Being creative during Covid 19 lockdown can be challenging, but worth trying. Read what to do and what to avoid during Coronavirus.
Coronavirus or Covid-19 outbreak is a health crisis not experienced by the current generation. It is a pandemic spread across the word and now almost one third of the world is under some form of lockdown. Lets take a look at what to do and what to avoid during Covid-19 lockdown times.
Do not mistake Covid 19 lockdown for holidays-Consequences can be serious
Lockdown is a period of maintaining restraint and balance. Do not mistake if for a vacation time, as has been reported from some parts of the world. Unless you are a health worker, someone connected with media or any organisation exempt from lockdown due to any reason, you are supposed to remain indoors.
Do the least possible to stop Covid-19
This is the least you can do to stop or slow down the spread of Coronavirus or Covid 19. The more restraint you maintain, the better you can help the government or health agencies working round the clock to contain the outbreak. If you do not follow guidelines of your government or health agencies enforcing them, then you are actually posing a threat to the society, and consequences will more serious than you can imagine right now.
Maintain min 1 meter distance to prevent Coronavirus
Things to do during lockdown-Be Healthy
Stay indoors, unless it is extremely urgent to go out
Keep your grocery stocks full
Work from home if possible and allowed by your employer
Eat healthy and nutritious, re-discover your health, beauty and agility
What are you interested in? Is there something that you could not do because of lack of time? As long as your unfulfilled hobby activity is something that you can pursue from home, you are good. You can use the lockdown period to enhance your creative side. Some of the few creative activities you can do to make the best of lockdown period
Learn a new language
Try your hand at art and craft
Start a blog, vlog or podcast channel
This is the best time to start cooking and eating healthy
Enroll into some short-term online course, if that interests you
Appetite suppression by nicotine is a myth or reality or temporary feeling? Read on.
If you are a smoker, then you must have noticed that after having a puff you generally don’t feel like eating. Does it mean that nicotine works like an appetite suppressant or is smoking effective for appetite suppression? Let us take a look at some findings, facts and some myths.
The science behind nicotine and appetite
Hypothalamus is a part of brain that is responsible for appetite suppression. Researchers studied the behaviour of exact cells known as PMOC cells. They found that these cells become more active when nicotine is present in the blood. In layman’s term when nicotine was found in blood of the subject, then the subject felt less hungry or did not feel like eating as much as it did when nicotine was not there. However, the catch is, the subject here were mice and not humans.
Smoking for Weight Loss? What?
Though researchers believe that same effect is possible in humans also, and symptoms of smokers feeling less hungry often substantiate this belief. However, there is no enough proof that can be considered as base for smoking to be effective for weight loss. Though most smokers casually brag that they don’t gain weight due to this habit, this is definitely not a recommendation. The fact remains, that ill effects of smoking always outweigh the benefits that we assume can be gained in the form of reduced appetite. Period.
Smoking for curbing food craving? No
Well, it is quite noticeable among smokers that majority of them do not like sweet or their sweet cravings are decreased significantly. This happens due to temporary lowering of insulin level in blood. This reduces your sweet cravings temporarily and also subsided hunger for some times. Repeated or chain smoking repeats the process and the smoker doesn’t feel like eating. However, long-term side-effects of this include high-blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and heart diseases. Of course, nobody’d like to pay for weight loss by risking their health in the long run. So, smoking should never be an option for weight loss. Makes sense?
Do Electronic Cigarettes help in appetite control?
No matter how cool it looks or feels, E-cigs are no better than regular cigarettes as far as appetite suppression is concerned. Addiction element is there in E-cigs as well, which means that once you get addicted, you will be prone to all diseases that are associated with regular smoking.
Exercise for controlling appetite
Outdoor activities that can make you sweat or exercise is a good alternative. Though it may sound slight strange that after burning calories by exercise, you feel less hungry than when you lead a sedentary life. Research has proven that exercise increases the level of Ghrelin hormone which stimulates appetite. When its level goes down, you feel less hungry. That is the reason exercise is recommended for everyone looking to lose weight no matter what diet plan they are on. Check Cindrella Solution, a remarkable hormonal and metabolic balance solution for women planning to lose weight.
Is appetite suppression really required?
Well, the question is, do you really need to suppress your appetite? Why? Is weight loss your goal? Why not get to the root of the problem and find out why you feel more hungry than you should? If that reason can be cured or eliminated, you won’t need any appetite suppression method. Read about Leptin resistance or Leptitox review for more information.
