CBD Benefits Unleashed-Hemp Oil with CBD

CBD hemp derived or marijuana derived. How to buy the best CBD product for health benefits such as pain relief, anxiety management or for alleviating side-effects of cancer treatment. Read 5 health benefits of CBD.

Canabidiols, also known as CBD seems to offer many health benefits, if taken within limited dosage or in recommended quantity. Though many forms and combinations are available on the market, hemp oil with CBD is one of the most popular forms of this compound. Among its health benefits are pain relief, anxiety control or even managing depression under expert guidance.

What exactly is CBD, and is it legal?

CBD Pain Relief Cream- 4 times more effective

That is a valid question because, CBD is a compound derived from marijuana, which is often known only to produce the ‘high’. However, what many people don’t know is that there is one more compound, tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, which is also derived from marijuana, and THC is what gets you the ‘high’. CBD does not give you the ‘high’ marijuana is infamous for. However, it changes your consciousness and brings down your pain, which make you comfortable. Hence it is often recommended for medical use under various conditions, and in limited quantities. CBD without THC is used for medical reasons, but there are many CBD products that contain some amount of THC, because of which it can be illegal. You must check the label of the product before buying or ordering.

Is CBD legal?

Before answering this question, it will be logical to talk about hemp. Hemp or industrial hemp is one of the fastest growing plants of the Cannabis Sativa family of plants. Hemp is used for producing various types of industrial products such as clothing, fabrics, insulation materials, bio-fuel, paints and more. CBD is also derived from hemp plant. Hemp-derived CBD has less than 0.3 % of THC. As mentioned above, hemp is mainly produced for industrial use, it has been allowed in many states, therefore hemp-derived CBD is also legal in those states. Similarly marijuana is legal in many states for medical and recreational purposes, but legality of marijuana derived CBD is unclear. You must consult your state health department for a clear answer. Or to be on the safer side, you can consider marijuana derived CBD illegal for now, and hemp derived CBD legal in allowed states, if it has 0.3% or less THC.

Hemp Oil with CBD-5 Health Benefits

Without getting too much into its legal aspects, we’ll focus on its health benefits and medical uses. CBD requires a carrier oil, and hemp oil, coconut oil are often the most popular choices. Its controlled use in treating anxiety disorder is one of the most talked about health benefits. Here is the complete list.

  1. Possible treatment of epilepsy. Research is on to find out more about its anti-seizure capabilities and related safe use.
  2. Pain relief: Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD can provide relief in arthritic pain, muscle pain, MS pain and many other types of pain.
  3. Acne management: CBD oil prevents activity in sebaceous glands, which results in anti-acne effect. Read full report
  4. Helpful in cancer treatment side-effects: CBD helps in reducing some types of tumor cell growth. This makes it a possible cancer treatment compound. However, more research is required to confirm this.
  5. Substance abuse treatment: CBD can be considered for many substance addiction treatment programs, because of its positive effects. Want to quit marijuana?
  6. Stress Relief: In addition to trying CBD on humans for stress relief, it is also being considered for using as a stress reliever in animals. In Warsaw zoo, CBD is going to be used for treating stress related behavioural issues in elephants. Read the full BBC report on it.

Hemp oil, hemp seed oil or CBD Oil, are they same?

Though it is common to refer to hemp oil or CBD oil interchangeably, they are not same. Hemp oil in everyday language refers to hemp seed oil which is used for cooking, food and skincare products. CBD oil on the other hand is extracted from leaves, stems, buds, and flowers of the Cannabis indica or Cannabis sativa with less than 0.3% THC. That is what we are discussing and not the hemp seed oil.

Dosage CBD oil, capsules or spray

CBD Dosage Calculator by CaliberatedUSA

Also known as CBD tincture, its oil is delivered under the tongue with a dropper. The exact dosage of CBD oil depends upon its concentration. Usually it is available 1500 mg in a 30 ml bottle. So one drop will contain approximately 2.5 mg of CBD. Depending on your exact requirements, the dosage can vary from 5 mg to 25 mg per day. So 2 to 10 drops per day approx. Just 1 or 2 drops can be put under the tongue for 30-60 seconds without swallowing. Dosage of capsules and gummies are simpler and must be as per your physician’s prescription.

CBD Gummies at Amazon

Check before you buy CBD

  • Check the amount of THC, it must be equal to or less than 0.3%
  • Organic products are better than those not certificated by USDA
  • Check if it is hemp-derived or marijuana-derived. Decide accordingly
  • Does it have third-party lab report? Go for it only if has an approved report not more than 8 months old. Read more about what you must look for before buying CBD.

Possible Side-effects of CBD

Though CBD is limited quantity is safe for adults, there can be some side-effects in some people such as

  • Change in mood and appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness or Drowsiness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Dry mouth
  • Anxiety

Precaution of CBD Use

If you have reached this paragraph after going through the rest of the post, then I need not tell you that if you are on any kind of medication, then you must take medical advice before using CBD. In fact, to be on the safer side, I’d suggest get in touch with your GP even if you are not on any medication. Correct dosage, frequency of doses and total period of using CBD for any specific health condition, can be best suggested by a medical professional.

The Bottom Line

Though I agree we have proof that marijuana has been used for pain relief as far back as 2900 B.C, in my personal opinion, there are natural ways and methods to treat various types of health issues. Whether it is anxiety, depression, arthritic pain or acne management, why not go for other proven natural treatments than try something that is still being studied or researched? Yoga practice for lean body, changing diet for overall health or using meditation for stress relief and mental clarity provide long-term or you can say permanent for best health benefits at no cost.

