesity. So, reducing sugar intake will help you prevent this condition as well.

High-Sugar Food-Usually Low on Protein

For energy, your body should use more protein than sugar. However, this does not happen when you eat high-sugar food, which often lacks in protein. You feel less satisfied even after eating large quantities of sugary food, which is often the case, as you tend to eat more and more. Its opposite happens when you eat high-protein diet. You eat less and feel fuller than when you eat same quantity sugary food.

Sugary Food-Low in Fiber

Usually sugar-loaded food items are low in fiber, which is required for proper digestion and overall health. As you continue eating more sugar and less fiber, the end result is overall bad health, poor digestion, sluggish metabolism and obesity, which itself is the root cause of many health issues such as heart health.

Is Low Fat Diet Effective in Weight Loss?

By now, I think I have made it clear that sugar is a major contributing factor in making you fat. However, it doesn’t mean that you can go on eating fatty food. Though I must agree that low-fat foods are considered and marketed as weight loss products, they are often loaded with sugar, which simply prove to be counter-productive. The key is to maintain a balance by choosing your food wisely. It often involves changing eating habits. Why not take the help of Noom App that will give you hundreds of healthy food options?

5 Tips to cut down on sugar

Start Reading Food Labels: Beware of hidden sugar aliases such as corn syrup, malt syrup, fructose, lactose, sucrose and more. If these ingredients are there, that means you are buying sugary food. Avoid them.

Start drinking more water: Replace sugary beverages and carbonated beverages with plain water or lemon water. This is practical, easy and achievable.

Go for full-fat instead of low-fat food: As explained above low-fat is often high-sugar and full fat has low sugar. However, maintain a balance.

High-Protein better than High-Sugar: This is one of the reasons that make eggs a super food. Loaded with high-protein, eggs give you energy and keep you full for long duration without adding sugar to your diet.

Sound sleep-8 hours a day: Studies have confirmed that those who don’t sleep properly often tend to eat more junk food and sugar than those who sleep 8 hours a day.

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Fatty Liver-Can it Be Reversed by Liver Cleansing

Fatty liver can be reversed unless it take a very severe form. As soon as you notice fatty liver symptoms, start incorporating liver cleansing food in your diet. It will also boost your immunity, which is highly recommended anyway during Covid 19 times.

Do you feel tired or weak for no apparent reason? If abdominal cramps, feeling nauseous or loss of appetite are also some of the common symptoms you face quite often, then chances are that you have fatty liver. Once your liver becomes fatty, all of its 800 plus functions get impaired. The result is you feel unhealthy, which is quite natural if one of your vital organs is not functioning properly. Let’s try to understand whether it can be reversed by liver cleansing or any other method.

What is fatty liver?

As the name suggests, fatty liver is when fat deposits on the liver and is more than 5%. This condition is also called steatosis. Usually some amount of fat is quite normal, but when fat accumulation on the liver is more than 5%, you are said to be suffering from fatty liver. This is called ALD or Alcohol Related Liver Disease. Though alcohol consumption is the most common cause of this fatty liver, there are almost equal number of patients suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD). However, non-alcoholic cases often go unreported unless the situation becomes very severe.

Fatty Liver Remedy

I don’t drink, can I have fatty liver?

As mentioned above that usually non-alcoholic people assume that they cannot develop fatty liver, which is not correct. A lot of people who never had a drop of alcohol also develop fatty liver. However, the reasons vary from person to person in these cases. It will not be out context to mention that extreme weight loss measures can sometimes lead to this condition. Keeping that in mind, I’d suggest that go for fat loss programs, but within your limitation. If you are cutting down on protein beyond a certain limit, then it may cause protein deficiency, and could be the reason for fatty liver. Sometimes, those who undergo intestinal bypass surgery, may also develop steatosis under certain conditions.