In the ongoing fight against Coronavirus or Covid 19, the importance of strong immunity is highlighted. Take a look at some immunity booster tips.
Boost Your Immune System Naturally
Boost immunity-fight virus
While the entire world is fighting Covid 19 or coronavirus, it is important to understand what makes this virus so effective and how our strong immune system can help us fight it effectively.
How coronavirus works- In layman’s language
Basically it is a respiratory virus that enters and infects your respiratory system from nose to lungs. Your natural defense or immune system recognises this alien and fights back to protect your body. However, the virus is strong and our immune cells get killed in the process. As a result more immune cells pitch in and we see the result in the form of pneumonia, cold, fever, dry throat and flu-like symptoms. But this is not common cold, this is COVID-19. What happens next is well-known. The virus often defeats the patient’s weak immune system. The patient starts feeling difficulty in breathing. Other vital organs do not receive enough oxygen and fail to function properly. And you know the result.
Fight the Virus by Boosting immunity
Strong immunity helps fight virus including coronavirus
We often take our immune system for granted and do not take steps to boost it unless its weakness is visible in the form of any disease. We have many case of coronavirus patients recovering successful as timely action was taken to kill the virus while boosting the patients’ immunity. Though virus spreads fast invade our system, a strong immune system and fight effectively and defeat the virus successfully.
Use black pepper, cumin seeds and many other Indian herbs in your food
Eat at the same time daily
Sleep for 8 hours a day
Cook food properly so that it can be chewed without any difficulty
Do not overeat
Use Giloy in any form. Patanjali offers Giloy syrup, Giloy tablets and I think even power forms is available. Try the form that suits you.
You can use Giloy from any other manufacturer as well. I have used Patanjali, therefore I have mentioned it. You can choose whatever brand you like. However, make sure that it is pure giloy with least possible preservatives.
COVID 19 or coronavirus outbreak should not deter you from eating healthy if you are at home.
As the Coronavirus or COVID 19 has spread its tentacles across the globe, it is high time we made the best possible effort to remain healthy while staying indoors. As eating out or even stepping out of your home is discouraged by government and health agencies, across the globe, why not try to cook and eat healthy food at home. Noom app can come in handy if you are running short on ideas on what to eat or cook. You can try metablic cooking as well.
Does chicken spread coronovirus?
It will not be out of context to mention that many people believe that eating chicken can spread Coronavirus. However, there is no scientific proof for it. So far, no COVID 19 case has been reported to have been caused by eating chicken. However, I must say that we lack data on this and majority of people have stopped eating chicken due to fear of this deadly disease.
No case of Coronavirus spreading from Chicken has been reported so far
Noom’s Healthy Recipes for All types of Food Cravings
A lot has been said about what healthy meal is and what should be the ideal choice of anyone looking for overall wellness not just weight loss. If you are under the impression that Noom app is only for obese or those looking to burn fat, then you must read Noom FAQs. Any health conscious person who wants to eat healthy, this app is what is recommended. Not only does it give you a list of food items, but also offers various recipes that you can try at home.
Home Workout by Noom
Do you like yoga, aerobics or work out in gym? Well, chances are that your gym would be closed. So the only way is to workout at home. and what better way to track your workout than using Noom app? It will give you the exact details that you need to ensure that you get health benefits of workout at home. From calorie counting and burning rate to what you should eat during any specific workout, it gives you all details.
Color Coded Food Makes it easy
In our Noom Review, we have covered what color coding of food is, as per Noom system. It is easy-to-follow no matter what your health condition is. Food choices are numerous to suit all taste buds, budget and lifestyle. All you need is your will to make the best of this simple app for your health.
Noom Yellow Food
Green Noom Food
Noom Red Food List
Personalized Coaching
If you need more personalized advice or something specific clarified about your health, then Noom Goal Specialists are there to help. Right from helping you choose the food to advanced exercise tips, your coach can offer you right advice to suit your exact needs.
COVID-19 and Noom
The purpose of this post is to help you understand how keeping good health is not difficult despite staying at home and maintaining social distancing. Not attending the gym, no access to specific food items or inability to workout in a group should not be a deterrent for maintaining health, increasing immunity and keeping stress away . In fact, while social distancing in encouraged during Covid 19 outbreak, you can use group support of Noom community, accessing it safely from your app.