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Ginger-Immune System and Overall Health-Ginger it up

Ginger water or ginger tea, as long as you consume this wonderful herb every day, you give your immunity a good boost. You can enjoy weight loss effects by consuming it every day.

Whether you want to boost your immune system or lose weight or just want to gain overall health benefits, ginger is the humble herb you must try. Yes, from drinking a cup of ginger tea in the morning to using it as a home remedy for common cold or cough, you can ginger up your health cost-effectively and easily. So, that is what we are going to talk about today, health benefits of ginger and its ability to fight infections and viruses.

Raw Ginger Root

Ginger for immunity

It will not be out of context to mention that during Coronavirus or Covid 19 outbreak, Indian government has widely recommended the use of Kadha to fight and prevent Covid 19. So, what is Kadha? It is nothing but a hot drink made of many herbs such as Tulsi (Basil leaves), Haldi (turmeric), Ginger, black pepper and many other herbs depending on individual taste and local availability. There are various Kadha recipes, but one or two ingredients are common in all of them. Ginger is one of them. Ginger has been used by Ayurvedic practitioners to cure cold, cough, fever, digestion issues and many others general ailments due to its strong anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, immunity boosting and infection curing powers. In fact, simply drinking ginger tea every morning can help you a lot in keeping you more active, alert and free from many health issues.

What? adding raw ginger to tea is very time consuming and also not so easy? Why not take a look at some of the best Ginger teas available at Amazon at amazing prices?

Lemon Ginger Herbal Tea

Is Ginger Good for Weight Loss?

No matter what, when it comes to general health, obesity is something we cannot avoid discussing. If you are one of those looking to burn some fat, instead of boosting your immunity for now, then your question would be, “Is ginger good for weight loss? “. The answer is a big, Yes.

Though you must have heard of health benefits of ginger, it is possible that you have not heard of its weight loss or fat burning powers. The trick is to use it effectively to lose weight as naturally as possible. Lets take a look at how and why ginger can help your lose weight. You can also try Noom app which will help you keep track of what you eat and how much weight you gain or lose.

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Ginger up your digestion

For faster metabolism, your digestion must be strong and in good shape. Ginger stimulates digestive secretions and tones intestinal muscles, which are detrimental in overall functioning of your digestion system. Regular consumption of ginger ensures a healthy and strong digestion, which helps in flushing out toxin waste from your body. This helps in weight loss.

Ginger Keeps Food cravings away

It goes without saying that appetite suppression and avoiding binge eating are highly effective in weight loss, no matter what plan you are on. Ginger will suppress your appetite naturally, which means you’ll not have to do anything to keep your food cravings away. Makes sense? How about losing weight without compromising on taste?

Feeling Stressed? Ginger can help

In one of my previous posts, I have mentioned that constant stress can make you fat. So, keeping stress away is one of the most effective ways to stay fit and fine, not just mentally but also physically. In short, Ginger suppresses stress-causing hormone, cortisol. You fell less stressed, enjoy sound sleep and burn fat naturally.

How can we forget blood sugar?

Yes, the thing is high sugar is one of biggest causes of weight gain. Consuming ginger regularly can help you keep your blood sugar level in control, which will not let you become fat so easily. In fact, I can almost guarantee it from my personal experience that simply eating less sugar can keep you lean and thin. I say so, because I do not like sweets ( by nature), whereas my friends have sweet tooth. Their food cravings are high, and most of them are obese, while I am not.

Ginger Water for Fat Loss-Recipe

It is pretty simple and effective. The recipe is easy and practical, though slightly time-consuming. Still it is worth the effort. All you have to do is boil 1.5 glass of water, add a few slices of ginger or simply add grated ginger in it and let it simmer for 15-20 minutes. Let it cool down and drink it every morning half an hour before breakfast. That is why it is time consuming.

Ginger water mistake you must avoid

Also an important point is that you must make it every day. You cannot boil 2 liters of ginger water today and drink it the whole week. That will be incorrect or effective way. However, slight variation like sipping that ginger water throughout the day, instead of drinking full glass in the morning, is sill fine. But you must make your ginger water for day, every morning. Stale ginger water will not give you the desired effect, and may also upset your stomach.

7 Other Health benefits of Ginger

  1. Reduces joint pain in some people with osteoarthritis
  2. Controls nausea and morning sickness in pregnant women
  3. Effective in relieving menstrual cramps
  4. Relives hangover
  5. Lowers bad cholesterol
  6. Effective in Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS
  7. Reduces cholesterol in people suffering some types of fatty liver

Ways to eat ginger everyday

  • In salad
  • In chicken, meat or fish marination
  • Ginger in soups
  • Ginger tea, of course
  • Smoothies
  • Ginger gums and candies
  • Also in ginger cocktails, if you prefer
  • Ginger pickle

Whether you add raw crushed ginger in your every day tea or use its powdered form, what really matter is you make it part of your everyday diet. If you don’t mind eating your food slightly spicy, which is normal in India, then add some ginger garlic paste in your vegetable, and see the difference. However, for specific effect, such a weight loss or appetite suppression, only the recommended method will be effective.

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Lemongrass for Immunity and Low Cholesterol

Year 2020 is all about boosting immunity, combating infection especially airborne virus such as Coronavirus. Lemongrass essential oil or edible versions offer promising results for immunity and overall health benefits.

During this pandemic or Covid-19 times to be precise, one word that has really become part of our everyday communication and even informal talks is immunity. Anything and everything that can boost your immunity is worth giving a try, if you can find it. Having talked a lot about lemon and its health benefits, I’d like to bring to your notice something that is very similar to lemon in taste and fragrance, but is not lemon. Yes, I am talking about lemongrass, which offers many health benefits right from pain relief and immunity boosting to fat loss and lowering cholesterol.