What causes fatty liver

  • Alcohol is the number 1 cause. If you quit alcohol, the disease will also disappear. It is good for heart health as well.
  • Insulin Resistance: In other words if you are diabetic with Diabetes type 2, you are prone to obesity. Insulin resistance and obesity together often cause fatty liver.
  • Obesity or being fat is an obvious reason.
  • High fat level in blood. When fat level is high, it gets deposited on liver as well as the visible body parts such as thighs, belly and buttocks.
  • Though rare, sometimes fatty liver develops during pregnancy and it is considered very serious .
  • Excess medication can sometimes lead to fatty liver conditions. Especially, drugs used for Malaria treatment are reported to cause this condition in many cases. Similarly TB drug isoniazid  can sometimes also cause fatty liver.

Can fatty liver cause pain?

There are many symptoms of fatty liver and mild abdominal pain is one of them. When fat deposits on the liver, it becomes enlarged and extra pressure on the receptors of pain in that area causes the pain.

Fatty liver symptoms

  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of energy and general tiredness
  • Jaundice or jaundice-like symptom such as yellowish eye, skin and mouth
  • Low or diminishing sex drive
  • Dark or yellowish urine
  • Itchy skin

Is Fatty liver curable? Can it be reversed?

Fatty Liver Remedy

Yes, it is curable but is slightly difficult because treatment of fatty liver is all about changing eating habits, which is easier said than done. As the symptoms are usually not life threatening, people tend to take it lightly and carry on with their existing lifestyle. More or less, the treatment approach is similar to any effective weight loss program. Many people ask if this condition can be reversed. It depends a lot on your exact health condition. After proper lab tests, your physician can tell you if it can be reversed. However, I must say that in initial phases, you can reverse it by choosing healthy eating habits and quitting alcohol.

Fatty liver cure

  • Cut down on saturated fat
  • Manage or control cholesterol level
  • Diabetes control
  • Quit Alcohol if you drink
  • Exercise regularly so that you burn calories and lose weight

Liver Cleansing or Detoxification

Liver is one of the many detoxifying organs in human. Other organs are kidney, gall bladder, colon and also your skin. These organs work in tandem to detoxify your body. If any of these organs fail to function properly, extra pressure is handled by other organs, which often result in other ailments or symptoms of other diseases. For example, if your colon is not working properly, then digested food is not eliminated due to constipation. Your liver will not get the right place to dump toxins. This may slow down the function of other organs. It is therefore highly recommended to ensure that our digestion works properly.

Benefits of liver cleansing

One of the best and most effective way to ensure that your liver functions at its optimal level, is to incorporate liver cleansing food in your daily diet. Also, you need to cut down on alcohol or items that cause fatty liver. Before discussing food for liver cleansing, lets take a quick look at its health benefits.

  • Liver cleansing helps you lose weight
  • Boosts your immunity
  • Increases your mental focus
  • Better sleep cycles and quality of sleep also improves
  • Improves vision
  • Clearer skin and relief from allergies
  • Balances your mood

Liver Cleaning Food

Fatty Liver Yoga

Apana Mudra- Yoga for Fatty liver

This brings me to my favorite and probably the most natural way to good health. Yes, yoga can help you manage, detoxify or completely cure fatty liver. What’s more is that you yoga of fatty liver is not a set of difficult asanas. Simple hand gesture or Apaan Mudra can provide your relief from liver related disease. This gesture is simple. All you have to do is press your middle and index fingers with thumb (See the pic above). Place your hands on your thighs and sit in a comfortable position. This simple yogic method offers many health benefits, and liver detoxification or cleansing is just one of them. As a result, your digestion improves and your gain many other health benefits.

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Easy Yoga Poses for Belly Fat Reduction

Burn belly fat by trying easy yoga poses at home. Simply sitting cross-legged in different variations or spending two minutes on easy yoga can work wonders.

Those who are new to yoga may find it unbelievable that originally there were 8,4oo,000 yoga poses practised and taught by Lord Shiva. It was possible for Him, but not for humans, therefore 84 of them were chosen to be practical for humans. Out of those 84, many yogic practitioner believe that only 32 are good enough for overall health. This is a matter of debate, and we have no intention of getting into how many are good or enough. We’ll focus on practical and easy yoga poses that can be practised by anyone looking for belly fat reduction. Sounds good?