Manage Stress and habits effectively
As already mentioned in our various Noom articles, that it is based on human psychology, which is at the core of habits that you form. Habits are important in your daily life, as these habits form the basis of your overall health and lifestyle. Noom works at your habit formation level to help you develop healthy habits which will stay with you in the long run.
Is appetite loss good for health? Should we go for natural appetite suppression or take the help of pills?How Leptin resistance management helps.
Appetite control made easy
When it comes to natural appetite suppression, I cannot help thinking is it really a big deal? Why not try intermittent fasting or simply stop eating as soon as you feel full? I know you must be thinking that it is easier said than done. I agree, that it is not so easy for most of us, especially those who are overweight or obese. However, I believe that it is easy and practical because I have controlled appetite the natural way without pills, and sometimes even unknowingly. What makes appetite control or suppression so easy ? Let’s take a look at some of the habits that make it natural for those willing control it without pills.
Using the Power of Water
It goes without saying that water is highly effective in not just hunger control and appetite suppression but for overall health including skin health and general well being. From keeping your digestive system in shape to providing natural glow to your face, water does it all. However you must know how to drink water, when to drink or not drink water to get the desired result. Simply drinking water the first thing every morning immediately after waking up is a healthy habit that sets your digestive system for the whole day.
Water- Use it as Natural Appetite Suppressant
Do you know that humble fenugreek seeds contain ample quantity of insoluble fiber, approximately 45% of of all its content. Fenugreek is known to control and regulate high blood sugar, therefore diabetics are advised to consume it in various forms. In addition to that, it helps in cholesterol control, and works as an excellent natural appetite suppressant. In India, fenugreek is often always added in vegetables and other food items cooked at home.
Fenugreek seeds-Natural appetite suppressant
Intermittent fasting
I have written a lot about various types of intermittent fasting such as 5:2 fasting, which is quite popular and effective. In fact, the whole idea of fasting is to get accustomed to go without food and let your digestive and other related organs function properly. Human is the only living being who eats without feeling hungry. No other animal eats unless it is really required. Fasting helps you achieve that situation when you actually need food. When this happens quite often, i.e when you observe intermittent fasting, you learn how to control or suppress your unnecessary appetite.
Eating eggs regularly (especially as part of morning breakfast) is highly effective in keeping you full for long. You don’t feel like eating without feeling low on energy due to high protein content of eggs. All types of protein-rich food items help in controlling appetite to a great extent. As eggs are my favourite breakfast food, I recommend that. You can choose from many other protein rich natural food items, which will offer the same effect as eggs.
Garcinia Cambogia
Though not so common in fresh form, its extracts or supplements are available on the market. This is a fruit found in Sahara deserts. One of the most common properties of this fruit is appetite suppression naturally. You need not take any other pill or supplement if you take Garcinia Cambogia regularly.
If you take black tea, then don’t forget to add ginger to it. In fact you can eat raw ginger as well, if you like. However, due to its bitter taste in raw form, most people want it added in other food items. In Asian countries, ginger is an essential spice or herb without which most delicacies cannot be cooked. If that seems to be difficult, then try it with tea and see the effect. You’ll feel less hungry and more energetic. I’ll publish a separate post on the health benefits of ginger and its medicinal properties.
Ginger for Appetite Suppression Naturally
Green Tea
Whole world of health conscious people is aware of health benefits of green tea. No matter what brand you choose, it will help you manage your appetite, which is the bottom line of almost all weight loss programs. Are you on a fat loss program? Then start drinking green tea today.
Black tea or coffee
Coffee or black tea is known to work as a great stimulant for mind and body. However, those are the instant effects for which we consume coffee, but there are many other benefits such as appetite reduction which is often desired by those looking to burn fat naturally. The less hungry you feel, the less you eat. This happens unknowingly with all those who drink black tea or coffee regularly.
Want a Food Craving Control Pill?
In one of our previous posts, we also talked about what actually works behind our insatiable food craving, that makes all appetite reduction methods ineffective. Yes, that is Leptin resistance, which doesn’t let your brain understand when you should stop eating. We have covered the topic widely in our Leptitox Review 2020..
Add brassicas to your diet, prevent CVDs and enjoy various health benefits.