What is Lemongrass?

Natural Lemongrass

Also known as barbed wire grass, Cochin Grass, Malabar Grass and Fever Grass, lemongrass is essentially a type of plant or grass from the family of Cymbopogan Citratus. As its scent is just like that of lemons, it is more commonly known as lemongrass. Read the Wiki definition for more details.

What is lemongrass used for?

Though mainly used in aromatherapy due to its distinct lemony fragrance, its application in insect repellents, disinfectants and soap making is quite common. High quality lemongrass is cultivated for culinary uses and is widely used in cooking especially in East India, Vietnam, Burma, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The edible version is called Malabar lemongrass or Cochin lemongrass.

Organic Lemongrass Essential Oils

Lemongrass Oil Benefits and Uses

As mentioned above, it is widely used in aromatherapy. Lemongrass essential oil’s anti-microbial properties, soothing aroma and healing effects work wonders for pain relief, beauty and personal care. Those providing aromatherapy services, use it in various combinations of other herbs and oils to obtain the right and desired effect.

Lemongrass Combats Airborne Pathogens

As I mentioned above that during Covid 19 or Coronavirus pandemic, anything that can help us fight viruses and bacteria, is welcome. Lemongrass has been found to be highly effective in combating airborne pathogens, therefore is it widely used in various types of spray disinfectants. In fact, you can also add it to your regular cleaning liquids to ensure that microbial growth on your kitchen counter top or anywhere in your house is minimal.

Lemongrass brings down fever

Due to its antipyretic abilities, lemongrass is highly effective in bringing down fever very fast. It fights the infection and increases perspiration, which helps in bringing down fever.

Lower Cholesterol with Lemongrass

According to a 2007 study report, lemongrass oil lowered cholesterol in rats. This study also showed that it can reduce blood sugar level as well. This oil is full of anti-oxidants and offer anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Regular use of lemongrass oil can help manage these two conditions effectively. Simply adding 1-3 drops of edible lemongrass oil in warm water and drinking it every morning is enough to reap its benefits.

Other 7 health benefits of lemongrass

  1. Prevents and cures various types of infections
  2. Its antioxidants fight off radicals
  3. Prevents gastric ulcer
  4. Prevents nausea
  5. It is a natural remedy for diarrhea
  6. Provides muscular, dental and arthritic pain
  7. Relieves stress, anxiety and headache effectively
High Quality Organic Lemongrass tea at Amazon

Lemongrass Tea

Another useful and practical way to consume lemongrass is to have lemongrass tea every day. There are various recipes and combinations of additional herbs to make the tea more tasty and refreshing. Here is a quick 5 minute lemongrass recipe by Tarla Dalal worth giving a try.

Want to extract lemongrass oil at home ? You will find this method extremely easy and practical if you want to DIY at home.

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Zinc for Immunity| Dosage and Benefits|Zinc Foods

When we talk about immunity, then discussing zinc foods, their benefits and how much zinc per day is required are also equally important. Right dosage of zinc pills or enough quantity of zinc vegetables in your daily meals can boost your immune system. This is especially important for those who want fast results.

Chewable Zinc for Immunity Boost

Zinc and Immune System

I assume that you are aware of zinc’s importance in our body as an important mineral. We’ll also look at what health issues are caused due to zinc deficiency. Lets start with how zinc impacts or boosts our immune system. It has been found by various research that zinc helps in growth and proper functioning of our immune system. It affects various aspects of our immunity. Due to its deficiency, T and B cells are adversely affected, which result in failure to prevent radical-induced injury during inflammatory processes. Read more details.

How to Tell If You Are Zinc Deficient

It is really important to notice the symptoms and take action before the issue becomes serious. You may have noticed that during diarrhea, doctors prescribe zinc based supplements or syrups. So, if you suffer from diarrhea quite frequently without any other specific or known reason, then get alarmed. It could be due to zinc deficiency. Here are some more symptoms of zinc deficiency

  • White tongue
  • Loss of appetite quite freqently
  • Forgetfulness or impaired memory
  • Blurred night vision
  • Hair loss
  • White spots on nails
  • Poor immunity, slow wound healing

In advanced stages of zinc deficiecy, you can lose sense of taste and smell or notice slurred speech in addition to altered gait or uncordinated movements.

How much zinc per day?

In growing children zinc’s role is very important. Even slight deficiency may cause retarded growth, poor digestion and immune system which often remain same for the rest of life if not treated during childhood.

  • For children up to 8 years of age, not more that 3mg of zinc per day
  • For both males and females 9-13 years, 8 mg of zinc per day is enough
  • For females 14-18 years and later year, 9 mg per day
  • For pregnant and lactating women, 11-13 mg Zinc per day
  • For adult males, 11 mg zinc per day.

Zinc Food or Sources

As zinc is not produced inside our body, we need to eat zinc rich food. For vegetarians it becomes slightly difficult to fulfill daily intake of zinc, because plant based foods are not as rich in zinc as meat and other animal foods.

9 Zinc High Food List

  • Raw oyster
  • Beef
  • Pork
  • Eggs
  • Lobster
  • Peas and peanuts
  • Yogurt
  • Guava, apricot, peach, kiwifruit
  • Cashew and almond

Zinc Supplements

There are times when you need supplements to fulfill your zinc needs, and there is no harm in it. However, care should be taken that your dosage are exactly as prescribed by your physician. The upper limit of zinc supplemental intake is usually at 40 mg. However, it varies from person to person. Order some of the best Zinc Supplements from Amazon

Zinc Safety and Side Effects

In general, zinc is considered safe, if taken orally and not more than 40 mg per day. Taking more than 40 mg of zinc per day may cause reduced copper absorption, which leads to anaemia. Taking more than 100mg of supplemental zinc per day for prolonged periods may cause prostrate cancer. Read more details.