Easy yoga postures

Well, things are difficult before they become easy. The same goes for yoga postures. There are many yoga poses that can be practised by anyone, but you either don’t know them or simply ignore them as they seem to be easy or ineffective. Why not make them part of your daily activities so that you get the benefits without even realising or putting any extra effort? Frankly speaking, that is what used to happen with me inadvertently when I was in high school. Later I came to know that those postures that I tried for fun or just to relax were actually some of the most easy yoga postures for belly fat loss. As a result, I was relatively thin and more active than most of my classmates who were obese.

Natural Yoga

Without getting into the official or ancient definition of natural yoga, lets try to understand it literally. For example, breathing is almost a natural activity that happens without any effort from us. However, when the same breathing is done consciously following a tried and tested pattern, it becomes Pranayama. Similarly, some of the most natural postures, if practised regularly as part of our daily activities, help us burn belly fat naturally. They are actually yogic postures, but can be incorporated in our daily lives. And the best part is, you need not make extra time for them. All you need is just be mentally ready to make those slight changes in your routine while ensuring that you go about your regular activities.

Sitting Cross-legged

Sitting Cross-legged helps in melting fat from belly area

If you are not aware, then let me tell you that sitting on the floor is the most natural and relaxing posture. You’ll find it difficult only if you are obese beyond a certain level. In that case, obviously you cannot make it your routine to sit cross-legged every day. Others who can sit cross-legged can try watching TV in this posture. Just sit on the floor every day for at least half an hour while watching TV or doing any other activity. You will notice the difference in a few days. In fact, during traditional festivals in India, people even eat meals sitting on the floor, and it is quite acceptable and also considered auspicious.

Variation of Sitting on Floor for Belly Fat Reduction

Benefits of sitting on the floor

You can even buy a small low-height table to work on, so that you can sit in this posture for longer duration. Sometimes I don’t mind placing my laptop on the small table and work for hours sitting cross-legged on the floor. Believe me, this will not only improve your digestion, help you burn belly fat but also relieve knee joint pain and keep your spine healthy. There are a few variations or methods of sitting on floor, which are equally effective if you are looking to flatten your stomach easily. You can choose whichever postures suits you the best or change your positions as per your comfort level.

Half-Cobra Pose for Flat Belly

Half-Cobra Pose for Belly Fat Reduction

This is a simple posture which can be done by any one. However, what really matters is how long you can stay in this posture. If you cannot lift your head backward while placing your palm on the floor, then start with getting support from elbows or doing Half-Cobra Pose. Stretch your head backwards the way you normally do in full Bhujanganasa. Gradually, when your spine becomes slightly flexible in 15-20 days of performing this pose on elbows, you can place your palm and attain the actual Bhujangasana. Just perform the posture on elbows and try to stay in this pose for 2 minutes, 3 minutes or 5 minutes depending on your stamina. In fact, you can even read your phone messages or attend phone calls in this posture. This will make the activity more natural and effortless.

In half cobra pose, following activities can be done

  • Watching TV for up to half an hour every day
  • Light reading such as reading a small book, magazine or even newspaper
  • Phone messaging or even browsing on a laptop
  • Obese students can even make notes or do small writing assignments

To avoid any side-effect, ensure that You

  • Straighten your spine by lying flat for a few minutes before getting up if you have been in half-cobra pose for 10 minutes of more. You can even try savasan for better effect. However, that may take time.
  • Do not put extra pressure on your back. The moment it starts hurting, change your posture so that you feel relaxed.
  • Change your position smoothly without any jerky movement.
  • Do not try this posture immediately after meals.

Cat Cow Pose and Rabbit Pose in a Sequence

Cat-cow posture can be done immediately after waking up. Similarly you can perform rabbit posture for 30 seconds to 2 minutes every day immediately after waking up. These two minutes every day can work wonders for your health in general. The rabbit pose is effective for obtaining flat belly. All you need to do is develop the habit of doing these quick yoga postures every day. The results will be visible soon.