Brassicas- Power Packed Vegetables
If you are not aware of the health benefits of Brassicas vegetables, then’d be surprised to know that these vegetables can help you with your heart health and delay the onset of cardiovascular diseases. Full of Vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin K, they offer us many health benefits. They are full of anti oxidants and are nutrient dense, with is the reason that Leptitox manufacturer has included it in their product.
Cauliflower from Brassicas family of Vegetables-Leptitox Ingredient
Brassicas prevent CVD and some types of cancer
Research has proven that regular intake of brassicas can also prevent some types of cancer in addition to cardiovascular diseases.
In our previous post, Leptitox Review 2020, we mentioned that it contains brassicas extracts. The reason is simple. Brassicas has many health promoting properties such as:
Managing Leptin Resistance and level is the key to belly fat loss and natural weight loss in general.
We are going to review Leptitox, a power-packed formula made of herbs and natural ingredients. These herbs help us control our Leptin level, appetite and food cravings naturally and not by forcing us to go against nature. Yes, I am not kidding. If you are trying to lose weight by dieting or restricting your food intake, then you are actually trying to go against the nature. Obviously, the nature wins in most cases as we are not equipped to fight the nature. However, there are many natural appetite suppressants that work wonders for natural weight loss, belly fat reduction and overall health. Leptitox offers the benefits of those natural ingredients in the form of a pill.
Truth about weight loss we often overlook
Humans are designed to resist weight loss. Yes, that is true because our body perceives lack of food as famine and prepares itself to fight the famine by storing energy for future. The result is fat deposit which can used for energy if famine actually happens. As famine doesn’t happen and we keep dieting or following irregular eating habits. The result: more fat or obesity. What really keeps us following various diet plans is temporary or instant weight loss which does happen due to water loss. We believe that our diet plan is working, but for how long? You know the answer, right? I believe that is the reason you are reading this right now.
Official Leptitox Site offers super saver offer
Leptin balancing diet can be the key
In fact, by dieting, you prepare your body for various other health issues such as heart problems, low energy, joint pains and hair loss in most cases.
What keeps you in the vicious cycle of fat loss temporarily and weight gain after quitting the diet plan is Leptin Resistance. If you have not heard of Leptin resistance or Leptin itself, then I recommend that you take a look at our leptin resistance post. Taking Leptin Diet can be an effective solution, as it is not difficult for most of us to start it and stick to it for long. In fact, you can make Leptin diet your regular diet and remain healthier than your present health condition. Take a look a some of the food items that are part of any Leptin balancing diet. We eat these things anyway, but if you don’t, then make sure that you give them a try.
Leptin diet food list- Natural Protein Rich Foods
Does exercise really help you lose fat?
It goes without saying that exercise is good for overall health. Our ancestors also worked very hard for food and engaged themselves in various physical activities, which kept them fit and healthy. Modern day exercise plans help us to a great extent, but they are not a substitute for natural activities that help us remain fat free. For example, there is a difference in riding a real bicycle and using an exercise bicycle. Though physical movement while using both types of bicycle is almost the same, the effects are different. You can give it a try. Riding a real bicycle will help you burn fat, but stationary bike will not, after some time. The same goes for running or jogging and using a stepper in the gym.
I exercise a lot, but don’t lose weight
That’s what we are going to focus on. If you have reached a phase especially after 40s, then there is something called Leptin Resistance that is stopping you from getting leaner and fitter. Once you hit 40, you start developing various health issues ranging from lack of flexibility in joints to serious issues such as heart and kidney problems. The more active life you live, the better will be your health. You can also try less intense exercise programs such as yoga to suit your stamina. Read about yoga for 40 plus.
Belly Fat – A symptom of Leptin Resistance
Fighting belly fat is often considered difficult or even impossible, which is true because those who think so, are not getting to the root cause of the problem. Obese or overweight people often cannot resist the temptation to eat more and more. Is suppressing your temptation the solution? You must have tried it. You can suppress your hunger for sometime, but not for long.
How Leptin Works-Must Read If you are diabetic
Insulin and leptin resistance are almost always found in diabetics. However, unlike insulin injections, Leptin cannot be taken directly. In fact, simply high leptin level is not what you need. Whether you body can process it or not is the real question. What really happens is that when your insulin level goes up, your sensitivity to Leptin also decreases, which results in food cravings and eventually weight gain as you start eating more. Overweight diabetics often find it difficult to lose fat because they cannot resist food temptation even if their leptin level is high (though not so common).