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Incredible Benefits of Giloy or Guruchi-Immunity and Digestion Booster

Giloy works wonder for overall health. From immunity boosting and diabetes management to fat loss and stress management, Giloy or Guruch does it all.

Immunity has been one of the most talked about topics during Covid-19 lockdown or simply since the time Coronavirus started spreading in 2020. Boosting immunity can often be as simple as eating some natural herbs or leaves such as Giloy ( Tinospora Cordifolia ) or Guruchi, which often go unnoticed in your backyard. Today we are going to talk about Giloy which is so abundantly and easily available in and around Delhi and various parts of North India, that we fail to notice its medicinal properties.

Ayurvedic Root of Immortality

Giloy or Guduchi Leaves

This seemingly useless plant is full of medicinal properties. A majority of Ayurvedic medicines contain some amount of Giloy essence as an important ingredient. You just pick up any ayurvedic medicine and read its ingredient label, you will find Giloy in it. In fact, it is called the Ayurvedic root of immortality just because of its powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties all rolled into one. Also, it will not be out of context to mention that Giloy in Sankrit means Amrit, which can be translated as something that makes you immortal. Amrit, as mentioned in old text, was available only in liquid form, but Giloy can be consumed in many forms such as liquid, powder, paste or even its root can be chewed.

Giloy Boosts immunity amazingly

I personally know a few people, who I don’t remember ever saying that they fell ill in the last 25-30 years. One of them is none other than my own uncle ( now approx. 80 ). The last time I saw him falling ill was some 25 years ago, when I was a teenager. As kids, we used to avoid him whenever we fell ill because he would quickly advise us to eat Giloy stem or drink its bitter juice instead of eating tablets or capsules. We didn’t know at that time that Giloy plants growing naturally in our backyard was the secret of his agility, sharp eyes, glowing face and overall health. Till date, he eats Giloy stems regularly either directly (raw form directly cut from the plant), boiled stems or sometimes its juice. Giloy boosts your immunity and helps you fight many common health issues.

Giloy-Available in Many Forms

Giloy Guice- Natural and Ayurvedic Immunity Booster

Though I must say that everyone cannot have access to fresh Giloy, it is not so difficult to get high quality Giloy from any Ayurvedic store especially Patanjali stores in various cities and towns in India. Baba Ramadev has recommended and talked about immense benefits of Giloy or Guruchi in many of his yoga programs, videos and live events. In fact, I also used Patanjali Giloy tablets in combination of a few other tablets to get relief from my knee pain caused by Chickengunia last year. I am so impressed by the health benefits of Giloy that I always keep a bottle of Giloy juice available in my house. I make it a point to drink 10-15 ml with equal amount of water every day to keep my immunity in good shape. It is also available in powder form, if you prefer that.

5 Health Benefits of Giloy

A lot has been said and written about health benefits of Giloy. However, the most important and perhaps the most useful point in current Covid-19 times is its ability to boost your immunity. Start taking Giloy in any form every day and see the difference. I’d once again repeat that if you are already under some medication, then take medical advice first before giving it a try. What I have mentioned above is based on my personal experience, and should not be considered as medical advice. Here are some other health benefits of Giloy.

Immunity Booster Giloy

It is one of the most powerful natural herbs that can boost your immunity amazingly. It purifies blood and keeps your cells healthy. Also, read about immunity yoga.

Bowel movement regulator

If you suffer from constipation, which itself gives rise to many health issues, then you must consider taking Giloy regularly. It helps your digestion and brings relief in many bowel related issues in addition to constipation.

Giloy for joint pain and arthritis relief

If you have joint pain or arthritis, then Giloy will bring you immense relief. However, dosages and duration will depend on your exact condition for which you must get in touch with an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Common cough and cold relief by Giloy

If you suffer from cold and cough quite frequently, then Giloy’s anti-inflammatory properties will bring you relief.

Giloy for Fat Loss and Stress Management

As Giloy helps digestion and detoxification by improving liver functions, the overall impact of this is visible in fat loss or weight reduction. As your digestion improves, your metabolism gets a boost and you start burning fat naturally. As toxins are flushed out of your body, your memory improves and overall stress and anxiety also disappear gradually. Worth giving a try, isn’t it?

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Fatty Liver

Fatty Liver-Can it Be Reversed by Liver Cleansing

Fatty liver can be reversed unless it take a very severe form. As soon as you notice fatty liver symptoms, start incorporating liver cleansing food in your diet. It will also boost your immunity, which is highly recommended anyway during Covid 19 times.

Do you feel tired or weak for no apparent reason? If abdominal cramps, feeling nauseous or loss of appetite are also some of the common symptoms you face quite often, then chances are that you have fatty liver. Once your liver becomes fatty, all of its 800 plus functions get impaired. The result is you feel unhealthy, which is quite natural if one of your vital organs is not functioning properly. Let’s try to understand whether it can be reversed by liver cleansing or any other method.

What is fatty liver?

As the name suggests, fatty liver is when fat deposits on the liver and is more than 5%. This condition is also called steatosis. Usually some amount of fat is quite normal, but when fat accumulation on the liver is more than 5%, you are said to be suffering from fatty liver. This is called ALD or Alcohol Related Liver Disease. Though alcohol consumption is the most common cause of this fatty liver, there are almost equal number of patients suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD). However, non-alcoholic cases often go unreported unless the situation becomes very severe.