Rabbit Pose for Belly Fat Reduction

Sun Salutation-Surya Namaskar

Sun salutation is a set of 12 postures in a sequence. These postures work on every muscle of our body and help in weight loss, better digestion, mental peace and clarity. These postures essentially stretch all parts of our body, which is highly recommended for flexibility and overall fitness. As the name suggest, you have to salute the sun, therefore the best time to do this is early in the morning during sunrise.

Surya Namaskar-for Overall Health and Belly Fat Loss

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Belly Fat Burning-Food, Diet and Yoga

Burning belly fat is not as difficult as most people think. Make some changes in your food, diet and lifestyle and see the change. Flat stomach is achievable if you are ready to do what it takes.

Bulging belly or obesity in general is often the primary cause of many health style diseases that appear later in life. Why not start working proactively at the first sign of belly fat that usually starts appearing in late twenties or early thirties. Fortunately, we get many belly fat burning food, diet plans and yoga techniques easily available across the net. However, the catch is all burning stomach fat requires some discipline and determination. Whether you join a gym, like intermittent fasting or want to change your eating habits, you must be determined and ready for a change in your lifestyle.

Can Bulging Belly Be Reduced Naturally?

Yes, you can burn belly fat rather easily, if you are mentally ready to do what it takes. Don’t worry, I am not asking you to do calorie counting, follow strict diet restriction or something impractical. Essentially, stomach fat starts depositing due to least movement of muscles around your stomach. If you make sure that you move, stretch or shake your abdominal area at least twice a day, then belly fat will not start depositing. If you already have fat around your belly, then it may take some time, but reducing fat naturally involves incorporating some activities in your lifestyle so that your abdominal muscles get exercise without you realising it. How about using water to lose belly fat?

Stomach fat burning food

Noom- The Last Weight Loss Program You’ll Ever Need

I cannot stress the fact more that food plays an important role in making your obese, if you do not melt extra fat by physical activities. Also, there are many belly fat burning fat food, super food and even tailored diet plans to suit individual needs. As a general rule, green and leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and fiber rich food help you melt fat not just from your belly but from all over your body. Why not try some metabolic cooking for speedy effect?

Food for fat loss from belly area

Belly fat loss food
  • Beans: All types of beans are a great source of fiber, which are highly recommended as they help digestion, reduce inflammation and burn belly fat naturally.
  • Chiles: They must be included in your daily diet if you want to reduce the risk of obesity. Chilies require more calories, therefore layers of fat get oxidised, resulting in overall fat loss.
  • Fruit infused water: I have mentioned in my previous posts that water can be highly effective in melting fat and detoxification, if used correctly. Make sure that you drink enough water or use fruit infused water for added advantage. Also make sure that you add tomatoes in your diet.
  • Leafy and green vegetables: This is self-explanatory, and I need not repeat the benefits of fresh, leafy and fibrous food, which work wonders for fat loss. Broccoli, spinach, cucumber,cauliflower, peas, bottle-gourd, bitter gourd, okra and the list goes on.
  • Banana, avocado, citrus fruits and all types of berries must be included in your diet.
  • Seeds and Nuts: If you don’t eat pumpkin or sunflower seeds, then start now. They help a lot in burning belly fat. Also, eat all types of nuts (except cashew) if weight loss is on your mind.
  • Eggs: Not only do eggs boost your metabolism and help you remain full for longer duration, they also keep many health issues at bay such as diabetes. Those who eat eggs (1-2 every day, not more than that) have delayed diabetes or are less likely to have sugar problems than those who don’t eat eggs at all.

Belly Fat Exercise

Some of the best and most effective stomach fat reduction exercises are leg raise, side bends, curls and twists. Basically all types of exercise that put extra pressure or stretch on your stomach will burn your belly fat. Now, the question is which one suits you the best. For some, simple cat and cow postures immediately after waking up can work wonders. For others, slightly tough bends and twists may work fine.