How Leptin Imbalance Starts
Do you find it easy to buy canned food instead of cooking at home? If you eat canned food too often, then you are unknowingly ingesting BPA, which is a major cause of Leptin imbalance. Though eliminating canned food completely from your food list is slightly impractical, you can think of other substitutes and try them whenever possible.
Secondly, Teflon coated cookware seem to be stylish and easy-to-maintain. Yes, it is but you are are paying the price in the form of exposing yourself to PFOA, which is a chemical that causes Leptin imbalance.
Last but not the least, TBT is a chemical found in all vinyl products and pesticides. This TBT can wreak havoc with our Leptin balance. These are the major causes, which must be avoided by making right food choices. Making changes in your habits is easier said than done, therefore take the first step today. You can also try Noom app for eating habit improvement.
I am diabetic, can I increase my Leptin Sensitivity?
Of course, you can increase and manage your Leptin sensitivity to a great extent. However, it depends a lot on your exact health condition, eating habits and lifestyle. Some common points to remember for all diabetics willing to improve their Leptin level or sensitivity are:
Eat more wholegrain
Reduce refined sugar intake
Include lean protein in your diet
Cardiac diet or health healthy food must be on your food list
Remain stress free as much as possible
Eat your meal on time, preferably at the same time daily
8 hours of sleep every day is highly recommended, as lack of sleep causes high Ghrelin level, which increases your appetite.
Leptin Diet and Supplement
Another important point is whether Leptin Diets are effective or not. Are there tested Leptin Supplements available on the market? Essentially Leptin diet is more or less similar to traditional balanced food and portion control method. Unlike general dieting, it does not restrict any specific type of food. It only recommends controlled intake of all types of food such as lean protein must be part of your breakfast. Make sure that you stick to 3 wholesome meals a day without snacking in between. Sounds cliched? Yes, it is easier said than done, but that is what natural way of losing fat and balancing your leptin level all about. One of the most talked about Leptin supplements available on the market is Leptitox.
How to raise leptin level naturally
Leptitox-A powerful combination of natural ingredients for appetite suppression and weight loss
As mentioned in our various posts, natural herbs are highly powerful if used correctly. Leptin levels can be controlled and managed effectively by eating natural herbs in right quantities. Laptitox offers a power-packed formula of 22 natural ingredients and herbs in the form of a supplement. Some of them are following.
Leptitox Ingredient
Marian Thistle: As mentioned above, you are exposed to BPA because of using canned food, therefore you need something to detoxify the effect of BPA. Marian Thistle is known to be highly effective in detoxifying BPA.
Jujube: This wonder herb is known to offset the effect of ZEA, an endoctrine disrupter.
Chanca Piedra: This herb is another great EDC detoxifier. EDC stands for Endorctrine Disrupting Chemicals such as BPA.
Barberry: This plant extract works wonders for maintaining healthy cholesterol level and reducing fat storage.
Apium Graveolens Seeds: The extracts of this seed is known to reduce the effect of DEHP, which is found in various types of plastics we use every day.
Brassicas: A powerful antioxidant mixed in carefully measured quantity so that it helps in fat reduction.
Click the below image to visit the official Leptitox site know about all other ingredients
Leptitox Official site
Should I Eat Metabolism Boosting Foods?
Boosting metabolism is often a part of all weight loss programs. Is it good for those on Leptin diet as well? Well, the answer depends on how your leptin sensitivity is improving. If you are not overeating whether by improving your leptin level or by any other method such as fasting intermittently, you may not need metabolism boosting food. If you need more time to control your craving, then go for metabolism boosters. The idea is to trigger your natural fat loss mechanism which has become sluggish or overworked due to low Leptin sensitivity.
Natural metabolism booster
All types of protein rich foods are usually good metabolism booster. Try adding chilli to diet as it is proven that capsaisin found in chille peppers is highly effective in burning approximately 50 extra calories everyday. You can also try chille based supplements if you wish. All types of tea, especially green tea is highly recommended for boosting your metabolism.
Does Leptitox boost metabolism?