Fatty Liver Remedy

I don’t drink, can I have fatty liver?

As mentioned above that usually non-alcoholic people assume that they cannot develop fatty liver, which is not correct. A lot of people who never had a drop of alcohol also develop fatty liver. However, the reasons vary from person to person in these cases. It will not be out context to mention that extreme weight loss measures can sometimes lead to this condition. Keeping that in mind, I’d suggest that go for fat loss programs, but within your limitation. If you are cutting down on protein beyond a certain limit, then it may cause protein deficiency, and could be the reason for fatty liver. Sometimes, those who undergo intestinal bypass surgery, may also develop steatosis under certain conditions.

What causes fatty liver

  • Alcohol is the number 1 cause. If you quit alcohol, the disease will also disappear. It is good for heart health as well.
  • Insulin Resistance: In other words if you are diabetic with Diabetes type 2, you are prone to obesity. Insulin resistance and obesity together often cause fatty liver.
  • Obesity or being fat is an obvious reason.
  • High fat level in blood. When fat level is high, it gets deposited on liver as well as the visible body parts such as thighs, belly and buttocks.
  • Though rare, sometimes fatty liver develops during pregnancy and it is considered very serious .
  • Excess medication can sometimes lead to fatty liver conditions. Especially, drugs used for Malaria treatment are reported to cause this condition in many cases. Similarly TB drug isoniazid  can sometimes also cause fatty liver.

Can fatty liver cause pain?

There are many symptoms of fatty liver and mild abdominal pain is one of them. When fat deposits on the liver, it becomes enlarged and extra pressure on the receptors of pain in that area causes the pain.

Fatty liver symptoms

  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of energy and general tiredness
  • Jaundice or jaundice-like symptom such as yellowish eye, skin and mouth
  • Low or diminishing sex drive
  • Dark or yellowish urine
  • Itchy skin

Is Fatty liver curable? Can it be reversed?

Fatty Liver Remedy

Yes, it is curable but is slightly difficult because treatment of fatty liver is all about changing eating habits, which is easier said than done. As the symptoms are usually not life threatening, people tend to take it lightly and carry on with their existing lifestyle. More or less, the treatment approach is similar to any effective weight loss program. Many people ask if this condition can be reversed. It depends a lot on your exact health condition. After proper lab tests, your physician can tell you if it can be reversed. However, I must say that in initial phases, you can reverse it by choosing healthy eating habits and quitting alcohol.

Fatty liver cure

  • Cut down on saturated fat
  • Manage or control cholesterol level
  • Diabetes control
  • Quit Alcohol if you drink
  • Exercise regularly so that you burn calories and lose weight

Liver Cleansing or Detoxification

Liver is one of the many detoxifying organs in human. Other organs are kidney, gall bladder, colon and also your skin. These organs work in tandem to detoxify your body. If any of these organs fail to function properly, extra pressure is handled by other organs, which often result in other ailments or symptoms of other diseases. For example, if your colon is not working properly, then digested food is not eliminated due to constipation. Your liver will not get the right place to dump toxins. This may slow down the function of other organs. It is therefore highly recommended to ensure that our digestion works properly.

Benefits of liver cleansing

One of the best and most effective way to ensure that your liver functions at its optimal level, is to incorporate liver cleansing food in your daily diet. Also, you need to cut down on alcohol or items that cause fatty liver. Before discussing food for liver cleansing, lets take a quick look at its health benefits.

  • Liver cleansing helps you lose weight
  • Boosts your immunity
  • Increases your mental focus
  • Better sleep cycles and quality of sleep also improves
  • Improves vision
  • Clearer skin and relief from allergies
  • Balances your mood

Liver Cleaning Food

Fatty Liver Yoga

Apana Mudra- Yoga for Fatty liver

This brings me to my favorite and probably the most natural way to good health. Yes, yoga can help you manage, detoxify or completely cure fatty liver. What’s more is that you yoga of fatty liver is not a set of difficult asanas. Simple hand gesture or Apaan Mudra can provide your relief from liver related disease. This gesture is simple. All you have to do is press your middle and index fingers with thumb (See the pic above). Place your hands on your thighs and sit in a comfortable position. This simple yogic method offers many health benefits, and liver detoxification or cleansing is just one of them. As a result, your digestion improves and your gain many other health benefits.

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Leptin Level Hack-Natural Appetite Suppressant-Leptitox Review 2020

Managing Leptin Resistance and level is the key to belly fat loss and natural weight loss in general.

We are going to review Leptitox, a power-packed formula made of herbs and natural ingredients. These herbs help us control our Leptin level, appetite and food cravings naturally and not by forcing us to go against nature. Yes, I am not kidding. If you are trying to lose weight by dieting or restricting your food intake, then you are actually trying to go against the nature. Obviously, the nature wins in most cases as we are not equipped to fight the nature. However, there are many natural appetite suppressants that work wonders for natural weight loss, belly fat reduction and overall health. Leptitox offers the benefits of those natural ingredients in the form of a pill.

Truth about weight loss we often overlook

Humans are designed to resist weight loss. Yes, that is true because our body perceives lack of food as famine and prepares itself to fight the famine by storing energy for future. The result is fat deposit which can used for energy if famine actually happens. As famine doesn’t happen and we keep dieting or following irregular eating habits. The result: more fat or obesity. What really keeps us following various diet plans is temporary or instant weight loss which does happen due to water loss. We believe that our diet plan is working, but for how long? You know the answer, right? I believe that is the reason you are reading this right now.