Cycling for stomach fat reduction

What I find the most natural and easy exercise is cycling. I mean real cycling and not the exercise/stationary bike. Make sure that you choose a route that has all types of complexities such as uphill riding, downward tracks, tricky trails where you need strength as well and speed to maintain a balance. Simply riding 4-5 kilometres everyday will burn your belly fat. I understand that this type of route is not possible everywhere, but try your best to find one. If not possible, then even plain cycling is also much better and enjoyable than most stomach curls and twists.

Yoga-Melting Belly Fat Without any Equipment

No matter what your obesity or stomach fat level is, yoga or yogic postures will work for you. That is what makes yoga a favourite of all health conscious people. However, just like anything worth achieving requires some effort, yoga also demands some commitment from you. In fact, mental preparedness and positive attitude while performing yoga are more effective than the physical effort. You can perform yoga anywhere without any equipment. All you need is some open space and a mat, and you are good to go. For flattening stomach, you must start with deep breathing and various other asanas as demonstrated by Baba Ramdev.


My favourite yoga posture for belly fat reduction is paschimottanasana. Of course, I must admit that I can do is effortlessly because I have practised it a lot and now it is easy for me. As a beginner, it will be difficult for you, but do not be in a hurry, start and progress gradually. You’ll see results not just in the form of flat stomach but also in your overall health. All types of streching exercises are highly effective for overall health, and belly fat loss is just one of many benefits they offer.

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Does Nicotine Trigger Appetite Suppression?

Appetite suppression by nicotine is a myth or reality or temporary feeling? Read on.

If you are a smoker, then you must have noticed that after having a puff you generally don’t feel like eating. Does it mean that nicotine works like an appetite suppressant or is smoking effective for appetite suppression? Let us take a look at some findings, facts and some myths.

The science behind nicotine and appetite

Hypothalamus is a part of brain that is responsible for appetite suppression. Researchers studied the behaviour of exact cells known as PMOC cells. They found that these cells become more active when nicotine is present in the blood. In layman’s term when nicotine was found in blood of the subject, then the subject felt less hungry or did not feel like eating as much as it did when nicotine was not there. However, the catch is, the subject here were mice and not humans.

Smoking for Weight Loss? What?

Though researchers believe that same effect is possible in humans also, and symptoms of smokers feeling less hungry often substantiate this belief. However, there is no enough proof that can be considered as base for smoking to be effective for weight loss. Though most smokers casually brag that they don’t gain weight due to this habit, this is definitely not a recommendation. The fact remains, that ill effects of smoking always outweigh the benefits that we assume can be gained in the form of reduced appetite. Period.

Smoking for curbing food craving? No

Well, it is quite noticeable among smokers that majority of them do not like sweet or their sweet cravings are decreased significantly. This happens due to temporary lowering of insulin level in blood. This reduces your sweet cravings temporarily and also subsided hunger for some times. Repeated or chain smoking repeats the process and the smoker doesn’t feel like eating. However, long-term side-effects of this include high-blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and heart diseases. Of course, nobody’d like to pay for weight loss by risking their health in the long run. So, smoking should never be an option for weight loss. Makes sense?

Do Electronic Cigarettes help in appetite control?

No matter how cool it looks or feels, E-cigs are no better than regular cigarettes as far as appetite suppression is concerned. Addiction element is there in E-cigs as well, which means that once you get addicted, you will be prone to all diseases that are associated with regular smoking.

Exercise for controlling appetite

Outdoor activities that can make you sweat or exercise is a good alternative. Though it may sound slight strange that after burning calories by exercise, you feel less hungry than when you lead a sedentary life. Research has proven that exercise increases the level of Ghrelin hormone which stimulates appetite. When its level goes down, you feel less hungry. That is the reason exercise is recommended for everyone looking to lose weight no matter what diet plan they are on. Check Cindrella Solution, a remarkable hormonal and metabolic balance solution for women planning to lose weight.

Is appetite suppression really required?

Well, the question is, do you really need to suppress your appetite? Why? Is weight loss your goal? Why not get to the root of the problem and find out why you feel more hungry than you should? If that reason can be cured or eliminated, you won’t need any appetite suppression method. Read about Leptin resistance or Leptitox review for more information.