Well, unlike various other supplements that claim to be great metabolism boosters, Letpitox takes a holistic approach and works at the root of the problem. Of course, it helps boost your metabolism but that happens when you start controlling your food cravings, sweet cravings and appetite in general. Once your Leptin level goes up after consuming a perfect and tested combination of natural ingredients mentioned above, your body starts burning fat naturally. Here, it will not be out of context to mention that you start eating food only when you need it. Basically, your eating habit improves and you enjoy long-term health benefits. If you want to ensure that you eat healthy food in right quantities, then give Noom App a try. It will give a you thousands of food choices.
Pros of Leptitox- A quick review
Made of all natural ingredients
FDA approved and made in USA
Processed in GMP certified factory
Works as a powerful detox for EDC and other harmful chemicals
Boosts your energy level
Boost Leptin levels and increases Leptin sensitivity
Regulates your caloric intake naturally
Diabetics can also use it. However, make sure that you consult your GP
Freedom to eat everything your like. No diet restriction
Exercise not required. However, I’d suggest if you exercise, you’ll get faster results
No chemicals are used
Risk-free money back guarantee
Cons and Side-Effects of Leptitox
Different results for different people
Not available in stores, you can only order it online.
Realistic results with no quick weight loss overnight or in a week or so
Though shipped across the world, your country may not be on the list, check first
Though it is worth it, price can be slightly high for some people
If you are allergic to something, then consult your physician first as some ingredients of Leptitox may not suit you.
Before wrapping up, my advice
It goes without saying nature has provided us with all types of herbs, fruits and vegetables for our overall health and well-being. Problem arises when we try to interfere with nature whether by eating unhealthy or doing sedentary jobs (we are not made for sedentary job). When both are combined, result is lifestyle diseases such as obesity, hypertension, heart problems and all. Why not try to be as natural as possible while taking care of our health? Get to the root of the problem, make small changes in your eating habits and see the big difference.
Can we eat chicken without fear of coronavirus infection in 2020, Watch the video
Eating chicken is safe as long as you wash it properly and cook it thoroughly. No case of Coronavirus spreading from Chicken has been reported so far from anywhere in the world. Watch the video till the end.
How much water should we drink while eating or can water be used for belly fat loss. Watch the video blow.
Belly fat loss with water hacks
Water has many health benefits such as weight loss, natural detoxification, constipation relief and more. However, many of us don’t know how to use water for health benefits such as weight loss, lowering blood pressure or overall fitness and metal alertness. People often ask, should we drink water while eating? Are there other water hacks that we can use for fat loss in 2020?
Lemon water for belly fat loss- an easy water hack
Honey with water for belly fat burning
Honey is perhaps the only eatable that doesn’t perish. In fact, there are reports that honey found in Egyptian pyramids are still edible. That explains the power, purity and health benefits of honey. Among many health benefits, weight loss is the most popular one in modern times. Belly fat can be burned by using water, honey and lemon. It is a simple recipe. Take a glass of lukewarm water, add a spoonful of honey and squeeze half lemon. Add the mixture properly and drink it the first thing in the morning. Avoid eating anything up to 1 hour after drinking this honey hack for fat loss. Notice the results in as little as 10-15 days. However, do not continue this for more than 15-20 days at a stretch. You can stop and start it after a gap of 15 days.
Warm water with Honey and Lemon for fat loss
How honey works for fat loss
Honey is a natural appetite suppressant, energy booster and immunity booster. If you take honey before going to bed, it starts burning fat in the early hours of your sleep. Honey is fat-free and a great substitute for sugar. In fact if you consume honey, your sugar cravings will vanish and your metabolism will speed up. You will also feel more energetic which will make you more active, and result in faster fat loss effect.
Water helps increase thermogenesis
This basically means that your body produces heat and boosts your metabolism, which helps in fat burning procedure. Read more about thermogenesis and a few other natural herbs that boost this process. Click the image below to find out how metabolism can be boosted up to 7.8 times by using simple tricks, tip and herbs in addition to water.
Herbal Hack for weight loss
Well, drinking water in enough quantity so that it can help you lose weight, is a matter of habit. You cannot expect overnight results by simply gulping down a few glasses of water. In order to notice some significant result, you must develop the habit to remaining hydrated, full and energetic. All of this is possible by working on your habits. Noom app can help you form healthy eating and drinking habits.
If you are willing to do what it takes to burn fat and lose weight naturally with long-term effect, then Yes, it is worth it. If you are want a quick-fix solution and want to shed some weight only for any special event, then No, it is not for you. Watch the video for Noom Cost or click the link below to visit Noom’s official site.