Official Leptitox Site offers super saver offer

Leptin balancing diet can be the key

In fact, by dieting, you prepare your body for various other health issues such as heart problems, low energy, joint pains and hair loss in most cases.

What keeps you in the vicious cycle of fat loss temporarily and weight gain after quitting the diet plan is Leptin Resistance. If you have not heard of Leptin resistance or Leptin itself, then I recommend that you take a look at our leptin resistance post. Taking Leptin Diet can be an effective solution, as it is not difficult for most of us to start it and stick to it for long. In fact, you can make Leptin diet your regular diet and remain healthier than your present health condition. Take a look a some of the food items that are part of any Leptin balancing diet. We eat these things anyway, but if you don’t, then make sure that you give them a try.

Leptin diet food list- Natural Protein Rich Foods

Does exercise really help you lose fat?

It goes without saying that exercise is good for overall health. Our ancestors also worked very hard for food and engaged themselves in various physical activities, which kept them fit and healthy. Modern day exercise plans help us to a great extent, but they are not a substitute for natural activities that help us remain fat free. For example, there is a difference in riding a real bicycle and using an exercise bicycle. Though physical movement while using both types of bicycle is almost the same, the effects are different. You can give it a try. Riding a real bicycle will help you burn fat, but stationary bike will not, after some time. The same goes for running or jogging and using a stepper in the gym.

I exercise a lot, but don’t lose weight

That’s what we are going to focus on. If you have reached a phase especially after 40s, then there is something called Leptin Resistance that is stopping you from getting leaner and fitter. Once you hit 40, you start developing various health issues ranging from lack of flexibility in joints to serious issues such as heart and kidney problems. The more active life you live, the better will be your health. You can also try less intense exercise programs such as yoga to suit your stamina. Read about yoga for 40 plus.

Belly Fat – A symptom of Leptin Resistance

Fighting belly fat is often considered difficult or even impossible, which is true because those who think so, are not getting to the root cause of the problem. Obese or overweight people often cannot resist the temptation to eat more and more. Is suppressing your temptation the solution? You must have tried it. You can suppress your hunger for sometime, but not for long.

How Leptin Works-Must Read If you are diabetic

Insulin and leptin resistance are almost always found in diabetics. However, unlike insulin injections, Leptin cannot be taken directly. In fact, simply high leptin level is not what you need. Whether you body can process it or not is the real question. What really happens is that when your insulin level goes up, your sensitivity to Leptin also decreases, which results in food cravings and eventually weight gain as you start eating more. Overweight diabetics often find it difficult to lose fat because they cannot resist food temptation even if their leptin level is high (though not so common).

How Leptin Imbalance Starts

Do you find it easy to buy canned food instead of cooking at home? If you eat canned food too often, then you are unknowingly ingesting BPA, which is a major cause of Leptin imbalance. Though eliminating canned food completely from your food list is slightly impractical, you can think of other substitutes and try them whenever possible.

Secondly, Teflon coated cookware seem to be stylish and easy-to-maintain. Yes, it is but you are are paying the price in the form of exposing yourself to PFOA, which is a chemical that causes Leptin imbalance.

Last but not the least, TBT is a chemical found in all vinyl products and pesticides. This TBT can wreak havoc with our Leptin balance. These are the major causes, which must be avoided by making right food choices. Making changes in your habits is easier said than done, therefore take the first step today. You can also try Noom app for eating habit improvement.

I am diabetic, can I increase my Leptin Sensitivity?

Of course, you can increase and manage your Leptin sensitivity to a great extent. However, it depends a lot on your exact health condition, eating habits and lifestyle. Some common points to remember for all diabetics willing to improve their Leptin level or sensitivity are:

  • Eat more wholegrain
  • Reduce refined sugar intake
  • Include lean protein in your diet
  • Cardiac diet or health healthy food must be on your food list
  • Remain stress free as much as possible
  • Eat your meal on time, preferably at the same time daily
  • 8 hours of sleep every day is highly recommended, as lack of sleep causes high Ghrelin level, which increases your appetite.

Leptin Diet and Supplement

Another important point is whether Leptin Diets are effective or not. Are there tested Leptin Supplements available on the market? Essentially Leptin diet is more or less similar to traditional balanced food and portion control method. Unlike general dieting, it does not restrict any specific type of food. It only recommends controlled intake of all types of food such as lean protein must be part of your breakfast. Make sure that you stick to 3 wholesome meals a day without snacking in between. Sounds cliched? Yes, it is easier said than done, but that is what natural way of losing fat and balancing your leptin level all about. One of the most talked about Leptin supplements available on the market is Leptitox.

How to raise leptin level naturally

Leptitox-A powerful combination of natural ingredients for appetite suppression and weight loss

As mentioned in our various posts, natural herbs are highly powerful if used correctly. Leptin levels can be controlled and managed effectively by eating natural herbs in right quantities. Laptitox offers a power-packed formula of 22 natural ingredients and herbs in the form of a supplement. Some of them are following.

Leptitox Ingredient

  • Marian Thistle: As mentioned above, you are exposed to BPA because of using canned food, therefore you need something to detoxify the effect of BPA. Marian Thistle is known to be highly effective in detoxifying BPA.
  • Jujube: This wonder herb is known to offset the effect of ZEA, an endoctrine disrupter.
  • Chanca Piedra: This herb is another great EDC detoxifier. EDC stands for Endorctrine Disrupting Chemicals such as BPA.
  • Barberry: This plant extract works wonders for maintaining healthy cholesterol level and reducing fat storage.
  • Apium Graveolens Seeds: The extracts of this seed is known to reduce the effect of DEHP, which is found in various types of plastics we use every day.
  • Brassicas: A powerful antioxidant mixed in carefully measured quantity so that it helps in fat reduction.