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Appetite Suppression with Pills or Natural Way?

Is appetite loss good for health? Should we go for natural appetite suppression or take the help of pills?How Leptin resistance management helps.

Appetite control made easy

When it comes to natural appetite suppression, I cannot help thinking is it really a big deal? Why not try intermittent fasting or simply stop eating as soon as you feel full? I know you must be thinking that it is easier said than done. I agree, that it is not so easy for most of us, especially those who are overweight or obese. However, I believe that it is easy and practical because I have controlled appetite the natural way without pills, and sometimes even unknowingly. What makes appetite control or suppression so easy ? Let’s take a look at some of the habits that make it natural for those willing control it without pills.

Using the Power of Water

It goes without saying that water is highly effective in not just hunger control and appetite suppression but for overall health including skin health and general well being. From keeping your digestive system in shape to providing natural glow to your face, water does it all. However you must know how to drink water, when to drink or not drink water to get the desired result. Simply drinking water the first thing every morning immediately after waking up is a healthy habit that sets your digestive system for the whole day.

Water hack to crush food cravings
Water- Use it as Natural Appetite Suppressant


Do you know that humble fenugreek seeds contain ample quantity of insoluble fiber, approximately 45% of of all its content. Fenugreek is known to control and regulate high blood sugar, therefore diabetics are advised to consume it in various forms. In addition to that, it helps in cholesterol control, and works as an excellent natural appetite suppressant. In India, fenugreek is often always added in vegetables and other food items cooked at home.

Fenugreek seeds-Natural appetite suppressant

Intermittent fasting

I have written a lot about various types of intermittent fasting such as 5:2 fasting, which is quite popular and effective. In fact, the whole idea of fasting is to get accustomed to go without food and let your digestive and other related organs function properly. Human is the only living being who eats without feeling hungry. No other animal eats unless it is really required. Fasting helps you achieve that situation when you actually need food. When this happens quite often, i.e when you observe intermittent fasting, you learn how to control or suppress your unnecessary appetite.


Eating eggs regularly (especially as part of morning breakfast) is highly effective in keeping you full for long. You don’t feel like eating without feeling low on energy due to high protein content of eggs. All types of protein-rich food items help in controlling appetite to a great extent. As eggs are my favourite breakfast food, I recommend that. You can choose from many other protein rich natural food items, which will offer the same effect as eggs.

Garcinia Cambogia

Though not so common in fresh form, its extracts or supplements are available on the market. This is a fruit found in Sahara deserts. One of the most common properties of this fruit is appetite suppression naturally. You need not take any other pill or supplement if you take Garcinia Cambogia regularly.


If you take black tea, then don’t forget to add ginger to it. In fact you can eat raw ginger as well, if you like. However, due to its bitter taste in raw form, most people want it added in other food items. In Asian countries, ginger is an essential spice or herb without which most delicacies cannot be cooked. If that seems to be difficult, then try it with tea and see the effect. You’ll feel less hungry and more energetic. I’ll publish a separate post on the health benefits of ginger and its medicinal properties.

Ginger for Appetite Suppression Naturally

Green Tea

Whole world of health conscious people is aware of health benefits of green tea. No matter what brand you choose, it will help you manage your appetite, which is the bottom line of almost all weight loss programs. Are you on a fat loss program? Then start drinking green tea today.

Black tea or coffee

Coffee or black tea is known to work as a great stimulant for mind and body. However, those are the instant effects for which we consume coffee, but there are many other benefits such as appetite reduction which is often desired by those looking to burn fat naturally. The less hungry you feel, the less you eat. This happens unknowingly with all those who drink black tea or coffee regularly.

Want a Food Craving Control Pill?

In one of our previous posts, we also talked about what actually works behind our insatiable food craving, that makes all appetite reduction methods ineffective. Yes, that is Leptin resistance, which doesn’t let your brain understand when you should stop eating. We have covered the topic widely in our Leptitox Review 2020..

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