Click the below image to visit the official Leptitox site know about all other ingredients

Leptitox Official site

Should I Eat Metabolism Boosting Foods?

Boosting metabolism is often a part of all weight loss programs. Is it good for those on Leptin diet as well? Well, the answer depends on how your leptin sensitivity is improving. If you are not overeating whether by improving your leptin level or by any other method such as fasting intermittently, you may not need metabolism boosting food. If you need more time to control your craving, then go for metabolism boosters. The idea is to trigger your natural fat loss mechanism which has become sluggish or overworked due to low Leptin sensitivity.

Natural metabolism booster

All types of protein rich foods are usually good metabolism booster. Try adding chilli to diet as it is proven that capsaisin found in chille peppers is highly effective in burning approximately 50 extra calories everyday. You can also try chille based supplements if you wish. All types of tea, especially green tea is highly recommended for boosting your metabolism.

Does Leptitox boost metabolism?

Well, unlike various other supplements that claim to be great metabolism boosters, Letpitox takes a holistic approach and works at the root of the problem. Of course, it helps boost your metabolism but that happens when you start controlling your food cravings, sweet cravings and appetite in general. Once your Leptin level goes up after consuming a perfect and tested combination of natural ingredients mentioned above, your body starts burning fat naturally. Here, it will not be out of context to mention that you start eating food only when you need it. Basically, your eating habit improves and you enjoy long-term health benefits. If you want to ensure that you eat healthy food in right quantities, then give Noom App a try. It will give a you thousands of food choices.

Pros of Leptitox- A quick review

  • Made of all natural ingredients
  • FDA approved and made in USA
  • Processed in GMP certified factory
  • Works as a powerful detox for EDC and other harmful chemicals
  • Boosts your energy level
  • Boost Leptin levels and increases Leptin sensitivity
  • Regulates your caloric intake naturally
  • Diabetics can also use it. However, make sure that you consult your GP
  • Freedom to eat everything your like. No diet restriction
  • Exercise not required. However, I’d suggest if you exercise, you’ll get faster results
  • No chemicals are used
  • Risk-free money back guarantee

Cons and Side-Effects of Leptitox

  • Different results for different people
  • Not available in stores, you can only order it online.
  • Realistic results with no quick weight loss overnight or in a week or so
  • Though shipped across the world, your country may not be on the list, check first
  • Though it is worth it, price can be slightly high for some people
  • If you are allergic to something, then consult your physician first as some ingredients of Leptitox may not suit you.

Before wrapping up, my advice

It goes without saying nature has provided us with all types of herbs, fruits and vegetables for our overall health and well-being. Problem arises when we try to interfere with nature whether by eating unhealthy or doing sedentary jobs (we are not made for sedentary job). When both are combined, result is lifestyle diseases such as obesity, hypertension, heart problems and all. Why not try to be as natural as possible while taking care of our health? Get to the root of the problem, make small changes in your eating habits and see the big difference.

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Gronk Weight Loss- Practical Tips You Must try in 2020

Gronk Weight Loss tips summarised in 4 points anyone can follow and benefit from.

Rob Gronkowski aka Gronk says he feel better than ever after retiring.
I feel like I’ve definitely transformed ever since I stopped playing football. I feel like I transformed in a better way,” Gronkowski says. He has also lost 10-15 pounds by changing his diet and eating habits. So what is the secret of Gronk weight loss and overall fitness even after retirement. Let’s take a look.

Gronk Weight Loss secret no. 1 – Intermittent Fasting

Gronk Weight Loss
Gronk Weight Loss and Fitness

it goes without saying that fasting works not just for fat loss but also for overall health and wellness. When a person like Gronk can experiment with intermittent fasting and confirm the results such as feeling great afterwards, you can rest assured that it is effective. Gronk says that he fasts quite often and usually every alternate day, which is nothing but intermittent fasting that works well for him. However, being a professional, he knows how to maintain the balance, which means he doesn’t fast on days he has tough workout. If he is travelling, then he makes sure that fasting doesn’t interfere with his work or other schedule. Read more

Gronk Weight loss Secret no. 2- Changing diet

No matter what your obesity level or overall health is, one thing is sure that your lifestyle or eating habits have played an important role in it. It simply means that you need to change your diet or eating habits. Is it really so easy? I agree that it is easier said than done, but when you expect something your have not achieved yet, then you must do something you haven’t done yet. Makes sense, doesn’t it?
I also agree that when it comes to changing quickly, celebrities and sportsperson are more adaptive than common folks. Wouldn’t you agree that this is what makes them different, healthy and more prosperous?

Without going off the tangent or boring you with cliched statements, I’d say you must change your diet in order to become healthier, leaner and more active. And yes, you can use technology to make your task easier. Noom App Based Weight loss System is for people who believe that changing diet is next to impossible. Why not give Noom a try? Read full Noom Diet Review.

Tough workout -Gronk’s Secret

Gronk believes that exercise is the key to maintaining peak performance. He further says that the best workout starts with stablity. I must say that it depends on your individual health condition and interest. If you love or enjoy lifting weights, doing aerobics or yoga, continue it if you are noticing positive results. If nothing happens despite regular exercise that you enjoy, then try something new. Bottom line is that you must exercise regularly in any form, preferably 6 days a week.

What does Gronk eat? Organic Fruits and Vegetables

Gronk says that when he was growing up, he’d eat anything. As he grew older he started paying attention to his diet. Now, he often prefers organic fruits and vegetables, which are good for health with high nutrition content and natural taste. Plant-based protein shakes with almond butter are his favourite.

Gronk’s diet includes

  • Chia seeds
  • Green Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Asparagus
  • Chicken
  • Fruits and Vegetables

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What is Noom Diet Plan About? App Review 2020

Noom App Based Diet Plan is not working for you in 2020? Read an unbiased review.

There are pros and cons of everything, and Noom Diet Plan is no exception. For those who have tried Noom App for weight loss, it can be a game changer or life changer as far as health is concerned. It all depends on the user. So what is Noom Diet Plan about? Let’s review it once again in 2020 and try to find out why it fails for many and why or how it works for others. And, of course how much is Noom a month?

First of all, Noom diet or app based weight loss plan focuses on your behaviour change towards your eating habits. It does not scare you about what is bad food or good food. It takes a different approach and tries to educate you on what you should eat by making a balanced choice. For example, red meat is high on caloric value, but low on nutritional value, which doesn’t make it bad. All you have to do is choose when and how much red meat is good for you.

Pros and Cons of Noom App based Diet Plan

We have talked a lot about pros of Noom Diet, in our previous post, therefore lets take a look at why it fails for many. Read Noom FAQs.

You do not log your exercise or diet

See, it is pretty simple. Any app works on the inputs that you enter and gives you output based on that. If you prefer to follow your own style by not logging your diet intake, then you will be disappointed. As the app will advise you based on your input, you’ll get instructions accordingly. For example, if you neglect recording your dinner or any heavy meal, then you’ll lose less weight than those who do. What will be the result? You guessed it right. You’ll say it doesn’t work. Is it really the case, or is it app’s fault? You know the answer.

Are you putting in honest data in Noom App?

It goes without saying that if you put in fake data, then results will be undesirable. Nothing more on that.

Any medical condition might be the reason if Noom is not working for you

Do you have hormonal imbalance, thyroid issue or insulin resistance? Please note that Noom diet is not magic or something that will do miracles to your health or obesity. If you have any medical condition, then speak to your doctor or physician first and discuss if you should try any new diet plan. Simply assuming that following Noom App’s advise will make you slim, then you’ll be disappointed. In fact, it may also interfere with current medication and result in other health issue. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

Do you spend time on Noom quiz?

Well, nobody has time to take quizzes throughout the day. I agree, but isn’t it worth it if you have to achieve your fat loss goal, which has been un-achievable for years? Just give it a thought. Noom doesn’t force you to eat something or avoid something without a reason. It gives you the exact balanced choice suitable for your body and health. And quizzes help you make an informed decision about where you are going wrong or what needs your attention. You avoid the quizzes and lose track of your weight loss goal. That answers your question.

How Much is Noom a Month?

Click Here for Noom Pricing!

My favourite food is on Noom red food list

Yes, that can often deter many people from following Noom App’s advise. If you feel that it makes you sacrifice some of your favourite food such as peanut butter or almond, I am afraid, you must spend some time to make the right choice. If you are really short of time, then Noom can be a difficult program for you. As I said behavioural change is at the core of this program, you must be ready for that and it takes time. Some commitment is required from your end to get the desired result. You may have to restrict some of the below mentioned red food, as per Noom app.

Noom fed food list
Noom Red Food List

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Are Noom Goal Specialists Registered Dietitians to Help You Lose Weight?

Are Noom Goal Specialists Registered Dietitians?

Well, before answering question that whether Noom Goal Specialists are registered dietitians, I’d like to remind you that what really matters is result and thousands of satisfied Noom users across the globe cannot be wrong.

Click Here for Noom Pricing!

Many people simply get scared of the idea of starting any diet plan without any systematic or personalised guidance. The result often is not favourable as most aspirants leave the program midway.

Is Noom Weight Watchers for Millennials?

Well there is some similarity between Weight Watchers and Noom App based weight loss program. As you must have guessed by now that Noom offers the support through the app, while Weight Watchers offers in-person personal training or coaching for weight loss. As Noom offers support virtually, many people call it the weight watchers for Millennials.

Additionally, there are more than 47 million app users across the globe connected by the app. It is a community and you can get guidance and discuss various things with fellow Noom app users.

Noom-16-week Nurition Plan customised to suit your health goals

Once you download the app, you are asked various types of questions about your health condition, regular dietary habits and general lifestyle. Based on the answers given by you, the app directs you to your Goal Specialists, who specialises in what you are looking for. Your GS’s goal is to help you achieve your weight loss goal no matter what.

What is expected of you while using Noom?

As a weight loss aspirant and Noom user, you must log your efforts and dietary intake on a daily basis so that your GS can help you understand where you are going wrong. If you are not getting the desired results, maybe your diet plan needs a revision. Once your efforts are logged, your dietitian can analyse your situation in a better way, and advise you for better results.

Is GS a registered dietitian?

Coming back to the original question, all GS aren’t all registered dietitians, meaning that they haven’t followed Commission on Accreditation for Dietetics Education (CADE) standards, which require an undergraduate degree in nutrition, completion of a yearlong internship, and a passing grade on a standardized exam.

However, they complete custom training through what the company calls
“Noomiversity. The National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC)” certifies the training program, which involves four weeks of lessons based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a type of psychotherapy that can help people become more aware of their thinking and habit patterns.

So your GS is qualified and experienced enough to help you reach your goal. All you need is faith your GS and your own willingness to do what it takes to burn fat and get in shape.

Read full Noom Review 

Read Noom FAQ

Leptin Resistance- The reason behind weight gain